• Title/Summary/Keyword: secondary forests

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Comparison of Insect Community Structures of a Pinus rigida Plantation and a Quercus mongolica Secondary Forest in the Suburban Area, Korea (도시 근교 조림지인 리기다소나무림과 이차림인 신갈나무림에서 곤충 군집 구조 비교)

  • Jung, Un-Kyung;Lee, Eun-Sun;Won, Hee-Jin;Kim, Hyun-Jung;Yi, Hoonbok
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.291-295
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    • 2015
  • The insect community structures between a plantation of Pinus rigida and a secondary forest of Quercus monglica were compared to find out one of the ecological roles of a forest planted in 1960s in a suburban area of Seoul, Korea. We collected the insect samples biweekly from September to November in 2014 by using 5 pitfall traps in both forests. The results of analyzing the community structure index of insects in both forests of P. rigida and Q. Mongolica showed that the species richness was a little higher and species evenness was a little lower in P. rigida plantation, and species diversity and dominance were similar in the two forests. The analysis results of insect community structure at the two forests did not show any significant difference. We conclude that the plantation of P. rigida over 40-50 years could sufficiently perform an ecological function as an insect habitat.

Growth Performance of Teak (Tectona grandis Linn f.) and Padauk (Pterocarpus macrocarpus Kurz) Used in the Enrichment Planting for the Restoration of Degraded Tropical Forests in Myanmar

  • Oo, Thaung Naing;Lee, Don Koo;Park, Yeong Dae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.97 no.5
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    • pp.540-546
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    • 2008
  • Enrichment planting has been used as one of the promising restoration techniques to accelerate the natural restoration process of secondary forests or logged-over forests in Myanmar, The objectives of this study were to examine the growth performances of two commercial species such as Teak (Tectona grandis Linn f.) and Padauk (Pterocarpus macrocarpus Kurz) in response to different canopy opening treatments and to examine the suitability of these species in enrichment planting activities for the restoration of degraded tropical forests in Myanmar. In this study, split plot design was applied, and three levels of canopy openings were experimented. The survival rate and height growth of two species were measured four times with 6 month interval. The root collar diameter (RCD) was also measured in the last assessment. Although the survival rate of seedlings was not significantly different among the three treatments (p>0.05) as well as between two species (p>0.05) for all consecutive measurements, height (p<0.05) and RCD were significantly different (p<0.001) among the treatments, T. grandis seedlings thrived best under complete canopy opening (i.e., 5 m width canopy opening with strip-clear cutting) while P. macrocarpus seedlings under partial canopy opening (without felling of marketable tree species). Because this study is concerned with only for young stage of seedlings, continuous assessment and follow-up tending activities are needed to verify the species suitability and optimum width of canopy opening for enrichment planting activities in restoration of degraded forests of Myanmar.

Effects of Postfire Logging on Bird Populations and Communities in Burned Forests (산불 발생 지역의 피해목 벌채에 따른 조류 개체군과 군집의 변화)

  • Choi, Chang-Yong;Lee, Eun-Jae;Nam, Hyun-Young;Lee, Woo-Shin
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.96 no.1
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    • pp.115-123
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    • 2007
  • We investigated the effects of postfire logging on bird populations and communities through 57 point counts in unburned, burned and logged burned plots of coniferous forests in Samcheok, Korea. We found that lower species richness, abundance, and diversity in logged plots where were controlled by a typical postfire management. As results of guild analysis for nest sites and food resources, postfire logging reduced densities of ground-shrub nesters, primary and secondary cavity nesters, but was also related to reduction in densities of some foraging groups such as timber drillers and foliage searchers. These results suggest that snag-retention is essential for birds in burned forests and that postfire logging is incompatible with the maintenance of bird populations and communities. Consequently we need to develope guidelines of postfire management for snag-retention in burned forests through intensive researches focused on some target species such as Great spotted woodpeckers Dendrocopos major.

