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Sea Surface pCO2 and Its Variability in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea Constrained by a Neural Network Model (신경망 모델로 구성한 동해 울릉분지 표층 이산화탄소 분압과 변동성)

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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2016
  • Currently available surface seawater partial pressure carbon dioxide (pCO2) data sets in the East Sea are not enough to quantify statistically the carbon dioxide flux through the air-sea interface. To complement the scarcity of the pCO2 measurements, we construct a neural network (NN) model based on satellite data to map pCO2 for the areas, which were not observed. The NN model is constructed for the Ulleung Basin, where pCO2 data are best available, to map and estimate the variability of pCO2 based on in situ pCO2 for the years from 2003 to 2012, and the sea surface temperature (SST) and chlorophyll data from the MODIS (Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) sensor of the Aqua satellite along with geographic information. The NN model was trained to achieve higher than 95% of a correlation between in situ and predicted pCO2 values. The RMSE (root mean square error) of the NN model output was 19.2μatm and much less than the variability of in situ pCO2. The variability of pCO2 with respect to SST and chlorophyll shows a strong negative correlation with SST than chlorophyll. As SST decreases the variability of pCO2 increases. When SST is lower than 15C, pCO2 variability is clearly affected by both SST and chlorophyll. In contrast when SST is higher than 15C, the variability of pCO2 is less sensitive to changes in SST and chlorophyll. The mean rate of the annual pCO2 increase estimated by the NN model output in the Ulleung Basin is 0.8μatmyr1 from 2003 to 2014. As NN model can successfully map pCO2 data for the whole study area with a higher resolution and less RMSE compared to the previous studies, the NN model can be a potentially useful tool for the understanding of the carbon cycle in the East Sea, where accessibility is limited by the international affairs.

Improvement and Validation of Convective Rainfall Rate Retrieved from Visible and Infrared Image Bands of the COMS Satellite (COMS 위성의 가시 및 적외 영상 채널로부터 복원된 대류운의 강우강도 향상과 검증)

  • Moon, Yun Seob;Lee, Kangyeol
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.37 no.7
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    • pp.420-433
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to improve the calibration matrixes of 2-D and 3-D convective rainfall rates (CRR) using the brightness temperature of the infrared 10.8μm channel (IR), the difference of brightness temperatures between infrared 10.8μm and vapor 6.7μm channels (IR-WV), and the normalized reflectance of the visible channel (VIS) from the COMS satellite and rainfall rate from the weather radar for the period of 75 rainy days from April 22, 2011 to October 22, 2011 in Korea. Especially, the rainfall rate data of the weather radar are used to validate the new 2-D and 3-DCRR calibration matrixes suitable for the Korean peninsula for the period of 24 rainy days in 2011. The 2D and 3D calibration matrixes provide the basic and maximum CRR values (mmh1) by multiplying the rain probability matrix, which is calculated by using the number of rainy and no-rainy pixels with associated 2-D (IR, IR-WV) and 3-D (IR, IR-WV, VIS) matrixes, by the mean and maximum rainfall rate matrixes, respectively, which is calculated by dividing the accumulated rainfall rate by the number of rainy pixels and by the product of the maximum rain rate for the calibration period by the number of rain occurrences. Finally, new 2-D and 3-D CRR calibration matrixes are obtained experimentally from the regression analysis of both basic and maximum rainfall rate matrixes. As a result, an area of rainfall rate more than 10 mm/h is magnified in the new ones as well as CRR is shown in lower class ranges in matrixes between IR brightness temperature and IR-WV brightness temperature difference than the existing ones. Accuracy and categorical statistics are computed for the data of CRR events occurred during the given period. The mean error (ME), mean absolute error (MAE), and root mean squire error (RMSE) in new 2-D and 3-D CRR calibrations led to smaller than in the existing ones, where false alarm ratio had decreased, probability of detection had increased a bit, and critical success index scores had improved. To take into account the strong rainfall rate in the weather events such as thunderstorms and typhoon, a moisture correction factor is corrected. This factor is defined as the product of the total precipitable waterby the relative humidity (PW RH), a mean value between surface and 500 hPa level, obtained from a numerical model or the COMS retrieval data. In this study, when the IR cloud top brightness temperature is lower than 210 K and the relative humidity is greater than 40%, the moisture correction factor is empirically scaled from 1.0 to 2.0 basing on PW RH values. Consequently, in applying to this factor in new 2D and 2D CRR calibrations, the ME, MAE, and RMSE are smaller than the new ones.

