• Title/Summary/Keyword: staff nurse

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An analysis of direct financial compensation of hospital personnel in Korea (병원의 직종별 임금수준에 관한 연구)

  • 홍상진;김한중
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.15-51
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    • 1998
  • compensation is a major function of human resources management. The hospital industry is characterized by its remarkable labor intensity and human resource input by unit. That is why the hospital industry has a higher level of wage/cost ration. The issues of how much the hospital personnel's direct financial compensation amounts to and how the organizational and other factors generate compensation differentiation, are central problems for research in hospitals. But there have been few approaches to study staff compensation in hospitals, its magnitude and inter-hospital relative compensation amounts for the same personnel. A worker who moves from low-wage to a high-wage employer can usually increase his or her pay without change in job description. This means in the cases of same jobs, relative importance is different for each hospitals. The purpse of this study were to find the compensation levels of hospital personnel and to determine the factors affecting compensation levels of hospital personnel. The unit of analysis is the hospital and 145 hospitals were studied for nurse(RN), medical technoloist(MT), managerial personnel(MP) and 100 hospitals for medical doctor(MD). In this study the definitions of direct financial compensation are before tax, excluding employer's contriution and total annual remuneration received by the employee. Main findings of the research can be summarized as follows. 1. Direct financial compensation of hospital personnel are MD 45,056,000 won, RN 9,222,000 won, MT 9,513,000 won and MP 9,185,000 won in the starting year's employment in hospital. 2. According to determinants of hospital personnel compensations, there are no statistical significant variables to determine the level of MD's compensation. Wlith RN and MT's compensation level, the greater the patient revenue per 100 hospital beds, the higher the RN compensation and the tertiary hospital's compensation is much more than other types of hospitals. The location of hospital is another determinant factor for the MT's compensation level. Hospitals that are in the uban area have lower compensation level than rural area. There are the same results in MP with MT. Conclusions can be drawn from the results of the study. First, the wage differentiation of MD and other health personnel still remains and the differentiation existed in inter and intra job personnel of hospitals. Second, determinants of hospital personnel personnel compensation level are patient revenue, location, and type of hospital level.

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Status of Infection Control in Jeju-area General Hospitals (제주특별자치도 종합병원의 감염관리 현황)

  • Chong, Moo Sang;Lee, Kyutaeg
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.130-136
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    • 2016
  • The aim of this study was to examine and analyze the infection management status of Jeju-area general hospitals, and in order to convey the importance of infection management, and to determine role plans of medical technologists as infection management staff, the infection management status was examined through surveys targeting 7 general hospitals located in Jeju Special Self-Governing Province. The infection management of Jeju-area medical institutions showed excellence in that all institutions operated an infection management room, there was dedicated manpower, and hospital infection management guidelines were established and executed. However most institutions were operating their infection management room with only 1 nurse, reporting many difficulties in securing dedicated manpower, microbe-related culture deciphering, frequency of multiple-resistance bacteria, infection statistics, and details on microbe testing. Accordingly, it is believed that the medical technologist who can perform the practical tasks of infection management has sufficient qualification and experience in infection management as per the medical law enforcement regulations, and in operation of an infection management room. If medical technologists (infection control microbiological technologist) with expert knowledge on microbes and infection control nurses can execute the tasks as dedicated personnel, the operation of the infection management room will be more advanced. In addition, for proper infection management in the future, the introduction of a medical system specialized in infection management and full support for infection management of vulnerable small/medium hospitals in addition to general hospitals across the country is considered important.

