• Title/Summary/Keyword: vegetation environment

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Effects of Elevated Atmospheric $CO_2$ on Wetland Plants: A Review (대기중 이산화탄소 농도 증가가 습지 식물에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Seon-Young;Kang, Ho-Jeong
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.36 no.4 s.105
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    • pp.391-402
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    • 2003
  • Last 20 years have witnessed many studies dealing with effects of elevated $CO_2$ on terrestrial ecosystems. However, fewer efforts have been made to elucidate effects on wetland ecosystems, although they play a key role in global biogeochemical cycles. This review synthesizes published data to reveal effects of elevated $CO_2$ on wetland plants. In particular, we focused on the changes in primary production, community structures, evapotranspiration, and nutrients in plants. Many studies have reported increases in primary production in individual plants, but we could not conclude that this will lead to increases in carbon sequestration in wetland ecosystems. The reasons include transport of photosynthates into belowground parts, speciesspecific responses, interaction among different species, and limitation of other nutrients. However, elevated $CO_2$ increased transpiration rates in many wetland plants, suggesting substantial influences on water budgets of wetlands. In addition, similar to terrestrial ecosystems, elevated $CO_2$ increased C/N ratio of many plants, which may impede organic matter decomposition in the long term. However, further information on dynamics of belowground carbon supplied from wetland plants is warranted to assess effects of elevated $CO_2$ on wetland carbon cycle accurately.

The Flora of Mt. Eungbongsan (Prov. Gangwon, Youngwol) (응봉산(강원, 영월)의 식물상)

  • Moon, Ae-Ra;Han, Jong-Won;Park, Jeong-Mi;Jang, Chang-Gee
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.234-247
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    • 2013
  • This study was carried out to illuminate the floras of vascular plants of Mt. Eungbongsan in Yeongwol-gun. This study was conducted from April to October, 2011. Based on the voucher specimens, vascular plants in this area consisted of 89 families, 288 genera, 405 species, 3 subspecies, 43 varieties, and 7 forms, totally 458 taxa. 16 species were endemic to Korea such as Cirsium setidens, Saussurea macrolepis, Salvia chanroenica, Anemone koraiensis, Clematis brachyura, Clematis trichotoma, Populus tomentiglandulosa, Salix dependens, Salix koriyanagi, Chrysosplenium flaviflorum, Philadelphus schrenckii, Lysimachia coreana, Lonicera subsessilis, Weigela subsessilis, Paulownia coreana, and Corydalis maculata. Ten taxa were rare plants as designated by Korea Forest Service such as Anemone koraiensis, Eranthis stellata, Aristolochia contorta, Rodgersia podophylla, Lysimachia coreana, Syringa wolfii, Lloydia triflora, Streptopus ovalis, Salvia chanroenica, and Carpinus tshonoskii. Plants specially designated by the Ministry of Environment in phytogeographic categories totaled 87 taxa including 39 taxa of grade I, 14 taxa of grade II, 19 taxa of grade III, 14 taxa of grade IV and 1 taxon grade V. Naturalized plants consisted of 8 families with 28 taxa that made up 6.1% of the total vascular plants in this area. Naturalized plants have not strongly influenced the Mt. Eungbongsan vegetation.

Development of a GIS Application Model for Evaluating Forest Functions (산림기능평가를 위한 GIS 응용모델의 개발)

  • Kim, Hyung-Ho;Chong, Se-Kyung;Chung, Joo-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2006
  • This paper aims to develop a GIS(Geographic Information System) application model as a decision-making support system in order to evaluate the potential of forests according to their functions, or to classify forest functions. The forest functions analyzed in this study are as follows: production of timber, stable supply of water resources, forest hazards prevention, recreation in forests, conservation of living conditions and natural environment. Using a model possible to evaluate the potential of each forest function and to assort forest functions by making priority-based decisions according to the functions, as well as allowing for various possible analysis environments, its application has been reviewed. Factors for assessing the forest functions could be built by using the following three categories: four maps-topographical map, vegetation map, forest site map and basic forest land use map-whose quantitative drawings had already been made; other self-established maps, such as one indicating the location of sawmills, location map of expressway interchanges, and spatial data of national population distribution map; and attribute data of population and precipitation. The GIS application developed here contributes to the evaluation of forest functions in all the subject areas by map units and national forest management districts based upon the assessment system.

