• Title/Summary/Keyword: teacher-student relation

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Secondary School Students' Science Anxiety in Relation to Their Science Teachers' Teaching Styles in Korea (중등학교 과학 교사의 교수유형에 따른 학생들의 과학 불안도)

  • Kim, Youngshin;Seo, Yoo-Sun;Lim, Soo-Min;Lee, Hyonyong;Yoon, Heojeong
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.367-373
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to survey secondary school science teachers' teaching styles and to recognize students' science anxiety about science teachers' different teaching styles. One hundred seventy-four science teachers and 2,122 students participated. The teaching style questionnaire and the science anxiety measurement scale (SAMS) with teaching style were administered to teachers and students, respectively. Teaching styles were analyzed in terms of teacher's individual variables, such as gender and school level. The science anxiety related to each teaching style was analyzed and compared in terms of students' gender and school level. The results were as follows. First, the secondary school science teachers were classified into four types based on their teaching styles: expert, provider, facilitator and enabler. Most teachers fell under the expert style category and the least under enabler style. This indicated that numerous science teachers in secondary school employ a teacher-directed style rather than a student-centered style in class. Second, students felt the highest science anxiety with experts and the lowest science anxiety with enablers. The students' science anxiety showed statistically significant differences with different teaching styles (p<.05). Even though female students felt higher science anxiety than male students towards all four teaching styles, no statistically significant gender differences were found. Middle school students were more influenced by teaching style than high school students. Some suggestions were made for teachers to reduce students' science anxiety in classes based on results.

Difference on Identification of Gifted Students by Level of Perception of Teacher's Professionalism in Gifted Education (영재관찰추천 과정에서 담임교사의 영재교육전문성 인식 수준에 따른 영재판별의 차이)

  • Ko, Min-Seok;Park, Byoung-Tai
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.427-447
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    • 2011
  • This research looked into the recognitions of a teacher's discernment & recommendations of gifted elementary students targeting 184 elementary school teachers in Seoul district and compared and contrasted their awareness in order to confirm whether there existed a difference in the discernment of gifted elementary students according to their awareness level of professionalism in gifted and talented education. The research results are as follows: There appeared a significant difference in teachers' recognitions level of professionalism in gifted education according to their experience relevant to a gifted elementary student. The teachers, in the process of observations & nominations of gifted elementary students, pointed out creativity, learning motive and attitude as the highest judging standard and also regard such elements as discerning criteria of gifted students. In the process of observations & nominations of gifted elementary students, it was found that teachers' recognitions of importance of discerning criteria of gifted elementary students in relation to parents or fellow teachers' recommendations appeared relatively lower than their recognitions of importance in relation to learning ability, creativity, learning motive and attitude. The research results showed that a group of teachers, who have a high recognitions level of the professionalism in gifted education in the process of observations & nominations of gifted students, perceive the realm of creativity, learning motive, and attitude as more important. This suggests the necessity of elevating teachers' awareness level of professionalism in gifted and talented education in order to discern high-quality gifted students in the process observations & nominations of gifted elementary students putting emphasis on the realm of creativity, learning motive, and attitude.

A Study on the Development of Computer Assisted Instruction for the High School Mathematics Education (고등학교 수학과 교육을 위한 CAI 프로그램 개발 연구 - 정적분을 중심으로 -)

  • 이덕호;김왕식
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.55-66
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    • 1999
  • In mathematics education, teaching-learning activity can be divided largely into the understanding the mathematical concepts, derivation of principles and laws acquirement of the mathematical abilities. We utilize various media, teaching tools, audio-visual materials, manufacturing materials for understanding mathematical concepts. But sometimes we cannot define or explain correctly the concepts as well as the derivation of principles and laws by these materials. In order to solve the problem we can use the computer. In this paper, ′the process of the length of curve being equal to the sum of the vectors when intervals get smaller′ and ′the process of calculating volume of spinning curve by using definite integral.′ Using the computers is more visible than other educational instruments like blackboards, O.H.Ps., etc. Also it can help students with solving mathematical problems intuitively. Consequently more effective teaching-learning activity can be done. Usage of computers is the best method for improving the mathematical abilities because computers have functions of the immediate reaction, operation, reference and deduction. One of the important characters of mathematics is accuracy, so we use computers for improving mathematical abilities. This paper is about the program focused on the part of "the application of definite integral", which exists in mathematical curriculum the second and third grade of high school. When this study is used for students as assisting materials, it is expected the following educational effect. 1. Students will have precise concepts because they can understand what they learn intuitively. 2. Students will have positive thought by arousing interests of learning because this program is composed of pictures, animations with effectiveness of sound. 3. It is possible to change the teacher-centered instruction into the student-centered instruction. 4. Students will understand the relation between velocity and distance correctly because they can see the process of getting the length of curve by vector through the monitor. For the purpose of increasing the efficiencies and qualities of mathematics education, we have to seek the various learning-teaching methods. But considering that no computer can replace the teacher′s role, teachers have to use the CIA program carefully.

