• Title/Summary/Keyword: seed data

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Effect of Leaf-Extract from Camellia sinensis and Seed-Extract from Casia tora on Viability of Mutans Streptococci isolated from the interface between orthodontic brackets and tooth surfaces (녹차 결명자 추출물의 교정용 브라켓과 치면 사이의 경계부에서 분리된 mutans streptococci에 대한 항균작용)

  • Lim, Sung-Hoon;Seo, Jeong-Soon;Yoon, Young-Jooh;Kim, Kwang-Won;Yoon, So Young;Kim, Hwa-Sook;Kook, Joong-Ki;Lee, Byoung-Rai;Cha, Jong-Hee;Park, Jae-Yoon
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.33 no.5 s.100
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    • pp.381-389
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    • 2003
  • Mutans streptococci is the major causative factor in dental caries. Especially, orthodontic patients with fixed appliance are a risk group for dental caries. Because fixed appliances attached on teeth may change the environment of dental plaque, the enamel decalcification or dental caries around the bracket and band is a major side effect of orthodontic treatmet. The aim of this study was to search plant extracts that have antimicrobial effect on mutans streptococci. Seed-extract of Casia torn were prepared with ethanol and CHMC-2032, the leaf-extracts from Camellia sinensis extract, was obtained extract, 2 type strains and 20 clinical isolates of mutans streptococci isolated from the interface between orthodontic brackets and tooth surfaces in the orthodontic patients were used in this study. The minimal inhibitory concentration of CHMC-2032 was 5mg/ml on the S. mutans KCTC 3065, S. sobrinus KCTC 3088, and 8 clinical isolates of S. sobrinus. However, there was no antibacterial effect of seed-extract of C. tora on mutans streptococci. These data suggest that green tea nay be more effective than the tea Prepared from C tora In the prevention of enamel decalcification or dental caries around brackets.

Effects of FUll-FEat Flax Seed, $\alpha$-Tocopherol and Selenium on the Expression of cell Surface Antigen of Broiler Chickens (아마종실과 $\alpha$-Tocopherol, 셀레늄 급여가 육계의 세포표면항원 발현에 미치는 영향)

  • 안종남;채현석;문진산;김동운;권명상;박병성
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.231-237
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    • 2001
  • To examine the effects of feed additives on the expression of perpheral blood cell surface molecules, phagocytosis and antigen specific antibody formation, broilers were randomly assigned to $T_{1}$ , $T_{2}$ , $T_{3}$ , and $T_{4}$ groups. $T_{1}$ group was fed diet without any additives for 13 weeks, $T_{2}$ was fed diet with full fat flax, $T_{3}$ was fed diet with full fat flax containing $\alpha$-tocopherol, and $T_{4}$ was fed diet with full- fat flax containing $\alpha$-tocopherol and selenium. Since 5 weeks feeding the data were examined by flow cytometry using a panel of monoclonal antibodies. The expression of monocyte in all treated groups was significantly increased, in which the ratio of expression in $T_{3}$ group was especially evident. B cell expression of all treated groups was increased more than 2 fold. The expression of CD4+(helper T cell) cell and CD8+(cytotox$ic^pressor T cell) cell of all treated groups also was increased.ed.

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University Green Campus Policy & Evaluation Criteria -Focus on Comparison of Korea, US AASHE, UNEP & ISCN-GULF- (대학 그린캠퍼스 정책과 평가기준에 관한 연구 -한국, 미국 AASHE, UNEP & ISCN-GULF 간 비교를 중심으로-)

  • Oh, Joon-Gul;Yeom, Dae-Bong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.577-586
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    • 2018
  • In Korea, sustainability is mandatory in every field. University campuses are educational facilities that consume considerable amounts of energy. Therefore, many universities have tried to take advantage of the last opportunity to prepare students with sustainability and leadership. This study compared the green campus policy and evaluation criteria among Korea, US AASHE, UNEP, and ISCN-GULF to vitalize the green campus movement and suggest recent research data for the Korea green campus accreditation. The results are as follows: 1. new evaluation criteria need to be added to the certified green building total floor area ratio instead of adapting the G-SEED system in the Campus Resource & Environments category; 2. Korean Green Campus Evaluations need to be improved when expressing the campus individuality by choosing an increased number of credits and criteria; and 3. new evaluation criteria are required to secure the result, feedback, and products from curriculum updates in the Campus Education category.

