• Title/Summary/Keyword: site-selective

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Ginseng Cultural Management and Research Update in Atlantic Canada

  • Ju, H.Y.;Asiedu, S.K.;Hong, S.C.;Gray, B.;Sampson, G.;LeBlanc, P.
    • Proceedings of the Ginseng society Conference
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    • 1998.06a
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    • pp.103-108
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    • 1998
  • The Canadian production of American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius L.) occurs mainly in Ontario, British Columbia and the Atlantic provinces. Although ginseng is a profitable crop, its successful production is dependent on careful consideration of cultural management f include site selection, site preparation, seed selection and handling, shading actors which and mulching, pest and nutritional management, and handling of harvested crops. Diseases of particular concern in Atlantic Canada are root rots caused by Phytopkthora cactorum, Cylindrocarpon destructans and Fusarium sp. Recently two systemic fungicides (metalaxyl and fosetylal) were registered; however, growers in Atlantic Canada have experienced metalaxyl resistance resulting from the reliance on this single compound for the control of Phytophthora sap. Current research being conducted on alternative control of these diseases will be discussed. In weed control research, 2, 4-D, MCPA, clopyralid have continued to show promise for weed contro1 at low rates. In trials to evaluate non-selective herbicides as post-senescence or pre-emergence in ginseng, glyphosate (Round-up) provided control of perennials as well as willowherb and lambsquarters. In phytoxicity trials, ginseng significantly tolerated grass herbicides, including clethodim, rimsulfuron, trakloxydim, nicosulfuron and fenoxyprop. For broadleaf herbicides, significant tolerance was shown for bromoxynil, thifensulfuron methyl, flumetulam/clopyralid, thifensulfuro/tribenuron. Disease and weed management of ginseng in Atlantic Canada will be discussed.

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1,8-Naphthyridine Modified Naphthalimide Derivative: Ratiometric and Selective Sensor for Hg2+ in Organic Aqueous Solution

  • Shi, Yong Gang;Duan, Yu Lian;Chen, Jian Hua;Wu, Xiang Hua;Zhou, Ying;Zhang, Jun Feng
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.63-67
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    • 2013
  • A bottom-modified (4-position) naphthalimide derivative 1 with 1,8-naphthyridine as binding site has been designed and synthesized. Compound 1 is the first 1,8-naphthyridine-modified naphthalimide-based sensor that can detect $Hg^{2+}$ selectively with respect to ratiometric fluorescent change and blue shift in organic aqueous solution. The Job's plot and FAB mass indicate that 1 formed a 1:1 complex with $Hg^{2+}$. A top-modified naphthalimide derivative 2 with 1,8-naphthyridin as binding site has also been synthesized for comparison.

Interface formation between $MgF_2$ and Si(111) studied by LEED, AES, and TPD

  • Y.S. Chung;J.Y. Maeng;Kim, Sehun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 1999.07a
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    • pp.183-183
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    • 1999
  • The phases and interface formation of MgF2 on Si(111) were studied by using LEED, AES, and TPD. When thick MgF2 film was deposited on the Si(111) surface at RT뭉 annealed at higher temperatures, a sequence of LEED patterns (no LEED pattern $\longrightarrow$1$\times$1$\longrightarrow$3$\times$1$\longrightarrow$7$\times$7) was observed. On the 1$\times$1 model in which Mg adsorbs on T4 site and F on H3 site could explain the simultaneous desorption of SiF2 and Mg. When thin MgF2 film was deposited, and initial $\alpha$-$\times$1 phase transforms to 3$\times$3 and $\beta$-1$\times$1 by thermal annealing with a slow evaporation of F and diffusion of Mg into the surface. the 3$\times$3 surface changes to ${\gamma}$-1$\times$1 by the selective desorptioon of F under e-beam irradiation and subsesquently to a Mg-induced {{{{ SQRT { 3} }}}} structure by annealing at $600^{\circ}C$.

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Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD) Simulation and in situ Experimental Validation for the Urea-Based Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction(SNCR) Process in a Municipal Incinerator (생활폐기물 소각장 2차 연소로에서 요소용액을 이용한 선택적무촉매환원 공정에 대한 전산유체역학 모사 및 현장 검증)

  • Kang, Tae-Ho;Nguyen, Thanh D.B.;Lim, Young-Il;Kim, Seong-Joon;Eom, Won-Hyeon;Yoo, Kyung-Seun
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.47 no.5
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    • pp.630-638
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    • 2009
  • A computational fluid dynamics(CFD) model is developed and validated with on-site experiments for a urea-based SNCR(selective non-catalytic reduction) process to reduce the nitrogen oxides($NO_x$) in a municipal incinerator. The three-dimensional turbulent reacting flow CFD model having a seven global reaction mechanism under the condition of low CO concentration and 12% excess air and droplet evaporation is used for fluid dynamics simulation of the SNCR process installed in the incinerator. In this SNCR process, urea solution and atomizing air were injected into the secondary combustor, using one front nozzle and two side nozzles. The exit temperature($980^{\circ}C$) of simulation has the same value as in situ experiment one. The $NO_x$ reduction efficiencies of 57% and 59% are obtained from the experiment and CFD simulation, respectively at NSR=1.8(normalized stoichiometric ratio) for the equal flow rate ratio from the three nozzles. It is observed in the CFD simulations with varying the flowrate ratio of the three nozzles that the injection of a two times larger front nozzle flowrate than the side nozzle flowrate produces 8% higher $NO_x$ reduction efficiency than the injection of the equal ratio flowrate in each nozzle.

