• 제목/요약/키워드: time sharing

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지상 라이다를 활용한 트렌치 단층 단면 3차원 영상 생성과 웹 기반 대용량 점군 자료 가시화 플랫폼 활용 사례 (Application of Terrestrial LiDAR for Reconstructing 3D Images of Fault Trench Sites and Web-based Visualization Platform for Large Point Clouds)

  • 이병우;김승섭
    • 자원환경지질
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    • 제54권2호
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    • pp.177-186
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    • 2021
  • 한반도 지진 재해 대비를 위해 지난 5년간 활성 단층 조사가 수행되어 왔다. 특히 피복 활성단층 조사는 항공 LiDAR 기반 지형 분석, 지표 지질 조사, 지구 물리 탐사 결과를 종합하여 피복된 단층면에 대한 트렌치 조사를 수반한다. 하지만 이러한 트렌치 조사에 의해 발견된 단층면은 한시적으로 연구된 후 복구되기 때문에 트렌치 단층면 현장에 대한 정보는 논문 및 보고서 등과 같은 정성 자료로 남게 된다. 이와 같은 한시적 지질 연구의 한계를 보완하기 위하여 이 연구에서는 지상 LiDAR를 활용하여 트렌치 단층면에 대한 3차원 점군 자료를 생성하고 디지털 공간상에서 트렌치 현장을 복원하였다. 지상 LiDAR 탐사는 양산 단층 지역에서 수행된 두 곳의 트렌치 조사 지점에서 수행되었으며, LiDAR 점군의 기본 속성값인 진폭과 반사도 이외에도 디지털 카메라를 활용하여 트렌치 단층면의 색상 정보도 측정하였다. 측정된 자료는 평균 0.003 m의 정합 오차를 가지는 3차원 점군 자료로 변환되어 트렌치 형상을 정교하게 복원하였다. 하지만 LiDAR 스캔 위치에 따라 점군의 진폭과 반사도 값이 변화되었으며, 햇빛 노출 정도에 따라서 트렌치 단면의 색상 정보가 다르게 형상화 되어 후처리 과정의 고도화가 필요함을 시사하였다. 이러한 점군 자료는 대용량 파일로 존재하고 점군 자료 가시화 방법 또한 제한적이기 때문에 3차원 점군 자료에 대한 연구자 간 공유가 어렵다. 이에 대한 대안으로 오픈소스 플랫폼인 Potree를 활용하여 트렌치 점군 자료를 웹 상에서 가시화하는 방법을 제안하였다. 이와 같이 우리는 시간적 그리고 공간적 제약 조건이 따르는 지질 현장 조사에서 지상 LiDAR 자료가 주요 지질 대상에 대한 재현성을 높일 수 있는 동시에 연구자 및 미래 후속 세대에 의해 손쉽게 활용될 수 있음을 보여주고자 한다.

사회적 약자와 함께 하는 기독교교육 (Christian Education with the Socially Disadvantaged in and after the Covid-19 Pandemic)

