• Title/Summary/Keyword: sweet pepper

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Development and Validation of an Analytical Method for Flutianil Residue Identification Using Gas Chromatography-Electron Capture Detection (GC-ECD를 이용한 flutianil 잔류량 분석법 개발 및 확인)

  • Kwon, Ji-Eun;Do, Jung-Ah;Park, Hyejin;Lee, Ji-Young;Cho, Yoon-Jae;Oh, Jae-Ho;Rhee, Gyu-Seek;Lee, Sang-Jae;Chang, Moon-Ik
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.7-12
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    • 2014
  • A sensitive and simple analytical method to identify flutianil residues in agricultural commodities was developed and validated using gas chromatography-electron capture detection (GC-ECD) and mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The flutianil residues were extracted with acetonitrile, partitioned with dichloromethane, and then purified using a silica solid-phase extraction (SPE) cartridge. The method was validated using pepper, sweet pepper, mandarin, hulled rice, soybean, and potato spiked with 0.02 or 0.2 mg/kg flutianil. The average recovery of flutianil was 76.5-108.0% with a relative standard deviation of less than 10%. The limit of detection and limit of quantification were 0.004 and 0.02 mg/kg, respectively. The result of recoveries and relative standard deviation were in line with Codex Alimentarius Commission Guidelines (CAC/GL 40). These results show that the method developed in this study is appropriate for flutianil identification and can be used to maintain the safety of agricultural products containing flutianil residues.

Brewing Method and Composition of Traditional Kochuzang (Red Pepper Paste) in Junrabook-do Area (전라북도지방(全羅北道地方) 전통(傳統)고추장의 제법조사(製法調査)와 성분(成分))

  • Cho, Han-Ok;Kim, Jong-Goon;Lee, Hyne-Ja;Kang, Joo-Hoon;Lee, Taik-Soo
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 1981
  • Brewing method and quality of 15 samples of traditional Kochuzang in Junrabook-do area were investigated. Average combination ratio of glutinous rice: Meju (soybean Koji): red pepper powder was 2 : 0.7 : 1.1. In order to improve the taste of Kochuzang, some amount of natural soysauce was added in the Kochuzang at early stage of fermentation. Average content of sodium chloride was 7.32%; amino nitrogen, 123.3%; total sugar, 31.9%; reducing sugar, 19.4%; ethyl alcohol, 1.13% and the activity of acid protease was 0.07; liquefying amylase, 9.67 and saccharogenic amylase was 15.82. Five samples were selected as excellent Kochuzang through sensory evaluation. These samples were similarly strong in hot and sweet taste with alcoholic flavor, glossy surface and brownish red color.

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Estimation of Carbon Footprint for Production of Main Crops and Contribution Analysis of Inorganic Chemical Fertilizers (주요 농작물 생산과정에서의 탄소배출량 산정 및 무기화학비료의 기여도 분석)

  • Jung, Soon-Chul;Jeong, Jae-Woo;Huh, Jin-Ho;Lee, Deog-Bae
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.1279-1285
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    • 2011
  • Korea is currently underway research to estimate carbon footprint in agriculture centered on the RDA (Rural Development Administration). This study was estimated carbon footprint for major 47 crops. In addition, contribution of inorganic chemical fertilizers, main elements for production of crops were analyzed. The carbon footprint of $5.78E+00kg\;CO_2\;eq.\;kg^{-1}$ for citrus fruit in greenhouse was highest, grape in greenhouse, sweet pepper in greenhouse, ginseng, green pepper in greenhouse were followed by $4.61E+00kg\;CO_2\;eq.\;kg^{-1}$, $4.34E+00kg\;CO_2\;eq.\;kg^{-1}$, $4.23E+00kg\;CO_2\;eq.\;kg^{-1}$, $4.04E+00kg\;CO_2\;eq.\;kg^{-1}$ respectively. Next, production phase contribution of inorganic chemical fertilizer to carbon footprint of crop 1 kg were analyzed mean value 1.88%, 9.06% for single fertilizers and complex fertilizers respectively. And use phase accounted for mean value 14.24%. Therefore, to reduce the fertilization of inorganic chemical fertilizer will be reduced $CO_2$ from crop production, also greenhouse gas emissions of agricultural sector will be reduced.

Comparison on the Capability of Four Predatory Mites to Prey on the Eggs of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) (포식성 이리응애 4종의 담배가루이 알 포식능력 비교 평가)

  • Kim, Hwang-Yong;Lee, Yong-Hwi;Kim, Jeong-Hwan;Kim, Yong-Heon
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.429-433
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    • 2008
  • On the leaf disc of fruit vegetables (cucumber, sweet pepper, tomato, egg plant, oriental melon), it has been evaluated that the capability of four predatory mites (Amblyseius swirskii Athias-Henriot, Neoseiulus barkeri (Hughes), N. cucumeris (Oudemans), N. californicus (McGregor)) to prey on the eggs of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) and to lay own eggs. The most aggressive mite was A. swirskii which had consumed about $9{\sim}12$ eggs in a day. The quantity of eggs consumed by N. barkeri, N. cucumeris and N. californicus was about $6{\sim}9,\;4{\sim}6$ and $1{\sim}4$, respectively. The most productive mite was also A. swirskii which had laid about $1.2{\sim}1.9$ eggs in a day. The others could not lay more than 0.5 eggs in a day.

