• Title/Summary/Keyword: representing

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  • Pak, Hee Chul
    • Journal of the Chungcheong Mathematical Society
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.71-78
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    • 2008
  • We introduce the homogenized differential systems for fissured medium equations representing the small temperature variation or densities of a fluid in a system consisting of two components.

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STEP 표준을 이용한 제품설계-제조 연계 방안

  • 강무진
    • Proceedings of the CALSEC Conference
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    • 2001.02a
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    • pp.531-544
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    • 2001
  • ■ Representing tolerance information together with feature and geometry information in neutral format (using STEP AP 203 and AP 224) ■ Preprocessor of a CAPP System ■ System-independent Interfacing of CAD and CAPP. (omitted)

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A study on the physiology of Pulmonary series - according to the exchang of Metal and Fire - (금화교역으로 본 폐계생리에 대한 소고)

  • Son Chang Su;Kim Gil Wheon
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.23-31
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    • 2002
  • This research aims is to study physiolgy and pathology of lung on Suenbal-Sukkang action occuring with the exchang of Metal and Fire of nature. The exchange of Metal and Fire(金火交易) represents differience of temperature inside and outside of the atmosphere in according to Sun-heat on earth descended in passing Hazi(夏至). On the above fact, the Suenbal-Sukkang( action representing the Exchang of Metal and Fire happens in lung of body with properties of metal. too. These phenomena are physiological phenomenas of Pulmonary series(肺系). Accordingly, the action of Suenbal-Sukkang radiates heat and converge water with the properties of Autumn-Metals in change actions of nature. In order To interpret physiology action of Pulmonary energy(肺氣), I have studied Metal-glass theory(金鏡說) of Muk Za(墨子), and made a comparative study of a climatic change passing from summer to autumn in four season caused by the revolution of earth Thus, to interpret the action of Suenbal-Sukkang can be inferred by the phenomena of physiology and pathology of Pulmonary series. From the result of this study, I know that functions representing of the Suenbal-Sukkang take place in processing the exchange of Metal become phenomena in physiology of Pulmonary series(大腸, 皮膚, 鼻, …), and abnormal functions functions representing the Suenbal-Sukkang become pathological phenomenas of Pulmonary series.

Multi-floor Layout for the Liquefaction Process Systems of LNG FPSO Using the Optimization Technique (최적화 기법을 이용한 LNG FPSO 액화 공정 장비의 다층 배치)

  • Ku, Nam-Kug;Lee, Joon-Chae;Roh, Myung-Il;Hwang, Ji-Hyun;Lee, Kyu-Yeul
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.68-78
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    • 2012
  • A layout of an LNG FPSO should be elaborately determined as compared with that of an onshore plant because many topside process systems are installed on the limited area; the deck of the LNG FPSO. Especially, the layout should be made as multi-deck, not single-deck and have a minimum area. In this study, a multi-floor layout for the liquefaction process, the dual mixed refrigerant(DMR) cycle, of LNG FPSO was determined by using the optimization technique. For this, an optimization problem for the multi-floor layout was mathematically formulated. The problem consists of 589 design variables representing the positions of topside process systems, 125 equality constraints and 2,315 inequality constraints representing limitations on the layout of them, and an objective function representing the total layout cost. To solve the problem, a hybrid optimization method that consists of the genetic algorithm(GA) and sequential quadratic programming(SQP) was used in this study. As a result, we can obtain a multi-floor layout for the liquefaction process of the LNG FPSO which satisfies all constraints related to limitations on the layout.

SymCSN : a Neuro-Symbolic Model for Flexible Knowledge Representation and Inference (SymCSN : 유연한 지식 표현 및 추론을 위한 기호-연결주의 모델)

  • 노희섭;안홍섭;김명원
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.71-83
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    • 1999
  • Conventional symbolic inference systems lack flexibility because they do not well reflect flexible semantic structure of knowledge and use symbolic logic for their basic inference mechanism. For solving this problem. we have recently proposed the 'Connectionist Semantic Network(CSN)' as a model for flexible knowledge representation and inference based on neural networks. The CSN is capable of carrying out both approximate reasoning and commonsense reasoning based on similarity and association. However. we have difficulties in representing general and structured high-level knowledge and variable binding using the connectionist framework of the CSN. In this paper. we propose a hybrid system called SymCSN(Symbolic CSN) that combines a symbolic module for representing general and structured high-level knowledge and a connectionist module for representing and learning low-level semantic structure Simulation results show that the SymCSN is a plausible model for human-like flexible knowledge representation and inference.