Forest Vegetation of Mt. Baek-Hwa -A Phytosociological Study- (백화산(白華山) 삼림식생(森林植生) -식물사회학적(植物社會學的) 연구(硏究)-)

  • Cho, Hyun Je;Lee, Youn Won;Lee, Dong Sub;Hong, Sung Cheon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.80 no.1
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    • pp.42-53
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    • 1991
  • 1. The forest vegetation of the Mt. Baek-Hwa situated in the northwestern Kyungsangpookdo of Korea, on $36^{\circ}16^{\prime}00^{{\prime}{\prime}}{\sim}36^{\circ}19^{\prime}20^{{\prime}{\prime}}N$ and 127 53'20"~127 56'30"E was studied by the method of Zurich-Montpellier School. In the present time, the original vegetation have almost been dominated by substitutional communities such as secondary forests of Pinus, Quercus, Zelkova, Acer or Fraxinus and Pinus rzgida plantations. Some secondary forests developing along the ravine and in northwestern part of slope are, however, maintained in natural condition, and contain some species of the original climax vegetation. They are classified as follows : I. Quercus mongolica-Fraxinus siebol diana community(Mountain forests), I-A. Acer pseudo-sieboldianum -Carex okamotoi group, I-B. Pinus densiflora group, I-B-a. Typical subgroup, I-B-b. Rhododendron schlippenbachii subgroup, II. Fraxinus rhynclzophylla-Acer mono community(Valley Forests), II-A. Acer pseudo-sieboldianum group, II-B. Zelkova serrata group, II-B-a. Typical subgroup, II-B-b. Lindera erythrocarpa subgroup, II-C. Querczrs serrata-Platycarya strobilacea group, II-C-a. Typical subgroup, II-C-b. Lindera erythrocarpa subgroup. 2. Judging from the coincidence method, the structure and distribution of the forest communities was more related to topography than altitude. 3. Considering the actual vegetation, relict species, occurrence of natural seedlings and saplings, climate, successional trends of trees and topographic or edaphic climax conditions, it seems that potential natural vegetation of the area mainly composed of Quercus mongolica, Carpinus laxiflora, Zelkova serrata, Fraxinus rhynchophylla. 4. The flora of the vascular plants collected from this area consists of 108 families, 371 genera, 613 species, 2 subspecies, 88 varieties, 6 forms and 709 taxa in total.

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Creation and Maintenance of Woodland in the Revegetation Technology - History of Environmental Woodland and its Importance in Japan - (녹화분야(綠化分野)로부터 본 수림(樹林)의 조성(造成)과 보전(保全) - 일본(日本)에 있어서 환경림(環境林)의 역사(歷史)와 그 필요성(必要性) -)

  • Shibata, Shozo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.119-132
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    • 1998
  • In recent Japan, the demand for woodland creation on revegetation sites is increasing. In the forests and woodlands, we can find many functions of environmental conservation, in addition of biomaterial production, and all of these existences with such functions are defined as environmental woodlands. Many woodlands has been created from old times for the purpose of forest conservation and flood control, and most of these technology are handed down to present time. After Edo era (from the beginning of Meiji era, 1867), some valuable examples of woodlands were created, like Meiji shrine woodland in Tokyo. After the World War II, a lot of technology for woodland revegetation, such as ecological tree planting, have been developed. At present, many revegetation sites are aiming at woodland creation, like on man-made slope, etc.. In the great change of social structure, revegetation technology is also required to keep in close relationships to the restoration of devastated existing forests and woodlands, and to provide many technology for the restoration of secondary woodland, preservation of soil, mitigation, reclamation, etc.. Now in Japan, the improvement of environment including all the member of biosphere is demanded on a large scale. Therefore, revegetation technology should also try to make an activity taking a broad view of the restoration of natural vegetation in addition to the traditional and new woodland creation.

