• Title/Summary/Keyword: safe web

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Safe Web Using Scrapable Headless Browser in Network Separation Environment

  • Jung, Won-chi;Park, Jeonghun;Park, Namje
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.24 no.8
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, we propose a "Safe Web Using Scrapable Headless Browse" Because in a network separation environment for security, It does not allow the Internet. The reason is to physically block malicious code. Many accidents occurred, including the 3.20 hacking incident, personal information leakage at credit card companies, and the leakage of personal information at "Interpark"(Internet shopping mall). As a result, the separation of the network separate the Internet network from the internal network, that was made mandatory for public institutions, and the policy-introduction institution for network separation was expanded to the government, local governments and the financial sector. In terms of information security, network separation is an effective defense system. Because building a network that is not attacked from the outside, internal information can be kept safe. therefore, "the separation of the network" is inefficient. because it is important to use the Internet's information to search for it and to use it as data directly inside. Using a capture method using a Headless Web browser can solve these conflicting problems. We would like to suggest a way to protect both safety and efficiency.

A Design of Web Server Architecture Environment for Reliability Enhancement and Secure Web Services (신뢰성 향상과 안전한 웹 서비스를 위한 웹 서버 아키텍처 환경의 설계)

  • Kim, Yong-Tae;Jeong, Yoon-Su;Park, Gil-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.343-350
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    • 2010
  • In the existing design of web server architecture, data encryption technique is used to keep the reliability, stability, and safety of web service. But the use of data encryption technique wastes the work of cpu while decreasing throughput of web server and increasing average response time so that it shows negative effect on the capacity of web application server. Also, the latest web applications require security and safety for the safe internet communication. Therefore, this paper suggests the improved web server which uses thread pool and Non-blocking I/O adding new web service modules to the existing web server for the safe web service, provides reliability and safety to show the safe web service capacity. And we compare and evaluate the safety and capacity through experiment on the existing traditional Tomcat based web server and the proposed system to evaluate the safety and capacity of the proposed web server system.

Design and Implementation of Web Security Module for a Safe Data Transmission in Heterogeneous Systems (이기종 시스템에서 안전한 데이타 전송을 보장하는 웹 보안 모듈의 설계 및 구현)

  • Kim, Ki-Sung;Kim, Kwang;Heu, Shin
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.32 no.12
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    • pp.1238-1246
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    • 2005
  • This thesis is written with web security module for safe data transmission between heterogeneous systems(ex. OS). Web system has allowed users to have great convenience and a lot of information. Though web service business has been progressed much, because of the limitation of it's own system, lots of loss, derived from data spillage which is the weakest point of security, has also followed. Suggested security module is realized by two module. One for server security module for web server, the other is client security module for client. The security structure, suggested on this thesis guarantee safe data transmission by only simple installation of modules in clients and servers. for speed sensitive transmission between web server and browser, Triple-DES, symmetric encryption system suitable for fast encryption communication, is adapted. To solve problems caused from key management, Diffie-Hellman's key exchange algorithm is adapted. By this method, all symmetric encryption troubles from key distribution and management, speed could be work out a solution. And Diffie-Hellman type algorithm secures Authentication for safe data Protection.

A Study on the Electronic Commerce Assurance Service (전자상거래 인증서비스에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Jung-Chan;Kim Tae-Soo;Jang Seok-Oh
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.10
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    • pp.117-133
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    • 2002
  • In December 1999, the AICPA introduced WebTrust, a electronic commerce assurance service of ensuring safe trading on the web, in order to effect consumer confidence into electronic commerce. Shortly afterwards, CPA associations of other advanced nations, such as Canada, Australia, also adopted this service. This study focuses on introduction of electronic commerce assurance service of ensuring safe trading on the web. WebTrust assurance service expected to be the international standard in electronic commerce in the near future and not only as a source of income for domestic accounting firms, which have simpler income structure than the international counterparts, but also as catalyst for stimulating electronic commerce. The findings of the study are expected to contribute to accounting practice, academy of accounting and electronic commerce firms in the following ways. Domestically, as Korea is considering using the electronic commerce assurance service, this study will help promote adoption of WebTrust assurance service. This study has shown, in the midst of declining income of accounting firms by audit, a way to increase their audit boundary.

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Age-related Visual Contrast Measuring System And Its Application to Web-Safe Colors

  • Isono, Haruo;Kato, Hikaru;Ohsawa, Yuki;Miura, Hiroaki;Yamada, Chihiko
    • 한국정보디스플레이학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.08a
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    • pp.247-250
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    • 2004
  • We have developed a system that measures the visual contrast of people of various ages (from teens to those in their 70s) when they look at different color patterns. We have applied this system to Web-safe colors (216 colors), and have developed an age-related visual contrast checker that can be used to quickly determine whether a color pattern consisting of any two colors is easy to see.