  • 김도일
    • 기독교교육논총
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    • 제64권
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    • pp.51-79
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    • 2020
  • 본 연구는 코로나-19 팬데믹 시대에 사회적 약자들과 함께 하는 기독교교육을 추구하기 위해 수행된 연구이다. 코로나-19는 생태계를 파괴하고 착취한 인간의 탐욕으로 야기한 인재이다. 무차별적으로 번져가는 전 지구적 전염병이 창궐하는 시기에 우리는 이기적인 자기중심성을 극복하여 어려움을 겪으며 애통해 하는 이웃과 함께 해야 한다. 더욱이 코로나 시대와 포스트 코로나 시대에 인류가 어떻게 서로를 도와 생존할 수 있을지 모색하여야 한다. 무엇보다 국가와 인종과 경제적 능력 사이에 너무나도 큰 차별이 존재하고 있고 결국 자본주의의 극단적인 차별이 사회와 국가 전반에 나타나고 있는 것 또한 문제다. 코로나-19가 침투했을 때 확진율은 큰 차이가 없었으나 사망률은 가진 자와 덜 가진 자 사이에 큰 차이를 보였다. 평소에 덜 가짐으로 인하여 삶이 힘든 사람들이 바이러스의 공격을 막아내고 물리치는 일에 훨씬 더 취약하다는 점이 결과적으로 드러나고 있는 것이 안타깝지만 오늘의 현실이다. 거시적으로는 기후변화 및 생태환경에 대한 주의를 기울이고, 미시적으로는 지구상의 거의 모든 나라에 존재하는 빈부, 성별, 인종, 장애 유무, 국적의 격차에 따라 엄청난 차별을 받으며 살아가는 수많은 사회적 약자에 대한 구체적인 관심이 필요하다. 사회적 약자들의 현실을 파악하기 위하여 백신 불평등에 대한 담론, 장애인의 필요에 대한 담론, 인종별 피해 정도의 상이함에 대한 담론, 양극화와 디스토피아에 대한 담론, 교육적 불평등에 대한 담론 등을 코로나19 시대에 사회적 약자들의 당면한 현실로 다루었다. 그리고 사회적 약자와 함께 하는 기독교교육을 위해 다섯 가지를 제시하였다. 1. 예수님의 제자로서 세상의 건강한 시민으로서 살게 돕기 위해 가정과 교회가 함께 하는 기독교교육 교재 '해피투게더'를 대안으로 제안하였고, 2. 아스머와 슈바이쳐의 연구 분석을 통해 인류의 상호의존성과 상호책임성을 강화하는 공적 신앙의 계발에 대해 다루었으며, 3. 학습자의 분별력 증진을 위해 비판적 미디어 리터러시 교육에 대한 폴 길스터의 담론을 분석하였고, 4. 피조물의 제자리를 찾기 위한 기독교교육 생태계를 복원을 위한 호모 사피엔스의 역할을 구약학자 강사문의 석의(釋義)적 시각으로 다루었으며, 5. 최종적으로 약한 자의 친구로 살게 하는 우정신앙을 품어 온전성을 추구하는 기독교교육적 정신 제안하기 위해 파커 파머의 온전성에 대한 글과 크리스틴 폴의 우정신학을 분석하여 제안하였다. 유일무이한 삶의 잣대인 성경 말씀 위에 터한 기독교교육자들이 코로나19 팬데믹 시대에 염두에 두어야 할 소명은 굶주리고, 헐벗으며, 갈 곳이 없고, 병에 걸려도 치료제 주사를 맞지 못하여 결국 죽어갈 수밖에 없게 될 나그네와 같은 이웃을 내 형제로 친구로 알고 섬기며 돌보는 우정 신학을 굳건히 세워 사고와 실천이 어우러지는 삶을 추구해 나아가야 한다. 그럼으로써 사회적 약자를 위하여 어떤 일을 하는 것에 그치지 않고 사회적 약자들과 함께 애통해 하며 작은 것부터 실천하고자 하는 기독교교육 정신과 방안을 제안하였다.