Effect of Substrates and the Ratios of $NO_3^- to NH_4^+$ in Nutrient Solution on Growth and Yield of Sweet Pepper(Capsicum annuum L) in Bag-Culture (자루 재배용 배지의 종류와 $NO_3^-:NH_4^+$의 비율이 단고추의 생육 및 수량에 미치는 영향)

  • 김덕호;김영호;정헌재
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Bio-Environment Control Conference
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    • 1998.10a
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    • pp.82-87
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    • 1998
  • 단고추의 자루재배에 의한 양액재배시 $NO_3$$^{-}$$NH_4$$^{+}$의 비율을 8:2와 10:0으로 하였을 때, 배지 종류에 따른 생육, 수량 및 무기성분 흡수에 미치는 영향을 구명하기 위하여 실험한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 배지의 무기성분 중 P 및 Mg는 버미큘라이트+왕겨에서, K는 펄라이트+버미큘라이트에서 높았다. 배지내 Ca의 농도가 가장 높았으며, 8:2보다 10:0에서 배지내 무기성분의 농도가 높았다. 2. $NO_3$$^{-}$ : $NH_4$$^{+}$ 비율에 따른 양액의 pH 및 EC는 모든 배지에서 작물재배에 적합한 범위를 유지하였으며, pH는 10:0에서 더 안정적이었고, EC는 8:2에서 높게 유지되었다. 3. 초장과 경경은 배지에 따른 생육차가 없었으며, 옆면적은 버미큘라이트+왕겨에서, 생체중, 건물중 등은 피트모스+훈탄에서 무거웠다. 생육은 $NH_4$$^{+}$를 첨가한 8:2의 모든 배지에서 10:0에 비하여 증가하였다. 4. 8:2에서의 과수 및 수량은 버미큘라이트+왕겨에서 17.53개와 1,5889으로 많았으며, 10:0에서의 과수는 버미큘라이트+왕겨에서 16.44개로, 수량은 필라이트+피트모스에서 1,394g으로 많았다. 8:2의 모든 배지에서 10:0에 비하여 과수, 수량, 평균과종, 과경, 과장 및 상품과율 등이 증가하였다. 5. 무기성분은 8:2와 10:0의 경우 $K^{+}$는 잎과 줄기에서, $Ca^{2+}$ 는 뿌리에서, $Mg^{2+}$ 는 잎에서 많았으며, $PO_4$$^{-}$ 는 과실과 줄기에서 많았다. 배지간에 따른 차이는 나타나지 않았으며, $K^{+}$, $Ca^{2+}$$Mg^{2+}$ 는10:0에서, $PO_4$$^{-}$ 는 8:2에서 각각 많았다.

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Preparation of Imitation Sauce from Enzymatic Hydrolysate of Cod Skin Gelatin (대구피 젤라틴의 효소적 가수분해물을 이용한 조미간장의 제조)

  • 김세권;안창범;강옥주
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.470-475
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    • 1993
  • The imitation sauce was prepared by using the enzymatic hydrolysate of cod skin gelatin and its product quality was also compared with three kinds of soy sauce on the market sensually. The major molecular weight of the hydrolysate used in this study was 5, 800Da and glycine, proline, serine, alanine, hydroxyproline, glutamic acid, and aspartic acid having sweet taste accounted for 65.9% of the total amino acid being in the hydrolysate. The imitation sauce was prepared the mixture of the liquor and fermented sauce (8 : 2 = v : v), where the liquor was prepared by dissolving with 10.0g the hydrolysate, 10.0g NaCl, 3.0g sucrose, 0.5g monosodium glutamate, 0.1g caramel powder, 3.0$m\ell$ fermented vinegar, 0.05g garlic powder, 0.1g black pepper powder, and 0.2g licorice powder in 100.0$m\ell$ water, boiling for 5min and filtrating with cheesecloth. From the result of sensory evaluation, the imitation sauce was at least equal to three kinds of soy sauce in product quality.

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Food purchase Behavior of Taejon Full Time Housewives with Different Education Levels (대전지역 전업주부들의 학력수준에 따른 식품구매 실태조사)

  • Kim, Kyung-Eun;Kwon, Sun-Ja;Ly, Sun-Yung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.99-108
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    • 2001
  • A survey was conducted to assess the food-purchase behavior of 197 Taejon full time housewives 30 to 49 years of age. Food purchase was assessed using a questionnaire and the resulting data were analyzed using SPSS programs. Demographic data revealed that most of the households have three to five family members and that the Engel Indices of the participating households were mostly between 10 and 30%. Noticeable results of the food purchase assessment are as follows. In the grain and grain products items, the low-education group purchased more rice and barley than the high-education group, whereas the high-education group purchased more glutinous rice, brown rice, bread, macaronis and spaghetti than the low-education group. In the vegetable items, the low-education group purchased more Chinese cabbage and radish than the high-education group, while the high-education group purchased more head lettuce, broccoli and sweet pepper than the low-education group. In the meat items, the beef purchase was higher in the high-education than in the low-education group, while the pork purchase was higher in the low-education than in the high-education group . In the processed meat items, ham was the most favorite purchase item regardless of the education level. In the fish and shellfish items, Pacific cod and Alaska pollack were purchased more in the low-education than in the high-education group, and salmon and dried icefish strip were purchased more in the high-education than in the low-education group. No items in fruit group showed significant differences in the purchase amount between the low-education and the high-education group although the latter purchased more imported-fruits such as melons, kiwis, grapefruits, and oranges. Dairy products such as milk, cheese and butter were purchased more in the high-education than in the low-education group. It was also found that both the number of food items and the consumption of foods coming from animals were higher in the high-education than in the low-education group.

