• Title/Summary/Keyword: system geometry

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Development and Evaluation of Quality Assurance Worksheet for the Radiation Treatment Planning System (방사선치료계획 시스템의 정도관리 절차서 개발 및 유용성 평가)

  • Cho Kwang Hwan;Choi Jinho;Shin Dong Oh;Kwon Soo Il;Choi Doo Ho;Kim Yong Ho;Lee Sang Hoon
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.186-191
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    • 2004
  • The periodic Quality Assurance (QA) of each radiation treatment related equipments is important one, but quality assurance of the radiation treatment planning system (RTPS) is still not sufficient rather than other related equipments in clinics. Therefore, this study will present and test the periodic QA program to compare, evaluation the efficiency of the treatment planning systems. This QA program is divided to terms for the input, output devices and dosimetric data and categorized to the weekly, monthly, yearly and non-periodically with respect to the job time, frequency of error, priority of importance. CT images of the water equivalent solid phantom with a heterogeneity condition are input into the RTPS to proceed the test. The actual measurement data are obtained by using the ion chamber for the 6 MV, 10 MV photon beam, then compared a calculation data with a measurement data to evaluate the accuracy of the RTPS. Most of results for the accuracy of geometry and beam data are agreed within the error criteria which is recommended from the various advanced country and related societies. This result can be applied to the periodic QA program to improve the treatment outcome as a proper model in Korea and used to evaluate the accuracy of the RTPS.

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Omnidirectional Environmental Projection Mapping with Single Projector and Single Spherical Mirror (단일 프로젝터와 구형 거울을 활용한 전 방향프로젝션 시스템)

  • Kim, Bumki;Lee, Jungjin;Kim, Younghui;Jeong, Seunghwa;Noh, Junyong
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2015
  • Researchers have developed virtual reality environments to provide audience with more visually immersive experiences than previously possible. One of the most popular solutions to build the immersive VR space is a multi-projection technique. However, utilization of multiple projectors requires large spaces, expensive cost, and accurate geometry calibration among projectors. This paper presents a novel omnidirectional projection system with a single projector and a single spherical mirror.We newly designed the simple and intuitive calibration system to define the shape of environment and the relative position of mirror/projector. For successful image projection, our optimized omnidirectional image generation step solves image distortion produced by the spherical mirror and a calibration problem produced by unknown parameters such as the shape of environment and the relative position between the mirror and the projector. Additionally, the focus correction is performed to improve the quality of the projection. The experiment results show that our method can generate the optimized image given a normal panoramic image for omnidirectional projection in a rectangular space.

CdZnTe Detector for Computed Tomography based on Weighting Potential (가중 퍼텐셜에 기초한 CT용 CdZnTe 소자 설계)

  • Lim, Hyunjong;Park, Chansun;Kim, Jungsu;Kim, Jungmin;Choi, Jonghak;Kim, KiHyun
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2016
  • Room-temperature operating CdZnTe(CZT) material is an innovative radiation detector which could reduce the patient dose to one-tenth level of conventional CT (Computed Tomography) and mammography system. The pixel and pixel pitch in the imaging device determine the conversion efficiency of incident X-or gamma-ray and the cross-talk of signal, that is, image quality of detector system. The weighting potential is the virtual potential determined by the position and geometry of electrode. The weighting potential obtained by computer-based simulation in solving Poisson equation with proper boundaries condition. The pixel was optimized by considering the CIE (charge induced efficiency) and the signal cross-talk in CT detector system. The pixel pitch was 1-mm and the detector thickness was 2-mm in the simulation. The optimized pixel size and inter-pixel distance for maximizing the CIE and minimizing the signal cross-talk is about $750{\mu}m$ and $125{\mu}m$, respectively.