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A Study on the Synecological Values of the Torreya nucifera Forest (Natural Monument No. 374) at Pyeongdae-ri in Jeju Island (천연기념물 제374호 제주 평대리 비자나무림의 식물생태학적 가치 제고)

  • Choi, Byoung-Ki;Lee, Chin-Bum
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.87-98
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    • 2015
  • The natural monument forests (no.374) located at Pyeongdae-ri in Jeju island are described and classified by using phytosociological methods and numerical analysis. The purpose of this paper is to identify the ecological character of Torreya nucifera forests between natural habitat and artificial habitat, as well as their spatial and phytogeographical distribution in the Korea. The comparison of forests between Pyeongdae-ri and other regions was analyzed by using a non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis (NMDS) and hierarchical clustering. On the basis of the 12 phytosociological $relev{\acute{e}}s$, the vegetation of T. nucifera dominant forest in Jeju island was arranged in one syntaxon (Alangium platanifolium-Torreya nucifera community included typicum and one subcommunity) within Camellietea. The community of T. nucifera dominant forests were characterized floristically and ecologically. We discussed diagnostic species with references, and proposed a few important diagnostic species (Ilex crenata for. microphylla, Acer palmatum, Zingiber mioga, Mercurialis leiocarpa, Osmorhiza aristata, Mecodium wrightii etc.) to explain condition of the habitat and synecological character. The communities were described by concerning their edaphical and syndynamical niche; we discussed their total distribution in Korea. In most forests they are widespread in Korean peninsular and their distribution is primarily determined by artificial plantation and periodical management. The forests consisted of T. nucifera have developed from natural environment element and artificial management. As a result they have very unique characters with the floristic, structural characterization and distribution. Furthermore, we identified that they need to apposite management for sustainability.

Prediction of Runoff on a Small Forest Watershed Using BROOK90 Model (BROOK90 모형을 이용한 산림소유역의 유출량 추정)

  • Im, Sang-Jun;Lee, Sang-Ho;Lee, Hee-Gon;Ahn, Su-Jung
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.155-162
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    • 2007
  • Water balance is the major factor in forest ecosystem, and is closely related to the vegetation and topographic characteristics within a watershed. The hydrologic response of a forest watershed was investigated with the hydrological model. The deterministic, lumped parameter model (BROOK90) was selected and used to evaluate the applicability of the model for simulating daily runoff on the steep, forested watershed. The model was calibrated and validated against the streamflow data measured at the Bukmoongol watershed. The deviation in runoff volume $(D_v)$ was -1.7% for the calibration period, and the $D_v$ value for the validation period was 4.6%. The correlation coefficient (r) and model efficiency (E) on monthly basis were 0.922,0.847, respectively, for the calibration period, while the r- and E-value for the validation period were 0.941, 0.871, respectively. Overall, the simulated streamflows were close to the observations with respect to total runoff volume, seasonal runoff volume, and baseflow index for the simulation period. BROOK90 model was able to reproduce the trend of runoff with higher correlation during the simulation period.

Population structure and regeneration of Himalayan endemic Larix species in three high-altitude valleys in Nepal Himalaya

