• Title/Summary/Keyword: science gifted education program

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A Case Study on Gifted Education in Mathematics

  • Kim, Soo-Hwan
    • Research in Mathematical Education
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.87-98
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    • 2001
  • The Center for Science Gifted Education (CSGE) of Chongju National University of Education was established in 1998 with the financial support of the Korea. Science & Engineering Foundation (KOSEF). In fact, we had prepared mathematics and science gifted education program beginning in 1997. It was possible due to the commitment of faculty members with an interest in gifted education. Now we have 5 classes in Mathematics, two of which are fundamental, one of which is a strengthened second-grade class gifted elementary school students, and one a fundamental class, and one a strengthened class for gifted middle school students in Chungbuk province. Each class consists of 16 students selected by a rigorous examination and filtering process. Also we have a mentoring system for particularly gifted students in mathematics. We have a number of programs for Super-Saturday, Summer School, Winter School, and Mathematics and Science Gifted Camp. Each program is suitable for 90 or 180 minutes of class time. The types of tasks developed can be divided into experimental, group discussion, open-ended problem solving, and exposition and problem solving tasks. Levels of the tasks developed for talented elementary students in mathematics can be further divided into grade 5 and under, grade 6, and grade 7 and over. Types of the tasks developed can be divided into experimental, group discussion, open-ended problem solving, and exposition and problem solving task. Also levels of the tasks developed for talented elementary students in mathematics can be divided into the level of lower than grade 5, level of grade 6, and level of more than grade 7. Three tasks developed and practiced are reported in this article.

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Exploration on Learning Experiences Influencing Elementary Science-Gifted Students' Perceptions of a 'Planning a Science Exhibition' Field Trip Program ('과학 전시전 기획' 탐방 프로그램에 대한 초등 과학영재 학생의 인식에 영향을 미친 학습 경험 탐색)

  • Kang, Minju;Kang, Hunsik
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.252-268
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    • 2024
  • This study developed a field trip program called "Planning a science exhibition" and explored elementary science-gifted students' perceptions of the program and learning experiences influencing them. To this end, 56 elementary science-gifted students in grades 4-6 from in an university-affiliated science-gifted education institute in metropolitan area were selected to participate in the field trip program. After the program, the students answered a survey regarding their perceptions of the program. Additionally, 19 students were selected for group interviews to further explore their survey responses. Results showed that many elementary science-gifted students perceived the program positively in various cognitive and affective aspects. Some students also pointed out certain limitations of the program. Five interconnected learning experiences were identified as influencing the students' perceptions: "experiences fostering creativity", "non-residential camp-type project-based learning experiences", "self-directed learning experiences", "experiences utilizing digital devices", and "collaborative experiences". Educational implications regarding these results were discussed.

Scientifically Gifted Students' Conceptions of Nature of Science

  • Choi, Seong-Hee;Lee, Eun-Ah
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.100-107
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to assess gifted students' conceptions about nature of science (NOS). Scientifically gifted students who are expected to be professionals in the future should possess an adequate understanding of NOS that if firm foundation for scientific career. 47 volunteers from the 8th grade gifted science program in Seoul National University Gifted Education Center participated to answer questions inquiring NOS conceptions. Their answers were analyzed and compared to different groups such as non-gifted students and younger gifted students. As a result, gifted students' understanding of NOS appeared to surpass that of non-gifted students in many aspects and it seemed that gifted students formed their NOS view in early ages. The relative weakness in their NOS conceptions was found in understanding of scientific enterprise. Their strong misunderstanding about obstacles that minority people would face in scientific enterprise was noticed, too. They admitted that there has been discrimination in scientific enterprise, but they wrongly believed that outstanding scientists cannot be affected by it. Further studies will be required to probe more.

Effects of University-based Science Gifted Education Programs on the Science Career Orientation of Gifted (대학부설 과학영재교육원 프로그램이 영재들의 과학진로지향에 주는 영향 분석)

  • Noh, Hyeonah;Choi, Jaehyeok
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.493-509
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    • 2015
  • This study analyzed the effects of university-based science education programs on the gifted's science career orientation. The subject of this study was 74 students who had university-based science gifted education programs on 2014. They took 'Science Career Orientation' tests and questionnaires before and after the program. We had a cluster analysis about pre scores on 'Science Career Orientation' as a variable. We analyzed the satisfaction level and effect of science career decision by groups after the program. As results, they were divided into four groups by cluster analysis. University-based science education program helped the increase of science career orientation in the categories indicating the low scores of the groups. They showed high satisfaction level and positive effects of science career decision, and the programs affecting their science career decision and satisfaction about that were different by groups. Satisfaction level and effects of science career decision are highly correlated.

