• Title/Summary/Keyword: the State

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A Study on the Optimal User/Librarian Interface in Information Searching (정보탐색에 있어서 이용자/사서의 최적화 접속에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Sun-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.26
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    • pp.167-185
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    • 1994
  • The purpose of this study is to develop the optimal user/librarian interface in information searching. In order to achive the purpose, the 150 unskilled students as subjects have participated in the study. According to the change of the subjects' psychological information states by the access points within the library system, the subjects have been classified into the five types of model: the initial information state, the accepted identification information state, the bibliographic information state, the stack information state, and the location information state. Librarian's searching support is done for 10 minutes at the each access points. To develop the optimal user/librarian interface, the expected values of the models are calculated. The resultants are as follows: 1) The expected value of the initial information states model is 18.94: 2) The expected value of the accepted identification information model is 27.06: 3) The expected value of the bibliographic information state model is 27.06: 4) The expected value of the stack information state model is 22.38: 5) The expected value of the location information state model is 22.38. Those expected values are compared with each other. The model with the lowest expected value is chosen as the optimal user/librarian interface model. In the result, the user's initial information state model of the optimal user/librarian interface in information searching is developed. In order to search the information with the most effect, user must be interfaced with the librarian at his/her own initial information state.

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The Review of the State Policy in the IT Industry and HRD in South Korea

  • Park, In-Sub
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.19-29
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    • 2009
  • This article is concerned to investigate the changing nature of the role of the state in relation to industrial policy to foster the IT industry in the Republic of Korea. In doing this, it has started with economic globalization introduced to the Korean political economy since the late 1980s. It has identified in what ways the state responded to the change, and to what extent the role of the state has fundamentally been changed in the context of policy mechanism in the process towards facilitating the IT industry in Korea. In addition, it presented how the state played a role in skill formation in relation to the industrial policy. In consequence, the role of the Korean state in fostering the IT industry has fundamentally changed from that as the developmental state in the industrialization process. In the process, that the strategic co-ordination role of the state and relations between the state and private capitals and societies are very significant to achieve the economic goal is presented as results, as well as some future tensions that would encounter in the way of charting the current policies.

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Rovibrational Energy Transitions and Coupled Chemical Reaction Modeling of H+H2 and He+H2 in DSMC

  • Kim, Jae Gang
    • International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.347-359
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    • 2015
  • A method of describing the rovibrational energy transitions and coupled chemical reactions in the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) calculations is constructed for $H(^2S)+H_2(X^1{\Sigma}_g)$ and $He(^1S)+H_2(X^1{\Sigma}_g)$. First, the state-specific total cross sections for each rovibrational states are proposed to describe the state-resolved elastic collisions. The state-resolved method is constructed to describe the rotational-vibrational-translational (RVT) energy transitions and coupled chemical reactions by these state-specific total cross sections and the rovibrational state-to-state transition cross sections of bound-bound and bound-free transitions. The RVT energy transitions and coupled chemical reactions are calculated by the state-resolved method in various heat bath conditions without relying on a macroscopic properties and phenomenological models of the DSMC. In nonequilibrium heat bath calculations, the state-resolved method are validated with those of the master equation calculations and the existing shock-tube experimental data. In bound-free transitions, the parameters of the existing chemical reaction models of the DSMC are proposed through the calibrations in the thermochemical nonequilibrium conditions. When the bound-free transition component of the state-resolved method is replaced by the existing chemical reaction models, the same agreement can be obtained except total collision energy model.

Formation Behavior of Passive State Film on Stainless Steel for Metallic Ion Concentration in Electropolishing Solution (전해 연마액 금속 이온 농도에 따른 스테인리스 스틸의 부동태 피막 형성 거동)

  • Oh, Jong Su;Kang, Eun-Young;Jeong, Dae-Yong
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.230-236
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    • 2022
  • The formation behavior of a passive state film on the surface of STS304 in electrolytic solution was analyzed to determine its metallic ion composition. The properties of passive state films vary depending on the Fe and Cr ions in the electrolytic solution. It was observed that the passive state film surface became flat and glossy as the concentration of Fe and Cr ions in the electrolytic solution increased. The corrosion resistance property of the passive state film was proportional to the amount of Fe and Cr in the electrolytic solution. An initial passive state film with high Fe concentration was formed on the surface of STS304 during early electrolytic polishing. Osmotic pressure of Fe ions occurs between the passive state film and electrolytic solution due to the Fe ion concentration gradient. The Fe in the passive state film is dissolved into the electrolyte, and Cr fills up the Fe ion vacancies. As a result, a good corrosion-resistant floating film was formed. The more Fe ions in the electrolytic solution, the faster the film is formed, and as a result, a flat passive state film containing a large amount of Cr can be formed.

State-Owned enterprises as ICSID claimants and establishment of jurisdiction: The Decision on Jurisdiction in BUCG v. Yemen (공기업의 ICSID 중재 신청과 관할권 성립: BUCG v. Yemen 사건을 중심으로)

  • Chang, Sok Young
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.27-42
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    • 2018
  • Due to the increasing number of foreign investments made by state-owned enterprises, there has been a growth in the number of investment arbitration claims submitted by them. However, international investment treaties including the ICSID Convention are intended to apply to investor-state disputes and according to Article 25 of the ICSID Convention, the claimant has to be "a national of another Contracting State." This raises the question of whether state-owned companies can be considered as "nationals of another Contracting State" or private investors. This issue has been discussed in the ICSID Decision on Jurisdiction in BUCG v. Yemen which has been released in 2017. Since there would be more claims related to the standing of state-owned enterprises as claimants, it is required to understand whether state-owned enterprises could be permitted access to the ICSID under the ICSID Convention Article 25. Moreover, the ICSID cases addressing the jurisdictional issues including BUCG v. Yemen has to be closely analyzed. In particular, as the Broches test was applied in order to decide the standing of state-owned companies, it is necessary to examine how the Broches criteria has been interpreted and adopted in the ICSID cases.