비접촉 데이터 사회와 아카이브 재영토화 (Contactless Data Society and Reterritorialization of the Archive )

  • 조민지
    • 기록학연구
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    • 제79호
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    • pp.5-32
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    • 2024
  • 한국 정부가 UN의 2022년 전자정부 발전 지수에서 UN가입 193개국 중 3위에 랭크됐다. 그동안 꾸준히 상위국으로 평가된 한국은 분명 세계 전자정부의 선도국이라 할 수 있다. 전자정부의 윤활유는 데이터다. 데이터는 그 자체로 정보가 아니고 기록도 아니지만 정보와 기록의 원천이며 지식의 자원이다. 전자적 시스템을 통한 행정 행위가 보편화된 이후 당연히 데이터에 기반한 기록의 생산과 기술이 확대되고 진화하고 있다. 기술은 가치중립적인 듯 보이지만 사실 그 자체로 특정 세계관을 반영하고 있다. 더구나 비물질적 유통을 기반으로 하는 디지털 세계, 온라인 네트워크의 또 다른 아이러니는 반드시 물리적 도구를 통해서만 접속하고 접촉할 수 있다는 점이다. 디지털 정보는 논리적 대상이지만 반드시 어떤 유형이든 그것을 중계할 장치 없이는 디지털 자원을 읽어 내거나 활용할 수 없다. 초연결, 초지능을 무기로 하는 새로운 기술의 디지털 질서는 전통적인 권력 구조에 깊은 영향력을 끼칠 뿐만 아니라 기존의 정보 및 지식 전달 매개체에도 마찬가지의 영향을 미치고 있다. 더구나 데이터에 기반한 생성형 인공지능을 비롯해 새로운 기술과 매개가 단연 화두다. 디지털 기술의 전방위적 성장과 확산이 인간 역능의 증강과 사유의 외주화 상황까지 왔다고 볼 수 있을 것이다. 여기에는 딥 페이크를 비롯한 가짜 이미지, 오토 프로파일링, 사실처럼 생성해 내는 AI 거짓말(hallucination), 기계 학습데이터의 저작권 침해에 이르기까지 다양한 문제점 또한 내포하고 있다. 더구나 급진적 연결 능력은 방대한 데이터의 즉각적 공유를 가능하게 하고 인지 없이 행위를 발생시키는 기술적 무의식에 의존하게 된다. 그런 점에서 지금의 기술 사회의 기계는 단순 보조의 수준을 넘어서고 있으며 기계의 인간 사회 진입은 고도의 기술 발전에 따른 자연적인 변화 양상이라고 하기에는 간단하지 않은 지점이 존재한다. 시간이 지나며 기계에 대한 관점이 변화하게 될 것이기 때문이다. 따라서 중요한 것은 기계를 통한 커뮤니케이션, 행위의 결과로서의 기록이 생산되고 사용되는 방식의 변화가 의미하는 사회문화적 함의에 있다. 아카이브 영역에서도 초지능, 초연결사회를 향한 기술의 변화로 인해 데이터 기반 아카이브 사회는 어떤 문제에 직면하게 될 것인지, 그리고 그 속에서 누가 어떻게 기록과 데이터의 지속적 활동성을 입증하고 매체 변화의 주요 동인이 될 것인가에 대한 연구가 필요한 시점이다. 본 연구는 아카이브가 행위의 결과인 기록뿐만 아니라 데이터를 전략적 자산으로 인식할 필요성에서 시작했다. 이를 통해 전통적 경계를 확장하고 데이터 중심 사회에서 어떻게 재영토화를 이룰 수 있을지를 알아보았다.

