• Title/Summary/Keyword: teachers' concerns

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An analysis of the curriculum and textbooks for air and correspondence high school in Korea (방송통신고등학교 영어과 교육과정 및 교과서 분석)

  • Lee, So-Young
    • English Language & Literature Teaching
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.287-304
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    • 2005
  • Since Air and Correspondence High School (ACHS) in Korea was established in 1974, it has been serving many people who couldn't take the opportunities for learning in the regular high school due to several reasons. Regardless of the rapid change in technologies and educational needs during the past 31 years, however, ACHS hasn't changed much. Concerns have been recently made about the validity of the unchanged school system and many issues have been discussed relating to the innovation of the school system. Focusing on the teaching and learning contents, one of the important issues with respect to the school system, this paper examines the 7th English Curriculum for ACHS. The paper also investigates the textbooks used in ACHS to see how closely they align with the students' English proficiency and ACHS' instructional method by employing McDonough and Shaw's(1993) framework for textbook analysis. The results revealed that the current curriculum does not sufficiently reflect ACHS's characteristics, which leads to the adoption and development of inappropriate textbooks in terms of overall coherence, proficiency level, etc. The results suggest that the development of the curriculum and textbooks for ACHS should be based upon the students' needs and their level of proficiency rather than depending on the national curriculum and government-authorized textbooks intended for the relatively homogeneous school-age learners.

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Digital Content Design Making Children Like Reading Books (아이들이 책을 좋아하게 만들 디지털 콘텐츠 디자인)

  • Wang, Lin;Lee, Ha-Na
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.11
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    • pp.20-28
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    • 2016
  • Recently, with various smart devices being used, more attention is paid to digital content development for kids. Many parents and teachers are using digital contents both at home and the classroom. However, there are many concerns on the delayed language ability development and lack of social skills due to children's overuse of digital technology. This study reviewed related literature on digital content for kids including storytelling videos, flash, animation, multimedia fairy tales, and app-books. Based on that, digital contents design guidelines were proposed. It was expected that by appropriate digital content design, children would like reading books just as they like watching digital contents.

A Case Study on the Safety Management and its Education in an Infant Institution of Learning (유아교육 기관에서의 안전관리와 안전교육 실태에 관한 실증적 연구 - 인천지역의 유아교육 기관을 중심으로 -)

  • Han, Doo-Heui;Jung, Soo-Il
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.7-14
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    • 2009
  • Protecting an infant from a risk of accident was an absolute responsibility and duty of parents in the past. As increase in the ratio of entering kindergartens, the demand of all day program also increases. In infancy, safety concerns are higher than other periods since infants are curious about objects and environments and that have stronger impulse of the spirit of inquiry. Since baby's functioning is poor, an ability of balance maintenance and an exercise function are not sufficiently developed. Further more, they lack a cognitive power about self-control or situation. According to Korea Consumer Agency, safety accidents in infant institution have increased in 115% as 294 cases compared with 137 cases in 2004. Major causes of infant deaths are street accidents, drowning, and deaths from a fall in order. Considering this situation, we need to prevent and deal with accidents. Therefore this thesis grasp the situation and analyze an actual condition of an safety education about teachers who work in such institutions and infants who are educated in institutions to prevent from accidents and make up pleasant environments. Then, it will suggest all efficient safety education plans for infants to them.

A Study on Effective Early Childhood and Elementary Character Education Through Family-School Partnership : Based on Parents' Satisfaction and Needs (가정-학교 연계를 통한 유아 및 초등학생 인성교육 활성화 방안 : 학부모의 만족도 및 요구도 조사를 바탕으로)

  • Lee, Seung-Mie;Chang, Young-Eun;Park, Jeong-Yun
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.35-47
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of the current study is to investigate parents' understanding and needs for character education in early childhood and during elementary education and to suggest policy implications effective character education for young children. Using focus group interviews, we collected qualitative data from 14 mothers in Seoul, Korea. The mothers were unclear about the definition of character education for their children and about their role in teaching proper values during the early years of their children's development. Most mothers with preschoolers were satisfied with the character education their children were receiving, whereas mothers with children in elementary school were not satisfied with the character education provided by school. The mothers expressed their concerns about the reliability of the teachers and schools of their children. As policy implications, providing regular parent education, activating parent-teacher associations, and strengthening the partnership through support from the community are suggested.