A New Understanding on Environmental Problems in China - Dilemma between Economic Development and Environmental Protection - (중국 환경문제에 대한 재인식 -경제발전과 환경보호의 딜레마-)

  • Won, Dong-Wook
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.45-70
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    • 2006
  • China has achieved great economic growth above 9% annual since it changed to more of a market economy system by its reform and open-door policy. At the same time, China has experienced severe ecological deterioration, such as air and water pollutions caused by its rapid urbanization and industrialization. China is now confronted with environmental pollution and ecological deterioration at a critical point, at which economic development in China is limited. Moreover, environmental problems in China have become a lit fuse for social fluctuation beyond pollution problems. The root and background of environmental problems in China, firstly, are its government's lack of understanding of these problems and incorrect economic policies affected by political and ideological prejudice. Secondly, the plundering of resources, 'the principle of development first' which didn't consider environmental sustainability is another source of environmental deterioration in China. In addition, a huge population and poverty in China have increased the difficulty in solving its environmental problems, and in fact have accelerated them. The Chinese government has established many environmental laws and institutions, increased environmental investments, and is enlarging the participation of NGOs and the general public in some limited scale to solve its environmental problems. However, it has not obtained effective results because of the lack of environmental investments owing to the government's limit of the development phase, a structural limit of law enforcement and local protectionism, and the limit of political independency in NGOs and the lack of public participation in China. It seems that China remains in the stage of 'economic development first, environmental protection second', contrary to its catch-phrase of 'the harmony between economic development and environmental protection'. China is now confronted with dual pressure both domestically and abroad because of deepening environmental problems. There are growing public's protests and demonstrations in China in response to the spread of damage owing to environmental pollution and ecological deterioration. On the other hand, international society, in particular neighboring countries, regard China as a principal cause of ecological disaster. In the face of this dual pressure, China is presently contemplating a 'recycling economy' that helps sustainable development through the structural reform of industries using too much energy and through more severe law enforcement than now. Therefore, it is desirable to promote regional cooperation more progressively and practically in the direction of building China's ability to solve environmental problems.

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A Ten-Year Result of Artificial Inoculation of Pines with Ectomycorrhizal Fungi, Pisolithus tinctorius and Thelephora terrestris (묘포장(苗圃場)에서 균근균(菌根菌)으로 인공접종(人工接種)한 5개(個) 소나무류(類)의 접종(接種) 10년후(年後) 조림지(造林地)에서의 생장효과(生長效果))

  • Lee, Kyung Joon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.81 no.2
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    • pp.156-163
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    • 1992
  • Pinus koraiensis (Pk), P. rigida (Pr) and P. rigida × P. taeda (Pr. t) seedlings in a bare-rooted nursery were artificially inoculated with Pisolithus tinctorius (Pt) and Thelephora terrestris (Tt) to test long term effects of ectomycorrhizal inoculation on host growth. Mycelial inocula of Pt and Tt were mass-cultured in vermiculite-peatmoss mixture and introduced into fumigated nursery soil before seed sowing. Bare-rooted, inoculated seedlings at one to four years of age were outplanted to the field with P2O5 content of 25 ppm in soil. At the time of outplanting, Pk seedlings(4 years old), Pr seedlings(2 years old), and Pr.t seedlings(1 year old) all infected by Pt were significantly taller by 28%. 26%, and 77%, respectively, than controlled seedlings infected by natural population of mycorrhizal fungi in the non-fumigated plot. Ten years after inoculation or six to nine years after outplanting, Pk seedlings inoculated with Pt were significantly taller by 9% Pr.t seedlings significantly taller by 18%, and Pr slightly Caller by 2%(not significant) than controlled seedlings, suggesting that the stimulatory effect of Pt on host growth gradually declined or became minimal after outplanting. Tt failed to stimulate host growth either in the nursery or in the field, and the survival rate of outplanted seedlings was not different among fungal treatments. Considerable loss of the infected root system during lifting the seedlings for outplanting would be the primary cause of the reduced effect of Pt in the field. Pt infected more than 90% of the fine roots in the fumigated nursery during the first growing season, but Pt assumed to fail to compete successfully with natural population of ectomycorrhizal fungi in the field. It is necessary to select other mycorrhizal fungi which adapt well in both nursery and field.

