• 제목/요약/키워드: rehabilitation hospital

검색결과 3,596건 처리시간 0.03초

Effects of the Tele-Monitoring With the Speech-to-Text Application on Occupational Balance in Healthy Adults : Feasibility Study (음성-텍스트 변환 어플리케이션을 이용한 원격 모니터링이 건강한 성인의 작업균형에 미치는 효과)

  • Na, Nam Heui;Lee, Seong A;Lee, Yeong Hyun;Lee, Sang-Heon;Hwang, Do-Yeon;Park, Jin-Hyuck
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • 제11권3호
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    • pp.93-106
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    • 2022
  • Objective : The COVID-19 pandemic has brought non-face-to-face healthcare service delivery system. Research into telehealth system and its efficacy remains unclear. Methods : Seven healthy adults participated in this study to investigate effects of tele-monitoring with the speech-to-text (STT) application to induce changes in occupational activities on occupational balance in healthy adults. Subjects were requested to choose occupational activities they wanted to have researched and then register them to the STT application. The STT application provided an alarm to check whether the pre-registered activities were performed on time, and whether the subjects performed it by their voice. The subjects were followed for 1 week, with assessments at baseline, and after 1-week's tele-monitoring. Results : Our findings showed that the subjects were willing to participate in tele-monitoring with the STT application with high adherence and satisfaction. In addition, there was a significant improvement in occupational activities related to health (p<.05). Specifically, adherence, satisfaction, and efficacy of the tele-monitoring with the STT application could successfully bring occupational balance in short-term periods. Conclusion : These findings highlight that tele-monitoring with a smartphone could be considered as one promising way to restore occupational balance in lockdown after the COVID-19 outbreak.

Analysis of Occupational Therapy Intervention Research for Improving Memory: Focus on Single-Subject Research Design in Korean Academic Journals (기억력 향상을 위한 작업치료 중재 연구 분석: 국내 단일대상연구 중심으로)

  • Jung, Yu-Jin;Choi, Yoo-Im
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • 제10권4호
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    • pp.39-52
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    • 2021
  • Objective : This study aimed to identify the characteristics and analyze the quality of studies on memory improvement using a single-subject research design. Methods : Six studies were selected through the Research Information Sharing Service (RISS), Korean Studies Information Service System (KISS), and National Digital Science Library (NDSL). Keywords were memory training, stroke, early dementia, mild cognitive impairment, and single-subject research design. The characteristics and quality levels were analyzed between January 2011 and October 2020. Results : Regarding the quality level, the middle level (7-10 points) was 66.7% of the four articles, and the high level (11-14 points) was 33.3% of the two articles. Reversal designs were used in all studies. Independent variables were errorless learning, smartphone application, cognitive training system (CoTras), spaced retrieval training (SRT) with errorless learning, spaced retrieval training, and iPad applications. The dependent variables included memory, attention, electroencephalogram, instrumental activities of daily living, depression etc., which increased after the intervention. The total session, study period, and intervention time were varied. Conclusion : In single-subject research design related to memory training, occupational therapy intervention was confirmed as an effective method for improving memory and attention. The quality level of single-subject research design was moderate or higher, and high-quality level of studies should be conducted by additional design to increase the validity in the future.

Validity and Reliability of a Korean Version of the Flow State Scale for Occupational Task (한글판 작업과제 몰입상태척도(Korean version of Flow State Scale for Occupational Task: K-FSSOT)의 타당도 및 신뢰도연구)

  • Lee, Jeong-Hoon;Park, Ji-Hyuk
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • 제10권4호
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    • pp.53-63
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    • 2021
  • Objective : This study aimed to develop a Korean version of the Flow State Scale for Occupational Task (K-FSSOT), to measure the level of a flow experience of a subject in occupational therapy activities. Methods : To develop a measure of K-FSSOT, validity and reliability were verified through a systematic development process. The validity was verified by calculating the content validity index (CVI) through the content validity of 10 occupational therapists and a question-and-answer survey of 20 patients. Reliability was verified by investigating the internal consistency and examination-re-test reliability of 33 patients. Results : The item-CVI for each question in the content feasibility study was .90 to 1.00, and the scale-CVI, which is the average of the whole item, was found to be appropriate at .97. The verification of reliability indicated that the intrinsic value of the entire question was high at .855, and the test-retest reliability value was high at .894 (p<.01), showing a high correlation, and very high reliability. Conclusion : K-FSSOT could be used as a useful tool to measure the level of a flow experience of the target in performing occupational therapy activities for occupational therapists concerned about the participation and flow experience of the target.