U-마켓에서의 사용자 정보보호를 위한 매장 추천방법 (A Store Recommendation Procedure in Ubiquitous Market for User Privacy)

  • 김재경;채경희;구자철
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제18권3호
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    • pp.123-145
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    • 2008
  • Recently, as the information communication technology develops, the discussion regarding the ubiquitous environment is occurring in diverse perspectives. Ubiquitous environment is an environment that could transfer data through networks regardless of the physical space, virtual space, time or location. In order to realize the ubiquitous environment, the Pervasive Sensing technology that enables the recognition of users' data without the border between physical and virtual space is required. In addition, the latest and diversified technologies such as Context-Awareness technology are necessary to construct the context around the user by sharing the data accessed through the Pervasive Sensing technology and linkage technology that is to prevent information loss through the wired, wireless networking and database. Especially, Pervasive Sensing technology is taken as an essential technology that enables user oriented services by recognizing the needs of the users even before the users inquire. There are lots of characteristics of ubiquitous environment through the technologies mentioned above such as ubiquity, abundance of data, mutuality, high information density, individualization and customization. Among them, information density directs the accessible amount and quality of the information and it is stored in bulk with ensured quality through Pervasive Sensing technology. Using this, in the companies, the personalized contents(or information) providing became possible for a target customer. Most of all, there are an increasing number of researches with respect to recommender systems that provide what customers need even when the customers do not explicitly ask something for their needs. Recommender systems are well renowned for its affirmative effect that enlarges the selling opportunities and reduces the searching cost of customers since it finds and provides information according to the customers' traits and preference in advance, in a commerce environment. Recommender systems have proved its usability through several methodologies and experiments conducted upon many different fields from the mid-1990s. Most of the researches related with the recommender systems until now take the products or information of internet or mobile context as its object, but there is not enough research concerned with recommending adequate store to customers in a ubiquitous environment. It is possible to track customers' behaviors in a ubiquitous environment, the same way it is implemented in an online market space even when customers are purchasing in an offline marketplace. Unlike existing internet space, in ubiquitous environment, the interest toward the stores is increasing that provides information according to the traffic line of the customers. In other words, the same product can be purchased in several different stores and the preferred store can be different from the customers by personal preference such as traffic line between stores, location, atmosphere, quality, and price. Krulwich(1997) has developed Lifestyle Finder which recommends a product and a store by using the demographical information and purchasing information generated in the internet commerce. Also, Fano(1998) has created a Shopper's Eye which is an information proving system. The information regarding the closest store from the customers' present location is shown when the customer has sent a to-buy list, Sadeh(2003) developed MyCampus that recommends appropriate information and a store in accordance with the schedule saved in a customers' mobile. Moreover, Keegan and O'Hare(2004) came up with EasiShop that provides the suitable tore information including price, after service, and accessibility after analyzing the to-buy list and the current location of customers. However, Krulwich(1997) does not indicate the characteristics of physical space based on the online commerce context and Keegan and O'Hare(2004) only provides information about store related to a product, while Fano(1998) does not fully consider the relationship between the preference toward the stores and the store itself. The most recent research by Sedah(2003), experimented on campus by suggesting recommender systems that reflect situation and preference information besides the characteristics of the physical space. Yet, there is a potential problem since the researches are based on location and preference information of customers which is connected to the invasion of privacy. The primary beginning point of controversy is an invasion of privacy and individual information in a ubiquitous environment according to researches conducted by Al-Muhtadi(2002), Beresford and Stajano(2003), and Ren(2006). Additionally, individuals want to be left anonymous to protect their own personal information, mentioned in Srivastava(2000). Therefore, in this paper, we suggest a methodology to recommend stores in U-market on the basis of ubiquitous environment not using personal information in order to protect individual information and privacy. The main idea behind our suggested methodology is based on Feature Matrices model (FM model, Shahabi and Banaei-Kashani, 2003) that uses clusters of customers' similar transaction data, which is similar to the Collaborative Filtering. However unlike Collaborative Filtering, this methodology overcomes the problems of personal information and privacy since it is not aware of the customer, exactly who they are, The methodology is compared with single trait model(vector model) such as visitor logs, while looking at the actual improvements of the recommendation when the context information is used. It is not easy to find real U-market data, so we experimented with factual data from a real department store with context information. The recommendation procedure of U-market proposed in this paper is divided into four major phases. First phase is collecting and preprocessing data for analysis of shopping patterns of customers. The traits of shopping patterns are expressed as feature matrices of N dimension. On second phase, the similar shopping patterns are grouped into clusters and the representative pattern of each cluster is derived. The distance between shopping patterns is calculated by Projected Pure Euclidean Distance (Shahabi and Banaei-Kashani, 2003). Third phase finds a representative pattern that is similar to a target customer, and at the same time, the shopping information of the customer is traced and saved dynamically. Fourth, the next store is recommended based on the physical distance between stores of representative patterns and the present location of target customer. In this research, we have evaluated the accuracy of recommendation method based on a factual data derived from a department store. There are technological difficulties of tracking on a real-time basis so we extracted purchasing related information and we added on context information on each transaction. As a result, recommendation based on FM model that applies purchasing and context information is more stable and accurate compared to that of vector model. Additionally, we could find more precise recommendation result as more shopping information is accumulated. Realistically, because of the limitation of ubiquitous environment realization, we were not able to reflect on all different kinds of context but more explicit analysis is expected to be attainable in the future after practical system is embodied.

