• 제목/요약/키워드: soil-steel structure

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관입깊이에 따른 석션파일 고유진동수 측정 및 분석 (The natural frequency measurement for a suction pile about the intrusion depth)

  • 이종화;김민수;서윤호;김봉기;이준신;유무성;곽대진
    • 한국소음진동공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소음진동공학회 2014년도 추계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.495-496
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    • 2014
  • The suction method is the substructure installation using the water pressure difference generated by discharging water inside the pile by the pumping operation, after the intrusion by the self-weights of a large hollow steel pipe or a concrete structure. It is known as the low-noise and low-vibration method against the general pile driven method and eco-friendly, also. Most current design and safety assessment of the support structure and considering only the static load, however, the importance of dynamic behavior becomes magnified as the size of wind power generator increases. This study measures the natural frequency of the suction pile prototype about the penetration depth as a part of basic research and analyzed the interaction between the soil and the structure.

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Performance-based Design of 300 m Vertical City "ABENO HARUKAS"

  • Hirakawa, Kiyoaki;Saburi, Kazuhiro;Kushima, Souichirou;Kojima, Kazutaka
    • 국제초고층학회논문집
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.35-48
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    • 2014
  • In designing a 300 meter high skyscraper expected to be the tallest building in Japan, an earthquake-ridden country, we launched on the full-scale performance based design to ensure redundancy and establish new specifications using below new techniques. The following new techniques are applied because the existing techniques/materials are not enough to meet the established design criteria for the large-scale, irregularly-shaped building, and earth-conscious material saving and construction streamlining for reconstructing a station building are also required: ${\bullet}$ High strength materials: Concrete filled steel tube ("CFT") columns made of high-strength concrete and steels; ${\bullet}$ New joint system: Combination of outer diaphragm and aluminium spray jointing; ${\bullet}$ Various dampers including corrugated steel-plate walls, rotational friction dampers, oil dampers, and inverted-pendulum adaptive tuned mass damper (ATMD): Installed as appropriate; and ${\bullet}$ Foundation system: Piled raft foundation, soil cement earth-retaining wall construction, and beer bottle shaped high-strength CFT piles.

Vertical Z-vibration prediction model of ground building induced by subway operation

  • Zhou, Binghua;Xue, Yiguo;Zhang, Jun;Zhang, Dunfu;Huang, Jian;Qiu, Daohong;Yang, Lin;Zhang, Kai;Cui, Jiuhua
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • 제30권3호
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    • pp.273-280
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    • 2022
  • A certain amount of random vibration excitation to subway track is caused by subway operation. This excitation is transmitted through track foundation, tunnel, soil medium, and ground building to the ground and ground structure, causing vibration. The vibration affects ground building. In this study, the results of ANSYS numerical simulation was used to establish back-propagation (BP) neural network model. Moreover, a back-propagation neural network model consisting of five input neurons, one hidden layer, 11 hidden-layer neurons, and three output neurons was used to analyze and calculate the vertical Z-vibration level of New Capital's ground buildings of Qingdao Metro phase I Project (Line M3). The Z-vibration level under different working conditions was calculated from monolithic roadbed, steel-spring floating slab roadbed, and rubber-pad floating slab roadbed under the working condition of center point of 0-100 m. The steel-spring floating slab roadbed was used in the New Capital area to monitor the subway operation vibration in this area. Comparing the monitoring and prediction results, it was found that the prediction results have a good linear relationship with lower error. The research results have good reference and guiding significance for predicting vibration caused by subway operation.

Evaluation of performance of piled-raft foundations on soft clay: A case study

  • Khanmohammadi, Mohammadreza;Fakharian, Kazem
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2018
  • Applicability of constructing piled raft foundations on soft clay has been given attention in recent years. Lack of sufficient stiffness for soil and thus excessive settlements to allow higher contribution of piles is the major concern in this regard. This paper presents a numerical investigation of performance of piled-raft foundations on soft clay with focusing on a case study. A 3D FEM numerical model is developed using ABAQUS. The model was calibrated by comparing physical and numerical modeling results of other researchers. Then the possibility of using piled-raft system in construction of foundation for a water storage tank in Sarbandar, Iran is assessed. Soil strength parameters in the numerical model were calibrated using the instrumentation data of a heavily instrumented preloading project at the construction site. The results indicate that choosing the proper combination of length and spacing for piles can lead to acceptable differential and total settlements while a high percentage of total bearing capacity of piles can be mobilized, which is an efficient solution for the project. Overall, the construction of piled-rafts on soft clays is promising as long as the total settlement of the structure is not imposing restrictions such as the common 25 mm allowable settlement. But instead, if higher allowable settlements are adopted, for example in the case of rigid steel tanks, the method shall be applicable with considerable cost savings.

