• Title/Summary/Keyword: satisfaction with services

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A Study on the User Satisfaction with the Legislative Information Services of the National Assembly Library (국회도서관 의회정보서비스 이용자 만족도에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Chan-Sik;Kim, Won-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.95-113
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    • 2012
  • The construction of an information super highway and diffusion of the internet brings about a lot of changes in the Legislative Information Services of the National Assembly Library. In the same vein, Legislative Information Services should provide information services which satisfy users according to their information needs and the changes. In light of that, this study aims at enhancing users' satisfaction and suggesting information services for the Legislative Information Services of the National Assembly Library. Accordingly, this study surveys assemblymen and their assistants of satisfaction in Legislative Information Services and suggests some recommendations for improvement based on the survey results.

Evaluation of a Community-Based Rehabilitation Program in Wonju City (원주시 지역사회중심 재활사업 평가)

  • Yi, Chung-Hwi;Lee, Hyun-Ju
    • Physical Therapy Korea
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.139-158
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    • 2003
  • This study evaluated the community-based rehabilitation services provided by the Wonju Public Health Center from Jan. 2000 to Dec. 2002. Ninety-four persons with disabilities dwelling in the community participated and the surveys were completed in an interview during home visits. The respondents' demographic, socio-economic, and medical characteristics, rehabilitation service received, willingness to receive home-visit rehabilitation services, and satisfaction with the rehabilitation services were analyzed by frequency and percentage. A Likert scoring system consisting of five agreement-disagreement categories was applied to each item, consisting of Very Satisfied, Satisfied, So-So, Poorly Satisfied, and Very Poorly Satisfied. The major findings were as follows: 1) The rehabilitation services used included medical rehabilitation (26.9%), followed by social assistance (23.5%), diagnosis by a physician at home (17.3%), medical examination (12.3%), housekeeping services (6.2%), and vocational and educational rehabilitation (3.5%). 2) Of the medical services, the respondents desired physical therapy at home and free rental of rehabilitation equipment, such as wheelchairs, canes, walkers, the most, followed by home visit occupational therapy, nursing services, and oriental medicine service in descending order. 3) Some of the respondents expressed so-so satisfaction (50.0%) or dissatisfaction (16.9%) with the rehabilitation services provided by the Wonju Public Health Center. These findings should prove useful when planning or extending community-based rehabilitation programs for the homebound disabled in the community.

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A Study on IPA-based Competitiveness Enhancement Measures for Regular Freight Service (IPA분석을 이용한 정기화물운송업의 경쟁력 강화방안에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Young-Jae;Park, Soo-Hong;Sun, Il-Suck
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.83-91
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    • 2015
  • Purpose - Despite the structural irrationality of multi-level transportation and the oil price rise, the domestic freight transportation market continues to grow, mirroring the rise in e-commerce and resultant increase in courier services and freight volumes. Several studies on courier services have been conducted. However, few studies or statistics have been published regarding regular freight services although they have played a role in the freight service market. The present study identifies the characteristics of regular freight service users to seek competitiveness enhancement measures specific to regular freight services. Research design, data, and methodology - IPA is a comparative analysis of the relative importance of and satisfaction with each attribute simultaneously. This study used IPA because it facilitates the process of analyzing importance and performance, deriving implications and a visual understanding of results. To enhance the competitiveness of regular freight services, this study surveyed its current users regarding the importance of the regular freight service factors. A total of 200 copies of a questionnaire were circulated and 190 copies were returned. In addition to demographics, respondents answered questions about the importance of and satisfaction with services on a 5-point Likert scale. Excluding 3 inappropriate copies, 187 out of 190 copies were analyzed. PASW Statistics 18 was used for statistical analysis. A total of 20 question items were selected for the service factors presented in the questionnaire based on the 1st pilot survey and previous studies. Results - According to the IPA performed to compare the importance of and satisfaction with service factors, both importance and satisfaction are high in the 1st quadrant, which involves the economic advantage of using regular freight services, quick arrival at destinations, weight freight handling, and less time constraints on freight receipt/dispatch. This area requires continuous management. Satisfaction is higher than importance in the 2nd quadrant, which involves the adequacy of freight, cost savings over ordinary courier services, notification on freight arrival, and freight tracking information. This area requires intensive investment and management. Satisfaction is lower than importance in the 3rd quadrant, involving the credit card payment system, courier delivery service, distance to freight handling sites, easy access to freight handling sites, and prompt problem solving. This area requires further intensive management. Both importance and satisfaction are low in the 4th quadrant, involving the availability of collection service, storage space at freight handling sites, kindness of collection/delivery staff, kindness of outlet staff, and easy delivery checks. This area is a set of variables should be excluded from priority control targets. Conclusions - Based on the IPA, service factors that need priority controls because of high importance and low satisfaction include the credit card payment system, delivery service, distance to freight handling sites, easy access to freight handling sites, and prompt problem solving. The findings need to be applied to future marketing strategies for regular freight services and for developing competitiveness enhancement programs.