Sensing NO3-N and K Ions in Hydroponic Solution Using Ion-Selective Membranes (이온선택성 멤브레인을 이용한 양액 내 질산태 질소 및 칼륨 측정)

  • Kim, Won-Kyung;Park, Tu-San;Kim, Young-Joo;Roh, Mi-Young;Cho, Seong-In;Kim, Hak-Jin
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.343-349
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    • 2010
  • Rapid on-site sensing of nitrate-nitrogen and potassium ions in hydroponic solution would increase the efficiency of nutrient use for greenhouse crops cultivated in closed hydroponic systems while reducing the potential for environmental pollution in water and soil. Ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) are a promising approach because of their small size, rapid response, and the ability to directly measure the analyte. The capabilities of the ISEs for sensing nitrate and potassium in hydroponic solution can be affected by the presence of other ions such as calcium, magnesium, sulfate, sodium, and chloride in the solution itself. This study was conducted to investigate the applicability of two ISEs consisting of TDDA-NPOE and valinomycin-DOS PVC membranes for quantitative determinations of $NO_3$-N and K in hydroponic solution. Nine hydroponic solutions were prepared by diluting highly concentrated paprika hydroponic solution to provide a concentration range of 3 to 400 mg/L for $NO_3$-N and K. Two of the calibration curves relating membrane response and nutrient concentration provided coefficients of determination ($R^2$) > 0.98 and standard errors of calibration (SEC) of < 3.79 mV. The use of the direct potentiometry method, in conjunction with an one-point EMF compensation technique, was feasible for measuring $NO_3$-N and K in paprika hydroponic solution due to almost 1:1 relationships and high coefficients of determination ($R^2$ > 0.97) between the levels of $NO_3$-N and K obtained with the ion-selective electrodes and standard instruments. However, even though there were strong linear relationships ($R^2$ > 0.94) between the $NO_3$-N and K concentrations determined by the Gran's plot-based multiple standard addition method and by standard instruments, hydroponic $NO_3$-N concentrations measured with the ISEs, on average, were about 10% higher than those obtained with the automated analyzer whereas the K ISE predicted about 59% lower K than did the ICP spectrometer, probably due to no compensation for a difference between actual and expected concentrations of standard solutions directly prepared.

Forecasting and Assessment of the Grouting Effect, using a Numerical Model, to Prevent Groundwater Inflow during Excavation of a Vertical Shaft for a Selective Intake Structure (선택취수설비 굴착시 지하수 유입 방지를 위한 그라우팅 효과의 모델링 예측 및 평가)

  • Kim, Gyoo-Bum;Kim, Wan-Soo;Park, Jung-Hoon;Son, Yeong-Cheol;Kim, Jin-Woo
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.227-234
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    • 2013
  • The vertical shaft of a selective intake structure, which is constructed in a large reservoir, is required to be impermeable and to employ a grouting technology to prevent water inflow from the reservoir or surrounding ground. In this study, groundwater inflow is estimated using a numerical model for two cases (i.e., grouting or non-grouting cases at the exterior of a vertical shaft) and compared with data measured during an excavation at the construction site of a selective intake structure in the Soyang reservoir, Korea. Groundwater inflow is estimated to range from 444 to 754 $m^3/d$ in the case of non-grouting and from 58 to 95 $m^3/d$ in the case of grouting. The groundwater inflow measured in a vertical shaft, which ranges from 30 to 100 $m^3/d$, is similar to the simulated amount. It is recommended that before the excavation of a shaft, water inflow is estimated using a numerical model and a grouting test to ensure excavation stability and improve excavation efficiency.

Transgene structures of marker-free transgenic Bt rice plants (무선발 형질전환 Bt벼의 도입유전자 구조 분석)

  • Woo, Hee-Jong;Lee, Seung Bum;Lim, Myung-Ho;Gwon, Sun-Jong;Lee, Jin-Hyoung;Shin, Kong-Sik;Cho, Hyun-Suk
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.135-140
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    • 2013
  • A less simple approach developed for generation of marker-free transgenic plants is to select transformants without the use of selective marker genes. Some results about development of marker-free transgenic plants were obtained using a non-selective approach in several crops such as rice, potato and tobacco. However, the study did not provide evidence on detailed characterization of introduced gene on genome, a critical step for confirming the stable integration and transmission of a foreign gene. In this study, we evaluated structure and integration sites of transgene (mCry1Ac) in the transgenic Bt rice plants which were made via conventional Agrobacterium-mediated transformation by non-selective method. Structure and integration sites of transgene in these transgenic plants had similar fashion as those recovered under selection.

