• Title/Summary/Keyword: small-scale data

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Evaluation of Usefulness of the Protein Drug Feature Information Filed (단백질 의약품 특성정보필드 유용성 평가)

  • Byeon, Jaehee;Choi, Yoo-Joo;Lee, Ju-Hwan;Suh, Jung-Keun
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.21-31
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    • 2014
  • As the protein drug industry is growing, protein informations are indispensable for the protein drug development. NCBI and PDB in the U.S., the EMBL in Europe and the DDBJ in Japan are the representative centers for bio information and each center provides specific data for protein information. To obtain specific protein information, users are to be collect them from the service sites of each center and then combine or analyze for their purpose. To facilitate the accessibility to bio data, various R&D activities are running for development of diverse web services relevant to bio data in major data centers or small-scale projects. With the recognition of protein information as pivotal for the protein drug development, DrugBank in Canada, GDSC in the U.S. start to provide integrated informations between drugs and proteins. However, those service does not meet users' demands due to lack of diversity. In Korea, infra structures for bioinformatics are limited and the current services for protein drug information are providing only basic information of the drug including distribution data. This is a pilot study to construct a specialized service for protein drug information in Korean style breaking through the limitations of current services. This study proposed new fields for protein characterization information which had not been provided by current services and evaluated their effectiveness and usability by comparing them to the existing fields with expert survey. As a result, the newly proposed fields for protein characterization have been proven to be useful data fields for the service of protein drug information.

Review of Remote Sensing Studies on Groundwater Resources (원격탐사의 지하수 수자원 적용 사례 고찰)

  • Lee, Jeongho
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.33 no.5_3
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    • pp.855-866
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    • 2017
  • Several research cases using remote sensing methods to analyze changes of storage and dynamics of groundwater aquifer were reviewed in this paper. The status of groundwater storage, in an area with regional scale, could be qualitatively inferred from geological feature, surface water altimetry and topography, distribution of vegetation, and difference between precipitation and evapotranspiration. These qualitative indicators could be measured by geological lineament analysis, airborne magnetic survey, DEM analysis, LAI and NDVI calculation, and surface energy balance modeling. It is certain that GRACE and InSAR have received remarkable attentions as direct utilization from satellite data for quantification of groundwater storage and dynamics. GRACE, composed of twin satellites having acceleration sensors, could detect global or regional microgravity changes and transform them into mass changes of water on surface and inside of the Earth. Numerous studies in terms of groundwater storage using GRACE sensor data were performed with several merits such that (1) there is no requirement of sensor data, (2) auxiliary data for quantification of groundwater can be entirely obtained from another satellite sensors, and (3) algorithms for processing measured data have continuously progressed from designated data management center. The limitations of GRACE for groundwater storage measurement could be defined as follows: (1) In an area with small scale, mass change quantification of groundwater might be inaccurate due to detection limit of the acceleration sensor, and (2) the results would be overestimated in case of combination between sensor and field survey data. InSAR can quantify the dynamic characteristics of aquifer by measuring vertical micro displacement, using linear proportional relation between groundwater head and vertical surface movement. However, InSAR data might now constrain their application to arid or semi-arid area whose land cover appear to be simple, and are hard to apply to the area with the anticipation of loss of coherence with surface. Development of GRACE and InSAR sensor data preprocessing algorithms optimized to topography, geology, and natural conditions of Korea should be prioritized to regionally quantify the mass change and dynamics of the groundwater resources of Korea.

A Study on the Locational Factors of Small Industry in Pusan, Korea (釜山市 小規模工業의 立地와 意思決定에 關한 硏究)