A Systematic Review of the Effects of Visual Perception Interventions for Children With Cerebral Palsy (뇌성마비 아동에게 시지각 중재가 미치는 효과에 대한 체계적 고찰)

  • Ha, Yae-Na;Chae, Song-Eun;Jeong, Mi-Yeon;Yoo, Eun-Young
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • 제12권2호
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    • pp.55-68
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    • 2023
  • Objective : This study aims to analyze the effects of visual perception intervention by systematically reviewing the studies that applied visual perception intervention to children with cerebral palsy. Methods : The databases used were PubMed, EMbase, Science Direct, ProQuest, Koreanstudies Information Service System (KISS), Research Information Sharing Service (RISS), and the National Assembly Library. The keywords used were cerebral palsy, CP, and visual perception. According to the PRISMA flowchart, 10 studies were selected from among studies published from January 1, 2012 to March 30, 2022. The quality level of the selected studies, the demographic characteristics of study participants, the effectiveness of interventions, area and strategies of intervention, assessment tools to measure the effectiveness of interventions, and risk of bias were analyzed. Results : All selected studies confirmed that visual perception intervention was effective in improving visual perception function. In addition, positive results were shown in upper extremity function, activities of daily living, posture control, goal achievement, and psychosocial areas as well as visual perception function. The eye-hand coordination area was intervened in all studies. Conclusion : In visual perception intervention, It is necessary to evaluate the visual perception function by area, and apply systematically graded customized interventions for each individual.

Changes of bite force and dynamic functional occlusion analysis after occlusal stabilization splint therapy in sleep bruxism patients: a pilot study (수면이갈이 환자에서 교합안정장치 사용 후 교합력 및 동기능적교합분석: 예비 연구)

  • Jaeyeon, Kim;Yiseul, Choi;Yool Bin, Song;Wonse, Park;Seong Taek, Kim
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • 제38권4호
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    • pp.204-212
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare changes of bite force, occlusal contact area, and dynamic functional occlusion analysis after occlusal stabilization splint therapy during sleep for one month in a patient with bruxism. Materials and Methods: From October 2021 to July 2022, sleep bruxism of 30 patients who visited the Department of Oral Medicine at Yonsei University College of Dentistry Hospital were recruited. The participants were divided into two groups: using an occlusal stabilization splint during sleep (treatment; n = 15) and not using an occlusal stabilization splint (control; n = 15). Before using the occlusal stabilization splint and one month after, bite force, occlusal contact area and dynamic functional occlusion analysis (ratio of left/right bite forces, average bite forces, maximum bite forces, and maximum contact areas during lateral and anterior and posterior mandibular movements) were performed. Results: There was no difference in bite force and occlusal contact area between the treatment group using the occlusal stabilization splint and the control group not using the occlusal stabilization splint during sleep for one month. However, there were significant differences in the average bite force and maximum bite force in the lateral and anterior and posterior mandibular movements and the maximum contact areas in the anterior and posterior mandibular movements. Conclusion: The occlusal stabilization splint is helpful for sleep bruxism patients who lateral and anterior and posterior mandibular movements. In addition, further studies are needed a double-blind study with a large population.