Velocity Estimation of Moving Targets by Azimuth Differentials of SAR Images (SAR 영상의 Azimuth 차분을 이용한 움직이는 물체의 속도측정방법)

  • Park, Jeong-Won;Jung, Hyung-Sup;Won, Joong-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.91-98
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    • 2008
  • We present an efficient and robust technique to estimate the velocity of moving targets from a single SAR image. In SAR images, azimuth image shift is a well blown phenomenon, which is observed in moving targets having slant-range velocity. Most methods estimated the velocity of moving targets from the distance difference between the road and moving targets or between ship and the ship wake. However, the methods could not be always applied to moving targets because it is difficult to find the road and the ship wake. We propose a method for estimating the velocity of moving targets from azimuth differentials of range-compressed image. This method is based on a phenomenon that Doppler center frequency shift of moving target causes a phase difference in azimuth differential values. The phase difference is linearly distorted by Doppler rate due to the geometry of SAR image. The linear distortion is eliminated from phase removal procedure, and then the constant phase difference is estimated. Finally, range velocity estimates for moving targets are retrieved from the constant phase difference. This technique was tested using an ENVISAT ASAR image in which several unknown ships are presented. In the case of a isolated target, the result was nearly coincident with the result from conventional method. However, in the case of a target which is located near non-target material, the difference of the result between from our algorithm and from conventional method was more than 1m/s.

Optimum Geometry of Glass Lined HOMEBASE Impeller for Gas-Liquid System of Low Viscosity Liquid (저점도 액 통기 교반용 글라스라이닝 홈베이스 임펠러의 최적 형상)

  • Koh, Seung-Tae
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.59 no.4
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    • pp.542-547
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    • 2021
  • Glass lined impellers are corrosion resistant to most chemicals, including strong acids, and also have a smooth, non-stick surface, easy to clean and free from impurities in the process. Glass lined home base impeller is a multi-purpose impeller designed to stir a wide viscosity range of liquids from low viscosity fluids to high viscosity fluids, among others, cell culture, yeast culture, and beer fermentation pots, especially used for air-water system breathable stirring. The glass lining for HB impellers, which are simple in structure and competitive in performance, is essential to have upper and lower division in order to make the joint area between the impeller and shaft as small as possible. The upper and lower division of the impeller hardly affects the mixing performance, but the aeration performance. In this study, in order to optimize the shape of the Glass Lining HB impeller, a study was conducted on the effect of the angle between the upper and lower impellers, the clearance between the impellers, and the number of baffles on the aeration power. The optimal shape and baffle plate conditions for the Glass lined HB impeller were derived through the study results that the angle and the clearance between the upper and lower impellers decreased the ration of the power consumption with aeration Pg and that without aeration P0, Pg/P0.

Structural Stability Analysis of Medical Waste Sterilization Shredder (의료폐기물 멸균분쇄용 파쇄기의 구조적 안정성 분석)

  • Azad, Muhammad Muzammil;Kim, Dohoon;Khalid, Salman;Kim, Heung Soo
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.409-415
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    • 2021
  • Medical waste management is becoming increasingly important, specifically in light of the current COVID-19 pandemic, as hospitals, clinics, quarantine centers, and medical research institutes are generating tons of medical waste every day. Previously, a traditional incineration process was utilized for managing medical waste, but the lack of landfill sites, and accompanying environmental concerns endanger public health. Consequently, an innovative sterilization shredding system was developed to resolve this problem. In this research, we focused on the design and numerical analysis of a shredding system for hazardous and infectious medical waste, to establish its operational performance. The shredding machine's components were modeled in a CAD application, and finite element analysis (FEA) was conducted using ABAQUS software. Static, fatigue, and dynamic loading conditions were used to analyze the structural stability of the cutting blade. The blade geometry proved to be effective based on the cutting force applied to shred medical waste. The dynamic stability of the structure was verified using modal analysis. Furthermore, an S-N curve was generated using a high cycle fatigue study, to predict the expected life of the cutting blade. Resultantly, an appropriate shredder system was devised to link with a sterilization unit, which could be beneficial in reducing the volume of medical waste and disposal time, thereof, thus eliminating environmental issues, and potential health hazards.

