• 제목/요약/키워드: second order system

검색결과 3,286건 처리시간 0.028초

2차슬라이딩모드를 이용한 불확실성을 갖는 비선형시스템의 간접적응 퍼지제어 (Indirect Adaptive Fuzzy Control of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems Using Second Order Sliding Mode)

  • 박원성;황영호;양해원
    • 대한전기학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전기학회 2003년도 학술회의 논문집 정보 및 제어부문 B
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    • pp.468-471
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, a second order sliding mode control that combines with a fuzzy adaptation technique is presented for a nonlinear system with unknown dynamics. The chattering effect that is a representative disadvantage of the sliding mode control is avoided by using the second order sliding mode control instead of the first order sliding mode control. The proposed controller is composed of the equivalent control that is approximated by an online adaptation scheme and the hitting control that is used to constrain the states to maintain on the sub-sliding surface and used to guarantee the system robustness. Simulation results are presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed controller.

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2차 격자기전력에 의한 유도전동기의 특성 (Characteristics of induction motor by changing the second exciting E.M.F.)

  • 황영문
    • 전기의세계
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 1966
  • It is well known that the speed of induction motor can be controlled in wide range by changing the second exciting e.m.f. of rotor circuit, but that is well not practised because of its complicated system. In order to simplify such a system, the Kramer system of which silicon rectifier substitutes for synchronous converter has analyzed in this paper. The result of this investigation show that in this system, only the equivlent synchronous speed it changed by second exciting e.m.f., but the mechanical output power, torque and power factor is not changed, and that this system is able to compensate the regulated speed on account of the load changed.

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이차 이산 시스템의 Peak Overshoot을 최소화하기 위한 영점의 위치 설계 (Design of the Zero Location for Minimizing the Peak Overshoot of Second-Order Discrete Systems)

  • 이재석;정태상
    • 대한전기학회논문지:시스템및제어부문D
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    • 제51권11호
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    • pp.483-493
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    • 2002
  • The damping ratio ${\xi}$ of the unit-step response of a second-order discrete system is a function of only the location of the closed-loop poles and is not directly related to the location of the system zero. However, the peak overshoot of the response is the function of both the damping ratio ${\xi}$ and an angle ${\alpha}$, which is the phasor angle of the damped sinusoidal response and is determined by the relative location of the zero with respect to the closed-loop poles. Therefore, if the zero and the open-loop poles are relatively adjusted, through pole-zero cancellation, to maintain the desired (or designed) closed-loop poles, the damping ratio ${\xi}$ will also be maintained, while the angle ${\alpha}$ changes. Accordingly, when the closed-loop system poles are fixed, the peak overshoot is considered as a function of the angle ${\alpha}$ or the system zero location. In this paper the effects of the relative location of the zero on the system performance of a second-order discrete system is studied, and a design method of digital compensator which achieves a minimum peak overshoot while maintaining the desired system mode and the damping ratio of the unit step response is presented.

이차 이산 시스템에서 영점의 위치의 영향을 이용한 임의의 정상상태 응답을 위한 이산 보상저의 설계 (Design of the Discrete Compensator for Arbitrary Steady-State Response Using the Effects of Zero Location in Second-Order Discrete Systems)

  • 이재석;정태상
    • 대한전기학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전기학회 2002년도 합동 추계학술대회 논문집 정보 및 제어부문
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    • pp.382-386
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    • 2002
  • The damping ratio $\zeta$ of the unit-step response of a second-order discrete system is a function of only the location of the closed-loop poles and is not directly related to the location of the system zero. However, the peak overshoot of the response is the function of both the damping ratio $\zeta$ and an angle $\alpha$, which is the phasor angle of the damped sinusoidal response and is determined by the relative location of the zero with respect to the closed-loop poles. Accordingly, when the closed-loop system poles are fixed, the peak overshoot is considered as a function of the angle $\alpha$ or the system zero location. In this paper the effects of the relative location of the zero on the system performance of a second-order discrete system is studied, and a design method of digital compensator which achieves arbitrary steady-state response with minimum peak overshoot while maintaining the desired system mode and the damping ratio of the unit step response is presented.

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초음파 영상 시스템에서 디지탈 Beam Forming을 위한 개선된 2차 샘플링 방법 (An Improved Second-odrer Sampling Method for Digital Beam Forming in Ultrasound Imaging Systems)

  • 조완희;안영복
    • 전자공학회논문지B
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    • 제32B권1호
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    • pp.110-119
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    • 1995
  • The lateral resolution in an ultrasound imaging system is one of the most important factors for quality of the image and is determined by the beam focusing. For the better lateral resolution SDF(Sampled Delay Focusing) capable of digital focusing was proposed. The second-order sampling, one of band-width sampling methods, is suggested as being the best suitable for SDF because it allows total digital processing and is simple and economical. By proving that it introduces too much error, this article shows the second-order sampling is not appropriate for sampling of the wide-band signal generally used in ultrasound imaging systems. Also, this article suggests new sampling methods that maintain the advantages and reduce the unavoidable errors of the second-order sampling method. From computer simulation it is expected that the proposed methods reduce the errors of the second-order sampling method and can be used in real applications.