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Analysis of Microbial Community Structure in Soil and Crop Root System II. Analysis of soil microbial community structure in different soil Environmental conditions by MIDI and DNA analyses (토양과 작물근계의 미생물군집 구조 해석 II. MIDI 및 DNA 분석에 의한 토양환경별 미생물 군집 해석)

  • Ryu, Jin-Chang;Kwon, Soon-Wo;Kim, Jong-Shik;Suh, Jang-Sun;Jung, Beung-Gan;Choi, Sun-Shik
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.118-126
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    • 2002
  • To evaluate the correlations of microbial populations with soil healthiness and crop production and establish the criteria for microbial population of soil types. We analyzed the microbial community structure of 13 soils which were different in physical and chemical properties and cultivation methods. According to the analysis of microbial population suing the dilution plate method, the large differences of the microbial population structures among soil types were shown: aerobic bacteria 227×106, fluorescent Pseudomonas 11,364×105, Gram negative bacteria 1126×104, and mesophilic Bacillus 1110×105. The density of Gram negative bacteria was highest on red pepper cultivating soils (sample no. 4 and 6) of Umsung and Gesan, Chungbuk, and the density of the fluorescent Pseudomonas was highest on greenhouse soil (sample no. 7) of Jinju, Kyungnam. The crop productivity of three soils was high as compared with those of other soils. It was supposed that the density of fluorescent Pseudomonas and mesophilic Bacillus were correlated with the incresed crop production. By MIDI analysis, 579 strains isolated from 13 soils composed of a variety of microbes including 102 isolates of Agrobacterium, 112 isolates of Bacillus, 32 isolates of Pseudomonas, 44 isolates of Kocuria, and 34 isolates of Pseudomonas. Among the 624 isolates of Gram negative bacteria, Pseudomonas including P. putida and p. fluorescens occupied the highest density (51%), and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and Burkholderia cepacia also appeared at high density. From RAPD analysis, the fluorescent Pseudomonas strains isolated from 13 soil types showed a high level of strain diversities and were grouped into 2 - 14 patterns according to soil types. Many of unknown bacteria were recovered from the paddy soil, and needed to be further characterized on the molecular basis.

Coronary Fistulas -20 years experience - (관상동맥루)

  • Lee Jeong Ryul;Jung Yo Chun;Choi Chang Hyu;Kim Woong Han;Kim Yong Jin;Bae Eun Jung;Noh Chung Il
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.38 no.9 s.254
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    • pp.609-615
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    • 2005
  • Background: Some controversy still exists concerning the operative indications of coronary fistulas. Nevertheless, a short-term and long-term outcomes are excellent with surgical interventions. In this study, we assessed our surgical results on this disease entity during the last 20 years. Anatomic diversity was described as well. Material and Method: From April 1986 to March 2005, 20 patients with coronary fistulas underwent surgical correction in Seoul National University Children's Hospital. Their medical records were reviewed retrospectively. Result: Twelve patients (60%) were asymptomatic prior to surgery. All had electrocardiogram and echocardiogram and all but 3 had coro-nary angiogram preoperatively. Anatomically, none of them had two or more coronary fistulas. The sites of origin were left coronary system in 11 patients and right in 9. The draining sites were right ventricle in 11, right atrium in 3, left ventricle in 3, main pulmonary artery in 2, and superior vena cavae in 1. All of the involved, the coro-nary arteries were dilated or aneurismal. In 1 case, there was atherosclerotic change but no ischemic evidence in preoperative electrocardiogram. Operative techniques included external obliteration (13), internal obliteration (5), and both (2). External obliteration was done by ligation of the fistulous tract only in T patients, by fstula ligation plus plication in 3 and by plication or patch closure via fistulotomy in 3. There was no operative mortality. All of postoperative morbidities including transient sinus arrhythmia (2), complete atrioventricular block (1), decreased left ventricular function (2), ventricular tachycardia (1), pericarditis (1), and seizure (1) improved on discharge. The mean follow-up was 55.1±50.2 months (4.0 months\~18.0 years) and there were no recurrences of fistula. There was 1 second operation for aortic root aneurysm, which developed after external patch closure of right coronary fistula. Conclusion: We demonstrated here that coronary fistulas can be cured with excellent clinical outcome and low operative risk under precise diagnosis. Understanding the anatomic diversity will help to construct surgical plans.