Analysis of Chemistry Teaching-Learning Programs for the Gifted in Science Used in Middle School Gifted Classes (중학교 영재학급에서 사용 중인 화학영역의 과학영재 교수-학습 프로그램의 분석)

  • Cho, Yun-Hyang;Kim, Dong-Jin;Hwang, Hyun-Sook;Park, Se-Yeol;Yang, Kyoung-Eun;Park, Kuk-Tae
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.485-510
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    • 2011
  • This study aimed to analyze the appropriateness of chemistry teaching-learning programs for the gifted in science in middle school gifted classes and to propose improvements. For this study, 5 chemistry teaching-learning 4-6 hour programs developed for science gifted classes by Korea Education Development Institute (KEDI) and 3 chemistry teaching-learning programs developed for science gifted classes by three middle schools in K province were selected. A standard model for gifted education programs was used as tool for analyzing the program targets, program contents, teaching-learning methods, and assessment items. The results showed that all chemistry teaching-learning programs for the gifted in science presented well attainable objectives in the program targets. However, most program targets did not offer differentiated objectives from the general education. Program contents of KEDI stresses intensified education, and also presented a high ratio of sub-elements of creativity, which can enhance gifted creativity. On the other hand, program contents developed by three middle schools focused on acceleration in advancement, and presented low ratio of creativity sub-elements, which could be insufficient in enhancing gifted creativity. Differentiated and personalized, integrated science and interscience, updated research contents were hardly found in programs developed by KEDI and three middle schools. However, teaching-learning methods were composed to fit the learning objectives in the teaching process and the procedures, and were made to self-directed learning. There were no assessment for the feedback after class. Therefore, teaching-learning programs for the gifted in science should be developed further in order to fulfill the objectives of gifted education and gifted characteristics. Also, it is necessary to construct infrastructure to carry out the developed teaching-learning programs.

Development and Application of Teaching Materials for the Gifted and Talented Students in Elementary Science: Focused on Microscope (초등과학 영재교육 프로그램 개발 및 적용의 한 방안: 현미경을 중심으로)

  • 홍승호
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.279-286
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to develop and apply effective teaching strategies and program for the gifted-in-science. The teaching material for the gifted students was focussed on microscope. This study consists of three steps according to the enrichment triad model of Renzulli. Firstly, the gifted students investigate and express themselves for theological backgrounds, for examples, kinds, structure and use in various ways of microscope. It is to provide basic data for the effective ideas and interest which help students have the appropriate microscopic conceptions. In the second step, it contains understanding of a term and function of microscope, making of simple microscope, principle of a statue focusing and size estimation of an outline of subjects by scientific investigation activity. Lastly, it focussed on enlargement of post-learning through investigation of relationship with inter-science and experiments using microscope. Therefore, it was concluded that this study may help teachers reconsider scientific program development for the gifted or enriched students and to be successful in the teaching-learning processes.

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Development and Application of a Science Camp Program for Gifted Elementary School Students (초등과학 영재 캠프 프로그램의 개발 및 적용)

  • Kwon, Chi-Soon;Kim, Jae-Young;Kim, Nam-Il;Lim, Chae-Seong;Jhun, Young-Seok
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.25 no.spc5
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    • pp.522-531
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    • 2007
  • A Science Camp Program was developed and applied as an intensified course for gifted students. The implications for the development and implementation of out-of-school science activities were also deduced through the analysis of the preliminary application results. The key point of the science camp program is to boost students' science inquiry skills through self-directed activities. Several positive effects in terms of interest and participation in the program were observed and some implications were derived as follows; (1) The program should provide the students with more opportunities for discussion and debate in group activities. (2) The tasks need be divided into two parts; basic tasks and optional tasks in order to ensure that the students engage in fewer tasks more intensively. (3) Each activity needs sufficient orientation taking consideration of the possibility that not all students may be ready for the inquiry. (4) The use of real examples of scientific research processes can help the students develop open inquiry skills and problem posing skills.