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관측기를 이용한 위치제어 유압 서어보 시스템의 과도응답 특성 개선 (I) (Improvement of Transient Response Charateristics of a Position Control Hydraulic Servosystem Using Observer (I))

  • 이교일;조승호
    • 대한기계학회논문집
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    • 제11권5호
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    • pp.781-788
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    • 1987
  • 본 연구에서는 제어대상으로 설정된 유압서어보 시스템은 비선형 시스템이므 로, 실제로 측정한 상태변수와 관측기에서 추정한 상태변수를 비교하여 이들이 서로 일치하는 것을 보임으로써 관측기에서 추정한 다른 상태변수들에 대한 신뢰도를 높일 수 있다. 따라서 본논문에서는 전차수 관측기를 사용한 경우에 대하여 고찰한다.


    • Journal of applied mathematics & informatics
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    • 제34권5_6호
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    • pp.495-508
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    • 2016
  • A singularly perturbed reaction-diffusion fourth-order ordinary differential equation(ODE) with discontinuous source term is considered. Due to the discontinuity, interior layers also exist. The considered problem is converted into a system of weakly coupled system of two second-order ODEs, one without parameter and another with parameter ε multiplying highest derivatives and suitable boundary conditions. In this paper a computational method for solving this system is presented. A zero-order asymptotic approximation expansion is applied in the second equation. Then, the resulting equation is solved by the numerical method which is constructed. This involves non-overlapping Schwarz method using Shishkin mesh. The computation shows quick convergence and results presented numerically support the theoretical results.


  • Jiang, Yao-Lin;Yang, Yun-Bo
    • 대한수학회지
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    • 제55권2호
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    • pp.471-506
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    • 2018
  • In this article, some projection methods (or fractional-step methods) are proposed and analyzed for the micropolar Navier-Stokes equations (MNSE). These methods allow us to decouple the MNSE system into two sub-problems at each timestep, one is the linear and angular velocities system, the other is the pressure system. Both first-order and second-order projection methods are considered. For the classical first-order projection scheme, the stability and error estimates for the linear and angular velocities and the pressure are established rigorously. In addition, a modified first-order projection scheme which leads to some improved error estimates is also proposed and analyzed. We also present the second-order projection method which is unconditionally stable. Ample numerical experiments are performed to confirm the theoretical predictions and demonstrate the efficiency of the methods.

Second order integral sliding mode observer and controller for a nuclear reactor

  • Surjagade, Piyush V.;Shimjith, S.R.;Tiwari, A.P.
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제52권3호
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    • pp.552-559
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    • 2020
  • This paper presents an observer-based chattering free robust optimal control scheme to regulate the total power of a nuclear reactor. The non-linear model of nuclear reactor is linearized around a steady state operating point to obtain a linear model for which an optimal second order integral sliding mode controller is designed. A second order integral sliding mode observer is also designed to estimate the unmeasurable states. In order to avoid the chattering effect, the discontinuous input of both observer and controller are designed using the super-twisting algorithm. The proposed controller is realized by combining an optimal linear tracking controller with a second order integral sliding mode controller to ensure minimum control effort and robustness of the closed-loop system in the presence of uncertainties. The condition for the selection of gains of discontinuous control based on the super-twisting algorithm is derived using a strict Lyapunov function. Performance of the proposed observer based control scheme is demonstrated through non-linear simulation studies.

Lyapunov 안정성을 이용한 구동장치의 강인 최단시간 제어기 설계 (Robust Near Time-optimal Controller Design for a Driving System Using Lyapunov Stability)

  • 이성우;송오섭
    • 한국소음진동공학회논문집
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    • 제22권7호
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    • pp.650-658
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    • 2012
  • This paper proposes a high performance position controller for a driving system using a time optimal controller which has been widely used to control driving systems to achieve desired reference position or velocity in a minimum response time. The main purpose of this research lies in an improvement of transient response performance rather than that of steady-state response in comparison with other control strategies. In order to refine the scheme of time optimal control, Lyapunov stability proofs are incorporated in a controller of standard second order system model. This scheme is applied to the control of a driving system. In view of the simulation and experiment results, the standard second order system model exhibits better minimum-time control performance and robustness than double integral system model does.