Gate-Level Conversion Methods between Boolean and Arithmetic Masks (불 마스크와 산술 마스크에 대한 게이트 레벨 변환기법)

  • Baek, Yoo-Jin
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.46 no.11
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    • pp.8-15
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    • 2009
  • Side-channel attacks including the differential power analysis attack are often more powerful than classical cryptanalysis and have to be seriously considered by cryptographic algorithm's implementers. Various countermeasures have been proposed against such attacks. In this paper, we deal with the masking method, which is known to be a very effective countermeasure against the differential power analysis attack and propose new gate-level conversion methods between Boolean and arithmetic masks. The new methods require only 6n-5 XOR and 2n-2 AND gates with 3n-2 gate delay for converting n-bit masks. The basic idea of the proposed methods is that the carry and the sum bits in the ripple adder are manipulated in a way that the adversary cannot detect the relation between these bits and the original raw data. Since the proposed methods use only bitwise operations, they are especially useful for DPA-securely implementing cryptographic algorithms in hardware which use both Boolean and arithmetic operations. For example, we applied them to securely implement the block encryption algorithm SEED in hardware and present its detailed implementation result.

Component Analysis of Different Parts of Chestnut (밤의 부위별 성분 분석)

  • Kim Yong-Doo;Choi Ok-Ja;Kim Kyung-Je;Kim Ki-Man;Hur Chang-Ki;Cho In-Kyung
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.156-160
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    • 2005
  • To obtain basic data utilizing chestnuts as a raw food material, proximate analysis was conducted. Chemical component of chestnut flesh were $63.60\%$ moisture, $118\%$ ash, $3.02\%$ crude protein, $0.615\%$ crude fat, $1.21\%$ crude fiber, and $30.37\%$ nitrogen free extract, respectively. The weight ratio of tegmen, seed coat and flesh of chestnut sample were 17.05, 14.9, and $68.05\%$, respectively. The total amino acid contents of flesh and seed coat were $2,994\;mg\%$ and $1,450\;mg\%$, respectively. The total amount of free amino acids was less than that of total amino acids. As results of mineral analysis, the content of K was higher than that of any other minerals. The contents of maltose and sucrose were higher than those of fructose and glucose. The total polyphenol contents of tegmen, seed coat, fresh, leaf and bark were $9.56\;mg\%$, $0.047\;mg\%$, $0.23\;mg\%$, $15.44\;mg\%$ and $17.85\;mg\%$, respectively.

Using Air Temperature and Sunshine Duration Data to Select Seed Production Site for Eleutherococcus senticosus Max (기온과 일도시간 분석에 의한 가시오가피의 파종적지 선정)

  • 박문수;김영진;박호기;장영선;이중호
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.444-450
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    • 1995
  • It was very hard to gather the seeds of Eleutherococcus senticosus Max. known as a medicinal plant for they tend to drop under the high temperature condition during the summer period in Korea. Therefore, this study was conducted to select seed production site for Eleutherococcus senticosus in Korea, comparing the climate of Hokkaido of Japan, in which the seeds have been produced, with that of various place in this country. It was low that the average maximum temperature during the hottest summer two months (July and August) as a 24.4$^{\circ}C$ in Hokkaido and 21.2$^{\circ}C$ in Daegwanryeong compared with 27.4$^{\circ}C$ in Changsu. Especially in Daegwanryeong, average maximum temperature from June to September remained as low as 21$^{\circ}C$. Effective accumulated temperature(>5$^{\circ}C$) was 807$^{\circ}C$ in Hokkaido and 964$^{\circ}C$ in Daegwanryeong during the ripening period. Monthly sunshined hours from July to August were 121.7~128 hours in Daegwanryeong and 83.5~85.4 hours in Hokkaido. The Eleutherococcus senticosus sprouts at 8.5$^{\circ}C$, comes to flowering season in mid-August, and ripens during late-August and October in Hokkaido, the climate of which is similar to that of Daegwanryeong.

