• Title/Summary/Keyword: special use

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A Comparative Study on the Improvement of Curriculum in the Junior College for the Industrial Design Major (2년제 대학 산업디자인전공의 교육과정 개선방안에 관한 비교연구)

  • 강사임
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.209-218
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to improve the curriculum for industrial design department in the junior colleges. In order to achieve the purpose, two methodologies were carried out. First is job analysis of the industrial designers who have worked in the small & medium manufacturing companies, second is survey for the opinions of professors in the junior colleges. Some results were as follows: 1. The period of junior college for industrial designers is 2 years according to present. But selectively 1 year of advanced course can be established. 2. The practice subjects same as computational formative techniques needed to product development have to be increased. In addition kinds of selection subjects same as foreign language, manufacturing process, new product information and consumer behavior investigation have to be extended. 3. The next subjects need to adjust the title, contents and hours. (1) The need of 3.D related subjects same as computer modeling, computer rendering, 3.D modeling was high. The use of computer is required to design presentation subjects. (2)The need of advertising and sale related subjects same as printing, merchandise, package, typography, photography was low, the need of presentation techniques of new product development was high. (3) The need of field practice, special lecture on practice and reading original texts related subjects was same as at present, but these are not attached importance to form. As the designers feel keenly the necessity of using foreign language, the need of language subject was high.

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Development and Performance Test of Preamplifier and Amplifier for Gamma Probe (감마프로브용 전단증폭기와 주증폭기의 개발과 성능 평가)

  • Bong, Jung-Kyun;Kim, Hee-Joung;Lee, Jong-Doo;Kwon, Soo-Il
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.100-109
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    • 1999
  • Purpose: Preamplifier and amplifier are very important parts for developing a portable counting or imaging gamma probe. They can be used for analyzing pulses containing energy and position information for the emitted radiations. The commercial Nuclear Instrument Modules (NIMs) can be used for processing these pulses. However, it may be improper to use NIMs in developing a portable gamma probe, because of its size and high price. The purpose of this study was to develop both preamplifier and amplifier and measure their performance characteristics. Materials and Methods: The preamplifier and amplifier were designed as a charge sensitive device and a capacitor resistor-resistor capacitor (CR-RC) electronic circuit, respectively, and they were mounted on a print circuit board (PCB). We acquired and analyzed energy spectra for Tc-99m and Cs-137 using both PCB and NIMs. Multichannel analyzer (Accuspec/A, Canberra Industries Inc., Meriden Connecticut, U.S.A) and scintillation detectors (EP-047(Bicron Saint-Gobain/Norton Industrial EP-047 (Ceramics Co., Ohio, U.S.A) with $2"{\times}2"$ NaI(T1) crystal and R1535 (Hamamatsu Photonics K.K., Electron Tube Center, Shizuoka-ken, Japan) with $1"{\times}1"$ NaI(T1) crystal were used for acquiring the energy spectra. Results: Using PCB, energy resolutions of EP-047 detectors for Tc-99m and Cs-137 were 12.92% and 5.01%, respectively, whereas R1535 showed 13.75% and 5.19% of energy resolution. Using the NIM devices, energy resolutions of EP-047 detector for Tc-99m and Cs-137 were measured as 14.6% and 7.58%, respectively. However, reliable energy spectrum of R1535 detector could not be acquired, since its photomultiplier tube (PMT) requires a specific type of preamplifier. Conclusion: We developed a special preamplifier and amplifier suitable for a small sized gamma probe that showed good energy resolutions independent of PMT types. The results indicate that the PCB can be used in developing both counting and imaging gamma probe.