A Study on the Effects of University Student's Perceived O2O Application Characteristics on O2O Services Satisfaction and Continuous Use Intention (대학생이 지각한 O2O 어플리케이션 특성이 O2O 서비스 만족도와 지속적 이용의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Jongsoon;Lee, Jongman
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.247-261
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    • 2017
  • O2O service that combine online with offline service has been rapidly increasing and O2O service is the new trend that merges online commerce with traditional markets in various fields. The purpose of this study is to investigate influences of University Student's Perceived O2O application characteristics on O2O services satisfaction and continuous use intention. For this purpose, questionnaires including O2O application characteristics scale, customer perceived O2O satisfaction scale and O2O use intention scale were administered to 241 college students in Seoul. Regression analysis revealed that O2O application Characteristics showed influences of O2O service satisfaction. The O2O application charac*teristics showed influences of continuous use of intention of O2O services, O2O services satisfaction showed partial influence continuous use intention of O2O service. The result of this study is expected to provide implication as an initial study O2O service which is spreading with the growth of mobile ICT. Ultimately, the results of this study provide a number of theoretical and practical implications.

A Needs Assesment and Satisfaction Level of Family Support Services for Preschoolers with Disabilities (장애아동 가족지원 서비스 요구 및 만족도 조사)

  • Jeon Gwee-Yeon;Kim Sue-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.43 no.5 s.207
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    • pp.57-79
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the needs assessment and satisfaction level of family support services for preschoolers with disabilities. The subjects were 146 mothers and 138 teachers of 3- to 6-year- old preschool children with disabilities in integrated kindergartens in Daegu, Seoul, and Kyungnam. The major findings of this study were as follows. First, mothers needed information and financial support most. The level of the mother's needs was related to the type and degree of disabilities, child's sex, child's age, mother's educational level, and father's occupation. Second, the satisfaction level of mothers in the integrated kindergarten education programs was generally low. Third, mothers needed parental training of child's problem behavior, mother-child interactions program, and parental education of developing child's creativity.

A Study on Home Care Service and the Level of Client Satisfaction in Community (일 지역사회의 가정간호서비스 내용 및 만족도 조사)

  • Kim, Jung-Soon;Kim, Myoung-Soo;Park, Nam-Hee
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.5-15
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    • 2006
  • Purpose : This study was done to examine the home care service provided by home care nurses and the level of client satisfaction in community. Method : Data were collected from 120 clients who received the home care service at the community home care service center in Pusan from 2th May. 2003 to 31th May 2003. The tool for measurement of satisfaction was composed of 16 items and was 4 score scale by Kim. Data were analyzed by using SPSS/WIN 10.5 program. Result: 1) 67.5% among 120 clients was over sixty years old and 30.6% of clients received home visits 20 times by home care nurse. 2) The total number of home care services was 15,783. And most of the clients received therapeutic nursing care. 3) The mean score of satisfaction on provided home care services was 3.31, among 16 items, "The home care nurses kept up the secret of patients and family" was the highest($3.67{\pm}0.48$). the total level of satisfaction of home care services was very high, with mean score $3.31{\pm}0.32$. Conclusion : The satisfaction level of home care services was very high. so we can expect that the prospect of home care services is very challengeable. Therefore we should try to expand the service recipients with promotional education to assure close ties with the public health centers for the continuous home care service linking and make more efforts to improve the quality of the service.

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The Effects of Customized Multilingual Services of Academic Libraries on the User Satisfaction of Chinese Students (대학도서관의 다국어 맞춤형 서비스가 중국인 유학생의 이용자 만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Liu, Jiayi;Yi, Yong Jeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2021
  • An academic library is one of the largest information sources for international students to obtain learning resources, which have a great impact on their studies. However, most academic libraries currently have not provided adequate multilingual services except English, which makes it difficult for international students whose mother language is not English to perform academic work. Accordingly, the present study defines the customized services for international students as the ones that have been supported in ltiple languages among academic library services and aims to examine their effect on user satisfaction in academic libraries. Furthermore, the study has compared international students' satisfaction with academic libraries - one that provides appropriate customized services with the other that does not. The surveys have been conducted with Chinese international students in two different universities and a total of 138 responses were analyzed. The study found that the customized services for the international students influenced their satisfaction with library use. In particular, multilingual services had positive effects on satisfaction with services such as brochures/signs, access to and use of resources through the homepage, and user instruction. The findings of the study suggest practical insights on how academic libraries provide effective services for supporting international students' academic tasks.

