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Effect of a public health center-based nutrition education program for hypertension in women older than 50 years of age (50세 이상 여성을 대상으로 한 보건소 기반 고혈압 영양교육의 효과 평가)

  • Park, Seoyun;Kwon, Jong-Sook;Kim, Hye-Kyeong
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.228-241
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: The health risk of women increases after menopause. This study evaluated the effectiveness of a public health center-based nutrition education program for hypertension in women older than 50 years of age. Methods: The program included 8-week nutrition education and 8-week follow-up with keeping a health diary and nutrition counseling. The program was evaluated three times: before and after the nutrition education, and after the follow-up. The subjects were classified into hypertensives (n = 44) or normotensives (n = 71). Results: The rate of taking antihypertensive drugs in the hypertensive group was 86.4%. The systolic blood pressure decreased in the hypertensive and normotensive groups after nutrition education (p < 0.05). The body weight (p < 0.001), BMI (p < 0.001), waist circumference (p < 0.001), and percent body fat (p < 0.01) were also decreased after nutrition education in both groups. The hypertensive group showed an increase in HDL-cholesterol level (p < 0.001) and decreases in triglycerides (p < 0.01) and LDL-cholesterol (p < 0.05) levels after completion of the program. The normotensive group also displayed significant changes in HDL-cholesterol (p < 0.001) and triglycerides (p < 0.01). The dietary habits and nutrition knowledge on sodium and hypertension were improved in both groups (p < 0.001). The total score of dietary behavior related to the sodium intake was improved in the normotensive group (p < 0.001). The total score of the high sodium dish frequency questionnaire decreased in both groups after nutrition education and completion of the program compared to that before the program. Decreases in the consumption frequencies of noodles, pot stews and stews, Kimchi, and beverages were significant. The total self-efficacy score was increased in both groups by the program (p < 0.001). In particular, the hypertensive group showed improvement in all items. Conclusion: This public health center-based nutrition education program may contribute to the prevention and management of hypertension and chronic diseases in women over 50 years of age.

Characterization of Streptomyces netropsis Showing a Nematicidal Activity against Meloidogyne incognita (Meloidogyne incognita에 살선충활성을 보이는 신규 Streptomyces netropsis의 살선충 특성 규명)

  • Jang, Ja Yeong;Choi, Yong Ho;Joo, Yoon-Jung;Kim, Hun;Choi, Gyung Ja;Jang, Kyoung Soo;Kim, Chang-Jin;Cha, Byeongjin;Park, Hae Woong;Kim, Jin-Cheol
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.50-57
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    • 2015
  • Control of nematode has become difficult owing to the restricted use of effective soil fumigant, methyl bromide, and other non-fumigant nematicides. Therefore, it is urgently necessary to develop microbial nematicide to replace chemical nematicides. In this study, the 50% aqueous methanol extraction solution of fermentation broths of 2,700 actinomycete strains were tested for their nematicidal activity against second stage of juveniles (J2s) of Meloidogyne incognita. As the results, only the 50% aqueous methanol extraction solution of AN110065, at 20% equivalent to 10% fermentation broth, showed strong nematicidal activity with 78.9% of mortality 24 h after treatment and 94.1% of mortality at 72 h. The 16S rRNA gene sequencing showed that the strain sequence was 99.78% identical to Streptomyces netropsis. The extract of S. netropsis AN110065 fermentation broth was successively partitioned with ethyl acetate and butanol and then the ethyl acetate, butanol and water layers were investigated for their nematicidal activity against the M. incognita. At 1000μg/ml, ethyl acetate layer showed the strongest activity of 83.5% of juvenile mortality 72 h after treatment. The pot experiment using the fermentation broth of AN110065 on tomato plant against M. incognita displayed that it evidently suppressed gall formation at a 10-fold diluent treatment. The tomato plants treated with the fermentation broth of S. netropsis AN110065 did not show any phytotoxicity. The results suggest that S. netropsis AN110065 has a potential to serve as microbial nematicide in organic agriculture.

