• Title/Summary/Keyword: unconcern

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Concept Analysis of Health Insensitivity using Hybrid Model (Hybrid model을 이용한 건강불감증의 개념분석)

  • 이동숙;이은옥
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.145-170
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to clarity the concept of health insensitivity using Hybrid model, which consists of three phases: theoretical, empirical, and analytic. In the theoretical phase, the definitions of health insensitivity were searched in korean dictionary and examples used in the websites because the concept of health insensitivity has never been studied before. Two dimensions of health insensitivity emerged out from this investigation were cognitive and behavioral. And then a working definition of health insensitivity was established. The sub-concepts and related factors of health insensitivity were identified through the extensive reviews of the literature focusing on two dimensions of cognitive and behavioral. In the empirical phase, in order to obtain description of health insensitivity, face-to-face in-depth interviews were conducted with nine persons who are not related to professional health care. Grounded theory approach was applied to analyze these qualitative data. In the final analytic phase, theoretical results and empirical results were analyzed in the integrated way and a theoretical framework of health insensitivity was established. A refined definition of health insensitivity was that decreased health risk perception in cognitive dimension and conduction of the unhealthy behaviors in behavioral dimension. Sub-concepts of decreased health risk perception were optimistic bias and decreased general fear. Sub-concepts of unhealthy behavior were doing health threatening behavior and not doing desirable health behavior. The contact of health information was a causal condition of health insensitivity. Optimistic disposition, health locus of control, and avoidance coping style were intervening conditions of health insensitivity. Three types of health insensitivity were identified: unconcern or ignorance type, optimistic bias type, and cognitive dissonance type. Finally, The implications of these findings for further research and nursing practice are discussed.

An Analysis on Decision-making Process Regarding the Use of Medical Service According to Lifestyle (라이프스타일과 의료이용 의사결정과정 분석)

  • 김지윤;조우현;이선희;이해종
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.77-94
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study is to establish strategy by subdividing consumer market according to the lifestyle which influences the use of medical facilities. The subject of this study were 700 adults who were over 20 years of age and residing in Suwon and its vicinity. To collect data trained staff conducted person-to-person interviews with the assistance of structured questionnaires. The questionnaires cover the areas of life style pattern study. the characteristics of demographic sociology, decision-making process related to the use of medical service. The influencing factors were analyzed and as a result total 18 factors were singled out. Cluster analysis was performed to differentiate similar responses. Each group was named as 'health-unconcern type' 'passive health-concern type' 'regular health-concern type' and 'active health-concern type' according to the characteristics. Each group showed statistically significant difference in the characteristics of demographic sociology. Decision-making process regarding the use of medical service according to lifestyle was analyzed. As a result following items showed significant difference:whether the information was utilized, what was the criteria in selecting medical facilities for serious illness or complicated examination. who was the decision maker in selection medical facilities, and with whom one discussed in selecting medical facilities. The result of this study has its limitation in that it can not be applied directly to market subdivision. However, this will help medical facilities understand customers' lifestyle. which will eventually provide medical facilities with marketing tools in establishing effective PR strategy. In order to apply the lifestyle as a marketing tool of medical facilities, following tasks are to be carried out: the development of the questionnaire which can better analyze consumers' lifestyle related to the use of medical service. the examination of precise characteristics of subdivided market according to lifestyle. and the continuing study on the relationship between lifestyle and the process in selecting medical facilities.

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WAVScanner : Design and Implement of Web based Anti-Virus Scanner (WAVScanner : 웹기반 안티 바이러스 스캐너 설계 및 구현)

  • Lee Sang-Hun;Kim Won;Do Kyoung-Hwa;Jun Moon-Seog
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.11-23
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    • 2004
  • It is easy to access to the infinity information and programs, but it gives rise to the side effect. There are many side effects(ex. Hacking, Cracking, expose the personal information, etc). Nowadays, the computer virus raise the serious problems. The making program called Vaccine is work out a count measure. The Anti-Virus programs install on the client side computer and upgrade by downloading on the server's signature, the latest date, the program bound both of them is shown, but these programs have the defect that they have no remote control and no signature update because user's unconcern, This paper reported the research of existing virus infecting technology and the development of Web based Anti-Virus Scanner using the remote control on the internet server. Through this paper, I want to set up the counter measure for new virus easily, and to make more fast the vaccine for virus.