항공기(航空機) 사고조사제도(事故調査制度)에 관한 연구(硏究) (A Study on the System of Aircraft Investigation)

  • 김두환
    • 항공우주정책ㆍ법학회지
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    • 제9권
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    • pp.85-143
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    • 1997
  • The main purpose of the investigation of an accident caused by aircraft is to be prevented the sudden and casual accidents caused by wilful misconduct and fault from pilots, air traffic controllers, hijack, trouble of engine and machinery of aircraft, turbulence during the bad weather, collision between birds and aircraft, near miss flight by aircrafts etc. It is not the purpose of this activity to apportion blame or liability for offender of aircraft accidents. Accidents to aircraft, especially those involving the general public and their property, are a matter of great concern to the aviation community. The system of international regulation exists to improve safety and minimize, as far as possible, the risk of accidents but when they do occur there is a web of systems and procedures to investigate and respond to them. I would like to trace the general line of regulation from an international source in the Chicago Convention of 1944. Article 26 of the Convention lays down the basic principle for the investigation of the aircraft accident. Where there has been an accident to an aircraft of a contracting state which occurs in the territory of another contracting state and which involves death or serious injury or indicates serious technical defect in the aircraft or air navigation facilities, the state in which the accident occurs must institute an inquiry into the circumstances of the accident. That inquiry will be in accordance, in so far as its law permits, with the procedure which may be recommended from time to time by the International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO). There are very general provisions but they state two essential principles: first, in certain circumstances there must be an investigation, and second, who is to be responsible for undertaking that investigation. The latter is an important point to establish otherwise there could be at least two states claiming jurisdiction on the inquiry. The Chicago Convention also provides that the state where the aircraft is registered is to be given the opportunity to appoint observers to be present at the inquiry and the state holding the inquiry must communicate the report and findings in the matter to that other state. It is worth noting that the Chicago Convention (Article 25) also makes provision for assisting aircraft in distress. Each contracting state undertakes to provide such measures of assistance to aircraft in distress in its territory as it may find practicable and to permit (subject to control by its own authorities) the owner of the aircraft or authorities of the state in which the aircraft is registered, to provide such measures of assistance as may be necessitated by circumstances. Significantly, the undertaking can only be given by contracting state but the duty to provide assistance is not limited to aircraft registered in another contracting state, but presumably any aircraft in distress in the territory of the contracting state. Finally, the Convention envisages further regulations (normally to be produced under the auspices of ICAO). In this case the Convention provides that each contracting state, when undertaking a search for missing aircraft, will collaborate in co-ordinated measures which may be recommended from time to time pursuant to the Convention. Since 1944 further international regulations relating to safety and investigation of accidents have been made, both pursuant to Chicago Convention and, in particular, through the vehicle of the ICAO which has, for example, set up an accident and reporting system. By requiring the reporting of certain accidents and incidents it is building up an information service for the benefit of member states. However, Chicago Convention provides that each contracting state undertakes collaborate in securing the highest practicable degree of uniformity in regulations, standards, procedures and organization in relation to aircraft, personnel, airways and auxiliary services in all matters in which such uniformity will facilitate and improve air navigation. To this end, ICAO is to adopt and amend from time to time, as may be necessary, international standards and recommended practices and procedures dealing with, among other things, aircraft in distress and investigation of accidents. Standards and Recommended Practices for Aircraft Accident Injuries were first adopted by the ICAO Council on 11 April 1951 pursuant to Article 37 of the Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation and were designated as Annex 13 to the Convention. The Standards Recommended Practices were based on Recommendations of the Accident Investigation Division at its first Session in February 1946 which were further developed at the Second Session of the Division in February 1947. The 2nd Edition (1966), 3rd Edition, (1973), 4th Edition (1976), 5th Edition (1979), 6th Edition (1981), 7th Edition (1988), 8th Edition (1992) of the Annex 13 (Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation) of the Chicago Convention was amended eight times by the ICAO Council since 1966. Annex 13 sets out in detail the international standards and recommended practices to be adopted by contracting states in dealing with a serious accident to an aircraft of a contracting state occurring in the territory of another contracting state, known as the state of occurrence. It provides, principally, that the state in which the aircraft is registered is to be given the opportunity to appoint an accredited representative to be present at the inquiry conducted by the state in which the serious aircraft accident occurs. Article 26 of the Chicago Convention does not indicate what the accredited representative is to do but Annex 13 amplifies his rights and duties. In particular, the accredited representative participates in the inquiry by visiting the scene of the accident, examining the wreckage, questioning witnesses, having full access to all relevant evidence, receiving copies of all pertinent documents and making submissions in respect of the various elements of the inquiry. The main shortcomings of the present system for aircraft accident investigation are that some contracting sates are not applying Annex 13 within its express terms, although they are contracting states. Further, and much more important in practice, there are many countries which apply the letter of Annex 13 in such a way as to sterilise its spirit. This appears to be due to a number of causes often found in combination. Firstly, the requirements of the local law and of the local procedures are interpreted and applied so as preclude a more efficient investigation under Annex 13 in favour of a legalistic and sterile interpretation of its terms. Sometimes this results from a distrust of the motives of persons and bodies wishing to participate or from commercial or related to matters of liability and bodies. These may be political, commercial or related to matters of liability and insurance. Secondly, there is said to be a conscious desire to conduct the investigation in some contracting states in such a way as to absolve from any possibility of blame the authorities or nationals, whether manufacturers, operators or air traffic controllers, of the country in which the inquiry is held. The EEC has also had an input into accidents and investigations. In particular, a directive was issued in December 1980 encouraging the uniformity of standards within the EEC by means of joint co-operation of accident investigation. The sharing of and assisting with technical facilities and information was considered an important means of achieving these goals. It has since been proposed that a European accident investigation committee should be set up by the EEC (Council Directive 80/1266 of 1 December 1980). After I would like to introduce the summary of the legislation examples and system for aircraft accidents investigation of the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, The Netherlands, Sweden, Swiss, New Zealand and Japan, and I am going to mention the present system, regulations and aviation act for the aircraft accident investigation in Korea. Furthermore I would like to point out the shortcomings of the present system and regulations and aviation act for the aircraft accident investigation and then I will suggest my personal opinion on the new and dramatic innovation on the system for aircraft accident investigation in Korea. I propose that it is necessary and desirable for us to make a new legislation or to revise the existing aviation act in order to establish the standing and independent Committee of Aircraft Accident Investigation under the Korean Government.

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정보시스템 마스터플랜(ISMP) 수행 성과와 성공요인에 관한 사례연구 (A Case Study of the Performance and Success Factors of ISMP(Information Systems Master Plan))

