• Title/Summary/Keyword: training & education

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Analysis of Keywords and Language Networks of Pedagogical Problems in the Secondary-School Teacher's Employment Exam : Focusing on the 2019~2022 School Year Exam

  • Kwon, Choong-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.27 no.7
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    • pp.115-124
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze and present keywords, trends, and language networks of keywords for each year of the pedagogical exam of the secondary teacher's employment exam for the 2019~2022 school year. The main research methods were text mining technique and language network analysis method, and analysis programs were KrKwic, Wordcloud Maker, Ucinet6, NetDraw, etc. The research results are as follows; First, keywords such as teacher, student, curriculum, class, and evaluation appeared in the top rankings, and keywords (online, wiki, discussion ceremony, information, etc.) that reflect the recent online class progress in the current COVID-19 situation also tended to appear. The keywords with high frequency of occurrence in the four-year integrated text were student(44), teacher(39), class(27), school(18), curriculum(16), online(10), and discussion method(8). Second, the overall language network of the keywords with high frequency of 4 years showed a significant level of density(0.566), total number of links(492), and average degree of links(16.4). The degree centrality was found in the order of teacher(199.0), class(197.0), student(185.0), and school(150.0). Betweenness centrality was found in the order of teacher(30.859), class(18.956), student(16.054), and school (15.745). It is expected that the results of this study will serve as data to be considered for preparatory teachers, institutions and related persons, and teachers and administrators of secondary school teacher training institutions.

Korean Musical Actress Jung Sun-Ah's Acting Skill and Style from the Projection and Back-projection Perspectives ('투사-역투사 이론' 관점의 한국 뮤지컬 배우 정선아의 연기 스킬과 스타일 특성)

  • Kim, Jeong-Seob;Lee, Eun-Hye
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.45-54
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    • 2021
  • Jeong Sun-Ah built up her performance career for twenty years with bold and energetic acting and solidified her status as a leading actress of Korean musical since her debut. To benefit from the value of her experience this study performed an in-depth interview with her, applying the Theory of "Projection" and "Back-projection", which are the psychological principles of acting, and derived "acting(entering the roles)" and "de-acting(leaving the roles)" techniques. As result, Her acting mechanism involved emptying her ego, embodying a persona by projecting the role created by intensive exploration of materials like previous performance, film of the same title, original novel, and script, and then getting the ego back by back-projecting through dynamic activities such as overseas travel and dance. She pre-studied the roles by physically visiting sites that are important to the characters. She was unique in that she pursued a difference by changing vocal trainers for each musical production and undertook more intense physical training than vocal practice to achieve powerful singing performance. In most of her works (75%), she suffered from aftereffects such as depression, narcissism, hysteria, and insomnia due to disorder caused by breaking away from the roles. However, she relied on self-help and alternatives are needed in the future such as reinforcement of expert counselling. Jeong Sun-Ah appeared on an average of 1.6 productions per year, practiced for an average of 1.7 months, and performed for an average of 3.9 months with an average of 100 days of break between productions. Her performance record from this research demonstrates her constant preparation and passion, as well as the know-how of reserving and distributing energy. So, it has a valuable implications for acting education and self-management of actors and actress.

Current Status and Development Direction Through a Review of Yoga Therapy Literature (요가치료 문헌 고찰을 통해 본 현황과 발전 방향)

  • Jung, Youn-Heui;Lee, Geo-Lyong
    • Journal of Naturopathy
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.68-78
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    • 2022
  • Background: Integrative medical research is needed to explore the development direction of new yoga therapy. Purposes: A systematic literature review is conducted to analyze the current status of clinical research on yoga therapy into scientific categories, and to explore the content and development direction of yoga therapy. Methods: Through electronic databases such as RISS, NDSL, DBpia, e-article, and KISS, 530 domestic academic papers were selected from 2010 to 2018 and the final 28 were extracted based on PRISMA guidelines. Results: As a result of the study, in terms of quality, it remained at 3b of the CEBM level of evidence, and in terms of quantity, the number of experimental groups in the entire clinical study was 288, so domestic clinical studies of yoga therapy are insufficient. It was found that 80% of yoga therapy was exercise therapy focusing on asana movements. This seems to be due to a lot of researchers in the field of physical education. Conclusions: These results indicate that understanding and practice of the Ashtanga-yoga's training system and Pancha-kosha theory from the perspective of integrative medicine are necessary. In other words, yoga therapy is required to develop into an integrated mind-body therapy program that integrates holistic healing yoga based on individual mental and physical constitution, meditation therapy based on Ayurveda, and exercise therapy.