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A New Web Cluster Scheme for Load Balancing among Internet Servers (인터넷 환경에서 서버간 부하 분산을 위한 새로운 웹 클러스터 기법)

  • Kim, Seung-Young;Lee, Seung-Ho
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.9C no.1
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    • pp.115-122
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    • 2002
  • This paper presents a new web cluster scheme based on dispatcher which does not depend on operating system for server and can examine server's status interactively. Two principal functions are proposed for new web cluster technique. The one is self-controlled load distribution and the other is transaction fail-safe. Self-controlled load distribution function checks response time and status of servers periodically, then it decides where the traffic goes to guarantee rapid response for every query. Transaction fail-safe function can recover lost queries including broken transaction immediately from server errors. Proposed new web cluster scheme is implemented by C language on Unix operating system and compared with legacy web cluster products. On the comparison with broadcast based web cluster, proposed new web cluster results higher performance as more traffic comes. And on the comparison with a round-robin DNS based web cluster, it results similar performance at the case of traffic processing. But when the situation of one server crashed, proposed web cluster processed traffics more reliably without lost queries. So, new web cluster scheme Proposed on this dissertation can give alternative plan about highly increasing traffics and server load due to heavy traffics to build more reliable and utilized services.

Assessment of Dynamic Open-source Cross-site Scripting Filters for Web Application

  • Talib, Nurul Atiqah Abu;Doh, Kyung-Goo
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.15 no.10
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    • pp.3750-3770
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    • 2021
  • This study investigates open-source dynamic XSS filters used as security devices in web applications to account for the effectiveness of filters in protecting against XSS attacks. The experiment involves twelve representative filters, which are examined individually by placing them into the final output function of a custom-built single-input-form web application. To assess the effectiveness of the filters in their tasks of sanitizing XSS payloads and in preserving benign payloads, a black-box testing method is applied using an automated XSS testing framework. The result in working with malicious and benign payloads shows an important trade-off in the filters' tasks. Because the filters that only check for dangerous or safe elements, they seem to neglect to validate their values. As some safe values are mistreated as dangerous elements, their benign payload function is lost in the way. For the filters to be more effective, it is suggested that they should be able to validate the respective values of malicious and benign payloads; thus, minimizing the trade-off. This particular assessment of XSS filters provides important insight regarding the filters that can be used to mitigate threats, including the possible configurations to improve them in handling both malicious and benign payloads.

Developments in composite construction and cellular beams

  • Lawson, R.M.;Hicks, S.J.
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.5 no.2_3
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    • pp.193-202
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    • 2005
  • This paper describes recent developments in composite construction and their effect on codified design procedures in the UK. Areas of particular interest include: rules on shear connection, design of beams with web openings, serviceability limits, such as floor vibrations, and fire safe design. The design of cellular beams with regular circular openings now includes generalized rules for web-post buckling, and for the development of in-plane moment in the web-post for asymmetric sections. Closed solutions for the maximum shear force due to limits on web-post bending or buckling are presented. The fire resistance of cellular beams is also dependent on the temperature of the web-post, and for closely spaced openings. It is necessary to increase the thickness of fire protection to the web. For serviceability design of beams, deflection limits and natural frequency and response factor for vibration are presented. It may be necessary to use stricter limits for certain applications.

Multi Cultivation Remote-Control System(MCRS) for Crops Through Characteristics of Multi-Safe Sensors (다중 안전센서 특성을 이용한 다중재배 원격제어장치)

  • Kim, Jong-Man;Cho, Ja-Yong;Seo, Beom-Seok
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers P
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    • v.58 no.4
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    • pp.619-622
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    • 2009
  • Multi Cultivation Remote-control System(MCRS) for crpos through characteristics of multi-safe sensors was realized. It was carried out to investigate into the effect of LED Control with the physiological activity of crops(for examples, sprouts). We have also composed a Combined Automatic Control System possible for the control of temperature and humidity at the same time. The applied multi-safe sensors for measurement are blue, green, red, white, yellow leds and humidity sensors, web camera sensors under safe conditions for crops cultivation. And we producted the remote control OS using Linux and defined the characteristics of automatic control about sprouts.

The Design for the Web Based Cluster System Accounting applying SEED (SEED를 이용한 Web기반 클러스터시스템 어카운팅 설계)

  • 오충식
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.113-119
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    • 2003
  • Both the highly developed computing environment and the rapid increase of the internet users enable the present web based cluster system accounting service to help many users access to numerous data at high speed. However, the information security of users and data is also as important as the convenience of the systematic environment. Especially, the significance of damage to the individuals and organizations resulted from the data outflow, hacking and malicious coding has risen up to one of the most essential problems in the internet service business. In this study, I suggest a more safe web based cluster system accounting service solution applying SEED, the Korean Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA) standard encryption algorithm.

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