The Image of Nurses and Their Clinical Role Portrayed in Korean Medical TV Dramas in Recent 5 Years (최근 5년간 한국 의학드라마에 나타난 간호사 이미지와 역할 수행에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Jeong Eun;Jung, Hui Jung;Kim, Han Na;Son, Seung Yoon;An, Seul Ki;Kim, Saet Byeol;Son, Jung Eun;Lee, Eu Gine;Lee, Hyo Won;Jung, Min Kyung;Jeon, Ki Hye
    • Perspectives in Nursing Science
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.120-132
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: Since the perception of the public on nurses tends to be shaped substantially by the media, this study analyzed the image of nurses portrayed in Korean medical TV dramas. Methods: This study was on five Korean medical TV dramas in recent five years selected based on their popularity. Ten coders broke into five groups of two. Full episodes of each drama were assigned to each group. The coders made assessments separately and cross-matched their analysis, checking with the Holsti's method. Results: Ten of the analyzed twenty nurses were supporting characters. They were mainly in their twenties. Only one nurse was male and 13 (65%) were staff nurses. Nurses were described as strong (30.0%), active (30.8%) and kind (40.0%). They were mostly portrayed discussing patients mainly with doctors (24.4%). In terms of their attitude toward work, they appeared diligent (37.6%) and communicative (31.6%). Conclusion: There have been positive changes compared to past studies. Despite the enhancement in the image of nurses in medical dramas, there is yet a long way for dramas to properly portray the professionalism nurses truly have. Further research is needed and diverse measures should be taken for the improvement in the social recognition of the nursing profession.

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A Comparison Research on the Expected Satisfaction and Actual Satisfaction on VOC of one General Hospital (서울소재 일개 종합병원의 CRM에 대한 기대만족도와 실제만족도 비교와 VOC활용)

  • Ma, Yeon-Ji;Kim, Jeong-Ah;Park, Seung-Woo;Oh, Eun-Hwa;Moon, So-Young;Rhee, Hyun-Sill
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.1146-1152
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    • 2010
  • The Korean healthcare industry is rapidly changing along with the competition among hospitals. In the past, hospitals could make profit without designing competitive management strategies. Thus, they did not find importance in listening to customers' voices and identifying their wants. However, nowadays, the increasingly intense competition is encouraging hospitals to seriously consider competitive management strategies and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) activities to gain a competitive advantage and prosper. It tries to compare the expected satisfaction with the satisfaction of out-patient and in-patient and analysis of VOC(Voice of Customer). This survey was done from 27th, April, 2009 to 8th May and each 100 in-patients and out-patients. The paired t-test and descriptive analysis was used to analysis between before and after satisfaction. The result, the replied out-patients were the highest of I.M department, 43% and in-patients, surgery and other department are the highest each 22.0%. Nurses kindness is statistical significant in out-patients. Doctor, Nurse and staff's kindness and rounding service was statistical significant in in-patients. Totally, the satisfaction was lower than expected satisfaction, so the medical care institutions should analyst detailed the patient's satisfaction by VOC.

Factors affecting nurse's pain management for patients with dementia (요양병원 간호사의 치매환자 통증관리 수행에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Ryu, Young-Seun;Park, Jeong-Sook
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.9
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    • pp.253-264
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    • 2016
  • The aim of this study was to investigate the factors influencing nurses' pain management in patients with dementia. A total of 197 nurses were recruited from 30 long-term care hospitals in B city. Data were collected from June 25 to July 15, 2016. Data analysis was performed using the SPSS 22.0 program, which included a t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe test, Pearson's correlation, and multiple regression analyses. The levels of knowledge were low with a score of 10.73 out of 18. The level of attitudes, self-efficacy, barriers and performance were 2.98, 3.34, 2.90, and 4.09, respectively. In addition, there were significant differences in the level of performance depending on the age (p=.046), long-term care (p=.009), and pain education (p=.004). The level of attitudes (r=.21, p=.006), self-efficacy (r=.51, p<.001) and performance were positively correlated with each other. A significant negative correlation was observed between the barriers and performance (r=-.16, p=.035). The meaningful variables that influence the performance were self-efficacy, long-term care, and pain education. These factors were responsible for 30.1%. Therefore, effective programs will be necessary to enhance pain management by improving the self-efficacy and knowledge of pain in dementia patients.

