A study on the physiology of Pulmonary series - according to the exchang of Metal and Fire -

금화교역으로 본 폐계생리에 대한 소고

  • Son Chang Su (Department of Physiology, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongguk University) ;
  • Kim Gil Wheon (Department of Physiology, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongguk University)
  • 손창수 (동국대학교 한의과대학 생리학교실) ;
  • 김길훤 (동국대학교 한의과대학 생리학교실)
  • Published : 2002.02.01


This research aims is to study physiolgy and pathology of lung on Suenbal-Sukkang action occuring with the exchang of Metal and Fire of nature. The exchange of Metal and Fire(金火交易) represents differience of temperature inside and outside of the atmosphere in according to Sun-heat on earth descended in passing Hazi(夏至). On the above fact, the Suenbal-Sukkang( action representing the Exchang of Metal and Fire happens in lung of body with properties of metal. too. These phenomena are physiological phenomenas of Pulmonary series(肺系). Accordingly, the action of Suenbal-Sukkang radiates heat and converge water with the properties of Autumn-Metals in change actions of nature. In order To interpret physiology action of Pulmonary energy(肺氣), I have studied Metal-glass theory(金鏡說) of Muk Za(墨子), and made a comparative study of a climatic change passing from summer to autumn in four season caused by the revolution of earth Thus, to interpret the action of Suenbal-Sukkang can be inferred by the phenomena of physiology and pathology of Pulmonary series. From the result of this study, I know that functions representing of the Suenbal-Sukkang take place in processing the exchange of Metal become phenomena in physiology of Pulmonary series(大腸, 皮膚, 鼻, …), and abnormal functions functions representing the Suenbal-Sukkang become pathological phenomenas of Pulmonary series.



  1. 黃帝內經素問 왕빙
  2. 易學原論 韓長庚
  3. 宇宙變化의 原理 韓東錫
  4. 華陀中藏經 문산돈수소석(주편)
  5. 原本醫學入門 內集卷一 이천
  6. 石塘 韓醫學 韓南洙(金性銓 編著)
  7. 생리학 성호경 (외1)
  8. 臨證指南醫案(三卷) 葉天士
  9. 黃元御醫書十一種 黃元御
  10. 原本 東醫寶鑑 許浚
  11. 醫部全書 藝文印書館印行(影印本)
  12. 黃元御醫書十一種 v.下 黃元御