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The Perspectives of Pre-service Elementary Teachers on Science Education of Future  

Na, Jiyeon (Chuncheon National University of Education)
Jang, Byung-Ghi (Chuncheon National University of Education)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education / v.36, no.1, 2017 , pp. 85-94 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study was to investigate the perspectives of pre-service elementary teachers on science education of future by using Draw-A-Science-Teacher-Test Checklist and open-ended questionnaire. The subjects of this study were 136 pre-service elementary teachers. The results of the research are as follows. The pre-service teachers thought that the physical environment reflecting the latest science and technology for science education will be developed in the future. However, few respondents indicated that student-centered equipment or a free and creative classroom environment would be provided. Second, they predicted that there would be changes in teacher's activities due to the introduction of advanced facilities and equipment, but most of the other teachers' activities were thought to be similar to those of current teachers. Third, the pre-service elementary teachers thought that a variety of new technologies would be used in science education and science teachers would mainly teach high-technology, IT technology, science knowledge, and newly discovered science concepts. In addition, we found that pre-service elementary teachers' images were more 'teacher-centered' than 'student-centered'. These results show that pre-service elementary teachers are expected to utilize the latest science and technology actively in science education in 2030 and that it will lead to changes in the physical environment, teachers' activities, education contents, and teaching and learning methods. In addition, they viewed acquisition of science concept as an important goal of science education in the future and had different points of view from the current science education curriculum and scholars' emphasis on educational research for the future.
science education of future; pre-service elementary teacher; DASTT-C;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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