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Study of Vegetation Structure about Shrine Forest in Jirisan National Park with Regard to Global Warming (지구온난화를 고려한 지리산 국립공원 내 사찰림의 식생구조 연구)

  • Lee, Sung-Je;Ahn, Young-Hee
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.23 no.11
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    • pp.1863-1879
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    • 2014
  • This study aims at classifying and interpreting on the shrine forest vegetation located in Jirisan national park affiliated to an ecotone in southern part of Korea, foreseeing a vegetation change based on composition species and dominant species on canopy, and proposing the direction of vegetation management. The shrine forests were classified into the 7 community units as Chamaecyparis obtusa-Cryptomeria japonica afforestation, Pinus densiflora community, Pinus rigida afforestation, Quercus variabilis-Quercus serrata community, Zelkova serrata-Kerria japonica for. japonica community, Phyllostachys bambusoides forest, Camellia japonica community. This research is also expatiated on the analogous results of ordination analysis with phytosociological analysis. The constituents of deciduous broad-leaved forest in the warm temperate zone were appeared in the most vegetations. It emerged less that the constituents of evergreen broad-leaved forest in the warm-temperate zone and deciduous broad-leaved forest in the cold-temperature zone. The life form analyses were made use with the two ways: appearance species in total communities and each community. The species diversity of shrine forests is declined because the high dominances of Sasa borealis and Pseudosasa japonica emerged in the shrub and herb layers. These shrine forests will be succession to Q. variabilis-Q. serrata community as the representative vegetation of deciduous broad-leaved forest in the warm-temperate zone, owing to the temperature rise by global warming, and an evergreen broad-leaved forest will be able to be also formed if a temperate rise will be continued. The one of the artificial management of shrine forests is to consider the introduction of the constituents of evergreen broad-leaved forest in the warm-temperate zone.

An Exploration of IT Convergence Methods for School Forests Education (초, 중등 학교 숲 활용 교육을 위한 IT 융합 방안 탐색)

  • Kim, Sung-Ae
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.112-120
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to explore educational methods for elementary, middle and high schools using school forests via IT convergence. To this aim, we reviewed the previous literature on education using school forests to identify the problems with the existing education using school forests, and conducted interviews with experts to analyze the demands. we proposed an educational method that can utilize the school forests via IT convergence, and explored its validity through content reviews conducted by experts. The findings of this study are as follows. First, we proposed the IT convergence instruction focused on hands-on activities on top of the existing educational contents. Second, we proposed IT convergence instruction that incorporates diverse materials, physical computing tools, and programming tools. Third, we presented methods for utilizing such IT convergence instruction in connection with various elements of the 2015 Revised Curriculum as well as with various other activities such as middle school free semester activities and after-school activities. The school forest is a crucial learning space for the areas related to agriculture and biotechnology. Thus, we anticipate that the IT convergence instruction proposed in this study will lead to the re-discovery and re-evaluation of a value of school forests as an educational space that contributes to fulfilling the objective of the 2015 Revised Curriculum to nurture creative convergent talent.

Crown Architecture of Pinus densiflora in Canopy Gap of Natural Forests at Mt. Joongwang in Kangwon-do (강원도(江原道) 중왕산(中旺山) 지역(地域) 소나무 천연림(天然林)내 숲틈 갱신(更新) 소나무의 수관(樹冠) Architecture)

  • Jin, Young Huan;Lee, Don Koo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.89 no.5
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    • pp.543-551
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    • 2000
  • This study was conducted to understand Pinus densiflora regeneration characteristics from canopy gaps due to disturbance in natural forests located at Mt. Joongwang in Kangwon-do. The line-transect method was adopted to analyze crown architecture of Pinus densiflora. The saplings of Pinus densiflora in the canopy gap showed high adaptation to growth environment at their early regeneration stage, and showed different characteristics in crown architecture. Variation of branching angle in the main branch of Pinus densiflora was small in canopy gap. Primary branch growth showed was high during 4~5 year-old period and slowly low after that period. Average 5 of primary branch were generated from stem in canopy. Average 4 of secondary branch were generated from primary branch in canopy gap. Primary branches generated from the stem were uniformly distributed at all cardinal directions. When canopy gap size is $100{\sim}120m^2$, secondary branches generated from primary branch had mostly high numbers between $S44^{\circ}E$ and $S90^{\circ}W$.