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Development of the Scientific Creativity Task for a Field Trip to Botanical Garden - Application to Science-Gifted Elementary Students - (식물원 야외체험학습에서 활용 가능한 과학 창의성 과제 개발 - 초등과학영재학생에의 적용 -)

  • Kim, Minju;Kim, Hyunju;Lim, Chaeseong
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.506-521
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    • 2020
  • This study aims to develop a scientific creativity task which science-gifted elementary students can conduct on a field trip to a botanical garden, and to analyze the results from conducting the task. For this, 38 science-gifted fifth-graders from the Science-Gifted Education Center, located at the Office of Education, participated in a field trip to a botanical garden, as a part of their program. Prior to the program, researchers developed a scientific creativity task for outdoor education program, along with science education specialists and teachers. The tasks were to observe plants, and to create something new and useful, or, in other words, scientifically creative, based on the plants' characteristics. The students could submit at most three ideas. Also, they assessed their own ideas, and selected an idea that they thought was the most creative. The results were analyzed by using the scientific creativity formula. The main findings from this study are as follows. First, it was found that the scientific creativity formula had an upward bias in assessing originality. Second, the students tended to assess the usefulness of their own ideas more generously. Third, the correlation between self-assessment results and scores from the scientific creativity formula for originality was r=.43. Fourth, in formula-based assessments, the correlation between originality scores and usefulness scores was relatively high, at r=.56. Fifth, the correlation between a student's scientific creativity score and the number of his or her ideas was very low, at r=.23. Sixth, when the ideas chosen as the most creative by students were compared with the ideas that had the highest scores in formula-based assessments, it was shown that 8 out of 19 students (42.1%) did not choose the idea that appeared to be the most creative when graded by the formula. This study is concluded by discussing the lessons from the scientific creativity task analysis for primary science education and gifted education.

Comparison of Thinking Styles between Gifted Elementary Students in Science and Invention (초등 과학영재와 발명영재의 사고양식 비교)

  • Kim, Min Seo;Yeo, Sang-Ihn
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.558-565
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to compare thinking styles between the gifted students in science and invention The subjects were 191 gifted elementary students in science and 182 gifted elementary students in invention, who enrolled in gifted education program. They were given the Thinking Style Inventory (TSI) that standardized Korea version by Yun (1997), which constructed 13 thinking styles of 5 dimensions (functions, forms, levels, scopes, and leanings of the mental self-government). The collected data were analyzed by independent sampling t-test and ANOVA with SPSS. The findings of this study were as follows: the gifted in science prefer executive, oligarchic, and global thinking styles rather than the gifted in invention. Meanwhile, the gifted in invention prefer legislative, judicial, local, and liberal thinking styles rather than the gifted in science. Both of the gifted in science and invention prefer legislative, executive, monarchic, anarchic, external, and liberal thinking styles. There was statistically significant differences between boys and girls in executive, oligarchic, local, and liberal thinking styles of the gifted in science.

The Effect of PBL-based Astronomical Observation Program on Science Process Skills and Scientific Attitudes in Elementary Science-Gifted Students (PBL 기반 천체관측 프로그램이 초등과학영재의 과학적 탐구능력과 과학적 태도에 미치는 효과)

  • Shin, Myeung-Ryeul;Lee, Yong-Seop
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.20-31
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of PBL-based astronomical observation on the science process skills and scientific attitudes in elementary science-gifted students. To verify research problems, the subjects of this study were forth-grade students selected from one classes of an elementary science-gifted class in Busan National University of education : the research group is composed of twenty students who were participated in PBL-based astronomical observation program. During four weeks, the PBL-based astronomical observation program instruction was executed in the reasearch group. Post-test showed following results: First, the research group showed a significant improvement in the science process skill. We look into detailly this, the research group showed a significant improvement in the basis science skill. The sub-factor 'expectation' of the science process skill effects a significant improvement. Second, the research group showed a significant improvement in the scientific attitudes. In conclusion, PBL-based astronomical observation program was more effective on science process skill and scientific attitudes. However, since the study has a limit on an object of the study and the applied program, the additional studies need to be conducted with an extended comparative group and program.