Application Effect of Food Waste Compost Abundant in NaCl on the Growth and Cationic Balance of Rice Plant in Paddy Soil (NaCl을 다량 함유한 음식물쓰레기 퇴비 시용이 논 토양에서 벼의 생육과 체내 양이온 균형에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Sang-Eun;Ahn, Hyun-Jin;Youn, Seung-Kil;Kim, Seak-Min;Jung, Kwang-Young
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.100-108
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    • 2000
  • High sodium contents in food-waste compost(FWC) is the greatest limitation to recycle it to arable lands in Korea. The effects of the FWC application to paddy soil on the growth of rice plants, cationic balance in plants, and the sodicity of soil have been studied in pot trials. The effects of FWC application were compared with those of NaCl compound and swine manure compost(SMC) application. Na2O contents of FWC were high as 2.2%. Immediately after transplanting, rice plants in three treatments showed severe wilting in the order of 40Mg FWC ha1 > NPK+900kg NaClha1 > 20Mg FWC ha1. The high EC value and volatile acid contents of soil solution were regarded as the cause of severe wilting of young rice plants. Increase of NaCl application rate upto 900kgha1 showed no significant reduction of dry matter yield at harvesting stage. Regardless of application rates FWC reduced the dry matter yield at harvesting stage, while SMC increased it with increase of application rates upto 40Mgha1. In NPK+NaCl and FWC treatments, Na contents and equivalent ratio in plants increased linearly with increase of Na application rates. Between Na and K equivalent ratio negative correlation with high significance was shown. In contrast to much difference of Na, K, and Na/K equivalent ratio among treatments, little difference of Na+K indicated the physiological substitution of Na for K in rice plants. Na use efficiency in NPK+NaCl and FWC treatments showed 12-22%.

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Effects of Silicate Fertilizer on Increasing Phosphorus Availability in Salt Accumulated Soil during Chinese Cabbage Cultivation (염류집적토양에서 규산질 비료가 인산의 유효도 증진에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Yong-Bok;Kim, Pil-Joo
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.8-14
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    • 2006
  • High phosphate accumulations in greenhouse soils have been considered as a new agricultural problem in Korea. The effects of silicate on changes in phosphate fractions and on the yield of Chinese cabbage without P fertilization were investigated by pot experiment. For this experiment, P-accumulated soil was selected (Total-P; 2140mgkg1). Three levels of silicate (0, 2, and 4Mgha1) without P fertilization and P fertilizer without silicate application (Si0+NPK) were applied in 1/2000a pots. The same amount of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers were applied to the all pots. The application of 4Mgha1 of silicate greatly increased the yield of Chinese cabbage by 25% compared to Si0+NPK treatment. Although there is no significant difference in plant P absorption among all the treatments, the uptake of P in the 4Mgha1 silicate application was significantly higher than Si0+NPK treatment due to increase in yield. The content of available SiO2 in soil increased with increasing silicate application rates. The Si concentration of plant showed a positive correlation with available SiO2 contents in soil and the yield of Chinese cabbage. Total P greatly decreased with increasing rates of silicate application, yet the change in available P content was not significant. The Si0+NPK treatment increased the content of Ca-P by 11%, however, which was decreased by 27% in the 4Mgha1 silicate application. Therefore, the effect of silicate on reducing total-P was mainly attributed to the change in concentration of Ca-P. Our results suggest that the application of silicate in P-accumulated soils not only increase the crops yield but also reduces phosphate accumulation.