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Impact of emotional labor and stress coping behaviors on job strain in cosmetology industry workers (미용업 관련 종사자의 감정노동, 스트레스 대처행동이 직무긴장에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho, Hee Sook;Kang, Lily
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.1311-1317
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    • 2014
  • This is a descriptive study that attempts to provide basic information for easing job strain and enhancing the efficiency of cosmetology industry workers by examining the effects that the emotional labor and stress-coping of cosmetology workers have on their job strain. As a result of a multiple regression analysis of the factors affecting the subjects job strain, their surface acting and problem-focused coping, unconcern coping, social support were seen as factors that accounted for 30% of their job strain. Of the emotional labor of the subjects, the external behaviors displayed positive correlations with job strain; and they showed negative correlations with problem-focused coping and social support. Concerning emotional labor, sincere behavior was found to have positive correlations with problem-focused coping, hoping, social support, positive coping and strain relieving. Based on the results of this study, it is deemed that, along with interventions for emotional labor, education and intervention programs for a healthy and positive stress coping are needed in regards to interventions for cosmetology professionals.

A Study on Expression and the Extent of Using Make-up According to the Make-up Lifestyle of Woman (성인 여성의 메이크업 라이프스타일에 따른 메이크업 표현과 사용정도에 관한 연구)

  • 배정숙;류현혜
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.332-343
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    • 2004
  • This is a study on expression and the extent of using make-up according to the lifestyle of woman. The purpose of this study is to induce factors which decide the lifestyle of woman, group them, understand groups' demographic characteristic and study on make-up expression and the extent of using make-up according to the lifestyle of groups. This survey is conducted to 611 women and analyzed with SPSS package. The result of a study is as follows: 1. We classified them into 5 factors such as factors of make-up preference, arance-oriented, economy and information-oriented, daily make-up, and interest in make-up with the method of AIO analysis. Then I researched groups on the basis of the mean of those factors. As a result, it is classified as a make-up oriented group, a consciously daily make-up group, a unconcern of make-up group, and a reasonable make-up pursuit group. 2. The demographic characteristic according to the classified lifestyles showed the difference as a result of variance analysis of age, marital status, job, education, and monthly pay. 3. A result of variance analysis on the extent of satisfaction with their faces according to the lifestyle showed the difference of facial satisfaction with complexion, skin, eyes, nose and so on. 4. We analyzed a reason of make-up, a extent of make-up, image to express, the most concerning part for make-up, and the type of cosmetics which people use most in order to know the difference of make-up expression and the extent of using make-up. As a result, its variance showed the difference among groups.

Fashion Trend Acceptance and Fashion Information Sources according to Clothing Shopping Orientation among Digital Generation Male Consumers (디지털세대 남성소비자의 의복쇼핑성향에 따른 패션트렌드 수용도와 패션정보원)

  • Kim, Yeo-Won;Choi, Jong-Myoung
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.238-254
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study were to examine fashion information acceptance and fashion information sources and to analyze the difference according to clothing shopping orientation among digital generation male consumers. The subject were 349 male who were belonging to digital generation as the digital era's new consumers familial with internet and various kinds of digital media. A self-administrated questionnaire was developed based on the results of previous researches. The data were analyzed by using frequency analysis, factor analysis, cluster analysis, ANOVA, Duncan test, $\chi^2$ test, multiple regression analysis by SPSS WIN 12.0 package. The results of this study are as follows: First, clothing shopping orientation of digital generation males were classified into 6 factors: fashion oriented, impulse buying, aesthetic pursuit, individuality pursuit, practical type and reasonable economy. Based on the factor scores, 3 clusters were identified; independent, unconcern, high involvement. Second, the high involvement shopping group utilized various information sources. On the other hand, the unconcerned shopping group was passive in utilizing information sources. Third, the fashion information acceptance of digital generation was classified into 5 factors: searching, leading, following, non-accepting, and delaying acceptance. All fashion information acceptance factors were affected by the information and communication media. Finally, The high involved type of shopping group accepted fashion information at its most and actively.

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Time management behavior, Job satisfaction and organizational commitment in nurses (간호사의 시간관리 행동 유형, 직무만족 및 직무몰입)

  • Song, Young-Shin;Ahn, Eun-Kyong;Sim, Hee-Sook
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.345-351
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the difference between job satisfaction and organizational commitment by the type of time management behavior in clinical nurses. Total 208 nurses were recruited from clinical settings where located in Seoul and Daejeon, South Korea. Data were collected using self-administered method with structured questionnaire between August 2012 and January 2013. Descriptive statistics, K-mean cluster analysis, one-way ANOVA were performed for data analysis. As results, the type of time management behavior were classified into four types such as unconcern type, accomplishment type, urgency type and selection & concentration type. Among four types, nurses who belonged to be accomplishment and selection & concentration type were tend to have positive behaviors in terms of time managements as they had high scores in job satisfaction. Therefore, further study on whether types of time management are related with organizational culture including commitment and effectiveness should be explored.

