• 제목/요약/키워드: pesticide distribution

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벼 재배환경에서 생육단계에 따른 제형별 살포농약의 분포특성 (Distribution of Pesticide Applied with Different Formulations and Rice Growing Stages in Paddy Fields)

  • 박병준;박상원;김진경;박경훈;김원일;권오경
    • 농약과학회지
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.74-81
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    • 2008
  • 벼 재배 환경에서 농약의 분포 및 유출특성과 농업환경으로의 노출성을 구명하기 위해서 살포농약의 제형과 벼 생육단계에 따른 경시적 분포양상 실험을 수행하였다. 벼 이앙전 처리제로 제초제인 butachlor 유탁제와 oxadiazon 유제의 논물 중 잔류양상은 처리 3일 후에 초기처리량의 90%이상이 소실되는 것으로 나타났고, 벼 이앙 후 15일 이내에 처리한 butachlor, thiobencarb 및 molinate 입제의 농약성분의 95%이상이 논물과 토양에 분포되어, 비살포 지역으로 유출을 방지할 수 있는 유출안전기간은 농약살포 후 5일로 설정하였다. 벼 생육 중기에 살포된 iprobenfos 입제, tricyclazole 수화제, phenthoate 유제의 처리직후 2시간 후의 분포는 논물에서 16.1, 48.9와 38.9%, 토양에서 83.6, 15.4와 10.7%, 식물체에서 는 0.3, 35.7과 50.4%가 각각 분포되었다. 또한 벼생육 후기 농약분포는 tricyclazole 수화제와 Phenthoate 유제는 논물에서 7.8과 9.8%, 토양에서 21.7과 5.1%, 식물체에서 70.5와 85.1%가 각각 분포되어 식물체 biomass가 증가 할수록 농약 부착량이 식물체에 분포되어 논물과 토양에 적은 양이 분포되었다.

친환경 쌀의 유통 특성 및 재배유형별 경영성과 분석 (Analysis of Economic Effects and Distribution Structure for Environment-friendly Rice's Production)

  • 정만철
    • 한국유기농업학회지
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.43-58
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    • 2007
  • This study was carried out to present the measures for the stable environment-friendly rice's production, farm income increase and consumption revitalization and so on by analyzing economic effects of the environment-friendly rice's production complex by certification type, cultivation type and distribution type. Data were collected from the environment-friendly rice's production complex in Kyunggi, Kangwon, Chungnam and Chunnam provinces. Survey was conducted with sorted by organic and no-pesticide farming. Of the samples 5 types of organic farming and 4 types of no-pesticide farming were surveyed in 17 and 18 complex, respectively. The farmers income of organic and no-pesticide farming per 10a were individually about $29{\sim}68%$ and 50% higher than the conventional farming. Base on the above results, the reasonable measures fur the stable environment-friendly rice's production and distribution and consumption revitalization were to secure partnership among business, universities, government and research institutes sectors, to organize farmers group and production complex, to establish RPC for environment-friendly rice and to introduce certification system for the distribution dealers.

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서울북부지역에서 유통되고 있는 농작물의 잔류농약 분포 (The Distribution of Pesticide Residues in Commercial Agricultural Products for the Northern Area of Seoul)

    • Environmental Analysis Health and Toxicology
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.311-322
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    • 2003
  • This study was carried out to investigate the 106 kinds of pesticide residues in agricultural products (n=3,614) by GC, for the northern area of Seoul from March (1999) to December (2000). The detection rate of pesticide residues in samples was 5.0% (mean =2.86$\pm$7.22 mg/kg, n=180). The order of the agricultural products in which pesticide residues were detected was korean lettuce > perilla leaf, pepper > chinese cabbage > leek > spinach. The percentage of the agricultural products in excess of MRL was 2.0% (n=73). The agricultural products in excess of MRL were korean lettuce (n=15), perilla leaf(n=13), leek (n=6), spinach (n=6), pepper (n=5), chwinamul (n=5), etc. The order of the pesticide residues which were detected in agricultural products was procymidone endosulfan chlorpyrifos vinclozolin chlorothalonil and diazinon. The average residual values of procymidone, endosulfan, chlorpyrifos, vinclozolin, chlorpyrifos, and diazinon were 4.07, 1.24, 1.27, 2.83, 17.71 and 1.48 respectively. The pesticide residues in excess of MRL were chlorpyrifos (n=19), endosulfan (n=12), procymidone(n=), vinclozolin (n=6), etc, and the measured concentration ranges of chlorpyrifos, endosulfan, procymidone, vinclozolin, pyrazophos, diazinon and EPN were 0.03-6.72, 0.18-5.8, 2.0-60.8, 1.70-20.33, 0.26-1.21. 0.59-4.3 and 0.28-4.19 respectively.