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Privacy protection of seizure and search system (압수수색과 개인정보 보호의 문제)

  • Kim, Woon-Gon
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.123-131
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    • 2015
  • Bright development of information communication is caused by usabilities and another case to our society. That is, the surveillance which is unlimited to electronic equipment is becoming a transfiguration to a possible society, and there is case that was able to lay in another disasters if manage early error. Be what is living on at traps of surveillance through the Smart phones which a door of domicile is built, and the plane western part chaps, and we who live on in these societies are installed to several places, and closed-circuit cameras (CCTV-Closed Circuit Television) and individual use. On one hand, while the asset value which was special of enterprise for marketing to enterprise became while a collection was easily stored development of information communication and individual information, the early body which would collect illegally was increased, and affair actually very occurred related to this. An investigation agency is endeavored to be considered the digital trace that inquiry is happened by commission act to the how small extent which can take aim at a duty successful of the inquiry whether you can detect in this information society in order to look this up. Therefore, procedures to be essential now became while investigating affair that confiscation search regarding employment trace of a computer or the telephone which delinquent used was procedural, and decisive element became that dividing did success or failure of inquiry whether you can collect the act and deed which was these electronic enemy. By the way, at this time a lot of, in the investigation agencies the case which is performed comprehensively blooms attachment while rummaging, and attachment is trend apprehension to infringe discretion own arbitrary information rising. Therefore, a lot of nation is letting you come into being until language called exile 'cyber' while anxiety is exposed about comprehensive confiscation search of the former information which an investigation agency does. Will review whether or not there is to have to set up confiscation search ambit of electronic information at this respect how.

A Study on the Mineralogical Characteristics and its Agricultural Use of Barley Stone (Diabase Porphyrite) (맥반석(麥飯石)(휘록분암)에 대(對)한 광물학적(鑛物學的) 특성(特性)과 농업적(農業的) 활용(活用) 가능성(可能性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Choi, Dae-Ung;Jung, Pil-Kyun;Um, Ki-Tae;Park, No-Kwon;Park, Seon-Do
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.199-204
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    • 1987
  • This study was conducted to verify the identity and the effects on soil improvements by the application of Barley stone which has been recently named as miraculous mineral on account of being propagandized as health stone because of several special effect of medicine, the supplement of micronutrients for agriculture, prevention against diseases and insects of plant, and the increase of nutrient holding capacity of soil. The results were summarized as follows; 1. Barley stone is considered as Diabase Porphyrite by the analysis of X-ray Diffraction, chemical composition and microspore's observation. This mineral stone called as Barley stone has been deducted because of being seen as if the feature was attatched with cooked barley and appearently scattered about feldspar's phenocryst on the dark-green stone base. 2. In chemical characteristics of barley stone, the pH 8.7 was higher but C.E.C. 9.0 me/100g was lower then those of other clay minerals such as Bentonite and Zeolite, and so barley stone material was not considered suitable for improvement of sandy loam soil. 3. Effects of Bentonite and Zeolite application on yield of paddy rice were 108-109% compare to non-treated plot, but Barley stone has not increased rice yield. Notwithstanding the increase of application of barely stone to 5 ton per 10a, the yield increase was not significantly showing only 102-103% and the effects of Peanut, hot pepper and chinese cabbage were not recognized either.

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A Study on the School Health Services in the Universities, Colleges and Junior Colleges (우리나라대학의 학교보건관리에 관한 실태조사)