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Determination and Prediction of the Amino Acid Digestibility of Sunflower Seed Meals in Growing Pigs

  • Liu, J.D.;Li, Q.Y.;Zeng, Z.K.;Li, P.;Xu, X.;Wang, H.L.;Zhang, S.;Piao, X.S.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.86-94
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    • 2015
  • This experiment was conducted to evaluate the chemical composition and amino acid (AA) digestibility of sunflower seed meal (SFSM) and to use this data to develop prediction equations for estimating AA digestibility for growing pigs. Ten SFSM were collected from five provinces in China. Twelve barrows ($38.8{\pm}4.6kg$), fitted with ileal T-cannula were allotted into two $6{\times}6$ Latin square designs. Each of six experimental periods comprised a 5-d adaption period followed by a 2-d collection of ileal digesta. The ten test diets contained 50% SFSM as the sole source of AA. Another nitrogen-free diet was used to measure the basal endogenous losses of crude protein (CP) and AA. Chromic oxide (0.3%) was used as an inert marker in each diet. There was considerable variation (CV>10%) among the ten SFSM in chemical composition (dry matter [DM]). The concentration of CP and ether extract (EE) ranged from 29.33% to 39.09% and 0.88% to 11.33%, respectively. Crude fibre (CF), neutral detergent fibre and acid detergent fibre ranged from 21.46% to 36.42%, 38.15% to 55.40%, and 24.59% to 37.34%, respectively. There was variation among the ten SFSM in apparent ileal digestibility (AID) and standardized ileal digestibility (SID) for lysine and threonine, which ranged from 63.16 to 79.21 and 55.19% to 72.04% for AID and 67.03% to 82.07% and 61.97% to 77.01% for SID, respectively. The variation in CP and methionine ranged from 60.13% to 74.72% and 74.79% to 88.60% for AID and 66.70% to 79.31% and 77.16% to 90.27% for SID, respectively. Methionine was a good indicator to predict AA digestibility. These results indicate that conventional chemical composition of SFSM was variable (CV>10%) among the ten SFSM (DM). The results of AID, SID and prediction equations could be used to evaluate the digestibility of SFSM in growing pigs.

Growth Performance of Pinus densiflora Introduced from Six Provenances of Japan at Chungju, Korea (충주에 식재한 일본 6개 산지 소나무의 생장)

  • Kwon, Yong-Rak;Ryu, Keun-Ok;Kim, In-Sik;Lee, Kap Yeon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.95 no.3
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    • pp.250-255
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    • 2006
  • Pinus densiflora is a dominant conifer species in Korea and also distributed in regions of Japan and eastern China. Success in the establishment and productivity of forest tree plantation is largely determined by selection of species and seed source. The provenance tests of Pinus densiflora in Korea are underway. However, the information of the growth performance of Japanese and Chinese provenances are insufficient. Therefore, this study was conducted to evaluate the growth performance of Pinus densiflora Japanese provenances. Data were collected from a provenance trial including established by Korea Forest Research Institude at Chungju in 1970. Six Japanese provenances ($31^{\circ}90^{\prime}{\sim}40^{\circ} 27^{\prime}$ in latitude and $128^{\circ}47^{\prime}{\sim}141^{\circ}80^{\prime}$ in longitude) were included in this trial. Pyeongchang provenance at Kangwon province in Korea was used for reference provenance. At nursery stage, the height and diameter at root collar of six Japanese provenances were smaller than those of Pyeongchang provenance. Among Japanese provenances, Kasahara provenance showed higher growth performance than those of others. The provenance rankings of growth performance were fluctuated until age 11. However, the growth performance of Japanese provenances showed higher than those of reference provenance after age 17. Kirishima-yama provenance showed best growth performance. Simple correlation analysis was conducted to investigate the geographic factors affecting growth performance. The height growth showed negative corelation with latitude of seed origin. Generally, Japanese provenences of Pinus densiflora were well adapted and grown in Chungju. However, it was suggested that further studies on other sites need to generalize the results of this study.

Implications of paraquat and hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative stress treatments on the GABA shunt pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana calmodulin mutants