The National Hospice Care Service Development in Korea (한국형 호스피스 케어 개발을 위한 기초 조사 연구)

  • Lee, Soo-Woo;Lee, Eun-Ok;Ahn, Hyo-Seog;Heo, Dae-Seock;Kim, Dal-Sook;Kim, Hyun-Sook;Lee, Hiye-Ja
    • The Korean Nurse
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.49-69
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    • 1997
  • The urgent needs to establish hospice care systems in Korea arise from the following reasons: 0) a drastic increase in chronically ill patients with the increase of aged population: (2) rapid changes in living environment from the traditional habitation (e. g., Many Koreans living in apartment complexes, which is the most popular form of modern residence in recent years, prefer to die in the hospital.): the overall increase in patients with advanced cancer: (4) recent trends in early discharge of terminally ill patients from the limited hospital facilities to accomodate other medical insurance beneficiaries; (5) easy acceptance of euthanasia owing to the recent social atmosphere that belittles the dignity of human life; (6) medical and nursing care of AIDS patient in terminal stage; (7) and the problem associated with inhumane medical care system, overtreatment, and groundless fears against narcotics. Terminally ill patients were used to be treated in the hospital in the past. In these days, however, they are forced to have home cares with little assistance from the qualified medical personnel because of insufficient hospital facilities, which are even short for the need of emergency patients and provide priority cares to medical insurance beneficiaries with other acute problems. And yet, neither are there any administrative organizations nor systematic medical studies that deal with the level of terminally ill patient's need, their family's problems and resources of hospice care systems in Korea. Thus, most patients are not able to get appropriate medical care at the terminal stage of their lives. The objective of this study is to make comprehensive database for various hospice care organization currently in operation, link them through medical information system, and develop an easily accessible hospice care model that meets the need of most Korean people. Our survey results may be summarized as follows: Nationally there are 40 organizations that provide partial or full hospice care. However, these organizations are not linked to any formal medical service network. Furthermore, the objective of hospice care, care principles, personnel with appropriate training, educational programs, standard for care, costs, consulting service to patients' family members, the extent of medical care from professional staff members, status of hospice facility, and management of those institutions are neither clearly defined nor organized compared to the international hospice care standards. The surveys on patients of terminal stage. grouped in hospice and non-hospice care patients. reveal what they want visiting nursing care to help their pain control. psychological. social and spiritual demands. While the more than 90% of hospice care patients want to reduce their pains. the non-hospice care patients. in addition to their desire for pain control. demanded more psychological. social and spiritual helps as well. The results of this research could be utilized to 0) define the standard of hospice care. (2) provide the guidance for hospice medical care costs. (3) establish the database of hospice care systems. (4) develop softwares. (5) build communication network through Medinet. and (6) provide an organized visiting home nursing care system. These information should be a valuable resource to many medical staffs who are involved in cancer therapy. nursing care. and social welfare programs.

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Suggestion of Japanese nursing staff supply and demand plan policy (일본 간호인력 수급방안정책의 시사점)

  • Kwon, Ju-Young
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.185-193
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to seek out effective policy measures for improving the working environment and improving the supply and demand of nursing manpower in Korea, thereby improving the quality of nursing and creating a high-quality work environment to present a plan to secure adequate supply and demand for nursing manpower. To this end, we have looked at ways to secure effective nursing manpower through literature related to Japanese nursing manpower policy, which has similar health systems to Korea. Japan has established a nursing manpower supply policy since 1974, and is making efforts to improve the working environment and re-employment of idle nursing personnel due to frequent turnover and retirement. As a result of these efforts, the turnover rate of new nurses less than one year in Japan decreased to 7.5%, while the rate of new nurses in Korea was 33.9%. In addition, it is possible to consider ways to encourage medical institutions that have actively promoted and hired idle personnel through various incentives and financial support at the central and local levels.