  • 손무인
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.83-97
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    • 1983
  • The present study is to provide information for the improvement of school health services through research on the current condition of its organization and practice in universities, colleges and junior colleges. The scope of this study is consisted of four components including health organizations/units, school health services, environmental sanitation and health education for the 30 universities, the 20 colleges and the 32 junior colleges in Korea. The major findings are summarized as follows: (1) Among the sampled schools, around 73% of them have the health service organization/unit. When we break down health service organization/unit into the types by the level of school, around 73% of the universities have formal organization called "health center" and 20.0% of them have an informal organization called "health room". For the colleges level, 30.0% of them have the "health center" and 40.0% of them have the "health room". The figure of junior colleges is a quite different from universities and colleges, 56.3% of junior colleges have the "health room" only but the other have no service organization at all. (2) It was found that only 22.0% of 82 schools have the health committee for the school health services. It might be necessary to have a kind of expert committee to establish an annual health service program, budget and health policy in the school. (3) Approximately 29% of those schools having formal health organizations/units appointed directors as a medical persons. 13.4% of the sampled schools are appointed doctors (including the dentists) at health service organization/unit, 9.8% are appointed pharmacist and 65.9% are appointed nurses. Therefore, the data imply that the school health services are depending mainly on nurses. (4) The major activities of school health services are covering primary medical care (84.1%), health counseling (72.0%), physical examination (68.3%), vaccination (58.5%), tuberculosis control (54.9%), parasite control (29.3%) and dental health case(9.8%). Also 69.5% of the schools have the program on the environmental sanitation and the health education program. (5) In regard to health budget taking account of 34 schools, approximately 92% of them have less than 5,000 won per students and only 8.8% of them have more 10,000 won per students. At the average health budget per students is 4089.8 won in universities, 1617.1 won in colleges and 475.0 won in junior colleges. (6) The students enjoy the benifit of medical insurance at 11.0% of 82 schools surveyed. They are all universities. (7) The study found that 56 universities, colleges and junior colleges provide the annual physical examination. Only 21.4% of them have provided it for all students and school employees. (8) 64.3% of the 56 schools surveyed keep a record of the regular physical examinations. Records must be utilized as the basic data for the evaluation of the student's health condition and so the individual student is encouraged to take care of his own health. (9) At the 59 schools which practice health counseling, the main concerns of the counsellees are venereal disease, tuberculosis and psychoneurosis. This shows the need to practice health education in the area of preventive medicine. (10) 69.5% of the 82 universities, colleges and junior colleges surveyed are concerned with supervision of the environmental sanitation in their school, but non-professionals are in charge at 70.1% of them. This indicates negligence in environmental sanitation. (11) 53.7% of the 82 schools responded that they have no special instructive measure for the students' health and 54.9% are found to be negative in the use of a health education method. This reveals a problem. They are not positive to the recognition of their function as the initiative organization for the students' health. (12) The supplementary education for the faculty of the school health services is executed only at 8.5% of all the schools surveyed.

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A Case of Childhood Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome with Co-morbid Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Treated with Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Treatment (지속적(持續的) 상기도(上氣道) 양압술(陽壓術)을 시행(施行)하여 치료효과(治療效果)를 본 주의력(注意力) 결핍(缺乏).과잉(過剩) 운동장애(運動障碍)를 동반(同伴)한 소아기(小兒基) 폐쇄성(閉鎖性) 수면무호흡증(睡眠無呼吸症) 1례(例))