The Effect of Upper Thoracic Mobility on the Forward Head Posture, Disability, and Quality of Life in Patients with Chronic Neck Disability by Forward Head Posture (상부등 가동성이 만성 목 통증 환자들의 목 기능장애와 삶의 질에 미치는 효과)

  • Lee, Eun-Sang
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • 제13권6호
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    • pp.257-264
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate effective intervention(upper thoracic mobilization and upper cervical mobilization) methods for forward head posture. 32 subjects were divided into two groups: upper thoracic mobilization(UTM) and upper cervical mobilization(UCM) on three times a week for a total of four weeks. In both groups significant difference in forward head posture pre and post test(p <.01), significant difference between the two groups (p <.05, 95% CI: .157-.341). In both groups significant difference in neck disability index pre and post test(p <.01), significant difference between the two groups (p <.01, 95% CI: 1.273-8.728). In both groups significant difference in quality of life pre and post test(p<.05), significant difference between the two groups (p <.01, 95% CI: 4.234-18.391). The results of this study showed that the UTM was more effective than that of the forward head posture. It would be possible to provide more effective interventions for patients with forward head posture and also to prevent secondary musculoskeletal disorders due to forward head posture.

Application of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in Neurological Disorders: Especially in Orthostatic Intolerance (신경계 질환에서 근적외선분광분석법의 적용: 기립불내증을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Yoo Hwan;Paik, Seung-ho;Phillips V, Zephaniah;Seok, Hung Youl;Jeon, Nam-Joon;Kim, Beop-Min;Kim, Byung-Jo
    • Journal of the Korean neurological association
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    • 제35권1호
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    • pp.8-15
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    • 2017
  • Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), a noninvasive optical method, utilizes the characteristic absorption spectra of hemoglobin in the near-infrared range to provide information on cerebral hemodynamic changes in various clinical situations. NIRS monitoring have been used mainly to detect reduced perfusion of the brain during orthostatic stress for three common forms of orthostatic intolerance (OI); orthostatic hypotension, neurally mediated syncope, and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome. Autonomic function testing is an important diagnostic test to assess their autonomic nervous systems for patients with symptom of OI. However, these techniques cannot measure dynamic changes in cerebral blood flow. There are many experimentations about study of NIRS to reveal the pathophysiology of patients with OI. Research using NIRS in other neurologic diseases (stroke, epilepsy and migraine) are ongoing. NIRS have been experimentally used in all stages of stroke and may complement the established diagnostic and monitoring tools. NIRS also provide pathophysiological approach during rehabilitation and secondary prevention of stroke. The hemodynamic response to seizure has long been a topic for discussion in association with the neuronal damage resulting from convulsion. One critical issue when unpredictable events are to be detected is how continuous NIRS data are analyzed. Besides, NIRS studies targeting pathophysiological aspects of migraine may contribute to a deeper understanding of mechanisms relating to aura of migraine. NIRS monitoring may play an important role to trend regional hemodynamic distribution of flow in real time and also highlights the pathophysiology and management of not only patients with OI symptoms but also those with various neurologic diseases.

A Study on the Comparison of Korea Good Manufacturing Practice (KGMP) Evaluation Criteria with Certification Criteria of Extramural Herbal Dispensaries (원외탕전실 평가인증기준과 KGMP 평가인증 기준과의 비교연구)

  • Hyeong-Gi Kim;Eui-Hyoung Hwang;Eun-Gyeong Lee;Byung-Mook Lim;Young-Jae Shin;Sun-Young Park;Byung-Cheul Shin
    • The Korea Journal of Herbology
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    • 제38권6호
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    • pp.61-71
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    • 2023
  • Objectives : This study aimed to find out the future direction of accreditation system of Extramural herbal dispensaries (EHD) by comparing the current criteria of EHD and the existing Korea good manufacturing practice (GMP) regulations. Methods : Among the accreditation criteria of EHD, criteria of general herbal medicine was compared with the pharmaceutical GMP of Korea. The regulations of the accreditation of EHD and the regulations of KGMP were compared and organized with similar things based on the index of KGMP. All criteria from both were extracted for each element, classified into key-words and evaluated by dividing them into the same, similar one and no-matching. Results : Among the 189 criteria of KGMP, 77 criteria were consistent with the accreditation of EHD, and 15 criteria were similar. Based on the accreditation of EHD, 70.4% of the criteria were consistent or similar to KGMP. There were a total of 27 key-words only in the GMP criteria and not in the EHD one. Hence, a total of 25 key-words only in the EHD criteria and not in the GMP one. There were 12 similar key-words, and among them, there were 4 key-words in which accreditation of EHD was more specific than the KGMP. Conclusions : The criteria of general herbal medicine in EHD showed a similar or equivalent level of accreditation criteria compared to that of pharmaceutical GMP in Korea, and it ts believed that it should be considered at the current level to reflect the characteristics of herbal medicine.