Advanced procedure for estimation of pipeline embedment on soft clay seabed

  • Yu, S.Y.;Choi, H.S.;Park, K.S.;Kim, Y.T.;Kim, D.K.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제62권4호
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    • pp.381-389
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    • 2017
  • In the present study, the advanced procedure has been proposed to estimate higher accuracy of embedment of pipes that are installed on soft clay seabed. Numerical simulation by OrcaFlex simulation code was performed to investigate dynamic seabed embedment, and two steps, i.e., static and dynamic analysis, were adopted. In total, four empirical curves were developed to estimate the seabed embedment including dynamic phenomena, i.e., behaviour of vessel, environmental condition, and behaviour of nonlinear soil. The obtained results were compared with existing methods (named general method) such as design code or guideline to examine the difference of seabed embedment for existing and advance methods. Once this process was carried out for each case, a diagram for estimating seabed embedment was established. The applicability of the proposed method was verified through applied examples with field survey data. This method will be very useful in predicting seabed embedment on soft clay, and the structural behaviours of installed subsea pipelines can be changed by the obtained seabed embedment in association with on-bottom stability, free span, and many others.

Influence of different foundation models on the dynamic response of jacket offshore wind turbines with local joint flexibility

  • Chuan Ma;Hassan Saghi;Yun-Wook Choo;Young K. Ju;Chulsang Yoo;Goangseup Zi
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • 제53권5호
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    • pp.629-651
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    • 2024
  • This study assessed the influence of three joint elements and four foundation models on the dynamic response of jacket offshore wind turbines, specifically focusing on natural frequency, structural displacement, and member stress. Moreover, parametric studies were performed to evaluate the sensitivity of different foundation models to changes in soil properties, pile diameter-thickness ratios and pile embedded depths. The results indicate that the rigid and center-to-center models significantly overestimate joint stiffness compared to the local joint flexibility model. Using the distributed nonlinear spring model as a reference, both the fixed foundation and equivalent coupled-spring models overestimate foundation stiffness, whereas the apparent fixity length model underestimates it. Additionally, the distributed nonlinear spring model shows notable sensitivity to the pile diameter-thickness ratio and pile embedded depth, while the apparent fixity length model exhibits larger sensitivity to soil properties and the pile diameter-thickness ratio. Overall, this study developed an advanced jacket model that incorporates both joint and foundation flexibility, significantly improving the accuracy for the dynamic response prediction of offshore structures under combined wind-wave-current loads. This model mitigates design risks associated with serviceability and ultimate limit states and offers valuable insights into the applicability of simplified foundation models across various foundation stiffness scenarios in engineering practice.

Moment-rotational analysis of soil during mining induced ground movements by hybrid machine learning assisted quantification models of ELM-SVM

  • Dai, Bibo;Xu, Zhijun;Zeng, Jie;Zandi, Yousef;Rahimi, Abouzar;Pourkhorshidi, Sara;Khadimallah, Mohamed Amine;Zhao, Xingdong;El-Arab, Islam Ezz
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • 제41권6호
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    • pp.831-850
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    • 2021
  • Surface subsidence caused by mining subsidence has an impact on neighboring structures and utilities. In other words, subsurface voids created by mining or tunneling activities induce soil movement, exposing buildings to physical and/or functional destruction. Soil-structure is evaluated employing probability distribution laws to account for their uncertainty and complexity to estimate structural vulnerability. In this study, to investigate the displacement field and surface settlement profile caused by mining subsidence, on the basis of a Winklersoil model, analytical equations for the moment-rotation response ofsoil during mining induced ground movements are developed. To define the full static moment-rotation response, an equation for the uplift-yield state is constructed and integrated with equations for the uplift- and yield-only conditions. The constructed model's findings reveal that the inverse of the factor of safety (x) has a considerable influence on the moment-rotation curve. The maximal moment-rotation response of the footing is defined by X = 0:6. Despite the use of Winkler model, the computed moment-rotation response results derived from the literature were analyzed through the ELM-SVM hybrid of Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) and Support Vector Machine (SVM). Also, Monte Carlo simulations are used to apply continuous random parameters to assess the transmission of ground motions to structures. Following the findings of RMSE and R2, the results show that the choice of probabilistic laws of input parameters has a substantial impact on the outcome of analysis performed.