  • Dhamala, Man Kumar;Aryal, Prakash Chandra;Suwal, Madan Krishna;Bhatta, Sijar;Bhuju, Dinesh Raj
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.196-206
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    • 2020
  • Background: The Himalayan forests are of great importance to sustain the nature and community resource demands. These forests are facing pressures both from anthropogenic activities and ongoing global climatic changes. Poor natural regeneration has been considered a major problem in mountainous forests. To understand the population structure and regeneration status of Larix (Larix griffithiana and Larix himalaica), we conducted systematic vegetation surveys in three high-altitude valleys namely Ghunsa (Kanchenjunga Conservation Area, KCA), Langtang (Langtang National Park, LNP), and Tsum (Manaslu Conservation Area, MCA) in Nepal Himalaya. The average values of diameter at breast height (DBH), height, and sapling height were compared for three sites and two species using Kruskal-Wallis test. Population structure was assessed in terms of proportion of seedlings, saplings, and trees. Regeneration was analyzed using graphical representation of frequencies of seedlings, saplings, and trees in histograms. Results: The results showed that the population structure of Larix in terms of the proportion of seedling, sapling, and tree varied greatly in the three study areas. KCA had the highest record of seedling, sapling, and tree compared to other two sites. Seedlings were the least among three forms and many plots were without seedlings. We found no seedling in MCA study plots. The plot level average DBH variation among sites was significant (Kruskal-Wallis χ2 = 7.813, df = 2, p = 0.02) as was between species (Kruskal-Wallis χ2 = 5.9829, df = 1, p = 0.014). Similarly, the variation in average tree height was significant (Kruskal-Wallis χ2 = 134.23, df = 2, p < 0.001) among sites as well as between species (Kruskal-Wallis χ2 = 128.01, df = 1, p < 0.001). All the sites showed reverse J-shaped curve but more pronounced for KCA and MCA. In comparing the two species, Larix griffithiana has clear reverse J-shaped diameter distribution but not Larix himalaica. Conclusion: The varied responses of Larix manifested through regeneration status from spatially distinct areas show that regeneration limitations might be more pronounced in the future. In all the three studied valleys, regeneration of Larix is found to be problematic and specifically for Larix griffithiana in MCA and Larix himalaica in LNP. To address the issues of disturbances, especially serious in LNP, management interventions are recommended to sustain the unique Himalayan endemic conifer.

Validation of Surface Reflectance Product of KOMPSAT-3A Image Data Using RadCalNet Data (RadCalNet 자료를 이용한 다목적실용위성 3A 영상 자료의 지표 반사도 성과 검증)

  • Lee, Kiwon;Kim, Kwangseob
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.2_1
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    • pp.167-178
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    • 2020
  • KOMPSAT-3A images have been used in various kinds of applications, since its launch in 2015. However, there were limits to scientific analysis and application extensions of these data, such as vegetation index estimation, because no tool was developed to obtain the surface reflectance required for analysis of the actual land environment. The surface reflectance is a product of performing an absolute atmospheric correction or calibration. The objective of this study is to quantitatively verify the accuracy of top-of-atmosphere reflectance and surface reflectance of KOMPSAT-3A images produced from the OTB open-source extension program, performing the cross-validation with those provided by a site measurement data of RadCalNet, an international Calibration/Validation (Cal/Val) portal. Besides, surface reflectance was obtained from Landsat-8 OLI images in the same site and applied together to the cross-validation process. According to the experiment, it is proven that the top-of-atmosphere reflectance of KOMPSAT-3A images differs by up to ± 0.02 in the range of 0.00 to 1.00 compared to the mean value of the RadCalNet data corresponding to the same spectral band. Surface reflectance in KOMPSAT-3A images also showed a high degree of consistency with RadCalNet data representing the difference of 0.02 to 0.04. These results are expected to be applicable to generate the value-added products of KOMPSAT-3A images as analysisready data (ARD). The tools applied in thisstudy and the research scheme can be extended as the new implementation of each sensor model to new types of multispectral images of compact advanced satellites (CAS) for land, agriculture, and forestry and the verification method, respectively.

Hydraulic Characteristics of Shallow Geology in Dongrae Area, Busan Megacity (부산광역시 동래지역 천부지질의 수리적 특성)

  • Ryu, Sang-Hun;Hamm, Se-Yeong;Jeong, Jae-Hyeong;Han, Suk-Jong;Cheong, Jae-Yeol;Jang, Seong;Kim, Hyoung-Su
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.55-68
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    • 2008
  • At present underground structures such as road tunnels, railway tunnels, underground petroleum storages and radioactive waste storages are being constructed in numerous places in Korea. For the construction of underground structrues, it should be accounted for natural factors (geology, hydrogeology, soil, vegetation, topography and drainage patterns) and human-social factors (land use, urbanization, population, culture and transportation). Especially, hydrogeology should be regarded as an important factor for evaluating the safety of underground structures and their impact to groundwater system around the structures. This study aimed to recognize hydrogeological characteristics of shallow formations in the area from Dongrae crossway to Seo-Dong where 45 boreholes were drilled for the construction of Line-3 subway in Busan Megacity. Slug tests for unsaturated and saturated zones were conducted on 30 boreholes in the study area. From the result of the slug tests, it was identified that average zonal hydraulic conductivity in the unsaturated zone was higher than that in the saturated zone. Besides, the slug test result in the saturated zones may reflect hydraulic properties of the upper most part of the saturated zones.