  • 박소현;이국희;구본재;김민석
    • 경영정보학연구
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.85-103
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    • 2012
  • ISMP는 정보시스템 구축 사업 제안요청서의 요구사항을 명확하게 작성하는 활동이다. 목표시스템 개념을 다소 피상적으로 기술하는 기존 제안요청서 작성 방식과는 달리, 관련 업무 및 정보기술 현황을 체계적으로 파악하고, 이용자 요구사항을 상세 분석하며, 제안요청서에 목표시스템의 기능 및 요건을 구체적으로 정의한다. 이처럼 제안요청서 명확성을 높임으로써 해당 사업의 규모 및 복잡도를 정확하게 산출할 수 있고, 여러 제안업체가 제시한 제안서를 공정하게 평가할 수 있다. 무엇보다 이 분야의 고질적 난제로 제기되는 문제, 즉, 갑과 을 사이의 오해와 갈등, 요구사항의 빈번한 변경, SW 개발자들의 과도한 업무 부담 등을 해결할 수 있다. 널리 보급된다면 장기적으로 SW 개발 생산성 및 IT 서비스 산업의 경쟁력 향상에 기여할 수 있다. 이 연구는 최초로 ISMP를 도입한 2개 시범사업을 대상으로 그 수행 내용, 수행 성과, 문제점 및 성공요인을 분석한 사례 연구이다. 실제 현장의 ISMP 수행 절차를 확인하고, 제안요청서의 요구사항을 어떻게 기술하는지를 살펴보았다. ISMP 제안요청서에 대한 만족도는 기존 제안요청서 방식에 비하여 발주기관과 수주업체에서 모두 높게 나타났다. ISMP에 대한 이해 및 수행 경험 부족으로 인하여 제안요청서 작성의 어려움, 업무 증가 부담 등과 같은 문제점도 발생하였지만, 전반적으로 목표시스템 범위 정립, 현업부서와 개발부서간 정보 공유 및 협력 증진, 발주기관과 수주업체 사이의 의사소통 원활, 요구사항 변경 감소 등 긍정적 효과가 발생하였다. 실무담당자 대상 실행연구(action research) 방식의 심층 인터뷰를 수행한 결과, ISMP 수행 성공요인으로서 ISMP 필요성에 대한 사전공감대 형성, CEO와 CIO의 지원에 의한 ISMP 수행 자원 확보, 요구사항 상세화 수준의 일관성있는 적용 등 3개 요인을 도출하였다. 이 사례연구 결과는 ISMP 도입을 계획하고 있는 발주기관과 IT서비스 업체에게 유용한 현장정보를 제공하며, IT서비스 경쟁력 분야 연구자들에게는 향후 연구방향에 대한 의미 있는 시사점을 제시할 것이다.

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CIS 응용을 위해 제한된 폭을 가지는 10비트 50MS/s 저 전력 0.13um CMOS ADC (A 10b 50MS/s Low-Power Skinny-Type 0.13um CMOS ADC for CIS Applications)

  • 송정은;황동현;황원석;김광수;이승훈
    • 대한전자공학회논문지SD
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    • 제48권5호
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    • pp.25-33
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    • 2011
  • 본 논문에서는 CIS 응용을 위해 제한된 폭을 가지는 10비트 50MS/s 0.13um CMOS 3단 파이프라인 ADC를 제안한다. 통상 CIS에 사용되는 아날로그 회로에서는 수용 가능한 조도 범위를 충분히 확보하기 위해 높은 전원전압을 사용하여 넓은 범위의 아날로그 신호를 처리한다. 그 반면, 디지털 회로에서는 전력 효율성을 위해 낮은 전원전압을 사용하므로 제안하는 ADC는 해당 전원전압들을 모두 사용하여 넓은 범위의 아날로그 신호를 낮은 전압 기반의 디지털 데이터로 변환하도록 설계하였다. 또한 2개의 잔류 증폭기에 적용한 증폭기 공유기법은 각 단의 증폭동작에 따라 전류를 조절함으로써 증폭기의 성능을 최적화 하여 전력 효율을 더욱 향상시켰다. 동일한 구조를 가진 3개의 FLASH ADC에서는 인터폴레이션 기법을 통해 비교기의 입력 단 개수를 절반으로 줄였으며, 프리앰프를 제거하여 래치만으로 비교기를 구성하였다. 또한 래치에 입력 단과 출력 단을 분리하는 풀-다운 스위치를 사용하여 킥-백 잡음으로 인한 문제를 최소화하였다. 기준전류 및 전압회로에서는 온-칩 저 전력 전압구동회로만으로 요구되는 정착시간 성능을 확보하였으며, 디지털 교정회로에는 신호특성에 따른 두 종류의 레벨-쉬프트 회로를 두어 낮은 전압의 디지털 데이터가 출력되도록 설계하였다. 제안하는 시제품 ADC는 0.35um thick-gate-oxide 트랜지스터를 지원하는 0.13um CMOS로 제작되었으며, 측정된 DNL 및 INL은 10비트에서 각각 최대 0.42LSB, 1.19LSB 수준을 보이며, 동적 성능은 50MS/s 동작속도에서 55.4dB의 SNDR과 68.7dB의 SFDR을 보인다. 시제품 ADC의 칩 면적은 0.53$mm^2$이며, 2.0V의 아날로그 전압, 2.8V 및 1.2V 등 두 종류의 디지털 전원전압에서 총 15.6mW의 전력을 소모한다.

