• Title/Summary/Keyword: river management flow

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Development of a Data-Driven Model for Forecasting Outflow to Establish a Reasonable River Water Management System (합리적인 하천수 관리체계 구축을 위한 자료기반 방류량 예측모형 개발)

  • Yoo, Hyung Ju;Lee, Seung Oh;Choi, Seo Hye;Park, Moon Hyung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.75-92
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    • 2020
  • In most cases of the water balance analysis, the return flow ratio for each water supply was uniformly determined and applied, so it has been contained a problem that the volume of available water would be incorrectly calculated. Therefore, sewage and wastewater among the return water were focused in this study and the data-driven model was developed to forecast the outflow from the sewage treatment plant. The forecasting results of LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory), GRU (Gated Recurrent Units), and SVR (Support Vector Regression) models, which are mainly used for forecasting the time series data in most fields, were compared with the observed data to determine the optimal model parameters for forecasting outflow. As a result of applying the model, the root mean square error (RMSE) of the GRU model was smaller than those of the LSTM and SVR models, and the Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient (NSE) was higher than those of others. Thus, it was judged that the GRU model could be the optimal model for forecasting the outflow in sewage treatment plants. However, the forecasting outflow tends to be underestimated and overestimated in extreme sections. Therefore, the additional data for extreme events and reducing the minimum time unit of input data were necessary to enhance the accuracy of forecasting. If the water use of the target site was reviewed and the additional parameters that could reflect seasonal effects were considered, more accurate outflow could be forecasted to be ready for climate variability in near future. And it is expected to use as fundamental resources for establishing a reasonable river water management system based on the forecasting results.

Development of Basin-wide runoff Analysis Model for Integrated Real-time Water Management (실시간 물 관리 운영을 위한 유역 유출 모의 모형 개발)

  • Hwang, Man-Ha;Maeng, Sung-Jin;Ko, Ick-Hwan;Park, Jeong-In;Ryoo, So-Ra
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.507-510
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    • 2003
  • The development of a basin-wide runoff analysis model is to analysis monthly and daily hydrologic runoff components including surface runoff, subsurface runoff, return flow, etc. at key operation station in the targeted basin. A short-term water demand forecasting technology will be developed taking into account the patterns of municipal, industrial and agricultural water uses. For the development and utilization of runoff analysis model, relevant basin information including historical precipitation and river water stage data, geophysical basin characteristics, and water intake and consumptions needs to be collected and stored into the hydrologic database of Integrated Real-time Water Information System. The well-known SSARR model was selected for the basis of continuous daily runoff model for forecasting short and long-term natural flows.

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Development of the Automated Irrigation Management System for Paddy Fields (논 물 관리의 자동화시스템 개발)

  • 정하우;이남호;김성준;최진용;김대식
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.67-73
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    • 1994
  • This paper is to validate the proposed models for the real-time forecasting for the Keum river estuary dam such as tidal-level forecasting model, one-dimensional unsteady flood routing model, and Kalman filter models. The tidal-level forecasting model was based on semi-range and phase lag of four tidal constituents. The dynamic wave routing model was based on an implicit finite difference solution of the complete one-dimensional St. Venant equations of unsteady flow. The Kalman filter model was composed of a processing equation and adaptive filtering algorithm. The processng equations are second ordpr autoregressive model and autoregressive moving average model. Simulated results of the models were compared with field data and were reviewed.

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Characteristics of Water Quality in Basin of Alpine Field during the Snowmelt Season (고랭지 밭 유역의 융설에 의한 수질특성)

  • Choi, Yong-Hun;Won, Chul-Hee;Park, Woon-Ji;Shin, Min-Hwan;Shin, Jea-Young;Lee, Su-In;Choi, Joong-Dae
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.453-459
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    • 2012
  • In this study, Song-Cheon river Basin located at Dae-kwan-lyong Meyn in Kang-Won Province was monitored to analyze characteristics of non-point source pollution during the snowmelt period. The characteristics of NPS pollution such as runoff, change in water quality and pollutant loads by snowmelt were investigated from 23th February 2010 to 27th April 2010. The results showed that The climate change effects flow, turbidity and concentration of SS and COD with showing similar trend of fluctuation. Daily pollutant loads per unit area were SS 74.43 kg/ha/day, COD 1.25 kg/ha/day, BOD 0.21 kg/ha/day, TN 0.717 kg/ha/day, TP 0.141 kg/ha/day and the flow weight mean concentration has been SS 985.97 mg/L, COD 16.28 mg/L, BOD 2.67 mg/L, TN 9.302 mg/L, TP 1.834 mg/L, respectively. The flow and pollutant loads both of SS and of COD significantly increased during the snowmelt period. Because structurally loosen soil by freezing and thawing deteriorates water quality, research and management measures will be needed.