토양농약계(土壤農藥系)에 대(對)한 분배법칙(分配法則)의 적용(適用) (Application of the Distribution Law to Soil-Pesticide Systems)

  • 신영오;존H. 베이커
    • 한국토양비료학회지
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.1-4
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    • 1974
  • 농약(農藥)이 토양(土壤)에 흡착(吸着)되는 현상(現象)을 이론적(理論的)으로 구명(究明)하기 위(爲)해 물리화학(物理化學)에서 쓰여온 분배법칙(分配法則)을 적용(適用)하여 다음과 같은 결과(結果)를 얻었다. 1) 토양(土壤)에 흡착(吸着)되는 농약(農藥)의 양(量)은 토양수분(土壤水分) 함량(含量)과 역비례(逆比例) 관계(關係)에 있다. 2) 토양수분함량(土壤水分含量)이 같은 경우 농약(農藥)의 흡착량(吸着量)은 분배율(分配率)(Kd)과 비례(比例)한다. 3) 분배율(分配率)이 큰 토양(土壤)일수록 토양수분(土壤水分)이 흡착(吸着)에 미치는 영향(影響)이 적다.

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Design of A Pneumatic Granular Applicator For Paddy Field

  • Chung, Chang-Joo;Chung, Sun-Ok;Cho, Seong-In;Chang, Young-Chang;Park, Yeong-Soo
    • 한국농업기계학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국농업기계학회 1996년도 International Conference on Agricultural Machinery Engineering Proceedings
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    • pp.519-527
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    • 1996
  • Most operation related to the application granular agrochemicals in korea are manual and labour consuming. As a multipurpose granular applicator, a pneumatic granular applicator that can be attached to conventional ride -on machines for paddy field was designed in this study. Experiments and simulations were carried out for determine in the design factors with one fertilizer (DongBu 21-17-17) and one pesticide (SamKong Ivi). The maximum terminal velocity of granular chemicals was estimated as 14.2m/s. A better distribution pattern was obtained at the diffuser having only deflectors without dividing guides. The diffuser spacing 1.0m for the fertilizer and the diffuser spacing 0.8m for the pesticide at the boom height over 0.80m were acceptable for the uniform distribution. In the case that the forward speed of ride-on machines was 0.7m/s, the groove opening and the roller speed of the selected metering device were13mm -15mm at 2 rps for the fertilizer, and 9 mm-11mm at 0.25rps or the pesticide. This study suggested a method of developing a pneumatic applicator for granular agrochemicals.

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저농약농산물 대체인증 필요성에 대한 연구 (A Study on Necessity of Alternative Certification for Low-pesticide Agricultural Products)

  • 김호;양성범
    • 한국유기농업학회지
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    • 제24권1호
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    • pp.17-27
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    • 2016
  • The objective of this study is to propose a necessity of alternative certification for low-pesticide agricultural products (LPAP). For this, we conduct a survey consumer and distributor. Most of consumer does not aware an abolition of LPAP. After abolition, they will purchase pesticide-free, organic, conventional, GAP certificated in order. Both consumer and distributor need an alternative certification of LPAP and have willingness-to-purchase. However, it is necessary to make up for the reliability and objectivity on the alternative and to manage a poor certification. The results of this study is meaningful to distribution and consumption of environment-friendly agricultural products.

국내 농약중독 사망사고 현황분석과 사고 예방대책 (Examination of Pesticide Poisoning Deaths Statistics in Korea and Precautionary Measures Against Pesticide-Poisoning)

  • 정미혜;김진화;박경훈;이희동;유아선;김병석;최주현;권오경
    • 농약과학회지
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    • 제12권2호
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    • pp.134-140
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    • 2008
  • 매년 증가하고 있는 농약중독사고 예방대책 마련을 위하여 통계청 마이크로데이터시스템에서 2000년${\sim}$2005년 까지 최근 6년간의 자료를 제공받아 국내 농약중독사망사고 현황을 분석하였다. 농약중독 사망자수는 제초제 및 살균제에 의한 사망수가 가장 많았고, 약제별로는 특히, 패러�R디클로라이드 액제, 유기 인계 농약, 글라이포세이트 순으로 조사되었다. 전체약물중독사고 사망자중 농약으로 인한 사망자가 매년 증가하여 2005년에 68.5% 를 차지하였다. 농약중독사고 원인은 자살 비율이 $80.5{\sim}91.9%$로 농약에 의한 자살을 예방할 수 있는 대책 마련이 시급한 실정이다. 지역별 농약중독사망자수를 분석한 결과 주요 7대 도시지역이 전체 사망자수의 평균 21.6%를 차지하였고, 전국 9개 도지역에서 평균 78.4%를 차지하였으며, 직업별 분포는 농림, 어업인이 27.4%, 주부와 학생을 포함한 무직 등 비농업인이 72.6%로 조사되었다. 이상의 자료분석결과, 농약중독사망자수가 매년 증가하는 경향을 보이고 있으므로, 사망자수를 줄이고 농약중독 사고를 예방하기 위해서 농업 인에게는 농약안전사용을 위한 교육을 강화하고, 비농업 인에게는 독성이 강한 농약의 구입을 제한하는 등 철저한 농약관리가 필요한 것으로 판단된다.