  • Lee, Hee-Yul
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.16-39
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    • 1993
  • This study aims to analyze the locational factors which the small firm enterpreneurs in Pusan City mainly consider in deciding location choices for their plants, and then to grasp the differences of the factors in terms of nature of firms, managerial personal characteristics and zoning areas. In order to implement the purpose of the rescarch, data are collected from selected small firm enterpreneurs throughthe questionaire. The main results are summerized as follows. First, it is pointed out that small firm indu-strialists for the regional choice consider crucial rationale as non-economic factor of personal reson with additional consideration of transpor-tation, infrastructure, service, market and labor forces. But in selection of site, they are apt to have high regard on the such factors as infra-structure, service, land and transportation factor. These factors to select the site demonstrate differentiation in terms of character of enter-prises, managerial characteristics and zoning areas. For example, land in the light of indu-strial sector is regarded as an important factor with longer the time of the establishment of firms or more aged or experienced enterpreneurs, wheras infrastructure and service in the heavy and chemical industrial sector are taken up as an important one with shorter the time of establishment of firms or less aged or experienced or higher educational background of enterpren-eurs. In addition, the non-economic factors such as the residential livebility and personal reason are picked up as important factors with smaller the firm or more aged or experienced, lesser educational background of entrepreneurs. Taking into consideration zoning area, infra-structure and service in the industrial area such as the exclusive and semi-industrial areas, land in green belt area, and transportation in the commercial and residential areas are singled out as the most important factors respectively. In addition, the non-economic factors of the resi-dential livability and personal reason in the non-industrial areas are also highly regarded. Second, land is picked up as the most impor-tant one of pulling factors toward the present site while other factors such as infrastructure, service, personal reason are also regarded as the secondary reason for the move-in decision; the pulling factors for the present plant location show somewhat differences in terms of the charcter of the enterprises, managerial chara-cteristics and zoning areas. Policy measures including land, infrastructure under the environmental aspects, service and transportations are, in turn, pointed out as the important ones for pushing factors. Meanwhile, as the important staying factor in the present place, transportation, infrastructure and service under the aspect of the agglomeration benefit, market, personal reason are considered. The pushing and staying factors also shows somewhat distinctive differences in terms of the character of enterprises, managerial chracteristics and zoning area. In the case of zoning area, land is regarded as the most important factor to move out, especially in the non-industrial areas inclu-ding the commerical and residential areas policy measures, infrastructure and service are indicated as important factors to move out. In the mean-time, as the important staying factor, industria-lists in the exclusive and semi-industrial areas point out transportation, infrastructure and service. Whereas the counterparts in the com-mercial area regard transportation and market as important factor, those in the residential area consider the non-economic factors such as personal reason and residential livability. Taking into consideration the result of this analysis, it is identified that the locational chara-cteristics of the intraurban small firm industries are not only associated with the character of enterprises, but also with manager's personal character and the trait of zoning area. Therefore, it seems that the thorough review or examination of enterprises, industrialists' characteristics and zoning areas will have meanin-gful significance in attemption explanation of small firm industries at the intrauban scale in the future. Especially, it appears that the eco-nomic factors such as land, infrastructure, service, transportation, and the non-economic factors such as residential livability and personal reason play together important parts to determine the locational choice of small firm industries along with non-industrial benefit. Thus, such status reveals the obvious implication for the intraurban industrial policy in the future.

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A Study on the Difference of Rainfall Intensity According to the Omission of Short-Term (20, 30, 40, 50 Minutes) Rainfall Data in Inducing I-D-F Curves (I-D-F곡선 유도 시 짧은 지속기간(20분, 30분, 40분, 50분) 강우자료 누락에 따른 강우강도 차이 고찰)

  • Lee, Hee Chang;Seong, Kee Won
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.465-475
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    • 2020
  • I-D-F curves were induced by Box-Cox transformation using rainfall data from five major cities in Korea: Seoul, Busan, Daegu, Daejeon, and Gwangju, as well as from Sancheong (South Gyeongsang province) and Yeongcheon (North Gyeongsang province) stations. The practicality of the Box-Cox transformation is more scalable than the traditional method of frequency analysis in terms of applicability because it is available even if the analysis data are insufficient to perform general frequency analysis and do not produce an appropriate probability density function. For the case in which rainfall data for the entire period (10-1440 minutes) and short-term period (20, 30, 40, 50 minutes) at the foregoing 7 stations are omitted, there was a relative error of -23.0 % to 14.7 % at a duration of 10 to 60 minutes below the 100-year frequency. Accordingly, rainfall analysis requires inducing I-D-F curves, including for the short term (20, 30, 40, 50 minutes), and if rainfall data are omitted for the short term (20, 30, 40, 50 minutes), it is necessary to increase the existing margin rate depending on the point in order to ensure the safe design of small-scale hydraulic structures.

A Study on the Procedure for Constructing Linked Open Data of Records Information by Using Open Source Tool (오픈소스 도구를 이용한 기록정보 링크드 오픈 데이터 구축 절차 연구)

  • Ha, Seung Rok;Yim, Jin Hee;Rieh, Hae-young
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.341-371
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    • 2017
  • Recently, the web service environment has changed from document-centered to data-oriented focus, and the Linked Open Data (LOD) exists at the core of the new environment. Specific procedures and methods were examined to build the LOD of records information in accordance with this trend. With the service sustainability of small-scale archive in consideration, an exemplification on LOD building process by utilizing open source software was developed in this paper. To this end, a 5-step service framework for LOD construction was proposed and applied to a collection of diary records from 'Human and Memory Archive'. Proof of Concept (POC) utilizing open source softwares, Protege and Apache Jena Fuseki, was conducted according to the proposed 5 step framework. After establishing the LOD of record information by utilizing the open source software, the connection with external LOD through interlinking and SPARQL search has been successfully performed. In addition, archives' considerations for LOD construction, including improvement on the quality of content information, the role of the archivist, were suggested based on the understanding obtained through the LOD construction process of records information.