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  • Sugimoto, H.;Yamashita, J.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference
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    • 1993.10a
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    • pp.487-494
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    • 1993
  • In order to establish a fully automatized pest control in the a greenhouse , the authors developed a prototype of microcomputer installed spraying vehicle which traveled along the furrows. Since a power sprayer mounted on the vehicle was driven by gasoline engine, plants grown in the greenhouse might be injured by the gas exhausted from the engine. Thus , effects of exhausted gas on photosynthetic rate and the shedding of flowers and buds of plants were examined. At first, effects of exhausted gas on photosynthetic rate of potted sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) and eggplant(Solanum melongena L.) plants were examined. In a closed vinyl house the engine was operated for 5 minutes and plants were exposed to the gas for 2hours in the daytime on a fine day. Photosynthetic rate did not significantly decreased by the treatment in both species. Secondly, effects of ehtylene on the shedding of flowers and buds of sesame (Sesamum indicum L. ) were examined. In the closed and partiall opened vinyl house, the engine was operated for 5 minutes and potted sesame plants were exposed to the gas for 12 hours in the night. In partially opened vinyl house, ethylene concentration decreased to 0 ppm 3 hours after the engine was stopped and flower and bud did not shed. In contrast, when vinyl house was closed ethylene concentration was 0.75 pm even 12 hours after the engine was stopped and flowers and buds shed markedly and epinasty was observed in upper young leaves. As mentioned above , it was revealed that injury of plants in the greenhouse caused by the gas exhausted from a gasoline engine could be prevented by providing suitable ventilation.

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Review of Disease Incidence of Major Crops in 2000 (2000년 농작물 병해 발생 개황)

  • Kim, Choong-Hoe
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2001
  • Climate in the year of 2000 was characterized as a long severe drought in tile spring, unusually high and low temperature in summer, two times of typoons, and floods by heavy rains in fall. Rice leaf and panicle blast and bacterial grain rot occurred severely comparing with 1999 and Bipolaris leaf spot spread over tile country. Phytophthora blight and anthracnose in red-pepper became epidemic especially in the late season causing severe yield losses. Tomato fusaruim wilt, CGMMV, powdery mildew, and sudden wilt syndrom of cucurbits and strawberry powdery mildew were also severe in 2000. In garlic, sclerotium rot occurred severely mainly due to the frequent rainfalls in planting time and much snowfalls in 1999's winter. Spring potato had severe infection of viruses due to a long spring drought, and fall potato had high incidence of bacterial soft rot and bacterial wilt due to fall floods by heavy rains. In sweet potato fusarium wilt was the most severe as in other year. Disease incidence of apple and pear trees was rotatively mild compared with previous years. In wheat and barley, Gibberella petch rarely occurred because of spring drought.

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Major Foods for folate and Their Folate Contents of Korean Child-bearing Women (가임기 여성의 주요 엽산급원식품 및 동 식품의 엽산함량 분석)

  • 진현옥;임현숙
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.152-158
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    • 2001
  • In this study, we determined major foods and food groups which contributed to the intake of folate in korean child-bearing women. Folate content of the major foods was also analyzed. A total of 91 healthy women with childbearing potential participated. They were divided into one of three groups by age; A (15∼24 yrs), B(25∼34 yrs) and C (35∼49 yrs). Food consumption data of the subjects were obtained by the 24-hr recall method. The rate of contribution of each food to the total intake of dietary folate was determined. Seventy major foods for folate were selected from the 178 foods they consumed. Two sets of the 70 foods were collected from different markets. After extracting folates from the foods by heating with a HEPES-CHES buffer, the samples were treated with α-amylase, protease and folate intakes was Korean cabbage kimchi followed by laver, soybean sprout, rice, yolmu kimchi, eggs, lettuce, perilla leaves, sea mustard and radish root. Food items that contributed to folate intake were slightly different among the age groups. Although the folate content of Korean cabbage kimchi was 51.6 ㎍/100g, but due to the high amount of intake, it was ranked the first major food prviding folate. High folate foods containing over 100㎍/100g were laver, corn flakes, spinach, mungbean, sesame, quail's eggs, small radish kimchi, kidney beans, leeks and peanuts. However, based on the serving size, spinach, corn flakes, leeks, sweet potato, pepper leaves, quail's eggs, crown daisy, small radish kimchi and perilla leaves contributed above 50㎍ of folate per serving size.

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