  • Al-Quraan, Nisreen A.;Locy, Robert D.;Singh, Narendra K.
    • Plant Biotechnology Reports
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.225-234
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    • 2011
  • Arabidopsis mutants with T-DNA insertion in seven calmodulin genes (CAM) were used to determine the specific role of CAM in the tolerance of plants to oxidative stress induced by paraquat and hydrogen peroxide ($H_2O_2$) treatments. Arabidopsis calmodulin mutants (cam) were screened for seedling growth, seed germination, induced oxidative damage, and levels of ${\gamma}$-aminobutyric acid (GABA) shunt metabolites. Only the cam5-4 and cam6-1 mutants exhibited an increased sensitivity to paraquat and $H_2O_2$ during seed germination and seedling growth. In response to treatments with $3{\mu}M$ paraquat and 1 mM $H_2O_2$, only the cam5-4, cam6-1 mutants showed significant changes in malonaldehyde (MDA) levels in root and shoot tissues, with highly increased levels of MDA. In terms of the GABA shunt metabolites, GABA was significantly elevated in root and shoot tissues in response to the paraquat treatments in comparison to alanine and glutamate, while the levels of all shunt metabolites increased in root tissue but not in the shoot tissue following the $H_2O_2$ treatments. GABA, alanine and glutamate levels were significantly increased in root and shoot of the cam1, cam4, cam5-4, and cam6-1 mutants in response to paraquat (0.5, 1 and $3{\mu}M$), while they were increased only in the root tissue of the cam1, cam4, cam5-4, and cam6-1 mutants in response to $H_2O_2$ (200 and $500{\mu}M$, 1 mM). These data show that the cam5-4 and cam6-1 mutants were sensitive to the induced oxidative stress treatments in terms of seed germination, seedling growth, and oxidative damage. The accumulation of GABA shunt metabolites as a consequence of the induced oxidative stress treatments (paraquat and $H_2O_2$ treatments) suggests that the GABA shunt pathway and the accumulation of GABA metabolites may contribute in antioxidant machinery associated with reactive oxygen species and in the acquisition of tolerance in response to induced oxidative stress in Arabidopsis seedlings.

Transplantation of Koelreuteria paniculata by Sea Current (모감주나무의 해류에 의한 전파)

  • 이영노
    • Journal of Plant Biology
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 1958
  • I. Assumption: Mo-kam-ju, Koelreuteria paniculata is a woody plant mainly cistributed over Northern China. Its sporadic growth along the beaches of Korea and Japan is assumed to have been sowed by the seeds transported adrift on the current across the ocean. II. Use and Growth of the Plant: In China, this plant has been cultivated from early times mainly at temples, it seeds being used as rosaries, its flowers for yellow dyes and medicine for the eyes, and its leaves for black dyes. In Korea and Japan, these plants have been cultivated at temples and used as the material for rosaries. No natural growth of these plants was reported until 1919. III. Discoveries: In this domestic area, Dr. Chung Tae Hyun discovered the plant on the beach between Cho-Do and Chang-san-kot, Hwang-Hae Prov. in 1920. The reporter discovered them on the beach at Buk-Ni, Duk-jok-Do in 1948, at An-Hung in 1956 and on the beach at An-min-Do in 1957. In the Japan area, it was discovered for the first time twenty years ago, mainly along the coast line of the Japan Sea and some along the eastern coast line, at Subo, Yamaguchi Prefecture facing the Pacific Ocean. IV. Study and Experiment: A. Seed The seed coat is thick, non-permeable and floatable. A number of seeds were immersed in artificial sea water and fresh water separately. The seeds remained there for a hundred and forty-five (145) days from April 6, 1957 to August 29, 57. Thirty one seeds out of the fifty immersed in salt water and twenty seeds out of the fifty immersed in fresh water remained on the surface of the water, proving them to be non-permeable to both sea and fresh water. Of course, these had retained their germinating capabilities. Five (5) seeds out of twenty from the fresh water and six (6) out of thirty-one from the sea water were successfully germinated after a hole had been drilled in the seed coat and they had been planted. Thus their floating capability, non-permeability and germinating capability after a possible 145 day trip on the flowing currents has been proved satisfactory according to the assumption made above. B. Current As shown in the Data 2 and 3, the sea current initiated in the Pohai Sea flows westward down along the coast line of Korea reaching the southern part during the autumn and winter seasons. This fact also is in favor of the reporter's assumption. V. Discussion and Conclusion: The reporter concludes that, as discussed above, Koelreuteria paniculata which originates in Northern China is transported adrift on the flowing sea current to our western coast line, and also the coast lines of Shantung and Kuangtung of China and it is germinated on the sandy beaches forming new plants. Thus, the seeds drifted down on the southern beach of Korea and have been transported to the Japanese coast, adrift on the Tae-Ma current. Upon fruition, the seeds of the plants which settle on the coasts of western Korea and Japan will migrate to new places. It can be, however, assumed that while the thickness and nonpermeability of the coat enables the long travel in the water, this also can compose a difficulty in germination, consequently in developing a new distribution of this species.

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