Effect of Inoculation with Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizal (VAM) Fungi on the Early Growth of Strawberry Plantlets(Fragaria grandiflora Ehrn.) (딸기 묘(苗) 초기생육(初期生育)에 미치는 VA균근균(菌根菌)의 접종효과(接種效果))

  • Sohn, Bo-Kyoon;Huh, Sang-Man;Kim, Kil-Yong
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.54-63
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    • 1994
  • Runner-derived(Expt.1) and tissue culture-derived strawbeery plantlets(Expt. 2) were grown in pots under greenhouse condition and inoculated with inocula of the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal(VAM) fungi isolated from a field strawberry plants. Total biomass of mycorrhizal strawberry plants was significantly increased. There was a similar tendency in the number of cluster and flower at 20 weeks after inoculation, and VAM fungi inoculation positively influenced the leaf number, leaf length, leaf width and petiole length of strawberry plants in all investigated times. However, no difference was in the flowering time of strawberry plants. Leaf margin of non-inoculated strawberry plantlets turned into raddish brown(7.5R 4/8) from around 4 weeks after habituation. Inoculation of VAM fungi at the time of habituation was much more effective in stimulating plant growth. VA mycorrhizal dependency were 162.7 % in the runner-derived strawberry plants, Dependency with pre-and post-habituated incoulation in tissue culture-derived plants was respective 116.4% and 106.0%. The levels of mycorrhizal colonization were increased with plant growth and infection rates by endophytes at harvest time were 47.5% in Expt. 1, 56.4% in Expt. 2, respectively. Contents of phosphorus, potassium and calcium in mycorrhizal strawberry plants at harvest time were higher than non-mycorrhizal ones however, magnesium concentration was decreased. These experiments demonstrated that VAM fungi could be introduced into nursery stages of strawberry plantlets including the temporary planting period to improve growth and plant nutrients uptake by mycorrhizal plants.

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Effects of Nitrogen Fertilization on the Yield and Effective Components of Chrysanthemum boreale M. (질소시비가 산국의 수량과 유효성분에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Kyung-Dong;Yang, Min-Suk;Lee, Young-Bok;Kim, Pil-Joo
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.38-46
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    • 2002
  • Chrysanthemum boreale M. (hereafter, C. boreale M.), a perennial flower, has been historically used as a natural medicine in Korea. With increasing concerns for health-improving foods, the demand for C. boreale M. has become higher than ever. Howevr, the amount of wild C. boreale M. collected from mountainous areas is not enough to cover all demands. The cultivation system and fertilization strategy are required to meet increasing demand on C. boreale M. with a good quality. We investigated the effects of nitrogen application on plant growth and effective components of C. boreale M. to suggest optimum rate of nitrogen fertilization. C. boreale M. was cultivated in a pot scale (1/2000a scale), and nitrogen applied with rate of 0(N0), 50(N50), 100(N100), 150(N150), 200(N200), and 250(N250)kgha1. Phosphate and potassium were applied at the same level (P2O5K2O=8080kgha1) in all treatments. Maximum yield achieved in 246 and 226kgha1 N treatment on the whole plant and the flower part, a valuable part as a herbal medicine, respectively. Proline was the most abundant amino acid in the flower of C boreal M. and the contents of amino acids increased with increasing nitrogen application rate in flower. Nitrogen recovery efficiency was high more than 41% in all nitrogen treatments and increased to 61.8% in nitrogen N100 treatment. From the nitrogen content, the high nitrogen uptake, the low residue of mineral N and the reasonably good apparent fertilizer recovery, it can be inferred that C. boreale M. made efficient use of the available nitrogen. In flower, contents of Cumambrin A. which is a sesquiterpene compound and has the effect of blood-pressure reduction, decreased with increasing nitrogen application. However, the amount of Cumambrin A in flower increased as nitrogen rate increased, because of increasing flower yield. Conclusively, nitrogen fertilization could increase yields and enhance quality. The optimum nitrogen application rate might be on the range of 225250kgha1 in a mountainous soil.

