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Structural Stability Analysis of Medical Waste Sterilization Shredder  

Azad, Muhammad Muzammil (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dongguk University)
Kim, Dohoon (Department of Mechanical, Robotics and Energy Engineering, Dongguk University)
Khalid, Salman (Department of Mechanical, Robotics and Energy Engineering, Dongguk University)
Kim, Heung Soo (Department of Mechanical, Robotics and Energy Engineering, Dongguk University)
Publication Information
Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea / v.34, no.6, 2021 , pp. 409-415 More about this Journal
Medical waste management is becoming increasingly important, specifically in light of the current COVID-19 pandemic, as hospitals, clinics, quarantine centers, and medical research institutes are generating tons of medical waste every day. Previously, a traditional incineration process was utilized for managing medical waste, but the lack of landfill sites, and accompanying environmental concerns endanger public health. Consequently, an innovative sterilization shredding system was developed to resolve this problem. In this research, we focused on the design and numerical analysis of a shredding system for hazardous and infectious medical waste, to establish its operational performance. The shredding machine's components were modeled in a CAD application, and finite element analysis (FEA) was conducted using ABAQUS software. Static, fatigue, and dynamic loading conditions were used to analyze the structural stability of the cutting blade. The blade geometry proved to be effective based on the cutting force applied to shred medical waste. The dynamic stability of the structure was verified using modal analysis. Furthermore, an S-N curve was generated using a high cycle fatigue study, to predict the expected life of the cutting blade. Resultantly, an appropriate shredder system was devised to link with a sterilization unit, which could be beneficial in reducing the volume of medical waste and disposal time, thereof, thus eliminating environmental issues, and potential health hazards.
shredder machine; finite element analysis; static analysis; fatigue analysis; dynamic analysis; medical waste sterilization;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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