Development of Innovative Technologies for Enhancing Low Flow Discharge and Reducing Turbid Material from Overcrowded Forest Plantations by Intensive Thinning in Japan

  • Otsuki, Kyoichi;Kasahara, Tamao;Onda, Yuichi
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.18-18
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    • 2012
  • In Japan, about 67% of the land is covered by forests and about 41% of them consist of plantations. About 35% of the plantations consist of old-aged plantations of older than 50 yearsand the percentage is projected to 67% in ten years' time. Although the trees of these plantations are supposed to be cut for timber production, most of them remain unmanaged and thus overcrowded mainly due to declining domestic forest industry. Since the forests are mostly located in headwater watershed, there are growing concerns about the degradation of water resources by these unmanaged plantations. To understand the ecohydrological processes in these plantations and examine the effect of intensive 50-60 % thinning to increase infiltration rate and reduce overland flow and soil erosion by recovering understory vegetation, the JST-CREST project "Development of Innovative Technologies for Increasing in Watershed Runoff and Improving River Environment by the Management Practice of Devastated Forest Plantation (Representative: Yuichi Onda)" has been launched since 2009. The ultimate objective of this project is to provide potential scenario to enhance low flow discharge in drought period and reduce turbid material in high flow period. We have been conductingintensive field observation campaign in five research sites across Japan. In Fukuoka site, integrated ecohydrological observations have been conductedin two contrastive watersheds since 2010. Intensive 50% thinning was conducted from January to April 2012 and comparative studies of ecohydrological processes before and after thinning have been started. The interim results from all the sites of this project will be presented in the 3rd International Congress for Forest and Water in a Changing Environment held in Fukuoka during 18-20 September, 2012 (http://www.forest.kyushu-u.ac.jp/~ecohydrol/3ForestWater/index.html).

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Flow rate prediction at Paldang Bridge using deep learning models (딥러닝 모형을 이용한 팔당대교 지점에서의 유량 예측)

  • Seong, Yeongjeong;Park, Kidoo;Jung, Younghun
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.55 no.8
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    • pp.565-575
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    • 2022
  • Recently, in the field of water resource engineering, interest in predicting time series water levels and flow rates using deep learning technology that has rapidly developed along with the Fourth Industrial Revolution is increasing. In addition, although water-level and flow-rate prediction have been performed using the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model and Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) model that can predict time-series data, the accuracy of flow-rate prediction in rivers with rapid temporal fluctuations was predicted to be very low compared to that of water-level prediction. In this study, the Paldang Bridge Station of the Han River, which has a large flow-rate fluctuation and little influence from tidal waves in the estuary, was selected. In addition, time-series data with large flow fluctuations were selected to collect water-level and flow-rate data for 2 years and 7 months, which are relatively short in data length, to be used as training and prediction data for the LSTM and GRU models. When learning time-series water levels with very high time fluctuation in two models, the predicted water-level results in both models secured appropriate accuracy compared to observation water levels, but when training rapidly temporal fluctuation flow rates directly in two models, the predicted flow rates deteriorated significantly. Therefore, in this study, in order to accurately predict the rapidly changing flow rate, the water-level data predicted by the two models could be used as input data for the rating curve to significantly improve the prediction accuracy of the flow rates. Finally, the results of this study are expected to be sufficiently used as the data of flood warning system in urban rivers where the observation length of hydrological data is not relatively long and the flow-rate changes rapidly.

Development and Application of Water Balance Network Model in Agricultural Watershed (농업용수 유역 물수지 분석 모델 개발 및 적용)

  • Yoon, Dong-Hyun;Nam, Won-Ho;Koh, Bo-Sung;Kim, Kyung-Mo;Jo, Young-Jun;Park, Jin-Hyeon
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.66 no.3
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    • pp.39-51
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    • 2024
  • To effectively implement the integrated water management policy outlined in the National Water Management Act, it is essential to analyze agricultural water supply and demand at both basin and water district levels. Currently, agricultural water is primarily distributed through open canal systems and controlled by floodgates, yet the utilization-to-supply ratio remains at a mere 48%. In the case of agricultural water, when analyzing water balance through existing national basin water resource models (K-WEAP, K-MODISM), distortion of supply and regression occurs due to calculation of regression rate based on the concept of net water consumption. In addition, by simplifying the complex and diverse agricultural water supply system within the basin into a single virtual reservoir, it is difficult to analyze the surplus or shortage of agricultural water for each field within the basin. There are limitations in reflecting the characteristics and actual sites of rural water areas, such as inconsistencies with river and reservoir supply priority sites. This study focuses on the development of a model aimed at improving the deficiencies of current water balance analysis methods. The developed model aims to provide standardized water balance analysis nationwide, with initial application to the Anseo standard watershed. Utilizing data from 32 facilities within the standard watershed, the study conducted water balance analysis through watershed linkage, highlighting differences and improvements compared to existing methods.