황해 공동 관리시스템 기반 조성을 위한 한.중 황해환경공동조사 (The Cooperative Environmental Research in the Yellow Sea between Korea and China for the Establishment of Cooperative Management Plans on the Yellows Sea Conservation)

  • 허승;안경호;박승윤;박종수;강영실;손재경;김평중;김형철;황운기;이승민;황학진;최용석;고병설;방현우
    • 해양환경안전학회지
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    • 제15권3호
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    • pp.263-268
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    • 2009
  • 한 중 황해환경공동조사 연구는 1993년 11월 한 중 환경협력에 기초하여 1995년 5월 한 중 환경협력공동위원회에서 채택되어, 1997년부터 매년 1회씩 한국과 중국이 황해에 대한 공동조사 및 분석을 격년별로 주관하여 실시하고 있다. 본 연구는 한 중 양국이 황해를 대상으로 양국 과학자가 공동으로 승선조사 및 분석을 실시하는 연구로서, 황해에서 해양환경의 특성과 잠재적 오염압력을 평가하고, 과학적이며 체계적인 데이터베이스를 구축하며, 황해 환경에 대하여 한 중 양국이 국가적 차원에서 공동으로 관리할 수 있는 기반을 마련한다는 데 큰 의의가 있다. 또한 황해 오염현상의 공동연구를 통한 한 중 간 해양환경 협력 기반을 구축하고, 황해에 대한 과학적이며 체계적인 해양학적 자료의 축적 및 황해환경 보전을 위한 자료 제공 등 한 중 간 창해 공동관리 시스템 기반을 조성하기 위한 것이다. 지금까지 조사된 결과, 조사해역의 해양환경은 양호한 상태로서 해역 생활환경 수질기준 I등급을 나타내었다. 그러나 매년 황해의 COD 값이 점차 증가하는 경향을 보이고 있으며, 최근 양국 연안지역에서의 인구밀집과 산업화로 인하여 해양환경오염이 가중되고 있는 실정으로 오염 부하량이 지속적으로 증가할 것으로 예상된다. 지금까지 실시된 한 중 황해환경 공동조사는 연 1회 실시되고 있어, 황해의 다양한 해양환경 특성을 상세히 밝히기는 어려우나, 한 중 양국 간 황해 관련 각종 환경정책을 입안하는 데 필요한 기초 자료를 산출하는 데 있어 중요한 역할을 하고 있다. 따라서 양국은 앞으로 조사 횟수, 조사해역 및 조사항목을 연차적으로 확대할 계획이다.

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개원의의 대도시 개원 이유 : 대구시 개원의를 중심으로 (Medical Practitioners' Reasons for Practice in Great Gity(Taegu))

  • 감신;천병렬;박재용;예민해;송달효
    • 보건행정학회지
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.17-41
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    • 1992
  • During the month of October, 1990, 676 practicing physicians in Taegu City were surveyed by mail questionnaires about their general characteristics and the reasons why they chose Taegu as a practice location and 331 out of them responded completely. Collected data were analyzed to provide basic reference data for future health manpower policy which intends to solve the problem of geographical maldistribution of physicians, The major findings are as follows: For the question asking why Taegu area is favored, following lists are as the order of their magnitude of the reasons replied by more than 20% of the respondents: 1) Taegu is a foundation of life until now(81.3%) 2) Better educational environments are available for their offsprings(73.7%) 3) They can have intimate relationship with acquaintances or friends sharing same or similar interests(61.0%) 4) Due to characteristics of their specialty, metropolitan seems to fit better(52.0%), 5) They graduated from the medical school in Taegu(49.8%) 6) Never thought of selecting practice location in other area than Taegu without any specific reasons(45.9%) 7) Intelligent communications are available with other physicians(39.9%) 8) More opportunities to participate in social life, such as medical, or alumni association etc., can be given(33.2%) 9) No specific knowledge or relationships with other area are available(32.6%) 10) They finished internship or residency training in Taegu area(31.4%) 11) Facilitation of transferring patients including emergent patients can be obtained (30.8%) 12) Continuing medical educational programs are available(29.9%) 13) Sufficient medical demands are provided because of the large population(28.1%) 14) More chances to be grown up as a medical professionals can be achieved(25.7%) 15) More leizure time can be utilized for cultural activities(23.9%) 16) They had experiences to work in hospitals or facilities in Taegu area(23.3%) 17) Medical facilities of fellow physicians or alumni can be used(20.5%) In addition, 37% of female physicians answered that their spouse strongly influenced them to choose Taegu, and 33.3% of physicians with age of thirty replied that parents did so. Physicians of specialty in radiology, clinical pathology, anatomical pathology, and anesthesiology considered that patients from other hospitals and medical facilities would be referred often to them and that less competition seemed to be expected in their specialty (30.8%). In contrast, general practitioners anticipated that larger population would increase the medical demand(62.5%). 28.6% of medical practitioners who graduated medical schools in other are than Taegu and 22.0% of medical practitioners who were trained in hospitals of other area than Taegu were influenced to choose Taegu by their spouses. In consideration of above findings, we may conclude that long term and rational manpower policies should be implemented to solve the problem of geographical maldistribution of physicians as well as short term physician-inducing policies, and they have to be incorporated with equitable community development.