Application of Back Analysis Technique Based on Direct Search Method to Estimate Tension of Suspension Bridge Hanger Cable (현수교 행어케이블의 장력 추정을 위한 직접탐색법 기반의 역해석 기법의 적용 )

  • Jin-Soo Kim;Jae-Bong Park;Kwang-Rim Park;Dong-Uk Park;Sung-Wan Kim
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.120-129
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    • 2023
  • Hanger cable tension is a major response that can determine the integrity and safety of suspension bridges. In general, the vibration method is used to estimate hanger cable tension on operational suspension bridges. It measures natural frequencies from hanger cables and indirectly estimates tension using the geometry conditions of the hanger cables. This study estimated the hanger cable tension of the Palyeong Bridge using a vision-based system. The vision-based system used digital camcorders and tripods considering the convenience and economic efficiency of measurement. Measuring the natural frequencies for high-order modes required for the vibration method is difficult because the hanger cable response measured using the vision-based system is displacement-based. Therefore, this study proposed a back analysis technique for estimating tension using the natural frequencies of low-order modes. Optimization for the back analysis technique was performed by defining the difference between the natural frequencies of hanger cables measured in the field and those calculated using finite element analysis as the objective function. The direct search method that does not require the partial derivatives of the objective function was applied as the optimization method. The reliability and accuracy of the back analysis technique were verified by comparing the tension calculated using the method with that estimated using the vibration method. Tension was accurately estimated using the natural frequencies of low-order modes by applying the back analysis technique.

Structural Geometry, Kinematics and Microstructures of the Imjingang Belt in the Munsan Area, Korea (임진강대 문산지역의 구조기하, 키네마틱스 및 미세구조 연구)

  • Lee, Hyunseo;Jang, Yirang;Kwon, Sanghoon
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.271-283
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    • 2021
  • The Imjingang Belt in the middle-western Korean Peninsula has tectonically been correlated with the Permo-Triassic Qinling-Dabie-Sulu collisional belt between the North and South China cratons in terms of collisional tectonics. Within the belt, crustal-scale extensional ductile shear zones that were interpreted to be formed during collapsing stage with thrusts and folds were reported as evidence of collisional events by previous studies. In this study, we tried to understand the nature of deformation along the southern boundary of the belt in the Munsan area based on the interpretations of recently conducted structural analyses. To figure out the realistic geometry of the study area, the down-plunge projection was carried out based on the geometric relationships between structural elements from the detailed field investigation. We also conducted kinematic interpretations based on the observed shear sense indicators from the outcrops and the oriented thin-sections made from the mylonite samples. The prominent structures of the Munsan area are the regional-scale ENE-WSW striking thrust and the N-S trending map-scale folds, both in its hanging wall and footwall areas. Shear sense indicators suggest both eastward and westward vergence, showing opposite directions on each limb of the map-scale folds in the Munsan area. In addition, observed deformed microstructures from the biotite gneiss and the metasyenite of the Munsan area suggest that their deformation conditions are corresponding to the typical mid-crustal plastic deformation of the quartzofeldspathic metamorphic rocks. These microstructural results combined with the macro-scale structural interpretations suggest that the shear zones preserved in the Munsan area is mostly related to the development of the N-S trending map-scale folds that might be formed by flexural folding rather than the previously reported E-W trending crustal-scale extensional ductile shear zone by Permo-Triassic collision. These detailed examinations of the structures preserved in the Imjingang Belt can further contribute to solving the tectonic enigma of the Korean collisional orogen.