U.S. and Korean teacher candidates' approaches to mathematical modeling on a social justice issue

  • Eunhye Flavin;Sunghwan Hwang
    • Research in Mathematical Education
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.25-47
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    • 2024
  • Mathematical modeling activities are gaining popularity in K-12 mathematics education curricula worldwide. These activities serve dual purposes by aiding students in making sense of real-world situations intertwined with social justice while acquiring mathematical knowledge. Despite efforts to prepare teacher candidates for instructing in mathematical modeling within a single country, little attention has been given to teacher candidates' approaches to mathematical modeling on a social justice issue from different countries. This article employs an in-depth, small-scale comparative study to examine the approaches of U.S. and Korean teacher candidates in solving a justice-oriented mathematics task. Our findings reveal that, although both U.S. and Korean teacher candidates identified certain variables as key when constructing a mathematical model, Korean teacher candidates formulated a more nuanced model than U.S. candidates by considering diverse variables. However, U.S. teacher candidates exhibited a heightened engagement in linking the task to social justice issues, whereas Korean teacher candidates barely perceived real-world problems in relation to social justice concerns. This study serves as a valuable tool to inform the roles and limitations of teacher education programs, shaped within specific educational contexts.

A Study of the Attitude of/and Problems Encountered by Senjor Home Economist Toward the Integration of Family Planning Education in the Korean Formal School System (가정학교육 영역에서의 인구교육문제에 관한 조사연구 -선임가정학자들을 대상으로-)