  • Sohn, Chang-Ho;Shin, Min-Sup;Hong, Kang-E;Jeong, Do-Un
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.85-95
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    • 1996
  • Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome(OSAS) in childhood is unique and different n-om that in adulthood in several aspects, including pathophysiology, clinical features, diagnostic criteria, complications, management, and prognosis. Characteristic features of childhood OSAS in comparison with the adult form are the variety of severe complications such as developmental delay, more prominent behavioral and cognitive impairments, vivid cardiovascular symptoms, and increased death risk, warranting a special attention to the possible diagnosis of OSAS in children who snore. However, the childhood OSAS is often neglected and unrecognized. We, therefore, report a case of very severe OSAS in a 5-year-old boy who was sucessfully treated with continuous positive airway pressure(CPAP) treatment. Interestingly, the patient was comor-bid with the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Prior to the initial visit to us, adenotonsillectomy had been done at the age of 4 with no significant improvement of apneic symptoms and heavy snoring. On the initial diagnostic procedures, marked degree of snoring was audible even in the daytime wake state and the patient was observed to be very hyperactive. Increased pulmonary vascularity with borderline cardiomegaly was noted on chest X-ray. The baseline polysomnography revealed that the patient was very sleep-apneic and snored very heavily, with the respiratory disturbance index(RDI) of 46.9 per hour of sleep, the mean SaO2 of 78.8%, and the lowest SaO2 of 40.0%(the lowest detectable oxygen level by the applied oxymeter). The second night polysomnography was done for CPAP titration and the optimal pressure turned out to be $8.0\;cmH_2O$. The applied CPAP treatment was well tolerated by the patient and was found to be very effective in alleviating heavy snoring and severe repetitive sleep apneas. After 18 months of the CPAP treatment, the patient was followed up with nocturnal polysomnography(baseline and CPAP nights) and clinical examination. Sleep apneas were still present without CPAP on the baseline night. However, the severity of OSAS was significantly decreased(RDI of 15.7, mean SaO2 of 96.2%, and the lowest SaO2 of 83.0%), compared to the initial polysomnographic findings before initiation of long-term CPAP treatment. Wechsler intelligence tests done before and after the CPAP treatment were compared with each other and surprising improvement of intelligence(total 9 points, performance 16 points) was noted. Clinically he was found to be markedly improved in his attention deficit hyperactive behavior after CPAP treatment, but with minimal change of TOVA(test of variables of attention) scores except conversion of reaction time score into normal range. On the chest X-ray taken after 18 months of CPAP application, the initial cardiopulmonary abnormalities were not found at all. We found that the CPAP treatment in a young child is very effective, safe, and well-tolerated and also improves the co-morbid attention deficit hyperactive symptoms. Overall, the growth and development of the child has been facilitated with the long-term use of CPAP. Cardiovascular complications induced by OSAS have been also normalized with CPAP treatment. We suggest that early diagnosis and active treatment intervention of OSAS in children are crucial in preventing and ameliorating possible serious complications caused by repetitive sleep apneas and consequent hypoxic damage during sleep.

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A Study on the Methodology of Land-Consolidation Sloping Paddies in land Vallry for the Farm-Mechanization (II) (기계화를 전제로 한 산간경사지답경지정리방안에 관한 연구(II))