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Analysis of Elementary and Secondary School Teachers' Recognition about Engineering Education in Elementary and Secondary School (초.중등학교 교사의 초.중등 공학교육에 대한 인식 분석)

  • Kim, Young Min;Huh, Hye Yeon;Lee, Chang Hoon;Kim, Ki Soo
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze elementary and secondary school teachers' recognition about engineering education in elementary and secondary school. For this, we surveyed elementary and secondary school teachers. The result of this study is as follow. First, most teachers perceived that engineering positively affect national competitiveness and development. They also found that engineering education helps student to select natural science and engineering field career. Moreover, they perceived that engineering contents are not applied in elementary and secondary schools curriculums, hence it does not stimulate interest in engineering. Therefore, they perceived that if engineering education contents are systematically applied in formal curriculum, it will have a positive effect on current engineering education. Second, most teachers perceived that roles of engineering education are to make students learn creative design and problem solving process and inform about the engineering field career. They perceived that the best grade to start engineering education is 4~6 grade in elementary school and the best way to apply engineering education is through distributing engineering education contents to related subjects. They also perceived that technology subject has the most relation to engineering education and science subjects; mathematics subject follow after.

Analysis on Discussion about 'Condition of Triangle-Determining' (삼각형의 결정조건'에 대한 논의의 분석)

  • Yong Park, Sun;il Kwon, Seok
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.435-447
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    • 2004
  • There are divergent opinions about condition of triangle-determining. The purpose of this study was to compare those opinions and to identify cause of this phenomena. As a result of our study, we got to find out significant characteristics of proposition related to condition of triangle-determining. These aspects shows what cause of that phenomena is. First, that proposition is used as a theortical tool, not as a practical one. Second, that proposition presupposes that a triangle exists. Third, that proposition is connected with minimality and generality. However, our analysis is for teacher, not for student. Thus, we suggest a guiding principle as well as a guiding method in relation to teaching of that proposition.

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Relation between Internet Game Addiction in Elementary School Students and Student's Perception of Parent-Child Attachment (초등학생의 인터넷 게임중독과 아동이 지각한 부모-자녀 애착과의 관계)

  • Kim, Young-Hae;Son, Hyun-Mi;Yang, Young-Ok;Cho, Young-Ran;Lee, Nae-Young
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.383-389
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: In this study, the Internet game addiction level was assessed, and parent-child attachment level associated with the addiction was analyzed. Method: From December 5 to 23, 2005, self-reported questionnaire data were collected from 990 Busan City elementary school students of the 5th and 6th grades. The questionnaire consisted of questions about their characteristic features in playing Internet games based on the K-scale developed by KADO. The data were analyzed using the SPSS WIN 10.0 program. Frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, and standard deviation, $X^2$-test, ANOVA analysis and Scheffe test were used to analyze the data. Results: 1. With regard to the level of Internet game addiction, 71.2% of the students responded that they were general users, and 6.3%, at high risk for addiction. Mean scores were 103.3 for the high-risk group, 77.7 for the potential risk group, and 55.86 for the general user group. The total mean was 63.74. 2. Mean scores for parent-child attachment levels were 97.1 and 99.6 for father and mother, respectively. Conclusion: These results suggest that a collaborative program to educate and counsel parents to increase the parent-child attachment level needs to be established in protection and recovery programs for Internet game addiction.

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Design and Implementation of Web-Based Humanity Education System (웹기반 인성교육 시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • Choi, Soo-Kyong;Jun, Woo-Chun
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.163-178
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    • 2002
  • WBI as new instructional method is known to be superior to the traditional face-to-face education method with regard to cost, time and effectiveness of learning. However, WBI lacks the humanity education that teaches human nature such as cooperative spirit or morality, since WBI delivers the knowledge in a mechanical way. The objective of this study is to design and implement Web-based humanity education system that supplements WBI. The system is designed to promote the intimate relation, reliability, and openness between teacher and student. Also, this system encourages the students to experience an affirmative human relation through group activities. In additions, this system promotes parents to join together for improving their understanding of children's learning process.