  • 김지화
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.83-101
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    • 1981
  • Under the full consideration of the growing need and importance of population education in the field of home economics in Korea, the study was carried out to verify and assess the following facts on the current issues of population education of home economists who are presently engaging in teaching professions as the teachers of middle and high school and professors of college and universities by setting its primary objectives of the study as followings; 1) to assess the degree of general knowledge and attitudes of home economists toward population education in the field of home economics, 2) to verify the problems encountered in implementing population education by home economists in its field, 3) to find an existing status of previous trainings received and other activities of population education of home economists aimed at utilizing these findings as a part of reference materials when the population education is conducted in the field of home economics. In order to attain these objectives described above, the questionnaire was carefully designed to house a total of 40 questions with good combination of multiple-choice and the simple answer questions. The mail questionnaire survey was conducted by establishing teachers of home economics at middle/high schools and college/universities as Senior Home Economists(SHE) who are from public, private liberal arts and vocational schools. The rate of response observed during the survey was 45.6 percent and the findings of the survey research are as follows: 1) Examining the status of the respondents by residence and religion, it was found that 45 percent of middle & high school teachers ar.d 59. 1 percent of college professors are residing in Seoul city area and that the largest percent of them are christian in their religion. Analyzing respondents by their ages, 56 percent of middle/high school teachers are in their 30s, 45 percent of college professors are in their 40s, and 37 percent of college teachers are in their 30s. In addition, 13 percent of the total respondents are found to be unmarried. The study also revealed that 71 percent of the college professors finished Master Degree course and 82 percent of middle/high school teachers are graduated from college level lasting 4 years. Looking over the status cf major fields of respondents, 68.4 percent of middle/high school teachers are specialized in home economic education and the college professors, on the other hand, show relatively even prortion by specializing in the order of food & nutrition science, clothes & textile science and home managerial science. As far as the length of teaching experience is concerned, a relatively longer period of teaching experience is observed in the college professors in comparison with that of middle/high school teachers. In other words, 33.3 percent of middle/high school teachers are experienced in teaching from 6 to 10 years on average while 43.9 percent of college professors show more than 16 years of experience. 2) Examining the status of existing number of children cf the respondents, one boy and one daughter pattern is predominant, showing 28.5 percent in middle/high school teachers and 21.1 percent in college professors. As for the desired number of children of unmarried respondents, it is observed that 43.8 percent of middle/high school teachers desire to have one boy and one girl, and 31.3 percent of college professors want to have one child regardless of the sex. By assessing the degree of awareness of the population education through their students, it is observed that 53 percent of middle/high school teachers and 50 percent of college professors are aware of population education in some extent and that a majority of respondents took the positive attitudes toward an inclusion of family planning components into the formal school education. Another noteworthy to observe is that a total of 84.8 percent out of middle/high school teachers pointed that the population education currently conducted at schools as a part of home economics are less sufficient than it should be. 3) Analyzing the tendency as to whether the respondents were experienced in receiving population education during the time when they were students, 75 percent of college professors and 59 percent of middle/high school teachers responded negative answers in the survey. In the mean time, a total of 50 percent of the respondents replied that they began to acknowledge the importance of population education mainly through the participation of some sort of population-education orientend seminars, experienced by 40 percent of college professors and 80 percent of middle/high school teachers. 4) What it calls attention in this study was to find that 96.5 percent of middle/high school teachers and 72 percent of college professors conduct population education to some extent during their lecture hours and that more than 80 percent of them are never experienced in teaching population and family planning contents in their regular classes. It is, on the other hand, found that no more than once was the response of those who believe themselves that they are experienced in teaching these relevant components to their students. Analyzing the contents of the subjects being taught in the class, a large percent of them are found to be consisted of population and family planning contents. According to this study, the current population education through the formal school is quite inactive. Analyzing the facts, 44.9 percent of the college professors responded that the population and family planning components are quite apart from their specialization which eventually generates lack of interest in the field. 5) It is also noticed through the study that the degree of frequency of commenting on population and family planning contents during the classes was depending significantly on their specializations which means that the degree of frequency varies from a major to another. Those who majored in home managerial science was the first one, as compared to others who majored in different specializations. Glancing over the status of correlations between ages of the respondents and numbers of seminar paticipation, it is quite clear that the aged group participated more than the younger group did, and that the most highest number of participations made by college professors were those who are in 50s. In addition, it is also found that those who are aged 20s and 60s of the respondents were the group who comments least on the contents of population and family planning at their classes. The suggestions and recommendation made through this survey research are as follows. 1) No one denies that the rapid increase of population, as compared to the limited size of land and resources, will certainly affect adversly to an enhancement of individual life quality which will, eventually, bring forth the poverty of the nation. This is the reasson why we are insisting that the world population be controlled up to an optimum level with a matter of global concerns. It is our understading that the primary aim for reducing number of population is believed to be attained only by conducting the systematic and comprehensive population education through the formal schools. Therefore, the role of home economists in the field of population/family planning education is considered very importment due to the fact that an ultimate goal of population education is placed in elevating the quality of family life by having optimum number of children through family planning program. 2) It is quite clear that home economists as teachers of formal school in all level are invited to pay their attention on redefining the ultimate goal of education and that of population education. We also understant that the primary objective of population education is to change the norm and value of the clients by replenishing the students with pertinent knowledge and attitudes on population and its related problems through a sort of education in order to attain the ultimate goal for enhancing the quality of life. There is no exception in the theory of home economics. An altimate goal of home economics is to elevate the general quality of life through an establishment of value existed in daily life. Considering the relations between population education and home economics, it is quite indespensable to bandle population components as an integral part in the field of home economics. We believe, therefore, that the senior home economists positive participation in the effort population control is more needed than it has been. 3) It is also strongly urged that population education should be a part of instructor training course for home economics. In other words, the teacher of home economics should be well aware of population and its problems by teaching interrelationship between population education and home economics, needs, contents and methods of population education during the instructor training courese for home economics. In addition, the senior home economists should be encouraged through positive participation on the short term training by types of domestic and international seminar, workshop, etc. 4) We certainly believe that the population education can not sustain itself without any backing-up of information and findings' of various and comprehensive researches of natural and social sciences. Accordingly, every senior home economist is invited to exert their maximum effort to conduct systematic study with an aim to utilize these findings and information at best in population education in the field of home economics. Therefore, we consider that the development of training material is imminent in order to provide effective and efficient population education through the for training of home economies. It should be noted that these training materials must be carefully designed, tailored and developed to meet the different classes of trainees under the considerations as to whether it is easily adaptable and infusable into the curricula of every field of home economics, and it is acceptable in the degree of difficulty and quality in its contents. 5) It is true that there are many domestic and international research rapers, reports and findings in the field of population education and family planning. However, there is a tendency that the most of research papers are heavily relying on the authors intension and preferences in its expression and publication. Under these circumstances, it is urged that the home economists should aware of the growing need of the technical training in order to keep these available information and research findings reprocessed and redesigned to insure the practical application into the population education in the field of home economics in Korea.

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Perception and Practices Regarding Food Allergy of Elementary and Middle School Nutritionists in the Jeonnam Area (전남지역 초등학교와 중학교 영양(교)사의 식품알레르기 관련 업무에 관한 인식 및 수행도)

  • Kim, Young-Mi;Heo, Young-Ran;Ro, Hee-Kyong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.151-161
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    • 2014
  • As concerns have been raised about the increasing number of children with food allergies, the management of food allergies through the consideration of school meals is an emerging issue. This study investigated the perception and practices regarding food allergy of elementary and middle school nutrition teachers in the Jeonnam area. A total of 236 nutritionists/nutrition teachers participated in the survey and completed questionnaires. The foods most reported to cause allergic reactions were peach, eggs, peanuts, shrimps, mackerel, and milk. Participants reported that the major tasks to be completed for management of food allergies: the estimated number of students with food allergies, the offering of allergy-free or alternative foods and informing families of foods that may cause an allergic reaction. A majority of the participants (94%) recognized that the nutrition teacher has the primary role in managing students with food allergies in school. To manage these students, nutrition teachers mostly reported informing of allergic foods/ingredients in the school menu and the estimation of students with food allergy. The percentage of participants who experienced education programs on food allergies was 16.9%, whereas 97% of participants answered that a good professional education regarding allergies for nutrition teachers is required. The knowledge level evaluated with objective questions was significantly higher than the self-estimated knowledge level. In conclusion, nutrition teachers understood the tasks regarding food allergy thoroughly and that, the tasks are relatively under-practiced. To improve the management of food allergies in school meals, professional education programs regarding food allergies should be provided for nutrition teachers.