Correlation Analysis of Factors Influencing the Safety Behavior of Distribution Center Workers (물류센터 근로자의 안전행동에 미치는 영향요인의 상관관계 분석)

  • Park, Heejin;Jeong, Myeongjin;Jeong, Ryunnam;Heo, Joohye
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.155-161
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to understand the causal relationship between the safety behavior of delivery man and safety awareness, work environment, and occupational stress, to derive factors for enhancing safety behavior, and to manage them with priority. It seeks to provide basic data on the factors. In this study, with the help of a community site for delivery man, we conducted a questionnaire survey of a total of 119 delivery man working at distribution centers. Questionnaires were created using safety behavior, safety awareness, work environment, and occupational stress measurement tools created using survey questions from other studies. As a result of the analysis, there was a significant difference between safety education and the experience of accidents associated with working period. In addition, there was a significant correlation between safety behavior due to conflicts related to occupational stress, safety awareness and safety behavior, and safety behavior due to the safety system in the work environment. As a result, we investigated whether it was an accident and the factors that influence safety behavior, and concluded that appropriate improvements were needed.

Case Study of Establishing and Operating Maker Space in A Developing Country - Focusing on iTEC Tech-shop in Tanzania - (개발도상국 메이커 스페이스 구축 및 운영 사례 - 탄자니아 iTEC 테크샵을 중심으로 -)

  • Im, Hyuck-Soon;Jung, Woo-Kyun;Ngajilo, Tunu Y.;Meena, Okuli;Lee, Ahnna;Ahn, Sung-Hoon;Rhee, Hyop-Seung
    • Journal of Appropriate Technology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.126-135
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    • 2020
  • Recently, with the development of the 4th Industrial Revolution era and the popularization of technologies the maker movement is spreading worldwide in various ways for education, entrepreneurship, and solving social problems. This paper introduces a case of establishing and operating a maker space in Tanzania, East Africa, one of the developing countries. iTEC Tech-shop was established in the first half of 2018 at the Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology (NM-AIST) in Arusha, Tanzania by Innovative Technology and Energy Center (iTEC), and has been operating for nearly two years. With the allocation of empty warehouse space from NM-AIST, physical facilities were established through the purchase and installation of equipment and hand tools. Based on the advice from Idea Factory of Seoul National University and Fab-Lab Seoul, iTEC Tech-shop operational system were established. Through a total of 7 technical workshops, iTEC Tech-shop provided training courses for about 180 local personnel. In addition, the smart Techshop test-bed project was promoted in order to improve the operation level along with securing sustainability of the Techshop. The case of the iTEC Tech-shop could be a useful case for institutions or organizations promoting the maker movement to developing countries.

Challenges of Medical Waste Treatment in Fiji (피지국에서의 의료폐기물 처리현황과 문제점)

  • Kim, Daeseon;Bolaqace, Josefa;Rafai, Eric;Lee, Chulwoo
    • Journal of Appropriate Technology
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2020
  • Medical waste is any kind of waste that contains infectious material and recommended not to be transferred for infection control. As a means of disposal, incineration has better points than dumping or landfill in the quantity reduction, odorless and nonhazardous. However, open burning and incineration of health care wastes under bad circumstances, can result in the emission of environmental pollutants to air. A burial of biological waste brings pollution of soil and water. Most of sub divisional hospitals in Fiji transfer their medical wastes to divisional hospitals for incineration. In 2011, 62,518 kg of medical waste was incinerated in the three divisional hospitals. However, some medical wastes are considered as general waste and burnt or sent to landfill site, some are buried on site in some sub-divisional hospitals. In this regards, urgent education is necessary for awareness promotion to relevant personnel in medical waste treatment. On site incineration using small scale incinerator is more recommended than transportation of medical wastes treatment in Fiji. Moreover, remotely controllable and fixable small scale of incinerator is more desirable in sub-divisional hospitals. It is recommended that Fiji government to set up a legal framework for medical waste management (MWM), to develop specific guidelines for MWM, to set up a training system for MWM to ensure that all relevant personnel are trained, to develop a monitoring and supervision system for MWM, to clarify the future financing of MWM activities, and to improve the MWM infrastructure.

A Study on the Priority Affecting the Succession of the Family Firm Using AHP (후계자 관점에서 가업승계에 영향을 미치는 요인들의 중요도에 대한 AHP분석 연구)

  • Cho, Namjae;Lee, YunSeok;Kim, Ji-Hee;Yu, Giseob
    • Korean small business review
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.147-164
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    • 2021
  • This study focuses on succession in a family business which is the crucial factor affecting future and survival of a family business. Especially, the study concentrate a successor's view which is regarded as a key-player during the succession. In this study, we used AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) methodology to identify priorities of factors influencing succession. We divided into two-tier level. The first-tier is defined as 1) the relationship with an incumbent CEO, 2) a successor 's management ability, 3) a successor' s self-efficacy and 4) succession plan. For the second-tier of each first-tier have 3 sub-factors ; 1) the relationship with an incumbent CEO is set as level of mutual trust, sharing the vision of a company, and level of communication each other. 2) A successor 's management ability is based on business competence, education and training and interpersonal management ability, 3) a successor 's self-efficacy was set as successor' s willingness of succession, confidence of overcoming crisis and confidence of achieving objectives. Lastly, 4) a succession plan is set as finance plan, leadership transformation plan and human-organization management plan. A total of 93 questionnaires is distributed and retrieved, and 88 questionnaires are used for the study, excluding those with missing data. As a result of this study, successors selected 1) the relationship with an incumbent C.E.O. as the most important priority in the first-tier. The second is 2) a successor 's management ability, the third is 3) a successor' s self-efficacy, and the last priority is 4) a succession plan. In particular, 3 sub-factors that make up the relationship with an incumbent are the most important factors. These factors rank the first to the third in the final result.