Effect of Soil Amendment Application on Yields and Effective Components of Chrysanthemum boreale M. (산국의 수량과 유효성분에 대한 토양개량제의 효과)

  • Lee, Kyung-Dong;Lee, Yong-Bok;Yang, Min-Suk;Kim, Pil-Joo
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.27-37
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    • 2002
  • With increasing the concerns of health improving foods. the demands of C. boreale M., which is a perennial flower and has been historically used for a natural medicine, become higher, recently, However, wild C. boreale M. collected in a mountatinous area is limited and not enough to cover all demands. The cultivation system and fertilization strategy are required to produce much amount of C. boreale M. with a good quality. We investigated the effects of soil amendment application on plant growth and effective components of C. boreale M. to develop efficient cultivation system. C. boreale M. was cultivated in a pot scale, and lime, fly ash, poultry manure compost and swine manure compost as an amendment applied with rate of 2, 20, 150 and 150Mgha1, respectively. Here, chemical fertilizers were applied with the same level (NP2O5K2O=1508080kgha1) in all treatments. Flower yields of C. boreale M., edible part as a natural medicine, were increased to 37 and 27% by swine and poultry manure compost application, respectively. Poultry manure compost amending (NPK+PMC) increased 3.6 times of proline content and 58% of total amino acids in the flower part more than chemical fertilization (NPK). But the contents of amino acids did not increase with amending liming materials like lime and fly ash. Cumambrin A, which is a sesquiterpene compound and has the effect of blood-pressure reduction, increased to 34 and 19% by lime and fly ash applications, respectively. Cumambrin A was significantly correlated with calcium content in the flower part of C. boreale M. Conclusively, soil amendments like compost and liming materials might contribute to increase the yields and quality of C. boreale M.

Studies on the Characteristics of Phosphorus in the Upland Soil -III. Yield Responses of Added Phosphorus for Soybean in Soils with Different Capacities of Phosphorus Sorbed (경작지(耕作地) 전토양(田土壤)의 인산특성(燐酸特性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -III. 인산(燐酸) 흡수력(吸收力)이 상이(相異)한 밭토양(土壤)에서 대두(大豆)에 대(對)한 시용인산(施用燐酸)의 비효(肥效))

  • Shin, Cheol-Woo;Kim, Jeong-Je;Yoon, Jung-Hui
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.272-279
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    • 1988
  • A pot experiment was conducted to define the effect of various soil phosphorus fractions for soybean yield and the relations of between various soil phosphorus fraction and each other in 11 upland soils with different capacities of phosphorus fixation and physico-chemical properties of soils. The effect of phosphorus fertilization was high in soils with high capacities of phosphorus fixation and low available phosphorus, and soybean yield was showed significant relationship with available phosphorus and inorganic soil phosphorus fractions. Fractional recovery of added phosphorus in soils were showed various range of 2.5-91.7%, and mean value of soils was 48.5%. In the relationships among the soybean yield, plant phosphorus content, phosphorus uptake and available phosphorus, inoganic phosphorus at flowering stage, soybean yield were showed significant relationship with available phosphorus content, phosphorus uptake were all showed significant correlation without Fe-P, but Fe-P was showed except Jeju soil. Al-P/Fe-P ratio was increased by phosphorus fertilization in soils at flowering stage, and in the relationships between Al-P/Fe-P ratio and soybean yield, phosphorus uptake, soil and plant phosphorus were showed high significant correlation, but Fe-P was not showed at flowering stage. P sorbed by soils from P 20ppm solution was decreased by phosphorus fertilization, and then decreasing rate was higher in soils with low capacity of phosphorus fixation then high phosphorus fixing soils. Also P sorbed was showed negatively high significant correlation with available phosphorus, plant phosphorus, phosphorus uptake and soil inorganic phosphours except Fe-P, and soybean yield was not showed.

