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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: time-delay effect

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    • Journal of the Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.29-62
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    • 2018
  • We investigate a class of HIV infection models with two kinds of target cells: CD4+ T cells and macrophages. We incorporate three distributed time delays into the models. Moreover, we consider the effect of humoral immunity on the dynamical behavior of the HIV. The viruses are produced from four types of infected cells: short-lived infected CD4+T cells, long-lived chronically infected CD4+T cells, short-lived infected macrophages and long-lived chronically infected macrophages. The drug efficacy is assumed to be different for the two types of target cells. The HIV-target incidence rate is given by bilinear and saturation functional response while, for the third model, both HIV-target incidence rate and neutralization rate of viruses are given by nonlinear general functions. We show that the solutions of the proposed models are nonnegative and ultimately bounded. We derive two threshold parameters which fully determine the positivity and stability of the three steady states of the models. Using Lyapunov functionals, we established the global stability of the steady states of the models. The theoretical results are confirmed by numerical simulations.

Analysis of the Ultrasonic Beam Profile Due to Variation of the Inter-Element Spacing for the Phased Array Transducer (페이즈드 어레이 트랜스듀서에 있어서 구성 압전소자의 간격 변화에 따른 초음파 빔 전파 특성 해석)

  • Choe, Sang-U;Lee, Jun-Hyeon
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.24 no.4 s.175
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    • pp.972-981
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    • 2000
  • The phased array transducer has two distinct advantages. One is rapid scanning comparing with the conventional mechanical or manual scanning system. Therefore, output image is represented in real-time. The other is the dynamic focusing and the dynamic steering of ultrasonic beam. Only the delay times that are controlled electrically are used to focus and to steer beam without any lenses or wedges. In this study, the profile of the ultrasonic beam for the phased array transducer has been simulated in the Huygens principle with varying the inter-element spacing of the linear phased array transducer. From the result of this study, it was found that the ultrasonic beam spread wider as the inter-element spacing was decreased. However, the focusing effect was improved, even when the number of the element was not big. In addition, there was grating lobes that are constructed when the inter-element spacing is more than half wavelength. However, this grating lobe has lower amplitude than the main lobe.

Active Control of Structural Vibration Using An Instantaneous Control Algorithm including Acceleration Feedback (가속도가 포함된 순간최적제어 알고리듬을 이용한 구조물 진동의 능동제어)

  • 문석준;정태영
    • Journal of KSNVE
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.215-224
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    • 1996
  • Active vibration control is generally used to reduce vibration level by the actuators based on measured signal. Dynamic properties of a structure can be easily modified by the active vibration control, so that the vibration level may be effectively reduced to the magnitude below the allowable limit over a wide frequency rangs. In this paper, an instantaneous optimal control algorithm including acceleration feedback is presented for the active vibration control of large structures considering facts that the acceleration response can be easily measured, but the displacement and velocity response are obtained by numerically integrating the measured acceleration response with some errors. The adverse effect of the time delay is overcomed by taking into account the dynamic characteristics of an actuator and filters in the design of controller. Performance test is carried out using a hydraulic active mass driver on a test structure(L×W×H;=;1200mm×800mm×1600mm,about;500kg) supported by four columns under base excitations. It is confirmed that the vibration level of the test structure are reduced to about 1/6 near resonance.

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Shear Wave Velocity in Unconsolidated Marine Sediments of the Western Continental Margin, the East Sea

  • Kim, Gil-Young;Kim, Dae-Choul
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.22 no.4E
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    • pp.167-175
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    • 2003
  • Shear wave velocity was measured and grain size analysis was conducted on two core samples obtained in unconsolidated marine sediments of the western continental margin, the East Sea. A pulse transmission technique based on the Hamilton frame was used to measure shear wave velocity. Duomorph ceramic bender transducer-receiver elements were used to generate and detect shear waves in sediment samples. Time delay was calculated by changing the sample length from the transducer-receiver element. Time delay is 43.18 μs and shear wave velocity (22.49 m/s) is calculated from the slope of regression line. Shear wave velocities of station 1 and 2 range from 8.9 to 19.0 m/s and from 8.8 to 22 mis, respectively. Shear wave velocities with depth in both cores are qualitatively in agreement with the compared model〔1〕, although the absolute value is different. The sediment type of two core samples is mud (mean grain size, 8-9Φ). Shear wave velocity generally increases with sediment depth, which is suggesting normally consolidated sediments. The complicated variation of velocity anisotropy with depth at station 2 is probably responsible for sediment disturbance by possible gas effect.

Algorithm for Reducing the Effect of Network Delay of Sensor Data in Network-Based AC Motor Drives

  • Chun, Tae-Won;Ahn, Jung-Ryol;Lee, Hong-Hee;Kim, Heung-Geun;Nho, Eui-Cheol
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.279-284
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    • 2011
  • Network-based controls for ac motor drive systems are becoming increasingly important. In this paper, an ac motor control system is implemented by a motor control module and three sensor modules such as a voltage sensor module, a current sensor module, and an encoder module. There will inevitably be network time delays from the sensor modules to the motor control system, which often degrades and even destabilizes the motor drive system. As a result, it becomes very difficult to estimate the network delayed ac sensor data. An algorithm to reduce the effects of network time delays on sensor data is proposed, using both a synchronization signal and a simple method for estimating the sensor data. The algorithm is applied to a vector controlled induction motor drive system, and the performance of the proposed algorithm is verified with experiments.