How are Good Dogs Made? : Focusing on the Cultural Intermediary Work of Dog Trainers in EBS1 and KBS2 (좋은 반려견은 어떻게 만들어지는가? : EBS1 <세상에 나쁜 개는 없다>와 KBS2 <개는 훌륭하다>의 반려견 훈련사의 문화매개 작업을 중심으로)

  • Choo, Hye-Won
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.17-29
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    • 2020
  • This research looked into the two programs There are No Bad Dogs in the World(EBS1) and The Dogs are Respectable(KBS2) that can be considered as one of the factors that changed the culture of dog rearing in the country. Focus was also directed toward the cultural intermediary work of trainer Hyung-Wook Kang and veterinarian Chae-Hyun Seol, and the linguistic texts and visual images that describe the programs were analyzed. The findings showed that the two experts reproduce dog-related beliefs and values using devices such as "serious" storytelling, dog bodies, and guardian re-education. They perform cultural intermediary work in that they create the value of the companion dog culture in these programs and provide corresponding products and services to consumers through direct face-to-face interactions. This study contributes academically in the following respects. First, the issue of companion dogs in Korea was approached from a cultural point of view rather than bounding analysis to the industrial and economic level called the "petconomy" (pet + economy). Second, the concept of cultural intermediaries and related theories were examined, along with how the two experts engender the value of dog training in the broadcasting program. The results are expected to help illustrate the diversity of Korean dog culture.

Implement of Web-based Remote Monitoring System of Smart Greenhouse (스마트 온실 통합 모니터링 시스템 구축)

  • Dong Eok, Kim;Nou Bog, Park;Sun Jung, Hong;Dong Hyeon, Kang;Young Hoe, Woo;Jong Won, Lee;Yul Kyun, Ahn;Shin Hee, Han
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.53-61
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    • 2022
  • Growing agricultural products in greenhouses controlled by creating suitable climatic conditions and root zone of crop has been an important research and application subject. Appropriate environmental conditions in greenhouse are necessary for optimum plant growth improved crop yields. This study aimed to establish web-based remote monitoring system which monitors crops growth environment and status of crop on a real-time basis by applying to greenhouses IT technology connecting greenhouse equipment such as temperature sensors, soil sensors, crop sensors and camera. The measuring items were air temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation, CO2 concentration, EC and pH of nutrient solution, medium temperature, EC of medium, water content of medium, leaf temperature, sap flow, stem diameter, fruit diameter, etc. The developed greenhouse monitoring system was composed of the network system, the data collecting device with sensors, and cameras. Remote monitoring system was implemented in a server/client environment. Information on greenhouse environment and crops is stored in a database. Items on growth and environment is extracted from stored information, could be compared and analyzed. So, A integrated monitoring system for smart greenhouse would be use in application practice and understanding the environment and crop growth for smart greenhouse management. sap flow, stem diameter and pant-water relations

Spatial Pattern and Cluster Analysis of University-Industry Collaboration Competency of Korean Universities (대학 산학협력 역량의 공간적 패턴 및 군집분석)

  • HEO, Sun-Young;JANG, Hoo-Eun;LEE, Jong-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.59-71
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    • 2022
  • This study considered regional differences in the university-industry collaboration of Korean universities and performed cluster analysis to identify the spatial range with high university-industry collaboration connectivity. By university establishment type, it was found that the university-industry collaboration capacity of the major national university was superior overall, especially in the technology transfer & commercialization sector and the infrastructure sector, compared to private universities and general national universities. The spatial pattern of university-industry collaboration capacity showed relatively clear differences by city and province. In terms of university-industry collaboration capacity by sector, it was confirmed that the regional gap was not large in the talent training sector and the infrastructure sector, but the regional gap was relatively large in the technology transfer & commercialization sector and the start-up sector. As a result of the cluster analysis to identify a spatial range with high connectivity in terms of similarity and spatial proximity of university-industry collaboration patterns, it is divided into 15 clusters. It is found that most of major national universities are included in one of 15 clusters where all sectors of university-industry collaboration are strong. Therefore, as a policy measure to achieve regional innovative growth through enhancing the effectiveness of university-industry collaboration, we propose the establishment of a hub & spoke network-type collaboration system in which a major national university acts as a hub and nearby local universities play a spoke role.