Studies on the soil - erosion- control effect of underground growth of several grasses used to rodside vegetation (도로비탈면 녹화에 사용되는 주요 초목식물의 지하부 생육이 토양안정에 미치는 효과에 관한 연구)

  • 김남춘
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.45-55
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    • 1990
  • This study describes on the erosion control effects of the several grasses and its mixtures for the man-made slopes. The grasses used for this experiment include cool-season grasses such as Festuca rubra L. (Creeping redfescue), Poa pratensis L. (Kentucky bluegrass), Lolium perenne L. (Perenial ryegrass), Lolium multiflorum LAM. (Italian ryegrass), Festuca arundinacea Schrel. (Tall fescue), and warm-season grasses such as Eragrostis curvula Schrad. (Weeping lovegrass), Zoysia japonica Steud. (Zoysiass) and native plants (Artemisia princeps var. orientalis Hara, Lespedeza cuneata G. Don, Arundinella hirta var. ciliata K.) This study was conducted at Dan-kook University from April, 1988 to Octover, 1989. The results are summurized as follows; 1.Cool-season grasses covered the ground quickly in early stage, and weekened slowly during sumer season. Warm-season grasses and native-plants covered the ground slowly in early stage, but during summer season they grew vigorously, so outweighed cool season grasses. 2. The amount of aboveground growth of weeping locearass and underground growth of Artemisia prinoepts are quite differant from others. Since Arumdinella hirta has deep root system, it is thought to very useful protection of unstable for hrdro-seeding. Because cool-season grasses are useful for quick coverage, and native plants or warm-season grow well during summer season with the better compatability to weeds. 3.Mixture III(cool-season and warm-season grasses), mixtureIV(native spp. and Italian ruegrass), and mixtureV(native spp.) resulted in better control of erosion control on man-made slopes. Native spp. has equivallent capacity of erosion control compared to several foreign grasses.

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Effect of Different Fertilization on Physiological Characteristics and Growth Performances of Eucalyptus pellita and Acacia mangium in a Container Nursery System (시비처리가 Eucalyptus pellita와 Acacia mangium 용기묘의 생리 및 생장 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho, Min-Seok;Lee, Soo-Won;Bae, Jong-Hyang;Park, Gwan-Soo
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.123-133
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    • 2011
  • The objective of this study was to find optimal nutrient condition of container seedling production of two tropical species for high seedling quality. This study was conducted to investigate photosynthesis, chlorophyll fluorescence, chlorophyll contents, and growth performances of container seedlings of Eucalyptus pellita and Acacia mangium growing under four different fertilization treatments (Con., 0.5gl1, 1.0gl1, and 2.0gl1 fertilization). E. pellita showed outstanding photosynthetic capacity, photochemical efficiency, and chlorophyll contents at 1.0gl1 fertilization. Meanwhile, E. pellita showed the highest photosynthetic capacity, photochemical efficiency, and chlorophyll contents at 2.0gl1 fertilization, as fertilization rate were increased, those of A. mangium increased. Like physiological characteristics, Both E. pellita at 1.0gl1 fertilization and A. mangium at 2.0gl1 fertilization were higher root collar diameter, height, biomass, and seedling quality index than other treatments. These results showed that E. pellita at 1gl1 fertilization and A. mangium at 2.0gl1 fertilization is optimal nutrient condition, respectively. Moreover, fertilization rate controlling is very important for growth and seedling quality of container seedling.

Studies on the Cause and Control for Non-sprouting Bud in the Utility Reclaimed Hill Side Mulberry Field. (개간지 상전에 발생하는 발아불량 현상의 원인 및 방제에 관한 연구)