The Effect of the Delayed Resolution of Cognitive Conflict on Middle School Students' Conceptual Change in Science (인지갈등 해소 지연이 중학생의 과학 개념변화에 미치는 효과)

  • Choi, Han-Yong;Kim, Ji-Na;Choi, Hyuk-Joon;Kwon, Jae-Sool
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.408-415
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the delayed resolution of cognitive conflict on middle school students' conceptual change in learning the concept of the action and reaction with cognitive conflict strategy. The subjects were divided into 3 groups according to the time in which teacher tried to resolve cognitive conflict: instant resolution group, 2-day delay resolution group, and 7-day delay resolution group. Pretest, just before test, posttest, and delayed posttest were examined to measure the degree of conceptual change. Delay resolution groups' students answered the questionnaire asking what they had done to resolve cognitive conflict during the period which had been delayed resolution of cognitive conflict. The results of this study were as follows. First, instant resolution group showed significantly more scientific conceptual change than delay resolution groups. Secondly, most of delay resolution groups' students who tried to resolve cognitive conflict interacted with their peers. Also, delayed resolution of cognitive conflict was not helpful to resolve cognitive conflict. Thirdly, in delay resolution groups, we found the tendency that students who spent more than 30 minutes trying to resolve cognitive conflict altered their preconceptions into scientific concepts more easily than the others did. According to the results of this study, instant resolution of cognitive conflict is more effective on scientific conceptual change than delayed resolution of cognitive conflict.

Anti-Oxidation of Cultured Cordyceps militaris Growing on Silkworm Pupa

  • Gong Cheng-Liang;Pan Zhong-Hua;Zheng Xiao-Jian;Xue Ren-Yu;Cao Guang Li
    • International Journal of Industrial Entomology and Biomaterials
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.1-5
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    • 2006
  • Cordyceps, one of the well-known traditional Chinese medicines, consists of the dried fungus C. sinensis growing on the larva of caterpillar. It is commonly used as a tonic of restoring vital body functions. In order to evaluate the pharmacological effects of C. militaris, the anti-oxidation and antiaging effect of cultured C. militaris growing on pupa of silkworm Bombyx mori, were investigated. The results showed! that the contents of lipofusin in myocardium were reduced and the SOD activity in the liver were elevated in a dose-dependent manner while no effect was observed for blood GSH-Px activity and liver MDA content in mice perfused with the cultured C. militaris compared to those untreated mice. Furthermore, the average life span, maximum life span and 50% death time of the fruit flies treated with cultured C. militaris were markedly prolonged. The results suggest that the cultured C. militaris growing on pupa of silkworm possesses anti-oxidation and delay senescence activity.

The Impact of TDDB Failure on Nanoscale CMOS Digital Circuits

  • Kim, Yeon-Bo;Kim, Kyung-Ki
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.27-34
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    • 2012
  • This paper presents the impact of time dependent dielectric breakdown (TDDB, also called as gate oxide breakdown) failure on nanoscale digital CMOS Circuits. Recently, TDDB for ultra-thin gate oxides has been considered as one of the critical reliability issues which can lead to performance degradation or logic failures in nanoscale CMOS devices. Also, leakage power in the standby mode can be increased significantly. In this paper, TDDB aging effects on large CMOS digital circuits in the 45nm technology are analyzed. Simulation results show that TDDB effect on MOSFET circuits can result in more significant increase of power consumption compared to delay increase.

Effect of Carthamus tinctorius L. Semen on Endotoxin-induced Thrombosis in Rats (Endotoxin에 의한 혈전증에 미치는 홍화자의 효과)

  • 송금람;정기화
    • Biomolecules & Therapeutics
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.258-262
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    • 2001
  • In the advanced age, cardiovascular disease is more serious than any other disease. Especially, the thrombus causes the serious disease like apoplexia, carebri and myocardial infarction. Thrombosis is caused by the injury of endothelium and the alterations in normal blood flow. To investigate activities of Carthamus tinctorius L. Semen butanol fraction for blood coagulation system, endotoxin (4000EU/kg) was injected (i..v) to rats at 1hr after administration of Carthamus tinctorius L. Semen butanole fraction (500 mg/kg, p.o.). Carthamus tinctorius L. Semen butanol fraction was found to have antiplatelet activity in vitro. In vivo it showed a delay of blood clotting time, and prothrombin time, and reduction of fibrinogen and FDP It also increased SOD activity, and decreased MDA content. These results suggest that the antithrombosis effect of Carthamus tinctorius L. Semen butanol frac tion results from suppressive activity for a blood coagulation system and antioxidative activity.

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The effect of Propolis on Endotoxin-induced thrombosis (Endotoxin에 의한 혈전증에 미치는 Propolis의 효과)

  • 정춘식;정주희;정기화
    • Biomolecules & Therapeutics
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.223-227
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    • 2000
  • Propolis, a natural resinous compound collected from honey bees, contains many biochemical constituents and has been used for traditional medicines as early as 300 B .C. Recently, it has been reported to possess many biological activities such as antibacterial, antiviral, fungicidal, local anaesthetic, immunostimulating, antiinflammatory and free radical scavenging properties. To investigate activities of chrysin, one of propolis effective compounds for blood coagulation system was injected endotoxin (4000 EU/kg, i.v.) in rats at 1 hr after administered chrysin (20 mg/kg, p.o.). This study was resulted that chrysin has antiplatelet aggregation activity in vitro, delay of blood clotting time and prothrombin time, and reduction of fibrinogen and FDP in vivo. Chrysin has increased SOD activity, GSH content and GST activity, and decreased MDA content in liver. The result suggests that the antithrombosis effect of chrysin is suppressive activity for a blood coagulation system and antioxidative activity.

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