Understanding of the Duplex Thrust System - Application to the Yeongwol Thrust System, Taebaeksan Zone, Okcheon Belt (듀플렉스트러스트시스템의이해 - 옥천대태백산지역영월트러스트시스템에의 적용)

  • Jang, Yirang
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.52 no.5
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    • pp.395-407
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    • 2019
  • The duplex system has been considered as an important slip-transfer mechanism to evaluate the evolution of orogenic belts. Duplexes are generally found in the hinterland portion of fold-thrust belts and accommodate large amounts of total shortening. Thus, understanding its geometric and kinematic evolution can give information to evaluate the evolution of the entire orogenic belt. Duplexes are recognized as closed-loop thrust traces on map view, indicating higher connectivity than imbricate fans. As originally defined, a duplex is an array of thrust horses which are surrounded by thrust faults including the floor and roof thrusts, and imbricate faults between them. Duplexes can accommodate regional layer-parallel shortening and transfer slip from a floor thrust to a roof thrust. However, an imbricate fault is not the only mean for layer-parallel shortening (LPS) and displacement transfer within duplexes. LPS cleavages and detachment folds can also play the same role. From this aspect, a duplex can be divided into three types; 1) fault duplex, 2) cleavage duplex and 3) fold duplex. Fault duplex can further be subdivided into the Boyer-type duplex, which was firstly designed duplex system in the 1980s that widely applied most of the major fold-thrust belts in the world, and connecting splay duplex, which has different time order in the emplacement of horses from those of the Boyer-type. On the contrary, the cleavage and fold duplexes are newly defined types based on some selected examples. In the Korean Peninsula, the Yeongwol area, the western part of the Taebaeksan Zone of the Okcheon Belt, gives an excellent natural laboratory to study the structural geometry and kinematics of the closed-loops by thrust fault traces in terms of a duplex system. In the previous study, the Yeongwol thrust system was interpreted by alternative duplex models; a Boyer-type hinterland-dipping duplex vs. a combination of major imbricate thrusts and their connecting splays. Although the high angled beds and thrusts as well as different stratigraphic packages within the horses of the Yeongwol duplex system may prefer the later complicate model, currently, we cannot choose one simple answer between the models because of the lack of direct field evidence and time information. Therefore, further researches on the structural field investigations and geochronological analyses in the Yeongwol and adjacent areas should be carried out to test the possibility of applying the fold and cleavage duplex models to the Yeongwol thrust system, and it will eventually provide clues to solve the enigma of formation and its evolution of the Okcheon Belt.

Three-Dimensional Limit Equilibrium Stability Analysis of Spile-Reinforced Shallow Tunnel

    • Geotechnical Engineering
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.101-122
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    • 1997
  • A spiting reinforcement system is composed of a series of radially installed reinforcing spites along the perimeter of the tunnel opening ahead of excavation. The reinforcing spill network is extended into the in-situ soil mass both radially and longitudinally The sailing reinforcement system has been successfully used for the construction of underground openings to reinforce weak rock formations on several occasions. The application of this spiting reinforcement system is currently extended to soft ground tunneling in limited occasions because of lack of reliable analysis and design methods. A method of threetimensional limit equilibrium stability analysis of the smile-reinforced shallow tunnel in soft ground is presented. The shape of the potential failure wedge for the case of smile-reinforced shallow tunnel is assumed on the basis of the results of three dimensional finite element analyses. A criterion to differentiate the spill-reinforced shallow tunnel from the smile-reinforced deep tunnel is also formulated, where the tunnel depth, soil type, geometry of the tunnel and reinforcing spites, together with soil arching effects, are considered. To examine the suitability of the proposed method of threedimensional stability analysis in practice, overall stability of the spill-reinforced shallow tunnel at facing is evaluated, and the predicted safety factors are compared with results from twotimensional analyses. Using the proposed method of threetimensional limit equilibrium stability analysis of the smile-reinforced shallow tunnel in soft ground, a parametric study is also made to investigate the effects of various design parameters such as tunnel depth, smile length and wadial spill spacing. With slight modifications the analytical method of threeiimensional stability analysis proposed may also be extended for the analysis and design of steel pipe reinforced multi -step grouting technique frequently used as a supplementary reinforcing method in soft ground tunnel construction.

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