Improving Physical Therapy Services of Health Centers in Korea (전국 보건소 물리치료실 운영 실태와 활성화 방안)

  • Chang, Eun-Ju
    • Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Science
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.1021-1036
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this study are ( i ) to examine operating situation of physical therapy department and job satisfaction of physical therapists in health centers, (ii) to analyze utilization patterns and patient satisfaction of physical therapy services among health center visitors, and finally, (iii) to suggest policy implications in facilitating improvement on physical therapy services of health centers. The materials are collected from 105 physical therapists among nationwide health centers and 203 patients of 5 health centers in Pusan, Korea. The survey is conducted from February 13 to March 30, 1996 with a structured self - administered questionnaire. Major results of the study are as follows. First, the result of regression analysis between job satisfaction and affecting factors identify following variables as the significant determinants; self-development(+), job itself(+), and co-worker support (+). Second, the current operating situation of physical therapy department shows such problem as; i )shortage and unstable job security of physical therapists, ii )absence of rehabilitation specialist, iii )lack of understanding on physical therapy of co-workers, iv)shortage of physical therapy equipment and facility, v)burdensome task of physical therapists, and vi) inappropriate purchase process of equipment. Third, patient satisfaction for physical therapy services are revealed relatively high. And the result of regression analysis between patient satisfaction and affecting factors identify following variables as the significant determinants; credibility of physical therapist(+), satisfaction for waiting time(+), cleanliness(+). Fourth, the patients appeal about physical therapy services such problem as; i) shortage of physical therapists, physical therapy equipment, and facility, ii) inconvenient administrative procedure for utilization physical therapy services. Fifth and last, recommendations for the improvement of physical therapy services of health centers are as follows; i )recruiting more physical therapists, ii )regular employment of physical therapists instead of daily use employment, iii )re-arrangement of facility for patient's convenience, iv )establishing reasonable purchasing system of equipment for physical therapy, v) reforming administrative procedure for patient focused care.

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A study of inpatient satisfaction levels at general hospitals (일 지역 상급종합병원 입원환자의 만족도 연구)

  • Jung, Sang-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.3094-3101
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    • 2012
  • This study provides fundamental data in order to obtain improved medical services and competitiveness by analyzing the satisfaction level of patients receiving inpatient services at general hospitals. Data from self-administered surveys distributed to inpatient subjects at local general hospitals was collected from 09/19/2011 to 09/30/2011. Firstly, the results of 320 surveys show that the average level of satisfaction from inpatient services was 3.25 (maximum 4.0). Secondly, the results from general characteristics and satisfaction from medical care provider services showed that there is a statistical significance regarding medical treatment, health condition, the number of times admitted to the hospital, and hospital environment including hospital admittance/release proceeders. Also the satisfaction with other services is statistically significant with regards to age, medical treatment, health condition, and the number of times admitted to the hospital. Thirdly, there is a statistically significant positive correlation between inpatient services and levels of satisfaction. Finally, from the analysis of factors influencing inpatient satisfaction showed that physician services and other services significantly affect satisfaction. In conclusion, in order to increase inpatient levels of satisfaction the workforce involved medical treatment of patients need to be retained and a variety of programs need to be in operation that will satisfy patients while they stay in the hospital. Further research is expected.

An Empirical Study on Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality in Mobile Telecommunications Service (이동전화 서비스의 고객 만족도와 서비스 품질에 관한 연구)

  • 이승규;라준영
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 2000.10a
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    • pp.310-313
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    • 2000
  • This paper develops a model of customer satisfaction in the mobile telecommunication services. We examine the relationships among customers'overall satisfaction and underlying dimensions; perceived service quality, service value, and brand image. Variables related to customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction are derived from customer critical incidence survey. The model is estimated with multi-variate data analysis. Results indicate that the (1) technical service quality is the main driver of customer overall satisfaction, (2) some peripheral services are rapidly evolving into the core services of mobile telecommunications, and (3) the current policy of service providers does not focus on customer satisfaction but on establishing churning barrier by increasing switching costs.

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