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Phytosociological Characteristics of Qeurcus acutissima Forest in Daecheong-dam basin (대청댐 유역 상수리나무림의 식물사회학적 특성)

  • Kim, Sung-Yeol;Moon, Geon-Soo;Lim, Sung-Been;Paek, Hye-Jung;Song, Won-Kyong;Choi, Jae-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.85-102
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    • 2021
  • Phytosociological characteristics on Quercus acutissima forests distribution in Daechong-dam basin survey has been carried out using Z.-M. School's methodology and numerical-classification analyses. A total of 43 phytosociological relevés were sampled. Syntaxa were described as Oplismenus undulatifolius-Quercus acutissima community(typicum subcommunity, Phryma leptostachya var. asiatica subcommunity, Ulmus davidiana var. japonica subcommunity), Quercus acutissima community and Quercus variabilis-Quercus acutissima community (typicum subcommunity, Castanea crenata subcommunity). The above three plant communities were classified with species composition reflecting local environmental characteristics of mountain topographies, inclination degrees, and rock exposure rates. Conclusively, those communities were recognized as secondary vegetation affected by high intensity and frequency of human impacts as they inhabited in southward hill lands and low lying grounds in mountains adjacent to human settlements and arable lands. Quercus acutissima community was classified as rural type syntax based on their inlandward distribution and species composition differences from urban forests. Afforest process and natural succession were discussed in relation with habitat environmental elements of Quercus acutissima forest in the survey area.

A Study for Natural Conservation Value Assessment of Developing Area - Case Study of Alpensia Resort - (개발 예정지역에서의 자연보전 가치 평가 - 대관령 알펜시아 리조트 조성 예정지역을 사례로 -)

  • Choi Hee-Sun;Cho Dong-Gil;Park Mi-Young;Kim Nam-Gyun;Kim Kwi-Gon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.33 no.4 s.111
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    • pp.108-118
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    • 2005
  • While the recent lift of restrictions in greenbelt areas is expected to generate a number of development plans, there are efforts to create various development plans into spatial plans that consider the natural and ecological conditions of development sites. However, these development plans consider Degree of Green Naturality or Degree of Ecology only when designating areas for conservation within development sites. It is true that they don't fully reflect the value of green areas and wetlands as habitats and natural resources. Therefore, this study built an conservation value assessment model that is applicable to sites where development is planned in Korea by reviewing prior case examples md studies and applied the developed model to a case study area. The site where the conservation value assessment model was applied to is an area around Yongsan-ri and Suha-ri, Doam-myon, Pyeongchang-gun, Gangwon province where quality natural resources are located in and wend the site. This is a site for the development of Alpensia Resort where a resort including facilities for the Winter Olympics is planned to be introduced. In order to assess the conservation value of the site for Alpensia Resort, a total of eight items including area, distribution of communities, habitation of species with conservation value, functions of habitats, connectivity of habitats, vegetation layers of forests, age of forests, and ratio of non-native plants were studied through literature review and field surveys. The assessment was made by dividing the site into 95 habitats that are perceived by aerial photographs and each habitat unit was assessed on the eight items in a 3-point scale. Each unit habitat assessed in a 3-point scale was segmented into primary, secondary or tertiary areas based on the conservation value. Habitats assessed as primary were designated as priority (absolute) conservation areas and those assessed as secondary and tertiary were set as secondary conservation areas and tertiary conservation areas, respectively. As a result, each area represented 26.9%, 20% and 3% of total site area. Based on this result, habitat management plans were developed to conserve primary conservation areas, improve secondary conservation areas and restore tertiary conservation areas. In addition, a development plan was developed to create habitats in areas where new habitats are requested in order to build an eco-network in the site and a plan to create eco-corridors was proposed. In developing a land use plan for the site, a development plan that considers conservation areas first should be set up based on the outcome of conservation value assessment. This can be linked to the development of an environment-friendly land use plan as well as easing the establishment of a green area and eco-network. This study will facilitate the implementation of the 'conservation before development' principle, which can prevent reckless development, by assessing conservation value in setting up development plans.