The Time Correlation Function Near (and at) a Stable Steady State, When a Chemical System Relaxes from the Unstable Steady State$^*$

  • Lee, Dong-Jae;Ryu, Moon-Hee;Lee, Jong-Myung
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.91-95
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    • 1985
  • The dynamic properties near (and at) a stable steady state are discussed, when a chemical system relaxes from the unstable steady state. The time-dependent correlation length for the fluctuating variable near a stable steady state is explicitly obtained by introducing the probability average for the variable satisfying the rate equation. The study is carried out about the effect of nonlinearity on the correlation length near (and at) a stable steady state.

Digital Transformations to Improve the Work and Distribution of the State Scholarships Programs

  • Kireyeva, Anel A.;Lakhonin, Vassiliy;Kalymbekova, Zhanna
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.41-47
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    • 2019
  • Purpose - Based on the analysis of Kazakhstan's experience of digital transformation, this study suggests a concept for digital solution to optimize organizational process, create trust networking between the center of state scholarships programs and recipients. In addition, the authors contribute to the current discussions of an effective digital transformation of state services. Research design, data, and methodology - Policy analysis is based on the combination of both primary and secondary materials collected during a Policy Research Project conducted in Kazakhstan in 2017. It involved semi-structured interviews with the state scholarship' recipients, ICT experts and findings from academic articles. Results - Findings are represented via Policy Development Matrix - a table with three options (status quo, partial change, total change) to deal with policy challenges. Authors suggest a concept for digital solution following the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) principles for optimizing core business processes, communication and networking strategies of the state scholarships program. Conclusions - At the time when digitalization becomes trending for states, the transformation of the state education policy is inevitable. The rapid development of digital technologies creates new opportunities for a single integration platform with key principles of Smart Remote Management in the state scholarships programs.

Substrate Ground State Binding Energy Concentration Is Realized as Transition State Stabilization in Physiological Enzyme Catalysis

  • Britt, Billy Mark
    • BMB Reports
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.533-537
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    • 2004
  • Previously published kinetic data on the interactions of seventeen different enzymes with their physiological substrates are re-examined in order to understand the connection between ground state binding energy and transition state stabilization of the enzyme-catalyzed reactions. When the substrate ground state binding energies are normalized by the substrate molar volumes, binding of the substrate to the enzyme active site may be thought of as an energy concentration interaction; that is, binding of the substrate ground state brings in a certain concentration of energy. When kinetic data of the enzyme/substrate interactions are analyzed from this point of view, the following relationships are discovered: 1) smaller substrates possess more binding energy concentrations than do larger substrates with the effect dropping off exponentially, 2) larger enzymes (relative to substrate size) bind both the ground and transition states more tightly than smaller enzymes, and 3) high substrate ground state binding energy concentration is associated with greater reaction transition state stabilization. It is proposed that these observations are inconsistent with the conventional (Haldane) view of enzyme catalysis and are better reconciled with the shifting specificity model for enzyme catalysis.

Investigating the Association between Residual State Ownership and Privatized Firm Efficiency

  • NGUYEN, Manh Hoang;VO, Quy Thi
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.225-236
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    • 2020
  • This paper examines empirically the net impact of residual state ownership on privatized firm efficiency in the transitional context of Vietnam. Vietnamese privatization has its own characteristics. Instead of mass and full privatization, Vietnam has chosen a partial and gradual path. Thus, it is important to assess the net impact of residual state ownership on privatized firms during the post-privatization period. This study employs stochastic frontier analysis to investigate the association between residual state ownership and the efficiency of privatized firms, using a sample of all privatized firms that are listed on the Vietnamese stock exchanges over the period from 2007 to 2017. Also, two-stage least squares regression is incorporated into the model to deal with potential endogeneity issues. Our study provides evidence that state ownership should not be considered as a pure source of agency problems. Indeed, the net impact of residual state ownership on privatized firm efficiency is non-monotonic, and the relationship between residual state ownership and privatized firm efficiency is under an inverted U-shape. A moderate level (less than 50%) of residual state ownership might be beneficial to privatized firm efficiency whereas too much state ownership is detrimental to the efficiency of privatized firms.

Advanced Features of Static Inverter and Their Influence on Rail Infrastructure and Vehicle Maintenance

  • Bachmann, G.;Wimmer, D.
    • International Journal of Railway
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    • v.1 no.3
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    • pp.94-98
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    • 2008
  • Static inverters are essential devices onboard of rolling stock. State-of-the-art static inverters have an impact on both rail infrastructure and vehicle maintenance due to their new topology with new features. The paper describes two important aspects as examples of new features available in state-of-the-art static inverters: active input current control and the effects on the rail infrastructure as well as the detection of the state of charge and the state of health of batteries to simplify vehicle maintenance.

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