A Study on the Classification of Forest by Landsat TM Data (Landsat TM 자료를 이용한 임종구분에 관한 연구)

  • 최승필;홍성태;박재훈
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.55-60
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    • 1993
  • Forest occupied a part of natural ecosystem carries out a role of purifying air, preserving water resource, prevention of the breeding and extermination, recreation areas and etc that preserve and for me one's living environment. In this study, the classification for management of this forest is performed with Landsat TM Image. The classes are decided needle-leaf trees, broad-leaf trees, farming land and grass land, and water. When the TM digital images are classified on computer, water is represented in 7∼13 D.N. of 4th band. But the others is appeared similar mostly specific values so that must be done image processing. When the images compounded 2ed band and 3ed band are processed with ratio of enhancement. Needle-leaf treas is represented in l18∼136 D.N. of 1st band, broad-leaf trees in 72∼91 D.N. of 3ed band, farm land and glass land in 96∼120 of 3ed band. Forest Information is classified with M.L.C, an image classification method. The errors of needle-leaf trees, broad-leaf trees, farm land and grass land, and water are appeared each -7.43, +1.89,+7.58 and -2.04 as compared the digital image with investigation on the scene. Finally, these results are useful for classification of forest vegetation with Landsat TM Image.

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Post LGM Fluvial Environment and Palynological Changes of South Korea

  • Kim, Ju-Yong;Yang, Dong-Yoon;Bong, Pil-Yoon;Nahm, Wook-Hyun;Lee, Heon-Jong;Lee, Yung-Jo;Hong, Sei-Sun;Lee, Jin-Young;Kim, Jin-Wkan;Oh, Keun-Chang
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.17-23
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    • 2003
  • In Korea terrestrial fluvial sequences can be used as pedological and sedimentological markers indicating a millenium-scale environmental and climatic changes imprinted in fluvial sub-environments, which in turn are represented by the cyclicity of fluvial sands, backswamp organic muds, and flooding muds intercalations of frostcracked or dessicated brown paleosols. Post LGM and Holocene fluvial and alluvial sedimentary sequences of Korea are formed in such landscapes of coastal, floodplain, backswamp and hillslope areas. Among them, the most outstanding depositional sequences are fluvial gravels, sands and organic mud deposits in coastal, fluvial, or alluvial wetlands. The aim of this study is to explain the sedimentary sequences and palynofloral zones since the last 15,000years, on the basis of organic muds layers intercalated in fluvial sand deposits. Jangheung-ri site of Nam river, Soro-ri site of Miho river, Youngsan rivermouth site in Muan, Oksan-ri site of Hampyeong and Sanggap-ri site of Gochang are illustrated to interpret their sedimentary facies, radiocarbon datings, and palynofloral zonation. Up to the Middle to Late Last Glacial(up to 30-35Ka), old river-bed, flooding, and backswamp sequences contain such arboreal pollens as Pinus, Abies, and Picea, and rich in non-arboreal pollens like Cyperaceae, Gramineae, Ranunculaceae, and Compositae. During the LGM and post-LGM periods until Younger Dryas, vegetation has changes from the sub-alpine conifer forest(up to about 17-11Ka), through the conifer and broad-leaved deciduous forest, or mixed forest (formed during 16,680-13,010yrB.P), to the deciduous and broad-leaved forest (older than 9,500yrB.P). In the Earliest Holocene flooding deposits, fragments of plant roots are abundant and subjected to intensive pedogenic processes. During Holocene, three arboreal pollen zones are identified in the ascending order of strata; Pinus-Colyus zone(mixed conifer and deciduous broad-leaved forest, about up to 10Ka), Alnus-Quercus forest (the cool temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest, about 10Ka-2Ka), and Pinus forest (the conifer forest, about after 2Ka), as examplified in Soro-ri site of Cheonwon county. The palynological zonations of Soro-ri, Oksan-ri, Sanggap-ri, Youngsan estuary, and Gimhae fluvial plain have been recognized as a provisional correlation tool, and zonations based on fluvial backswamp and flooding deposits shows a similar result with those of previous researchers.

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