• Title/Summary/Keyword: teacher concept

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An Analysis of the Association between Subject Matter Knowledge and Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Science Teachers: The Case of Earth Science Teachers' Lesson on Atmospheric Pressure (과학 교사의 교과내용학지식과 교과교육학지식의 연관성 분석: 지구과학 교사의 대기압 수업 사례)

  • Lee, Ki-Young
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.1219-1236
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between subject matter knowledge (SMK) and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) for science teachers. To this end, a total of 26 secondary Earth science teachers participated in this study and a concept diagnostic questionnaire and a lesson planning task of atmospheric pressure were devised to give an indication of participating teachers' SMK and PCK, respectively. The results of this study are summarized as follows: First, participating teachers showed a variety of SMK levels about atmospheric pressure. Second, teachers at high level of SMK focused on 'supplementary' and 'fundamental' curriculum contents for in-depth conceptual understanding, but teachers at low level of SMK, on the contrary, stressed 'applicative' curriculum contents. Third, teachers at high level of SMK grasped students' misconceptions and difficulties in learning atmospheric pressure far more concretely than teachers at low level of SMK. Lastly, teachers at high level of SMK showed a tendency to use learner-centered instructional strategy by utilizing students' prior knowledge, but teachers at low level of SMK were inclined toward teacher-directed concept explanation. Based on this study, some implications for effective science teacher preparation programs were also discussed.

Formation of a Professional Communication Culture Among the Students Using Information Technologies

  • Vakulyk, Iryna;Koval, Valentyna;Lukiianchuk, Inna;Romanenko, Nataliia;Grygorenko, Tetyana;Balalaieva, Olena;Oros, Ildiko
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.9
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    • pp.75-82
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    • 2022
  • Analyzing the psychological and pedagogical literature, we found the researchers' interest in the problem posed. The concept of "culture of professional communication» is considered, which is interpreted as the level of realization of creative abilities, exchange of messages, organization of mutual understanding, mutual knowledge in the process of professionally directed interaction between subjects, in which interpersonal relationships arise, manifest and form. The concept of "professional culture of communication of a teacher" is interpreted. The motives that are socially significant in the professional communication of the teacher are highlighted. The necessity of forming a culture of professional communication among students, in particular by means of information technologies in the present, is clarified. The interactive component of professional communication is considered. The types of interactions between people in everyday life (ritual and entertainment interaction, joint purposeful activity, no interaction, game and interpersonal interaction) are identified. Traditional and specific forms and methods of teaching are written out. All interactive technologies carried out by means of information technologies are conventionally divided into four groups, depending on the form of educational activity appropriate for their use (pair (work of the subject with the teacher or peers one on one by means of Information Technologies); frontal (the teacher simultaneously teaches a group of subjects by means of Information Technologies); group or cooperative (all subjects teach each other by means of Information Technologies); individual (independent work of the subject using Information Technologies)). In the higher education institution, future specialists should learn knowledge, acquire skills on the basic rules of the culture of professional communication and methods of interaction and their effective use, which is possible with the use of Information Technologies. Recommendations for optimal professional communication have been developed that help you express your thoughts easily and beautifully, and conduct a dialogue in a relaxed and harmonious way.

The Values of the Qualification System for Cultural Artistic Education Teachers and its Development Plan (문화예술교육사 자격제도의 가치와 발전방안)

  • Kwon, Young-Lim;Cha, Su-Jung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.7
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    • pp.601-617
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    • 2015
  • This research has the meaning to be the basic help for the study of the qualification system for cultural artistic education teachers, and it is to recognize the importance of the qualification system for cultural artistic education teachers which has been developed from the teachers' pool system to the present cultural artistic education teacher system and to find the more systematic development plan. Thus, focusing on the advanced researches and materials regarding the cultural artistic education teachers, this research is to discover the economical, social and educational values and the plan to solve the present problems. And as a result of this research, it suggests the development plans for curriculums and training course, qualification and employment, field experiences, working conditions and treatment of the cultural artistic education teachers.

A Case Study on the Pattern of Teachers' Analogies in Elementary Science Glasses (과학 수업에서 초등 교사가 사용하는 비유 유형에 대한 사례 연구)

  • Ko, Sung-Ja;Choi, Sun-Young;Yeo, Sang-Ihn
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.276-285
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to observe five teachers' science classes and analyze the patterns of their analogies. To analyze the data, investigator triangulation was used, and the results were as follows: First, among the patterns of analogy used, expressions of similes and metaphors were utilized by all the teachers; teachers with over ten years' experience used adult's daily phrases, and teachers with under ten years' experience tended to use anthropomorphism. Regarding pictorial analogies, these manifested themselves in the sixth period, while teachers with over ten years' experience drew a simple picture about circulation of water, teachers with under one year's experience made additional materials for their analogy and they put an emphasis on the concept of the circulation itself. Teachers tended to use analogs according to their interests; teachers who majored in science education used pictorial analogies for further study. Second, the patterns emerging from the correspondence of the analogy manifested themselves in all the teachers equally, but they have no relation to the teacher's background. Third, routine analogy and artificial analogy appeared equally in consideration of degree of artificiality among the patterns of the analogies used. Regarding routine analogy, most teachers tended to look for analogs from things and experiences from themselves or their own backgrounds rather than those of the students. Regarding artificial analogies, teachers tended to purposely choose analogs to help students to understand; energetic teachers sometimes failed to choose appropriate analogs because they approached the topic with too much intensity. While a teacher who lacked experience and interest in science used many expressions of analogy, a teacher who felt some degree of constraint rarely used expressions of analogy. Fourth, most of the teachers used analogs familiar to their own experiences but students often found understanding these analogs difficult. Therefore, teachers need to make greater efforts to utilize analogs which are especially familiar to students when they attempt to explain science concepts.