Analysis of the Experiences and Perceptions of Teachers Participating in the Development of Content-Based Online Science Class Videos, and the Characteristics of the Developed Class Content (콘텐츠 활용형 온라인 과학 수업 동영상 개발에 참여한 교사들의 경험과 인식, 개발된 수업 콘텐츠의 특징 분석)

  • Shin, Jung Yun;Park, Sang Hee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.595-609
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the experiences of teachers who participated in the development of online science class videos in the context of covid-19, their perception of online science class, and the characteristics of the online science class content developed by teachers. A survey and interviews were conducted with ten elementary school teachers who made online science class videos themselves. Also the characteristics of the online science class were investigated by analyzing the online science class video produced by the participants. As a result, participants in the study recognized the lack of production time, difficulty in filming and editing, concerns over misconceptions, the problem of solving copyrights for existing materials, and the burden of external disclosure. Although it was a teacher who had experience producing online science class video contents, no research participants actively answered the merits of online science class. On the other hand, the study participants cited that the shortcomings of online science classes were that students had fewer opportunities for inquiry and lack of communication or interaction. In particular, these shortcomings were thought to have a great influence on the quality of online science classes, especially in making inquiry classes difficult. Some teachers took a negative view that online science classes could not completely replace face-to-face classes. However, if multiple teachers are presented with supplementary teaching activities that complement the content-based online teaching method, the method of combining online science classes and face-to-face classes is not. Through the analysis of the contents of the online science class, the introduction and arrangement steps of the online science class were similar to the process of the face-to-face science class, but the inquiry step and the conceptual explanation step showed a big difference from the face-to-face science class.

How do Elementary School Students Perceive Science Classroom? : Developing a Framework for Cultural Analysis of Science Classroom (초등학생들이 생각하는 과학수업의 특징: 과학수업 문화 분석틀 개발을 위한 기초 연구)

  • Park, Joonhyeong;Na, Jiyeon;Joung, Yong Jae;Song, Jinwoong
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.499-508
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    • 2015
  • The purposes of this study are to investigate elementary students' perception of science classroom through an analysis of students' answer to an open-ended question and to suggest a framework for the analysis of science classroom culture, as the first step to develop an analysis tool for qualitative exploration of science classroom culture. We analyzed 571 responses and developed an analysis framework with six categories (i.e. major factors; power structure of a classroom community; focused domains of the science classroom; student concerns; atmosphere of science classroom; participation form). The details of the six categories can be summarized as follows: (1) major factors were revealed to be practical work, fun, teacher, community and others; (2) the power structure of classroom community was in the order of peer students, teacher, and individual student himself/herself; (3) the focused domains of the science classroom perceived by students were more about affective and behavioral domains than cognitive one; (4) major student concerns were teachers' teaching, having practical work, and the understanding of and the sharing of knowledge and opinions (5) science classroom atmosphere was noisy and pranky but fun and interesting; (6) the students participation forms were to be total participation or voluntary participation or cooperative practice. Through this study, not only suggesting the framework, but we could also get implications for the cultural aspects of science classroom based on the results of data analysis in this study.

Review on Inclusion of Young Children with Severe Disabilities and Implications for Effective Inclusion in Early Childhood Education (유아교육현장에서의 중도장애유아 통합교육 실천을 위한 이론적 고찰 및 시사점 모색)

  • Lee, Misuk;Han, Min Kyung;Ryu, Jung Suk
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.5-26
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of the study was to review the literature with the following three themes : 1) the necessity and benefits of inclusion for young children with severe disabilities, 2) the solutions to overcome the concerns for the inclusion of young children with severe disabilities, and 3) the implication for the inclusion of young children with disabilities in Korea. The results of the study indicated that it was necessary to support pre-service and in-service early childhood education teachers to be professional educators who can create the most effective inclusive educational environments. As well, the results showed that teachers, parents, and relevant professionals need to use various strategies to activate inclusive education for young children with severe disabilities. Based on the review, the study provided the instructional strategies and educational implications for the effective inclusion of young children with severe disabilities.