Detecting Errors in POS-Tagged Corpus on XGBoost and Cross Validation (XGBoost와 교차검증을 이용한 품사부착말뭉치에서의 오류 탐지)

  • Choi, Min-Seok;Kim, Chang-Hyun;Park, Ho-Min;Cheon, Min-Ah;Yoon, Ho;Namgoong, Young;Kim, Jae-Kyun;Kim, Jae-Hoon
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.9 no.7
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    • pp.221-228
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    • 2020
  • Part-of-Speech (POS) tagged corpus is a collection of electronic text in which each word is annotated with a tag as the corresponding POS and is widely used for various training data for natural language processing. The training data generally assumes that there are no errors, but in reality they include various types of errors, which cause performance degradation of systems trained using the data. To alleviate this problem, we propose a novel method for detecting errors in the existing POS tagged corpus using the classifier of XGBoost and cross-validation as evaluation techniques. We first train a classifier of a POS tagger using the POS-tagged corpus with some errors and then detect errors from the POS-tagged corpus using cross-validation, but the classifier cannot detect errors because there is no training data for detecting POS tagged errors. We thus detect errors by comparing the outputs (probabilities of POS) of the classifier, adjusting hyperparameters. The hyperparameters is estimated by a small scale error-tagged corpus, in which text is sampled from a POS-tagged corpus and which is marked up POS errors by experts. In this paper, we use recall and precision as evaluation metrics which are widely used in information retrieval. We have shown that the proposed method is valid by comparing two distributions of the sample (the error-tagged corpus) and the population (the POS-tagged corpus) because all detected errors cannot be checked. In the near future, we will apply the proposed method to a dependency tree-tagged corpus and a semantic role tagged corpus.

Seismic Imaging of Ocean-bottom Seismic Data for Finding a Carbon Capture and Storage Site: Two-dimensional Reverse-time Migration of Ocean-bottom Seismic Data Acquired in the Pohang Basin, South Korea (이산화탄소 지중저장 부지 선정을 위한 해저면 탄성파 탐사자료의 영상화: 포항 영일만 해저면 탐사자료의 2차원 역시간 구조보정)

  • Park, Sea-Eun;Li, Xiangyue;Kim, Byoung Yeop;Oh, Ju-Won;Min, Dong-Joo;Kim, Hyoung-Soo
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.78-88
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    • 2021
  • Owing to the abnormal weather conditions due to global warming, carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology has attracted global attention as a countermeasure to reduce CO2 emissions. In the Pohang CCS demonstration project in South Korea, 100 tons of CO2 were successfully injected into the subsurface CO2 storage in early 2017. However, after the 2017 Pohang earthquake, the Pohang CCS demonstration project was suspended due to an increase in social concerns about the safety of the CCS project. In this study, to reconfirm the structural suitability of the CO2 storage site in the Pohang Basin, we employed seismic imaging based on reverse-time migration (RTM) to analyze small-scale ocean-bottom seismic data, which have not been utilized in previous studies. Compared with seismic images using marine streamer data, the continuity of subsurface layers in the RTM image using the ocean-bottom seismic data is improved. Based on the obtained subsurface image, we discuss the structural suitability of the Pohang CO2 storage site.

Single-Channel Seismic Data Processing via Singular Spectrum Analysis (특이 스펙트럼 분석 기반 단일 채널 탄성파 자료처리 연구)

  • Woodon Jeong;Chanhee Lee;Seung-Goo Kang
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.91-107
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    • 2024
  • Single-channel seismic exploration has proven effective in delineating subsurface geological structures using small-scale survey systems. The seismic data acquired through zero- or near-offset methods directly capture subsurface features along the vertical axis, facilitating the construction of corresponding seismic sections. However, substantial noise in single-channel seismic data hampers precise interpretation because of the low signal-to-noise ratio. This study introduces a novel approach that integrate noise reduction and signal enhancement via matrix rank optimization to address this issue. Unlike conventional rank-reduction methods, which retain selected singular values to mitigate random noise, our method optimizes the entire singular value spectrum, thus effectively tackling both random and erratic noises commonly found in environments with low signal-to-noise ratio. Additionally, to enhance the horizontal continuity of seismic events and mitigate signal loss during noise reduction, we introduced an adaptive weighting factor computed from the eigenimage of the seismic section. To access the robustness of the proposed method, we conducted numerical experiments using single-channel Sparker seismic data from the Chukchi Plateau in the Arctic Ocean. The results demonstrated that the seismic sections had significantly improved signal-to-noise ratios and minimal signal loss. These advancements hold promise for enhancing single-channel and high-resolution seismic surveys and aiding in the identification of marine development and submarine geological hazards in domestic coastal areas.