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The Perspectives of Pre-service Elementary Teachers on Science Education of Future (미래 과학교육에 대한 예비 초등 교사들의 인식)

  • Na, Jiyeon;Jang, Byung-Ghi
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.85-94
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the perspectives of pre-service elementary teachers on science education of future by using Draw-A-Science-Teacher-Test Checklist and open-ended questionnaire. The subjects of this study were 136 pre-service elementary teachers. The results of the research are as follows. The pre-service teachers thought that the physical environment reflecting the latest science and technology for science education will be developed in the future. However, few respondents indicated that student-centered equipment or a free and creative classroom environment would be provided. Second, they predicted that there would be changes in teacher's activities due to the introduction of advanced facilities and equipment, but most of the other teachers' activities were thought to be similar to those of current teachers. Third, the pre-service elementary teachers thought that a variety of new technologies would be used in science education and science teachers would mainly teach high-technology, IT technology, science knowledge, and newly discovered science concepts. In addition, we found that pre-service elementary teachers' images were more 'teacher-centered' than 'student-centered'. These results show that pre-service elementary teachers are expected to utilize the latest science and technology actively in science education in 2030 and that it will lead to changes in the physical environment, teachers' activities, education contents, and teaching and learning methods. In addition, they viewed acquisition of science concept as an important goal of science education in the future and had different points of view from the current science education curriculum and scholars' emphasis on educational research for the future.

An Analysis of Novice Teachers' Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Elementary Mathematics Teaching (초등학교 수학 수업에 나타난 초임교사의 교수학적 내용 지식 분석)

  • Kim, Yu-Kyung;Pang, Jeong-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.27-51
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    • 2012
  • This paper analyzed the pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) presented in three novice teachers' mathematics instruction. PCK was analyzed in terms of the knowledge of mathematics content, the knowledge of students' understanding, and the knowledge of teaching methods. Teacher A executed a concept-oriented instruction with manipulative materials because she had difficulties in learning mathematics during her childhood. Teacher B attempted to implement an inquiry-centered instruction in the lesson of looking for the area of a trapezoid. Teacher C focused on the real-life connection to mathematics instruction. There were substantial differences among the teachers' PCK revealed in mathematics teaching, depending on their instructional goals. The detailed analyses of three teachers' teaching in terms of their PCK will give rise to the issues and suggestions of professional development for beginning elementary school teachers in mathematics teaching.

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The Effects of 'Solar System and Star' Using Storytelling on Science Concept and Science Learning Motivation (스토리텔링을 활용한 '태양계와 별' 단원 수업이 과학개념 및 과학학습 동기에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim, Yoonkyung;Lee, Yongseob
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.97-105
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of storytelling skill on science concept and science learning motivation. For this study the 5 grade, 2 class was divided into a research group and a comparative group. The class was pre-tested in order to ensure the same standard. The research group had the science class with storytelling skill, and the comparative group had the class of the teacher centered lectures on 11 classes in 8 weeks. The storytelling skill was focused on set the astronomical target wants to set up a story, through the small group discussion, present subject of the story, set the protagonist of the story for smooth configuration of the story, in order to smooth the flow of the story, make up a story around a hero, to make a clear story, decorated with pictures, shapes, graphs, etc, group story, complete with an astronomical(saints) in storytelling. To prove the effects of this study, science concept was split up according to knowledge, inquiry, attitude. Also, science learning motivation consisted of assignment is worth, learning beliefs about control, self efficacy. The results of this study are as follows. First, using storytelling skill was effective in science concept. Second, using storytelling skill was effective in science learning motivation. Also, after using storytelling skill was good reaction by students. As a result, the elementary science class with storytelling skill had the effects of developing science concept and science learning motivation. It means the science class with storytelling skill has potential possibilities and value to develop science concept and science learning motivation.

연산자로서의 유리수 체계의 구성에 관한 연구

  • Chung, Young-Woo;Kim, Boo-Yoon
    • East Asian mathematical journal
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.135-158
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    • 2012
  • The ideals of the rings of integers are used to induce rational number system as operators(=group homomorphisms). We modify this inducing method to be effective in teaching rational numbers in secondary school. Indeed, this modification provides a nice model for explaining the equality property to define addition and multiplication of rational numbers. Also this will give some explicit ideas for students to understand the concept of 'field' efficiently comparing with the integer number system.


  • SADY, F.
    • Honam Mathematical Journal
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.79-88
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    • 1998
  • In this paper we define the concept of $Fr{\acute{e}}chet$ function algebras on hemicompact spaces. So we show that under certain condition they can be represented as a projective limit of Banach function algebras. Then the class of $Fr{\acute{e}}chet$ Lipschitz algebras on hemicompact metric spaces are defined and their relations with the class of lipschitz algebras on compact metric spaces are studied.

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