Experimental Study on Temperature Dependence of Nitrate Sensing using an ISE-based On-site Water Monitoring System

  • Jung, Dae-Hyun;Kim, Dong-Wook;Cho, Woo Jae;Kim, Hak-Jin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference
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    • 2017.04a
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    • pp.122-122
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    • 2017
  • Recently, environmental problems have become an area of growing interests. In-situ monitoring of water quality is fundamental to most environmental applications. The accurate measurement of nitrate concentrations is fundamental to understanding biogeochemistry in aquatic ecosystems. Several studies have reported that one of the most feasible methods to measure nitrate concentration is the use of Ion Selective-electrodes (ISEs). The ISE application to water monitoring has several advantages, such as direct measurement methodology, high sensitivity, wide measurement range, low cost, and portability. However, the ISE methods may yield inconsistent results where there was a difference in temperature between the calibration and measurement solutions, which is associated with the temperature dependence of ionic activity coefficients in solution. In this study, to investigate the potential of using the combination of a temperature sensor and nitrate ISEs for minimizing the effect of temperature on real-time nitrate sensing in natural water, a prototype of on-site water monitoring system was built, mainly consisting of a sensor chamber, an array of 3 ISEs, an waterproof temperature sensor, an automatic sampling system, and an arduino MCU board. The analog signals of ISEs were obtained using the second-order Sallen-key filter for performing voltage following, differential amplification, and low pass filtering. The performance test of the developed water nitrate sensing system was conducted in a monitoring station of drinking water located in Jeongseon, Kangwon. A temperature compensation method based on two-point normalization was proposed, which incorporated the determination of temperature coefficient values using regression equations relating solution temperature and electrode signal determined in our previous studies.

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Source Identification of Heavy Metal Contamination at an Industrial Complex Established Using Construction Wastes (건설폐기물을 성토재로 사용한 산업단지에서의 중금속 오염 원인 규명)

  • JOO, Gwonho;KIM, Kibeum;NAM, Kyoungphile;JUNG, Jae-Woong;Moon, Seheum;CHOI, Yongju
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.54-62
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    • 2018
  • This paper is aimed at source tracking of soil heavy metal contamination at a site established by reusing construction wastes. The soil heavy metal concentration at the study site peaked at a depth range of 5-10 m. Column studies were conducted to investigate the possibility of the contamination scenario of infiltration of stormwater carrying heavy metals of ground origin followed by selective heavy metal accumulation at the 5-10 m depth range. Almost all amount of lead, zinc, cadmium, and nickel introduced to the columns each packed with 0-5 m or 5-10 m field soil were accumulated in the column. The very poor heavy metal mobility in spite of the weak association of the heavy metals with the soil (characterized by a sequential extraction procedure) can be attributed to the high pH (10-11) of the construction wastes. From the results, the heavy metal contamination of the subsurface soil by an external heavy metal source was determined to be very unlikely at the study site. The column study applied in the current study is expected to be a useful methodology to present direct evidence of the contaminant source tracking at soil contamination sites.

Selectivity of Oxomemazine for the $M_1$ Muscarinic Receptors

  • Lee, Shin-Woong;Woo, Chang-Woo;Kim, Jeung-Gu
    • Archives of Pharmacal Research
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.443-451
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    • 1994
  • The binding characteristics of pirenzepine and oxomemazine to muscarinic receptor were studied to evaluate the selectivity of oxomemazine for the muscarinic receptor subtypes in rat cerebral microsomes. Equililbrium dissociation constant $(K_D){\;}of{\;}(-)[^3H]$quinuclidinyl benzilate$([^3H)QNB)$ determined from saturation isotherms was 64-pM. Analysis of the pirenzepine inghibition curve of [$^3H$]QNB binding to cerebral microsome indicatd the presence of two receptor subtypes with high $(K_1 = 16 nM, M_1 receptor)$two receptor subypes with about 20-fold difference in the affinity for high $(k_1 = 84nM, {\;} O_H receptor){\;} and {\;}low{\;} (K_1{\;} ={\;} 1.65\muM, {\;} O_L receptor$) affinity sites. The percentage populations of $M_1{\;} and M_3$, /TEX> receptors to the total receptors were 61 : 39, and those of $O_H{\;} and{\;} O_L$ receptors 39 : 61, resepectively. Both pirenzepine and oxomemazine increaed the $K_D$ value for $[^3H]QNB$ without affecting the binding site concentrations and Hii coefficient for the $[^3H]QNB$ without affecting the binding site concentractions and Hill coefficient for the [$^{3}$H]QNB binding. Oxomemazine had a 10-fold higher affinity at $M_1$ receptors than at $M_3$ receptors, and pirenzepine a 8-fold higher affinity at $O_H$ receptors were of $O_H$ receptors and 71% of $M_3$ receptors. However, $M_3$for oxomemazine and $O_H$for pirenzepine were composed of a uniform population. These results suggest that oxomemazine could be classified as a selective drug for $M_1$ receptors and also demonstrate that rat cerebral microsomes contain three different subtypes of $M_1{\;} M_3$ and the other site which is different from $M_1, {\;} M_2$, /TEX> receptors.

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