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Effects of Combined Micronutrient(Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Mo and B) Application on Forage Traits in Pure and Mixed Swards of Orchardgrass and White Clover II. Changes in the yields and concurrence index of forage plants (Orchardgrass 및 White Clover의 단파 및 혼파 재배에서 미량요소(Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Mo, B)의 조합시비가 목초의 여러 특성에 미치는 영향 II. 초종별 건물수량 및 식생 경합지수의 변화)

  • Jung, Yeun-Kyu
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.237-246
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    • 2003
  • This pot experiment was conducted in order to find out the effects of application of combined micronutrients(T1: control. T2; Fe, T3; Fe+Mn, T4; Fe+Mn+Cu, T5; Fe+Mn+Cu+Zn, T6;Fe+Mn+Cu+Zn+Mo, T7; Fe+Mn+Cu+Zn+Mo+B) on forage performance of pure and mixed cultures of orchardgrass and white clover The 2nd part was concerned with the changes in the forage yields and concurrence index. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. The effects of combined micronutrient applications on the forage yields were different according to the forage species, whether it was a pure or mixed cultures, and additional fertilization(especially N). The effects of them on the forage productivity and botanical composition were more obvious in white clover, especially in mixed culture, than in orchardgrass. By the significant role of B as a regulator, the yields of both forages were best in the T7, respectively. 2. In the pure culture, the high yields of both forages were obtained by the T7 and T2, whereas the T6 and T3resulted in the low yields. The best yields of both forages were obtained by the T7 with relatively optimum ratios among the micronutrients as follows; Fe/Mn/Cu/Zn, Fe/Mo, Mo/B, and ∑ cation/∑anion. It was observed the multiple interaction of Fe×Mn×Mo×B, and the significant role of B as a regulator. The effects of them on white clover were more distinct at no additional fertilization than at the additional fertilization(especially N). 3. In mixed culture, the optimum applications of them resulted in the positive increase of yield and botanical composition of white clover, whereas orchardgrass tended to be inversely except the T7.X> 7/. 7/.

Growth of Red-leaf Lettuce and Changes in Soil Solution Chemical Properties of Coir-dust Containing Root Media Influenced by Application Rates of Pre-planting Fused-Superphosphate (코이어 더스트 혼합상토에 용과린의 시비수준에 의한 적축면 상추의 생장과 근권부 화학성 변화)

  • Kim, Chang Hyeon;Choi, Jong Myung;Lee, Dong Hoon
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.658-667
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    • 2015
  • This research was conducted to investigate the influence of various levels of fused superphosphate as pre-planting fertilizer on the growth of red-leaf lettuce and changes in the chemical properties of the soil solution in three root media, namely coir-dust plus expanded rice hull (8:2, v/v; CD+ERH), carbonized rice hull (6:4; CD+CRH), or ground and aged pine bark (8:2; CD+GAPB). The amounts of fused superphosphate (FSP) incorporated into the three root media during formulation were controlled from 0 to 6.0gL1 in 1.5gL1 increments. The root media containing fertilizers were packed into 300 mL plastic pots and seedlings of red-leaf lettuce at the 3rd leaf stage were transplanted. After transplanting, the crops were fed with a solution of neutral fertilizer (100mgL1). The growth of red-leaf lettuce was investigated 5 weeks after transplanting and soil solutions were extracted and analyzed every week for pH, EC, and concentrations of macro-nutrients. The elevation of application rates of FSP in the three root media resulted in better growth, and the crops grown in CD+ERH and CD+GRPB had greater fresh and dry weights than those in CD+CRH when compared among the treatments of equal amounts of FSP. The pH and PO43 concentrations in the soil solution of CD+CRH at 3 weeks after transplant were in the ranges of 4.0 to 4.8 and 20 to 100mgL1, respectively. These were lower pH and higher PO43 concentrations than those in CD+ERH and CD+GAPB. The K+ concentrations were higher in CD+CRH than those in the other two root media, and the elevation of FSP application rates resulted in higher Ca+2, Mg+2 and SO42 concentrations in soil solution of the three root media. The NO3-N concentrations in soil solution rose continuously during crop cultivation, implying that the leaching percentage was elevated. The soil solution EC varied, showing the same tendencies as the NO3-N concentrations. The above results indicated that the CD+ERH and CD+GRPB media performed better than CD+CRH, and optimum application rates of FSP in the three root media were 4.5 to 6.0gL1 for pot cultivation of red-leaf lettuce.