• Title/Summary/Keyword: verb

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Comparative Analysis of 4-gram Word Clusters in South vs. North Korean High School English Textbooks (남북한 고등학교 영어교과서 4-gram 연어 비교 분석)

  • Kim, Jeong-ryeol
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.7
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    • pp.274-281
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    • 2020
  • N-gram analysis casts a new look at the n-word cluster in use different from the previously known idioms. It analyzes a corpus of English textbooks for frequently occurring n consecutive words mechanically using a concordance software, which is different from the previously known idioms. The current paper aims at extracting and comparing 4-gram words clusters between South Korean high school English textbooks and its North Korean counterpart. The classification criteria includes number of tokens and types between the two across oral and written languages in the textbooks. The criteria also use the grammatical categories and functional categories to classify and compare the 4-gram words clusters. The grammatical categories include noun phrases, verb phrases, prepositional phrases, partial clauses and others. The functional categories include deictic function, text organizers, stance and others. The findings are: South Korean high school English textbook contains more tokens and types in both oral and written languages. Verb phrase and partial clause 4-grams are grammatically most frequently encountered categories across both South and North Korean high school English textbooks. Stance is most dominant functional category in both South and North Korean English textbooks.

Sijo Works seen in terms of Sentence Structure (문장구조에서 본 현대시조 연구)

  • Im, Jong-Chan
    • Sijohaknonchong
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    • v.25
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    • pp.5-27
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    • 2006
  • This paper aims at examining how sijo works, including ancient sijo works, those published before the 1960s, those written by China-residing Koreans, and those published in the 2000s, convey the poetic meaning in terms of sentence structure. Firstly, ancient sijo works, those published before the 1960s, and those written by China-residing Koreans, have sentences. whose meaning the readers can easily grasp, with simple structures and little rhetoric words. But moderns works published In the 2000s (modern sijo works after) are mingled with too many rhetoric expressions, sometimes misused. Secondly, ancient sijo works, those published before the 1960s, and those written by China-residing Koreans, having a clarified subject-verb context. are easily understood by the readers. But, in modern sijo works, there are many cases with an unclarified subject-verb context and redundant rhetoric words, which will cause misunderstanding of the meaning of the work. Thirdly, in ancient sijo works. those published before the 1960s and those written by China-residing Koreans, each of the three statements (called in) in a stanza is separate from the others in context. But, in some modern sijo works, the first and second statements (called chojang and jungjang) fall into just rhetoric parts for the last statement (called jongjang), and each of them is not read as an independent statement. Fourthly, there are some cases whose forms are distant from those of siio works. but are written in three statements like traditional sijo works. Regular poems, though written in regular rhythm, should be also acoustically regular. Sijo works should be easily understood when recited. If not, they are basically far from sijo works. If modern sijo works should overcome their easy expressions and simplicity of themes, they should be composed through using not complicated sentence structures but brand-new metaphors, clear images, and fresh themes.

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A Comparative Study on the Korean and English Genderlect: Focused on Polite Expressions (한국어와 영어 성별어 비교연구: 공손표현과 관련하여)

  • Kim, Hyun Hyo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.10
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    • pp.6527-6533
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    • 2015
  • It is generally accepted that there are differences between men and women in linguistic communication style. Genderlect is a socio-linguistic term to refer to the linguistic differences spoken by specific gender. Some linguistic features are provided as evidence to show the genderlects: pitch, lexicon, intonation, grammar and styles. The purpose of this paper is to compare the characteristics of genderlect in English and Korean. To do so, I analyzed the scripts of an English movie, 'Mrs. Doubtfire' and Korean tv drama, 'Oohlala couple'. In "Mrs. Doubtfire, tension and laughter arose out of discrepancy from the way he looked (as a woman) and the way he spoke (like a man). The same is true with "Oohlala couple." In the language of Mrs. Doubtfire, male speech characteristics with nouns were salient while in "Oohlala couple" with verb forms, especially with honorific style, which shows a difference between Korean and English genderlect. Korean language has special genderlect characteristics with honorific speech style realized in verb endings. In Korean the highest honorific speech style, 'Habsho-che' is used in official situation and men are more accustomed to it than women. When women have to use polite expressions they have to choose between the highest honorific style, 'Habsho-che' losing the female characteristics or the second highest honorific style 'Haeyo-che' keeping the female characteristics.