Role Expectations and Cooperation of Staff Nurses and Clinical Research Nurses who take care of Clinical Research Patientser (임상연구환자를 돌보는 병동간호사와 임상연구간호사의 역할기대와 협력 인식)

  • Lee, Hye-Young;Kim, Sanghee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.420-430
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    • 2021
  • This was an investigative study to identify the role expectations for clinical research related tasks that ward nurses can participate in and the awareness of cooperation between ward nurses and clinical research nurses (CRNs) and the obstacles for the same. The subjects were 66 ward nurses and 65 CRNs. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, the two-sample t-test, and the 𝑥2 test on SAS 9.3. As a result of this study, 4.56±0.41 ward nurses and 3.83±0.60 CRNs were found to have high role expectations of each other and statistically significant role expectations for ward nurses (p<.001). Significant differences were seen in the five categories of cooperation recognition between the two groups. Among the factors for cooperative disabilities, excessive work and lack of awareness of clinical research were ranked high. High role expectation becomes an element of role conflict. To organize the role of ward nurses and clinical research nurses in the new clinical research nursing work, procedures, establishing of effective practices, and the proper operation of an official system are expected to be necessary. To promote cooperation between the two groups, a culture of mutual trust and cooperation should be formed to enable each group to think of the other as partners and to recognize their expertise.

Analysis of the Issues received by Quality Improvement Department and their Management in a Medical Center (일 의료원의 통합 고충처리센터 접수 내용과 이에 대한 해결방안 분석)

  • Tark, Kwan-Chul;Park, Hyun-Ju;Chun, Ja-Hae;Kang, Eun-Sook;Moon, Ju-Young;Choi, Mi-Young;Kim, Hyun-Ju;Kang, Jin-Kyung
    • Quality Improvement in Health Care
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.118-131
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    • 2000
  • Background : A continuous healthcare quality improvement is needed to provide high quality healthcare service as well as to maintain trust in terms of satisfying the needs of the patients. Recently it also became an essential issue. in hospital management, recognized for it's competitive potentiality among healthcare organization groups. This study was conducted to analyze patient complaints and issues received by the Quality Improvement Department. Its purpose is to improve healthcare qualities within the hospital, as well as establish policies and appropriate strategies in hospital management. Method : From July 1st to September 30th of the year 1999, we analyzed all complaints and issues made by various patients and their families, which were received through 24 hour phone consultation, numerous suggestion boxes, letters and E-mails, The issues were classified into 16 different categories based on a Patient Satisfaction Assessment Tool. All data were segregated according to the departmental frequencies and their contents. To come up with for environmental and patient satisfaction improvement, all complaints or issues were communicated with hospital administrators, medical and nursing staff and employees. Comprehensive customer satisfaction activities including improving phone etiquette were discussed in Customer Satisfaction Team, CQI Team and each Department. All opportunities for improvement were implemented. Feedback actions were discussed. Results : A total of 317 cases were collected. Issues regarding parking and other accommodation facilities were most common complaints that were 14.5% of total. Issues regarding admission rooms (10.7%), admission procedures (10.7%), waiting room environment (8.8%), nurses and nurse assistants (7.6%), physicians (6.6%) and others (23%) followed. Thirteen of 45 departments received more than 8 complaints. The Nursing Department had the most complaint, receiving 9.8% of total complaints. Complaints regarding the Nursing Department were predominantly related to the environment of patient rooms. The Department of Psychiatry for phone etiquette (4.7%), Department of Otolaryngology for the nursing staff's attitude and phone etiquette (4.4%), and the Admission Department followed. As a part of efforts to improve patient satisfaction, a new parking structure was built and reallocation of the parking space was done. Renovation of other accommodation facilities were carried out by hospital administration, Monthly phone call and answering attitude survey was done by QI Department. Based on this survey we made a phone etiquette manual and distributed throughout the hospital. Compare to the last year, Patient Satisfaction Index measured by Korea Productivity Center using National Customer Satisfaction Index was improved 7 points. According to our organization's own study, we confirmed the phone etiquette was improved 11% than last year. Conclusions : Issues related to parking and other accommodation facilities ranked first followed by complaints made regarding the patient care area, the admission and cashier process, and nurses' and doctors' attitude. The Nursing and Psychiatry Departments need improvement regarding phone etiquette. Results were shared and played a vital role in policymaking and strategic planning of the hospital. It is imperative that we keep our database updated by listening to and solving the needs of each patient. The CQI activities can be achieved only by full commitment of the hospital top management supported by related personal.