조밀한 모래지반의 기초 인접에 설치된 마이크로파일 보강효과에 관한 실험적 연구 (An Experimental Study on the Reinforcement Effect of Installed Micropiles in the Surround of Footing on Dense Sand)

  • 이태형;임종철
    • 한국지반공학회논문집
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    • 제22권5호
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    • pp.69-81
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    • 2006
  • 직경 $150\sim300mm$ 정도의 보링공에 강봉 또는 강관을 삽입하여 그라우팅 재료로 주입 압력을 가하는 소구경 현장 타설 말뚝의 일종인 마이크로파일 공법은 기계의 소형화, 저진동, 저소음 등의 장점으로 도심지의 협소한 공간에서의 적용 범위가 점차 확대되고 있다. 마이크로파일은 지지력 증가, 지반 변위억제를 통한 구조물 안정성 확보 등에 주로 적용되어져 왔고, 향후 공법의 유효성과 잠재성으로 다양한 방면에 활용될 것으로 예상된다. 본 연구에서는 마이크로 파일과 지반과의 상호작용에 초점을 두고 기초의 인접지반(지반보강 개념) 보강을 실시하였으며, 실험 결과 및 지반변형 분석을 통해서 보강 효과(지지력 증가효과 및 침하억제 효과)를 정성적 정량적으로 분석하여 설계 및 시공에서의 효율성과 적용성을 높이고자 한다.

철도하부 가도교 설치에 대한 JES공법 (Joint Element Structure Method on the Subway Box Structure unere Railroad)

  • 피태희;조국환;사공명
    • 한국철도학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국철도학회 2008년도 추계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.973-981
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    • 2008
  • This document presents the JES(Joint Element Structure) method that has been adopted for the firs time in our country for the construction of the structure crossing under the railroad without open excavation. Front Jacking Method, Tubular Roof Construction Method, New Tubular Roof Method and Joint Element Structure Method are commonly used for the construction of structures crossing under the railroad. JES Method, frequently used in Japan recently, is a new method to construct the structures crossing under the railroad in a safe manner and in a relatively short period of time by utilizing the steel elements with the joints through which the load in the vertical angle to the axial direction is transferred to the next element. The elements are tied to each other through the joints to form the permanent walls of a Rahmen structure under the road without open excavation and without limitation to the length in a convenient way. Through the case study in the project of a Subway Box Culvert Improvement for the Gyeonguiseon Railroad in front of Yonsei University using the JES Method, the cost and period of construction in various types of soil is investigated compared to the Front Jacking Method. Furthermore, by analyzing the results of instrumentation measurements carried out throughout the construction, comparison between the actual displacement in the ground and the predicted displacement in the design is made to provide the considerations to be counted for the design. In conclusion, comparison in the field of economic feasibility, constructability and safety between the JES Method and Front Jacking Method, which is most frequently adopted in our country at present, is made to present the JES Method as a new alternative for the non-open excavation construction method for the structures crossing under the railway.

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Evaluation of seismic energy demand and its application on design of buckling-restrained braced frames

  • Choi, Hyunhoon;Kim, Jinkoo
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제31권1호
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    • pp.93-112
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    • 2009
  • In this study seismic analyses of steel structures were carried out to examine the effect of ground motion characteristics and structural properties on energy demands using 100 earthquake ground motions recorded in different soil conditions, and the results were compared with those of previous works. Analysis results show that ductility ratios and the site conditions have significant influence on input energy. The ratio of hysteretic to input energy is considerably influenced by the ductility ratio and the strong motion duration. It is also observed that as the predominant periods of the input energy spectra are significantly larger than those of acceleration response spectra used in the strength design, the strength demand on a structure designed based on energy should be checked especially in short period structures. For that reason framed structures with buckling-restrained-braces (BRBs) were designed in such a way that all the input energy was dissipated by the hysteretic energy of the BRBs, and the results were compared with those designed by conventional strength-based design procedure.