Analysis of the Verbs in the 2009 Revised National Science Curriculum-from the Viewpoint of Cognitive Domain of TIMSS Assessment Framework (2009 개정 과학과 교육과정의 성취기준에 사용된 서술어 분석 -TIMSS 인지적 영역 평가틀을 중심으로-)

  • Song, Eun-Jeong;Je, Min-Kyeong;Cha, Kyung-Mi;Yoo, June-Hee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.607-616
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    • 2016
  • In the 2009 revised science curriculum, comprehensive verbs such as 'know (38%)' and 'understand (46%)' are used in more than 80% of the achievement standard. Many readers, such as teachers, textbook makers, etc. have difficulties in interpreting the meaning of achievement standard sentences with these comprehensive verbs. On the other hand, 'Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)' uses more various and specific verbs to express the cognitive domain. In this study, we analyzed the 2009 revised science curriculum achievement standard focusing on the TIMSS cognitive domain assessment framework. We divided achievement standard to 228 sentences and three teachers analyzed the meaning of verbs in achievement standard. There were two main results of this study. First, the verb 'Know' was analyzed into different kinds of meanings, such as 'Describe (27%)', 'Recall/Recognize (25%)' and 'Relate (17%)', etc; and the verb 'Understand' was analyzed into 'Explain (37%)', 'Relate (27%)' and 'Describe (21%)', etc. Second, there appeared to have a disagreement among the three analysts during the process of interpreting the achievement standards when the level and scope of the contents of each grade is not clear. This study concludes that there's a need for continuous discussion on the use of verbs in achievement standard to promote clearer expressions for better understanding.

A Usability Testing on the Tablet PC-based Korean High-tech AAC Software (태블릿 PC 기반 한국형 하이테크 AAC 소프트웨어의 사용성 평가)

  • Lee, Heeyeon;Hong, Ki-Hyung
    • Journal of the HCI Society of Korea
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usability of the tablet PC-based Korean high-tech AAC(Augmentative Alternative Communication System) software. In order to develop an AAC software which is appropriate to Korean cultural/linguistic contexts and communication needs of the users, we examined the necessity and ease of use for the communication functions that are required in native Korean communication, such as polite expressions, tense expressions, negative expressions, subject-verb auto-matching, and automatic sentence generation functions, using a scenario-based user testing. We also investigated the users' needs, preferences, and satisfaction for the tablet PC-based Korean high tech AAC using a semi-structured and open questionnaires. The participants of this study were 9 special education teachers, 6 speech therapists, and 6 parents whose children had communication disabilities. The results of the usability testing of the tablet PC-based Korean high-tech AAC software presented positive responses in general, by indicating overall scores of above 4 out of 5 except in tense and negative expressions. The necessity and ease of use in the tense and negative expressions were evaluated relatively low, and it might be related to the inconsistent interface with the polite expressions. In terms of the user interface(UI), there were users' needs for clear visual feedback in the symbol selection and display, consistent interface for all functions, more natural subject-verb auto-matching, and spacing in the text within symbols. The results of the usability testing and users' feedback might serve as a guideline to compensate and improve the function and UI of the existing AAC software.

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Patterns of categorical perception and response times in the matrix scope interpretation of embedded wh-phrases in Gyeongsang Korean (경상 방언 내포문 의문사의 작용역 범주 지각 양상과 반응 속도 연구)

  • Weonhee Yun
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2023
  • This study investigated the response time and patterns of categorical perception of the wh-scope of an embedded clause with the non-bridge verb, "gung-geum hada 'wonder'," in the matrix verb phrase in Gyeongsang Korean. Using the same procedure as Yun (2022), 72 responses and response times for each stimulus were collected from 24 participants over the course of three trials. The stimuli were recorded readings of 40 speakers (20 male, 20 female). Context was provided to induce a matrix scope interpretation of the embedded wh-phrase in the target sentence. We sorted the 40 stimuli according to the number of matrix scope responses each received, and charted the response times for each stimulus. Although there was considerable overlap for the different types of wh-scope interpretations, there was a clear difference in categorical perception between the matrix and embedded scopes. The 24 participants also differed in their categorical perceptions. The results suggested that response time and wh-scope interpretation were not directly related and that two main weighted factors affected wh-scope interpretation: morpho-syntactic constraints and prosodic structural integrity. The weighting of each of these factors was inversely correlated and varied among subjects.