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인기도 기반의 온라인 추천 뉴스 기사와 전문 편집인 기반의 지면 뉴스 기사의 유사성과 중요도 비교 (Comparisons of Popularity- and Expert-Based News Recommendations: Similarities and Importance)

  • 서길수;이성원;서응교;강혜빈;이승원;이은곤
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.191-210
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    • 2014
  • As mobile devices that can be connected to the Internet have spread and networking has become possible whenever/wherever, the Internet has become central in the dissemination and consumption of news. Accordingly, the ways news is gathered, disseminated, and consumed have changed greatly. In the traditional news media such as magazines and newspapers, expert editors determined what events were worthy of deploying their staffs or freelancers to cover and what stories from newswires or other sources would be printed. Furthermore, they determined how these stories would be displayed in their publications in terms of page placement, space allocation, type sizes, photographs, and other graphic elements. In turn, readers-news consumers-judged the importance of news not only by its subject and content, but also through subsidiary information such as its location and how it was displayed. Their judgments reflected their acceptance of an assumption that these expert editors had the knowledge and ability not only to serve as gatekeepers in determining what news was valuable and important but also how to rank its value and importance. As such, news assembled, dispensed, and consumed in this manner can be said to be expert-based recommended news. However, in the era of Internet news, the role of expert editors as gatekeepers has been greatly diminished. Many Internet news sites offer a huge volume of news on diverse topics from many media companies, thereby eliminating in many cases the gatekeeper role of expert editors. One result has been to turn news users from passive receptacles into activists who search for news that reflects their interests or tastes. To solve the problem of an overload of information and enhance the efficiency of news users' searches, Internet news sites have introduced numerous recommendation techniques. Recommendations based on popularity constitute one of the most frequently used of these techniques. This popularity-based approach shows a list of those news items that have been read and shared by many people, based on users' behavior such as clicks, evaluations, and sharing. "most-viewed list," "most-replied list," and "real-time issue" found on news sites belong to this system. Given that collective intelligence serves as the premise of these popularity-based recommendations, popularity-based news recommendations would be considered highly important because stories that have been read and shared by many people are presumably more likely to be better than those preferred by only a few people. However, these recommendations may reflect a popularity bias because stories judged likely to be more popular have been placed where they will be most noticeable. As a result, such stories are more likely to be continuously exposed and included in popularity-based recommended news lists. Popular news stories cannot be said to be necessarily those that are most important to readers. Given that many people use popularity-based recommended news and that the popularity-based recommendation approach greatly affects patterns of news use, a review of whether popularity-based news recommendations actually reflect important news can be said to be an indispensable procedure. Therefore, in this study, popularity-based news recommendations of an Internet news portal was compared with top placements of news in printed newspapers, and news users' judgments of which stories were personally and socially important were analyzed. The study was conducted in two stages. In the first stage, content analyses were used to compare the content of the popularity-based news recommendations of an Internet news site with those of the expert-based news recommendations of printed newspapers. Five days of news stories were collected. "most-viewed list" of the Naver portal site were used as the popularity-based recommendations; the expert-based recommendations were represented by the top pieces of news from five major daily newspapers-the Chosun Ilbo, the JoongAng Ilbo, the Dong-A Daily News, the Hankyoreh Shinmun, and the Kyunghyang Shinmun. In the second stage, along with the news stories collected in the first stage, some Internet news stories and some news stories from printed newspapers that the Internet and the newspapers did not have in common were randomly extracted and used in online questionnaire surveys that asked the importance of these selected news stories. According to our analysis, only 10.81% of the popularity-based news recommendations were similar in content with the expert-based news judgments. Therefore, the content of popularity-based news recommendations appears to be quite different from the content of expert-based recommendations. The differences in importance between these two groups of news stories were analyzed, and the results indicated that whereas the two groups did not differ significantly in their recommendations of stories of personal importance, the expert-based recommendations ranked higher in social importance. This study has importance for theory in its examination of popularity-based news recommendations from the two theoretical viewpoints of collective intelligence and popularity bias and by its use of both qualitative (content analysis) and quantitative methods (questionnaires). It also sheds light on the differences in the role of media channels that fulfill an agenda-setting function and Internet news sites that treat news from the viewpoint of markets.