Analysis of Biodiversity and Ecological Characteristics on Tamjin-river Estuarine Ecosytem (탐진강 하구역의 생물다양성과 생태적 특성 분석 연구)

  • Lim, Jeongcheol;Kim, Taesung
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.181-189
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    • 2018
  • This study was performed to analyze the dynamics and distributional condition of biological community and to support the basic information about the estuarine ecosystem management by using the intensively surveyed results by each taxon experts around Tamjin river. We analyzed the biological diversity, abundance, correlation among species, and ecological characteristics about 11 taxa groups including vegetation, fish, birds, mammals, etc. in the Tamjin river estuarine ecosystem. We classified vegetation types into 7 physiognomic types and 18 communities according to habitat conditions with the physical environments and salinity. In total, 1125 species including 9 species of endangered species were identified in research area. The species composition and distributional characteristics of each taxon were corresponded to the environmental characteristics of the estuarine ecosystem. Especially, the species diversity and distribution were clearly distinguished in the river according to the difference of the environmental factors such as flow rate, salinity, and soil. Despite the disturbance factors such as barrage and levees, the biodiversity and its distribution were evaluated to be high level under the current environmental conditions. However, loss or reduction of wildlife habitat due to reclamation, embankment, barrage installation and expansion of farmland has been identified as a major threat to the diversity and health of the local ecosystem. The results of this study can be used as a basic data to cope with various development pressure and damage crisis of the whole estuaries including Tamjin river.

Development of seawater inflow equations considering density difference between seawater and freshwater at the Nakdong River estuary (해담수 밀도차를 고려한 낙동강하굿둑 해수유입량 산정식 개발)

  • Jeong, Seokil;Lee, Sanguk;Hur, Young Teck;Kim, Youngsung;Kim, Hwa Young
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.55 no.5
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    • pp.383-392
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    • 2022
  • The restoration of the Nakdong River estuary is one of the most important projects of the Ministry of Environment, Republic of Korea. A real-scale experiment of gate operation was executed from 2019 to 2020, and a pilot operation was performed in 2021. The gate of Nakdong River Estuary Barrier (NEB) is supposed to be continuously opened based on the experiment results. Many critical decisions should be made immediately during the experiment based on the real-time measured data and numerical analysis considering the seawater inflows. The decision-making sequence was made systematically with the accurate estimation of seawater inflow. The estimation of seawater inflow is the main research objective and the equations of seawater inflow were developed, reflecting the structural characteristics of NEB. The inflow equations were developed in two forms, overflow and underflow. ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) was used to measure seawater inflow, check the accuracy of the developed equations, and derive the flow coefficient. The comparison error of the developed equations was about 3% compared to the measured data.

Geomorphology and Spatio-Temporal Land Cover Changes in Sincheon Wetland, Mangyeong River (만경강 신천습지의 지형과 시공간적 토지 피복 변화)

  • Jangsoo Kim;Jeong-Sik Oh
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.41-51
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    • 2024
  • The Sincheon wetland shows a remarkable diversity of fluvial landforms, such as river islands, anastomosing channels, braided channels, and sand-gravel bars, which contribute to its rich ecological habitat. The wetland area is characterized by a ecological diversity of herbaceous and woody plants. Significant changes in land cover within the wetlands were observed from 2008 to 2020. Notably, there was a rapid decrease in agricultural area from 18% to 0.04%, while the vegetation area expanded from 45% to 54%. Concurrently, the water area also experienced a notable increase from 34% to 41%. The surface sediment composition in the studied area displays sandy loam characteristics and exhibits acidic soil properties. Sediment acidity tends to increase downstream and in the central part of channels. Variations in acidity are also observed at nearby collection sites due to the tributaries and local discharge. The presence of dense vegetation in river islands and bars has led to a significant transformation of sediments into soil, with this change being more pronounced downstream, particularly near the weirs. The installation of a weir in Sincheon wetland is believed to have a significant impact on altering flow velocities between upstream and downstream sections, as well as influencing erosion and sediment deposition patterns. However, given the formation of landforms in response to weirs, effective administration and management are essential to address potential risks of catastrophic environmental disruptions, such as the removal of weirs and/or the maintenance of river channels.