Analysis of the Connection between Competency and Elementary School Content System and Achievement Standards in the 2022 Revised Mathematics Curriculum (2022 개정 수학과 교육과정에서 역량과 초등학교 내용 체계 및 성취기준과의 연계성 분석 )

  • Lee, Hwayoung
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.369-385
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    • 2023
  • As the 2022 revised mathematics curriculum emphasizing competency cultivation was announced, the researcher analyzed the connection between competency, content system, and achievement standards in elementary school mathematics curriculum. The results of the analysis of the link between the competency of the curriculum revision research report, its sub-elements, the 'process and skills' of the curriculum content system, and the achievement standard verb are as follows. First, most of the five curriculum competencies (problem solving, reasoning, communication, connection, and information processing) of the mathematics department are implemented as "process-skills" of the content system, which is further specified and presented as an achievement-based verb. Second, the five competencies were not implemented with the same weight in all areas, and the appropriate process-skills were differentiated and presented according to the content of knowledge-understanding by area/grade group. Third, verbs of the achievement standards were more rich than before in the 2022 revised elementary school mathematics curriculum. Fourth, 'understanding' throughout the entire area was still presented as the highest proportion. Through the research results, the researcher discussed clearly establishing the meaning of problem-solving capabilities in the future and developing and presenting "understanding" as a more specific process or skills.

A Study on the Emotional Space Design Study According to Ceiling Height - Focusing on the Body Movement - (천장높이에 따른 감성공간디자인 연구 - 몸의 움직임을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Jeong-Hwan;Oh, Young-Keun
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.173-182
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    • 2011
  • These days, Emotional Design is on the sustainable development through activity study thogh, until now, the study proceed too far with Sensibility Ergonomics applied to SD. However, on this paper, the study would be make progress through GSD that it applied to Verb. For this reason, applied to Emotional Design consideration of theory through JOAN MEYERS-LEVY's papaer titled "The Influence of Ceiling Height", Laban Movement Analysis and Aspect of Semiotics and then judgement of GSD would be make progress through experiment to collection of Emotional Vocabularies and evaluation of body movement. There is a method of analysis by using statistical program such as SPSS 18.0 and it would have validity of analysis. Here is a result of this study. According to heights of ceiling types(2.4M, 3.0M) there are differences between behavior of Figure Attachment, Emotional Vocabularies of the event and Body Movement. While the Figure Attachment has a tendency to restricted scope, CH has a tendency to make attachment within the scope. You could see the Negative Adjective for Emotional Vocabularies at CL and the Positive Adjective ranges at the CH. Basic body movement for passive, 'moving' and 'stretching' as shown at CL more than the CH. For active movement which has purpose, 'moving the weight' and 'stretching' as shown at CH more than at CL.

A Statistical Word Sense Disambiguation Using Combinations of Syntactic Indicators (구문 지시자를 통합한 통계적 어의애매성 해결)

  • Kim, Kweonyang;Choi, Jaehuk
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, we present a simple statistical method for performing word sense disambiguation(WSD), specially for Korean transitive verbs, based on a supervised learning algorithm. This approach combines a set of indicators based on syntactic relations between surrounding words and an ambiguous verb. Experiments with 10 Korean verbs show that accuracy performance of our WSD method using indicators based on syntactic relations is 27% higher than the baseline performance. Moreover, our method using weighting mechanism based on each indicator type is 12% higher than a method which uses only an unordered set of surrounding words in the context.

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Comparison Between Optimal Features of Korean and Chinese for Text Classification (한중 자동 문서분류를 위한 최적 자질어 비교)

  • Ren, Mei-Ying;Kang, Sinjae
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.386-391
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    • 2015
  • This paper proposed the optimal attributes for text classification based on Korean and Chinese linguistic features. The experiments committed to discover which is the best feature among n-grams which is known as language independent, morphemes that have language dependency and some other feature sets consisted with n-grams and morphemes showed best results. This paper used SVM classifier and Internet news for text classification. As a result, bi-gram was the best feature in Korean text categorization with the highest F1-Measure of 87.07%, and for Chinese document classification, 'uni-gram+noun+verb+adjective+idiom', which is the combined feature set, showed the best performance with the highest F1-Measure of 82.79%.