  • Hwang, Eun
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.57-68
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    • 1982
  • The paddy fiels slope located in Kangweon province Hwyongsung gun Gonggeun myon Shinchonri was considerably steep and so it was impossible to economically consolidate the field up to date. But for the porpose of farm mechanization, the field (32. 27ha) was consolidated by the auther under the assitance of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fishery and,;the Administration of Kangweon province. This paddy field consolidation was caused by the treatise on "Land-consolidation methods for farm mechanization in the steep-sloped paddy field", of which the auther is the same. The constrution was carried out from September, 1981 to April, 1982. During the 4esign and construction, some Peculiarities were found and discussed. That is, in design, besides the common condititions for a design, some special conditions were considered and written below; (1) The ranges of field slope in this design were 1/100-1/30. (2) Long sides of the land readjustment blocks must be arranged abreast contour line, and so they make the amount of cutting and banking decreased so as to take the maximum advantage of the configuration of the field. (3) In design, the main principles of dividing blocks were written below; i) First of all, long side of a block should be drawn straight abreast a contour line. ii) Long side of a block should arrange abreast contour line and make its length 100-150m, if not, l)reak the side in order to make a bended rectangle. iii) Length of a short side should be determinded within differences of elevation (0.6 -1. 2m) between the two adjacent blocks toward the normal to a contour line. iv) Length of a short side should be above 15m and the ratio of long and short side should be slso kept 1: (4-6). v) A new field surface leveling was determinded from the elevation which produce the least amount of cuttingand banking within the range of 0.6-1. 2m diffe rences of elevation between the two adjacent blocks. vi) In the course of dividing blocks with the same width along the line which was normal to a contour line, all blocks connot keep their shape in a retangle because of steep slope of the field and so on, and so it was also necessory to make some non-retanglar and small blocks such as a trianglar or trapezoidal shape, which was impossible to use some of farm machinery. But because this non-rectanglar and small blocks were divided, larger and many rectanglar blocks can be divided and construction cost can also be lowered. According to the conditions discussed above, the paddy field consolidation project designed and constructed. And the results of this study were obtained as below; (1) Three-forth of total cost of this paddy field consolidation was not construction cost, and these cost consist of land grading (1/4), road and canal construction cost (1/4) and the other cost (1/4) such as surveying or materials and 56 on. (2) The steeper the land slope, the greater cost was assigned for road and canal construction, and than land grading. (3) Curtailment of the road and canal construction cost depended on simplificating their strutures. (4) In the case of the land slopes were low, the land grading cost was high by 1: 1.4 in comparison with the road and canal construction cost, and conversely when the slops were steep, the road and canal construction cost was high by 1 : 5 in compa- rison with the land grading cost. (5) The densities of irrigation canal, drainage canal and trunk and branch road were 150. Sm/ha, 60. im/ha and 17. 4m/ha respectively. The density of irrigation canal of the area was high by 2 times in comparison with the average one of Kangweon Province, and the others were nearly the same. (6) Most farmers (above 85%) knew the effects of paddy field consolidation. The effects are; 1) Improvement of irrigation 2) Improvement of farm management 3) Improvement of transportarion 4) farm mechanization and 5) grouping of the scattered land. And the more farm modernization was accomplished by these projects, the more farmers wanted to live in their land. (7) In spite of the very steep sloped paddy field, the diminution rate of the net farm land caused by consolidation was 7.7% which was nearly the same as the one of Chulweon plain of Kangweon province. Land grading cost was 971, OOOwon/ha which was rather cheap by 13.2% than the one of Ghulweon plain, and unit construction cost was 5, 341, OOOwon/ha (included soil addition) which was also nearly the same as the one of Chulweon plain and FNFIA (The federation of national farmland improvement association).

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A Study on the Possibility of Utilizing Both Biotope Maps and Land Cover Maps on the Calculation of the Ecological Network Indicator of City Biodiversity Index (도시생물다양성 지수(CBI) 중 생태네트워크 산정을 위한 도시생태현황지도 및 토지피복지도 활용 가능성 연구)

  • Park, Seok-Cheol;Han, Bong-Ho;Park, Min-Jin;Yun, Hyerngdu;Kim, Myungjin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.73-83
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    • 2016
  • This study modified and applied the ecological network(Indicator 2) from the City Biodiversity Index(CBI) to be tailored to Korea. It is calculated by utilizing a biotope map and a land cover map. The ecological network of Gyeryong-Si was 13,713,703(33.8%) with the biotope map and 17,686,966(37.9%) with the land cover map. The result of the biotope map was lower than the land cover map. The ecological network of Goyang-Si was 4,961,922(4.9%) with the biotope map and 4,383,207(3.7%) with the land cover map. The result of the land cover map was lower than the biotope map. As a main result of the research, an error was discovered in which, when calculating the ecological network, the types of the military unit facilities were distinguished into a special area on the biotope map and into an urbanization promotion area and a forest area on the land cover map. In the case of a middle-classified, land cover map, the land use in the surroundings of the forest area was not subdivided. An error in the development area expressed as a forest green was discovered. When selecting the natural elements, too, regarding the types of artificially-created rivers, artificial ponds, and artificial grasslands, etc. on a biotope map, the exclusions were necessary. Regarding the natural, bare ground on a land cover map, there was a need to calculate by including the natural elements. It was judged that, in the future, the ecological network in the unit of the entire nation can be analyzed roughly by utilizing a land cover map. It was judged that, in a city having a biotope map, the calculation of the ecological network utilizing a map of the present situation of the urban ecology will be a more accurate diagnosis of the present situation.

What Do Female Jobs Do for Women's Job Continuity? : Occupational Sex Segregation and Women's Job Exits in the U.S.