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Construction of Large Library of Protein Fragments Using Inter Alpha-carbon Distance and Binet-Cauchy Distance (내부 알파탄소간 거리와 비네-코시 거리를 사용한 대규모 단백질 조각 라이브러리 구성)

  • Chi, Sang-mun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.19 no.12
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    • pp.3011-3016
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    • 2015
  • Representing protein three-dimensional structure by concatenating a sequence of protein fragments gives an efficient application in analysis, modeling, search, and prediction of protein structures. This paper investigated the effective combination of distance measures, which can exploit large protein structure database, in order to construct a protein fragment library representing native protein structures accurately. Clustering method was used to construct a protein fragment library. Initial clustering stage used inter alpha-carbon distance having low time complexity, and cluster extension stage used the combination of inter alpha-carbon distance, Binet-Cauchy distance, and root mean square deviation. Protein fragment library was constructed by leveraging large protein structure database using the proposed combination of distance measures. This library gives low root mean square deviation in the experiments representing protein structures with protein fragments.

Impacts of Land Cover Change of Tidal Flats on Local Meteorology in Gyeonggi Bay, West Sea of Korea (경기만 갯벌의 지표면 토지피복 변화가 국지기상에 미치는 영향 평가)

  • An, Hye Yeon;Kim, Yoo-Keun;Jeong, Ju-Hee
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.399-409
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    • 2017
  • The impact of land cover changed by tidal flats on local meteorology in Gyeonggi Bay was quantitatively evaluated based on a numerical modeling approach during 18 days (21 June to 9 July 2013). The analysis was carried out using three sets of simulation scenarios and the land cover of tidal flats for each simulation was applied as follows: (1) the herbaceous wetland representing coastal wetlands (i.e., EXP-BASE case), (2) the barren or sparsely vegetated representing low tide (i.e., EXP-LOW case), (3) the water bodies representing high tide (i.e., EXP-HIGH case). The area of tidal flats was calculated as about $552km^2$ (the ratio of 4.7% for analysis domain). During the daytime, the change (e.g. wetlands to water) of land cover flooded by high tide indicated the decrease of temperature (average $3.3^{\circ}C$) and the increase of humidity (average 13%) and wind speed (maximum $2.9m\;s^{-1}$). The changes (e.g. wetlands to barren or sparsely vegetated) of land cover induced by low tide were smaller than those by high tide. On the other hands, the effects of changed land cover at night were not apparent both high tide and low tide. Also, during the high tide, the meteorological change in tidal flats affected the metropolitan area (about 40 km from the tidal flat).

Relationships between Pain Types, Pain Intensity and Terms Used to Describe Pain (통증 어휘에 따른 통증 종류와 강도 간의 관련성)

  • Hwang, Ju-Seong;Jeon, Ji-Hoon;Lee, Young-Kyu;Lee, Chung-Min;Park, Min-Ji;Kim, Hyun-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Science
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 2015
  • Purpose : The purpose of present study was to improve communication of pain expressing terms and pain intensity between patient and physical therapist, and initiated to objectify a measurement of subjective pain. Methods : Data were delivered to 249 people by a self-completion questionnaire, and analyzed 160 copies except for 87 mark error of the collected 247 questionnaires. The questionnaire included a question on 55 terms used to describe pain, the type of the pain, and pain intensity using VAS (visual analogue scale). Results : The results were as follows; 'Tight' was the most frequently being expressed term of muscular pain, subsequently to 'knot' and 'dull'. 'Tear' was the term representing the most strong pain of muscular pain, subsequently to 'rupture' and 'squeeze'. 'Stinging' was the most frequently being expressed term of neurologic pain, subsequently to 'get shocked' and 'wriggle'. 'Burn' was the term representing the most strong pain of neurologic pain, subsequently to 'sear' and 'get shocked'. 'Creak' was the most frequently being expressed term of joint pain, subsequently to 'peel' and 'out of joint'. 'Break' was the term representing the most strong pain of joint pain, subsequently to 'peel' and 'crack'. Conclusion : The objectification of pain terms will be used to help physical therapist to check the patient's pain.

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