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A Clinical Study for Promoting Quality Nusing Care in a University Hospital (질적 간호제공을 위한 간호단위 시범 운영 효과에 관한 임상적 연구)

  • Lee, A.J.;Kim, S.H.;Seong, Y.H.;Yoo, S.A.;Kwon, I.G.;Jeong, Y.I.;Nam, H.K.;Kwon, E.J.
    • The Korean Nurse
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.66-77
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    • 1994
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a new nursing unit which can meet changing health care needs, enhance patients' satisfaction and nurses' job satisfaction, and finally guarantee quality nursing care with present manpower. For this, one medical unit was selected as a unit for quality care. And one medical unit which is similar in staffing and patients' characteristics was selected as a control unit. To assess present problems and identify the remedies to the problems a hospital-wide survey and a workshop were performed. According to the survey results, educational programs and improvement of the facilities and equipment supply system, managereal support for interdepartmental cooperation and intensification of bed-side nursing care were adopted as main principles for operating model unit, This model unit was operated for 3 months from Sep. 1, 1992 to Nov. 30, 1992. To evaluate the effectiveness of the model unit, derect/indirect nursing care hours, patients' satisfaction to nursing care, nurses' job satisfaction, and quality care index were measured. Direct/indirect nursing care hours were compared with that of the control unit, and patients' and nurses' satisfaction and quality care index were measured before and after operating model unit and compared with each other. The results of the study were as follows; 1. In the model unit mean direct nursing care hours per cach shift was 146.88 minutes and indirect nursing care hours was 354.72 minutes. The ratio of the direct nursing care hour to indirect nursing hour was 29.6 ; 70.4 and that of the control unit was 26.9 : 73.1. Direct nursing care hour in model unit was longer than that of the control unit. But, the difference was not significant. In subcategories of direct nursing care, the time spent in mobility and exercise, conservation of body temperature, hygiene, and communication and health education were longer than that of the con" trol unit. 2. Indirect nursing care hour in model unit was shorter than that of the control unit. But, the difference was not significant. In subcategories of indirect nursing care, the time spent in drug management and ward arrangement was shorter than that of the control unit. 3. Patients' satisfaction to nursing care was increased significantly after operating the model unit (T=-3.48, P=-0.002) and satisfaction to subcategories of physical comfort measure, psychological cate, and unit management components were significantly higher than before. 4. In the model unit, nurses' total job satisfaction was increased significantly after operating the model unit(Z=2.1004, P=.0357) and satisfaction to subcategory of satisfaction to administration was significantly higher than before (Z=-2.0732, P=.0382). 5. After operating the model unit, quality care index was increased from 89 to 93. With this results, it can be summarized that all the measures tried for quality care, such as educational programs, managereal support for interdepartmental cooperation, and improvement of the equipment and facility provision resulted in partial increase in direct nursing care hours, nurses satisfaction to their job and patients' satisfaction to nursing care. In can be postulated that managereal support and motivation without proper staff supplementation is not enough for increasing direct nursing care hours. And for the enhancement of the level in clinical nursing, and staff supplement must be considered sincerely and the measures for reducing indirect nursing care hours, such as computerization of nursing care activities, improvement of facilities and equipment and facilities supply system, must be instituted in addition.

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