  • Min, Hyeon-Ju
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.185-207
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    • 2006
  • Predominant explanations of the persistence of sex segregation ill occupations link job choices to profoundly gendered responses to childbearing and other family demands, arguing that women are more likely to seek jobs which are in some sense compatible with motherhood, either because they are family friendly (flexible, low intensity work) or because they are easy to exit and re-enter. In this paper, I examine the effect of occupational sex segregation on job exits into the labor market among women, with a special attention to the role of childbearing and child rearing. I use data from detailed employment histories gathered from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY) in continuous time event history models. My results indicate that women in female dominated jobs are less likely to exit their jobs than women in other types of occupations. Further this relationship is not shaped by motherhood. While mothers or pregnant women are more likely to leave work, mothers in female-dominated occupations are slightly less likely to leave employment than mothers in other occupations. These results are not consistent with the ideas that women's choice of female-dominated occupations expresses a gendered identity and women strategically seek jobs which accommodate maternal roles. Taken together, my findings do not provide support to the idea that women choose female-dominated occupations because they are easier to integrate with motherhood (except for the pregnancy period).

The Effective Resonance of Caves & Records of a Cave Concert (동굴의 자연음향 효과, 그리고 음악회장 운영사례)

  • Hyun, Haeng-Bok
    • Journal of the Speleological Society of Korea
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    • no.95
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    • pp.35-49
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    • 2009
  • Ever since the beginning of time, caves not only have offered a place to live for humans but they have also been used as cultural spaces. That is, in the event of making some sounds in a location within the cave, the sound that is created is greatly magnified and sounds out as if it is being amplified from a giant megaphone. This, as we well know it, is known as the resonance effect. Here, the cave itself appears to function as a massive wind instrument. Especially in cases like the Altamira Cave (Spain) where cave paintings were found, the point where the cave drawings were found has commonalities in that it is a wide space and that it is usually discovered together with flutes and drums that are made with mammoth bones. We need to focus on this point. We can infer from these facts that the prehistoric people have carried out cultural activities along with their incantation rituals within those caves. In the meantime, amongst the Korean traditional arts, in the case of pansori which is a representative vocal genre, there have been examples where caves were used as practicing locations for those people who are training to perfect their singing. This is known as toguldoggong(土窟獨功) which literally means 'obtaining one's own art by oneself in the earth cave by practicing incessantly'. This process along with pokpodoggong (瀑布獨功) (same as above except that the location is by the waterfall) is the final training stage in order to become a recognized virtuoso on the part of the apprentice. This could be compared to the final annealing and finishing process of producing a metalwork. This has been a long tradition followed by most Korean traditional artists in order to perfect their sound which is harmonious with nature within natural surroundings. By honing in on this point, I have come to think about this matter repeatedly while coaching the university students in vocal singing. In short, I came to the conclusion that "the making of natural sounds will be obtained naturally within natural surroundings like caves!" Consequently, The Society for Studying Cave Sounds was inaugurated on January 1992 along with some of my students. We made use of times like vacations to go around exploring caves all over Jeju and carried out investigations of sounds along with cave exploration on an experimental basis. After 5 years, in September of 1997, we were able to host the first ever cave concert domestically at the Whale Nostril Cave(東岸鯨窟) on Wu-do. After that, we have been hosting the cave concert once every year. We have achieved a record of a total of 14 cave concerts until 2009 of this year. Out of these, 2 were held in Seokhwaeam Cave in Kangwon Province, another two were held in Manjang Cave which is a lava cave, and the remaining 10 were held in the Whale Nostril Cave of Wu-do. Along with that, I have carried out a special recording for the production of a cave music CD in May of 1999. This paper was written and organized by using the main materials that were derived from the experiences of using caves as concert halls in the past. It is hoped that this cave concert will offer a very unique experience to tourists who come to Jeju every year and give them the best possible superior natural sound effect that only Jeju caves can offer.