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A Comparative Study of Stress Level of Therapeutic Education Teachers According to Their Responsibilities in Special School Setting (장애영역별 특수학교 요육실기교사의 스트레스 비교 연구)

  • Chung Tae-Hoon
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.69-78
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    • 1992
  • The purpose of this survey is to grasp the special school therapeutic education teachers, stress degrees in the real educational fields, and to campare the different stress degrees by the teaching responsibilities, by set by age, by the careers of special teaching profession, by his or her assiduity by the academic careers and teacher qualification, and by the reasons of stress. To perform this survey, the writer analyzed the answer sheets of the questionnairs returned by 85 special school therapeutic education teachers all over the country. The results of the analysis are as follows: First, the mean value of stress by the whole teachers was shown as endurable, and there was no difference among stress towels by the teaching responsibilities. As for the ratio of teachers confronted with the dangerous level of stress. the teachers taking charge of feebleminded school teachers the highest ratio, and those charging of deaf & dumb school teachers, the lowest. Second, the comparison by age didn't result in any difference, but in the relation of age to the handicap division there appeared meaningful differences. That is in the case of the therapeutic education theachers charging of crippled school, it revealed that the older they were, the more stress they suffered. In the case of the teachers charging of visually deaf & dumb school the tendency was opposite. The comparison by the special teaching profession careers, there showed no difference in the stress degree. The high or low academic careers didn't make any influence on the therapeutic education teachers stress degree. Third, The revealed on the highest stress degress, because reasons of relation the student's parents with students behavior.

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Study on Bullying among Primary School Students (초등학생들의 집단따돌림에 관한 연구)

  • Jung Eun-Soon;Kim Yi-Soon;Lee Hwa-Za;Kim Young-Hae;Song Mi-Gyoung
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.422-434
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    • 2002
  • This study was conducted with 512 students in 4 primary schools located at the inner and the outskirt of K city, Northern Kyungsang Province from November 6, 2001 to November 27, 2001(during 3 weeks). This study was a research about the difference of a bullying degree and tendency of both teasing and teased students. The purpose of the study was to help nursing teachers in charge of student consultation and treatment. The findings are as follows: First, for to whom students confess their worries, students in lower grade talked to their parents while students in higher grade talked to their close friends. The higher grader, the higher rate in solving their problems by themselves. For how many students are teased by their peers in groups, 52.0% students answered 1 or 2 students in a class. For the reasons of bully, 37.0% higher graders answered, very selfish and putting on airs after 29.6% lower graders answered, ugly and bad at speaking. Second, for perception of peer relation, 81.3% students participating in the study answered, very important. For a question whether students satisfy present relation with their friends by gender, 53.7% boys were satisfied while 34.6% girls were satisfied. Third, for difference in bullying by gender, boys mainly teased others by using words and physical power(p<0.000) while girls estranged others. When it goes to teased students, it was the case: boys were bullied physically(p<0.000) and linguistically while girls were hurt by estrangement. Having nothing direct to do with school achievement, nursing teacher should make good use of such an advantage that students tend to easily confess their worries to them and take care of psychological aspects of students in treatment. Furthermore, it needs to include contents of bully in the regular heath care education.

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A Study on School Library Media Center as an infrastructure of lifelong learning in society (평생학습사회의 기반구축과 학교도서관매체 센터에 관한 연구)

  • Yoo So-young
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.127-148
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this study is to assert the fact that School Library Media Center(SLMC) is the most important body which influences the whole process of loaming in school and at the same time it functions as a very essential infrastructure of acquiring loaming in the society. The writer analysed the studies on learning outcomes across a range of educational conditions and settings. She found that loaming outcomes are influenced positively by the educational conditions and settings that accomodate the student diversity and individualization, and loaming materials for their individual needs. It means that the outcomes of effective teaming are influenced by using teaming materials of individual student guided by teachers and teacher librarians. In case, school education furnishes desirable programs of SLMC and use it properly, students canhave enough experiences what and how they learn by using library materials during their school days. As school days are in their early days of their lifetime, they are easy to carry their way of loaming with them even after they finish school. The members of society who are accustomed to use library materials during their school days will have loaming needs for their better life. The writer wants to call it the loaming needs of society that school produces. A teaming society is composed of two factors One is the loaming needs of the people and the other is the environment to meet them. SLMC produces loaming needs, and it meets to the needs of student learning. Consequently it can be said SLMC is the infrastructure for loaming society. The author pointed out that the Educational Reformation Draft of current Government does not mention about learning materials prerequisite to enhance student loaming outcomes, especially in relation to their creativity. She concluded educators of every level of school including government officials in charge of education have to think and do something about reformation of School Library Media Center for the fulfillment of the goal of Korean Educational Reformation Draft announced by the Educational Reformation Committee Draft announced by the Educational Reformation Committee May 31, 1995.

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