  • 유근섭
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 1974
  • These studies are conducted to find out inducing factors for the non-sprouting bud which appears in the utility reclaimed hill mulberry held and to establish control method for it since 1971. The results are as follows: 1. In spring, winter bud does not germinate at all on the top of branches or does wither suddenly after or during its germination. Necrosis and browning are appeared in cortex and phloem of non-sprouting bud branch. In autumn, the deterioration of leaves, the abnormal leaves on the top of branch, and browning of veins or petioles are also observed. 2. The soil of non-sprouting bud mulberry Held were found to be sand loom derived from granite rocks. The sub soil of it was very poor in development of root system because it had hard soil and lower pore space ratio. Especially, the sub soil to bring about severe non-sprouting bud had been easily appeared with deficiency of moisture content because of high density solid. 3. Content of soil moisture was significantly lower in the severe non-sprouting bud soil than in the healthy field. The sub soil o( the healthy field contained proper moisture content. On the other hand, the sub soil of the severe non-sprouting bud held contained almost critical moisture content for wilting. 4. The depth of available soil was shallow in the non-sprouting bud than in the healthy fold. The more rate of the non-sprouting bud was severe, the more available soil depth was sallow. 5. Available boron content in soil was affected by moisture content in soil. There was. lower moisture content in the non-sprouting bud field than that in healthy fold during 5, June to 5, September. 6. There was no significant correlation between soil pH and available boron content. On the other hand, the correlation of the content of organic matter and available boron content appeared to be highly positive significance. 7. The quantity of boron was significantly contained more in healthy mulberry field (0.34∼0.43ppm) than in non-sprouting bud field (0.10∼0.28ppm). 8. Boron content in leaves and barks was significantly lower in the non-sprouting bud trees than in healthy trees. 9. The symptom of non-sprouting bud induced from boron free sand culture was similar with that arised in the non-sprouting bud field. 10. The rate of non-sprouting bud was high by the increased application of lime. Considering the facts mentioned the above, author may conclude that the non-sprouting bud of mulberry tree is caused by boron deficiency, but also it is affected by the parent rocks, organic matter, soil moisture content and lime application. 11. The non.sprouting bud may be completely controlled by the application of 6∼9kg borax per 10a mulberry field twice a year in spring and summer.

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Wilted Symptom in Watermelon Plant under Ventilation Systems (환기처리에 의한 수박의 시듦증 발생 기작)

  • Cho, Ill-Hwan;Ann, Joong-Hoon;Lee, Woo-Moon;Moon, Ji-Hye;Lee, Joo-Hyun;Choi, Byung-Soon;Son, Seon-Hye;Choi, Eun-Young;Lee, Sang-Gyu;Woo, Young-Hoe
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.529-534
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    • 2010
  • Occurrence of wilted symptom in watermelon plant (Citrullus lanatus L.) is known to be caused by physiological disorder. The symptom results in the loss of fruit production and thus the economical loss of watermelon growers. The incidence of symptom is often found from the middle of March to the end of May in the major watermelon crop production areas of Korea (i.e. Uiryeong, Gyeongnam (lat 3756'64"N, long 12699'97"E)). Despite of extensive information about the physiological disorder, little study has been conducted to understand a relationship between the wilted symptom and accompanying environment factors (e.g. temperature). This study aimed to investigate effects of environmental conditions amended by a forced-ventilation system on physiological characteristics of watermelon and incidence of the wilted symptom. Watermelon plants were grown from January to May, 2009 with either the forced-or natural-ventilation treatment in a greenhouse located in the Uiryeong. In the result, the forced-ventilation treatment decreased the air, leaf and root-zone temperature approximately 4.5C, 5C and 3C, respectively, compared to the natural-ventilation. The fruit growth rate was maximized twice during the entire growing period. The higher rate of fruit growth was observed under the natural-ventilation than the forced one. Maximization of the fruit growth rate (approximately 430 g per day) was first observed by 12 days after fruiting under the natural-ventilation treatment, while the second one (approximately 350 g per day) was observed by 24 days after fruiting. The wilted symptom started occurring by 22 days after fruiting under the natural-ventilation, whereas no incidence of the symptom was found under the forced-ventilation treatment. Interestingly, the forced-ventilation lowered the fruit growth rate (approximately 320 g per day) compared to the natural one. Maximization of the fruit growth rate under the forced-ventilation was found at 4 days later than that under the natural one. This result coincided with a slower plant growth under the forced-ventilation treatment. These results suggest that the forced-ventilation slows down extension growth of fruit and plant, which may be associated with lowering leaf temperature and saturation deficit. We suggest the hypothesis that the forced-ventilation may alleviate stress of the wilted symptom by avoiding extreme water evaporation from leaves due to high temperature and thus by reducing competition between leaves and fruits for water. More direct and detailed investigations are needed to confirm the effect of the forced ventilation.