A Pilot study of stressor and stress situation and Nursing Intervention of Pregnant Women (일지역 임신부의 스트레스 요인 및 상황과 간호중재에 대한 기초연구)

  • 안황란
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.75-85
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    • 1983
  • This study was done to research the relationship between general characteristics and stressor, stress situation, Nursing Intervention of pregnant woman. The subjects for this study were 70 pregnant woman from 3 clinics of Obstetrics and Gynecology located in J city. The data was collected through questionaires which was developed by Norman J. Chestnut. The content of the questionaire consist of following 3 categories; (1) stressor (2) stress situation (3) Mental and Physical support of husband. Analysis of data was done by use percentage, x²-test. (through EDPS) The findings of this study are as follows; 1, Stressors of pregnant woman are stresses associated with fetus, socioeconomic problem, herself, delivery, abortion and prematureity, husband, change of appearances, management of home, a woman's parents-in-law. Stress situations of pregnant woman are when she is doing on the heavy management of home, limit of life, socioeconomic discomfort, taking medicine, difficult relationship with a woman's parents-in-law, being sign of abortion and prematurity, her physical discomfort, family desire of delivery of son baby. 2. Husband's mental support that pregnant woman desired are careful husband's role, More love and interest about pregnant, cooperation of child reaing, maintenance of healthy life, understaning of diffical pregnancy, early return home, giving up drinking, positive feeling about changed appearance, unconcern about sex of fetus. And husband's mental supports that pregnant woman desired are cooperating of homework and childrearing, limit of intercouse, release behavior of pregnant woman's physical discern-fort, a walk, behavior with pregnancy together, socioeconomic stability. 3. Stressor of pregnant woman was significant with education, number of son, economic status, personality of husband, dowelling. (P<.05) And stress situation of pregnant woman was significant with personality of husband, dwelling, husband's desired sex .of baby. (P<.05) 4. Husband's mental and physical supports that pregnant woman desired was significant with number of daughter. (P<.05).

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The Research of Design Development for Strengthening Competitiveness of Domestic Medical Instrument Industry -Focused on C-Arm Surgical X-Ray Design- (국내 의료기기산업 경쟁력 강화를 위한 디자인개발에 관한 연구 -이동형 영상진단기기 디자인을 중심으로-)

  • Han, Il-Woo
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 2004
  • The medical instrument industry which is one of the high value added industry has been neglected on the various system and political support because it has been recognized as an unknown field to the public although it is the very easy-approaching field for the export market that minimize a technological gap between advanced country and Korea. Especially, the product design that is very important element for the efficient medical treatment and the psychological stabilization of patient is a typical field of lack of investment and support by the unconcern and lack of understanding of design. Therefore this research suggests the current problem of design with the general inquiry of internal and external market situation and domestic medical instrument industry and also it has the conclusion of an alternative proposal for the solution with the design development processing of a moving type-image diagnostic equipment. We will emboss the importance of design competitiveness, suggest the model and basic data to the medical instrument company that starts later, and be a role of inspiration for the lasting investible desire with this research.

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Traffic Accident analysis and Traffic Police Activity - Centering Gwangju Province Police Agency - (교통사고 분석과 교통경찰활동 - 광주지방경찰청을 중심으로 -)

  • Kang, Maeng-Jin
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.9
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    • pp.199-209
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    • 2009
  • By materials of traffic safety public corporation, from 2007. 1. 1 to 2007 12. 31, for a year. traffic accidents took place in korea were 211,662 accidents. By this 6,166 people were death, and 335,906 people were wounded. In Gwangju metropolitan city, in 2007 year, 7,881 accidents took place and 152 people were death and 12,728 peoples were wounded, in 2008 year, 8,231 accidents took place and 138 people were death and 13,533 people were wounded. Death people reduced but accidents numbers were in creased 4.4%. Meanwhile, government did various traffic policies to reduce traffic accident. But still, disgrace of underdeveloped country in traffic division couldn't take off. Moreover, traffic safety unconcern of general country people are very deficient. In this research, as the basis of Gwangju province police agency, in traffic accident the present state, I am' going to analyse the part of directly related to citizen life and centering death accident and to present traffic police activities for prevention of traffic accidents.