A Study on the Regionality of Land-Lease Farming : A Comparative Analysis of the Case Study Areas (임차농(賃借農)의 지역성(地域性)에 관한 연구 -사례지역의 비교분석-)

  • Suh, Chan-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.121-150
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    • 1997
  • This Study puts the purpose to explicate the regionalities of land-lease farming by a comparative analisis of the five case study areas in Kungpook Province as the agricultural space system of Teagu metropolitan city. For the regional comparative analysis the province was divided into the three zones with the distance from the central city(Teagu): urban fringes, intermediate and remote zone, and then subdivided into the five regions by farming systems : horticulture, rice-farming, and dry-field farming. The data were collected from 77 land-leasing farmers by questionnaire and interview with farm managers in 5 sample villages representing the regionalities of the above five regions respectively. In spite of relatively restricted scope of the research areas, the analytical results appear remarkable regional differences in the characteristics of land-lease farming within a single agricultural space system. In the final analysis the regionalities of the five land-lease farming regions could be described respectively as follows. (1) Koryong-Gun in the inner urban fringe zone : The developing land-lease farming region of commercialized suburban horticulture with medium scale. (2) Songju-Gun in the outer urban fringe zone : The developing land-lease farming region of highly commercialized horticulture with large scale. (3) Uisong-Gun in the intermediate zone : The stagnated land-lease farming region of commercialized rice-farming with large scale. (4) Yongil-Gun in the intermediate zone : The stagnated land-lease farming region of commercializing dry-field farming with medium scale. (5) Ponghwa-Gun in the remote zone : The stagnated and delayed region in commercializing of intermountain dry-field land-lease farming with small scale. These varied regionalities resulted from the diverse spatiality as a complex of spatial orders and localities. The spatial orders in this study are frequently recognizable as a form of distance-decay, and the locality of a region is determined mostly by the its peculiarity of physical and population conditions. In the comparative analysis of the regionalities the degree of commercialization of a region is a most comprehensive and useful frame of reference because it reflects the degree of development of capitalist land-lease farming. Finally these apparent regional differentiations of land-lease farming within a agricultural space system raise the problem of impracticality of the existing uniform logic on the land-lease farming such as "large scale farms share larger part of leased farmland." This problem suggests the urgent need of reappraisal of many aspatial logics and theories on the land-lease farming.

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A Study on the Application of IUCN Global Ecosystem Typology Using Land Cover Map in Korea (토지피복지도를 활용한 IUCN 생태계유형분류 국내 적용)

  • Hee-Jung Sohn;Su-Yeon Won;Jeong-Eun Jeon;Eun-Hee Park;Do-Hee Kim;Sang-Hak Han;Young-Keun Song
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.209-220
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    • 2023
  • Over the past few centuries, widespread changes to natural ecosystems caused by human activities have severely threatened biodiversity worldwide. Understanding changes in ecosystems is essential to identifying and managing threats to biodiversity. In line with this need, the IUCN Council formed the IUCN Global Ecosystem Typology (GET) in 2019, taking into account the functions and types of ecosystems. The IUCN provides maps of 10 ecosystem groups and 108 ecological functional groups (EFGs) on a global scale. According to the type classification of IUCN GET ecosystems, Korea's ecosystem is classified into 8 types of Realm (level 1), 18 types of Biome (level 2), and 41 types of Group (level 3). GETs provided by IUCN have low resolution and often do not match the actual land status because it was produced globally. This study aimed to increase the accuracy of Korean IUCN GET type classification by using land cover maps and producing maps that reflected the actual situation. To this end, we ① reviewed the Korean GET data system provided by IUCN GET and ② compared and analyzed it with the current situation in Korea. We evaluated the limitations and usability of the GET through the process and then ③ classified Korea's new Get type reflecting the current situation in Korea by using the national data as much as possible. This study classified Korean GETs into 25 types by using land cover maps and existing national data (Territorial realm: 9, Freshwater: 9, Marine-territorial: 5, Terrestrial-freshwater: 1, and Marine-freshwater-territorial: 1). Compared to the existing map, "F3.2 Constructed lacustrine wetlands", "F3.3 Rice paddies", "F3.4 Freshwater aquafarms", and "T7.3 Plantations" showed the largest area reduction in the modified Korean GET. The area of "T2.2 Temperate Forests" showed the largest area increase, and the "MFT1.3 Coastal saltmarshes and reedbeds" and "F2.2 Small permanent freshwater lakes" types also showed an increase in GET area after modification. Through this process, the existing map, in which the sum of all EFGs in the existing GET accounted for 8.33 times the national area, was modified so that the total sum becomes 1.22 times the national area using the land cover map. This study confirmed that the existing EFG, which had small differences by type and low accuracy, was improved and corrected. This study is significant in that it produced a GET map of Korea that met the GET standard using data reflecting the field conditions.