The Quality of Life after Lymphaticovenous Anastomosis in 118 Lower Limb Lymphedema Patients

  • Jin Geun Kwon;Yeongsong Kim;Min Young Jang;Hyunsuk Peter Suh;Changsik John Pak;Vaughan Keeley;Jae Yong Jeon;Joon Pio Hong
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • 제50권5호
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    • pp.514-522
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    • 2023
  • Background This is a prospective study on 118 patients who underwent lymphaticovenous anastomosis (LVA) due to secondary lower limb lymphedema between January 2018 and October 2020 to evaluate patients' quality of life (QOL) using the Quality of Life Measure for Limb Lymphedema (LYMQoL) questionnaire. Methods The outcome measurement included the LYMQoL leg scoring system tool evaluating the function, appearance, symptom, mood, and overall outcome. In addition, correlation analysis was performed for three factors: based on International Society of Lymphology (ISL) stages, disease duration, and amount of volume reduction. Results The LYMQoL tool overall satisfaction score significantly increased at all intervals from 4.4 ± 0.2 preoperative to 6.5 ± 0.3 postoperative at 12 months (p < 0.001). Significant findings were seen for each domain scores compared preoperatively and at 12 months: function score (18.6 ± 0.5 to 15.4 ± 0.6), appearance score (17.8 ± 0.5 to 16.0 ± 0.6), symptom score (11.8 ± 0.3 to 8.9 ± 0.4), and mood score (14.5 ± 0.4 to 11.4 ± 0.5; p < 0.05). The correlation analysis between improvement of the overall score and the ISL stage (p = 0.610, correlation coefficient [r] = -0.047), disease duration (p = 0.659, r = -0.041), and amount of limb volume reduction (p = 0.454, r = -0.070) showed no statistical significance. Conclusion The QOL of secondary lower limb lymphedema patients was significantly improved after LVA regardless of the severity of disease, duration of disease, and amount of volume reduction after LVA. Understanding the patient-reported outcome measurement will help the surgeons to manage and guide the expectations of the patients.

The Effect of Lower Trapezius Muscle Exercise According to the Abduction Position of the Shoulder Joint on Round Shoulder Posture and Muscle Activity of the Lower Trapezius Muscle (어깨관절의 벌림 위치에 따른 아래등세모근 운동이 둥근어깨와 아래등세모근의 근활성도에 미치는 영향)

  • Chung-Yoo Kim;Won-Sik Bae;Hyeon-Su Kim;In-Seop Kim
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Integrative Medicine
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    • 제11권4호
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    • pp.213-220
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    • 2023
  • Purpose : The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of each lower trapezius muscle exercise performed according to the abduction position (Y type - shoulder joint abduction 145 °, T type - shoulder joint abduction 90 °, and MPC type - shoulder joint 45 ° abduction) of the shoulder joint on the muscle activity of the round shoulder and lower trapezius muscle. Methods : This study was conducted on 31 adult men and women. Through random assignment, they were assigned to the Y group, T group, and MPC group. A 4-week intervention was performed for each group of 31 subjects who participated in the experiment, and shoulder height and lower trapezius muscle activity were measured before and after the intervention. Shoulder height measurement is a test to measure rounded shoulder posture. When the value is low, it means that rounded shoulder posture is improved. The muscle activity of the lower trapezius muscle was measured using the %MVIC method, and when the value is high, it means that the lower trapezius muscle is active. All measured data were verified using dependent t-tests for before and after comparisons and one-way analysis of variance for comparisons between groups. Results : The results of this study showed a significant decrease after intervention only in shoulder height. Muscle activity of the lower trapezius muscle decreased after intervention, but did not show a significant difference. Both variables showed no significant differences between groups. Conclusion : The results of this study show that three lower trapezius muscle exercises were performed on subjects in rounded shoulder posture. All three groups showed a significant decrease in the shoulder height value, a method of measuring rounded shoulder posture, and no significant differences between groups could be confirmed. Therefore, all three exercises can be considered effective in reducing shoulder posture.