AGDISP모델을 이용한 농약의 대기확산 영향평가 (An Impact Assessment on Atmospheric Dispersion of Pesticide using AGDISP Model)

  • 김정환;구윤서;이승훈
    • 환경영향평가
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    • 제22권6호
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    • pp.547-556
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    • 2013
  • Recently, golf courses have increased over the years because golf became popular leisure sport. Various environmental problems have been then issued by a golf course during constructing and running them. A problem of pesticide, which is serious among various environmental problems, from golf course has harmful effect on surrounding area and makes human suffer from acute and chronic diseases. Pesticides are used for the cost-effective managing of golf course and the amount of pesticides also increases as the number of golf course increase. Since the assessment of pesticides on near-by surrounding has been focused on water and soil media, studies related to atmospheric dispersion have been hardly attempted. The method to assess an impact of pesticide nearby agricultural production by the atmospheric dispersion using AGDISP(AGricultural DISPersal) model was developed and applied to the actual planned golf course located in Hongcheon, Gangwon. For implementing AGDISP, parameters were investigated from the golf course's land use planning map, pesticide spray device, Hong-Cheon weather station and etc. First of all, a kind of pesticide, a form of spraying pesticide, geographical features, weather data, and distance(golf course to plantation) were investigated to understand how to work these parameters in AGDISP. Restricted data(slope angle, droplet size distribution and solar insolation) sensitivity analysis of these parameters to estimate effect of pesticide nearby a plantation and a high relative contribution data of analyzed data was selected for input data. Ethoprophos was chosen as the pesticide used in the golf course and the amounts of pesticide deposition per annual agricultural productions were predicted. The results show that maximum amount of pesticide deposition through atmospheric dispersion was predicted $2.32{\mu}/m^2$ at 96 m where the nearest organic plantation exists. The residues of pesticide were also estimated based on the annul production of the organic and the deposition amount of the pesticide. Consequently, buckwheat, wheat and millet were likely to exceed maximum residue limits for pesticides in foods(MRL) and sorghum, corn and peanut were likely to exceed MRL by organic farming as well.

고추 부위별 chlorothalonil, kresoxim-methyl 및 procymidone 농약성분의 잔류 분포 (Residue Distribution of Chlorothalonil, Kresoxim-methyl and Procymidone among Different Parts of Hot Pepper Plants)

  • 이미경;황재문
    • 한국식품과학회지
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    • 제41권6호
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    • pp.722-726
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    • 2009
  • Chlorothalonil, kresoxim-methyl 및 procymidone 농약성분은 고추 과육 대 꼭지에서의 잔류농도의 비율이 농약성분에 따라 1:2-5로서 고춧가루에 꼭지가 혼입될 경우 고춧가루 중 농약 잔류량이 약 20%만큼 상승할 수 있는 것으로 나타났다. 그러므로 고춧가루의 안전성 확보를 위해서는 고춧가루 제조 시 꼭지가 혼입되지 않도록 해야 할 것이다. 고추 과육 대 고춧잎에서는 실험 농약성분 3종의 잔류농도 비율이 농약성분에 따라 1:11-39로 나타났다. 이것은 현재 실험 농약 3종의 고춧잎에 대한 잔류허용기준의 비설정 조치가 기준 설정 여부의 판단기준에 부합되는 것임을 말한다. 그러나 chlorothalonil 수화제의 경우 고춧잎 식용금지 문구가 부재한데 이것은 식용금지 문구 포함 여부의 판단기준에 부합되지 않으므로 이에 대한 재검토가 필요하다.

한국에서 유통되는 화분식품의 잔류농약 함량 분석 (Investigation of Various Pesticide Residues in Commercial Bee Pollen Products Sold in South Korea)

  • 김병태;김재관 ;손미희 ;조영선 ;한나은;최종철 ;이성남 ;박명기 ;박용배
    • 한국식품위생안전성학회지
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    • 제38권4호
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    • pp.202-210
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    • 2023
  • 현재까지 한국 벌화분 잔류농약 함량 조사는 벌이 농약에 노출된 정도를 파악하기 위한 목적으로 분석되어 왔고, 식품의 관점에서 벌화분의 잔류농약 함량 연구는 보고된 바 없었다. 본 연구는 화분가공품으로서 식용으로 판매되는 벌화분 제품의 잔류농약 함량 모니터링을 통해 한국에서 유통되는 벌화분에서 잔류농약이 얼마나 검출되는지를 파악하였다. 조사 결과 다양한 농약 성분들이 벌화분에 잔류되어 있었고, 그 중에서 Chlorfenvinphos, Chlorpyrifos 같이 식용작물에서 사용금지된 농약들이 포함되어 있었다. 벌의 활동범위는 식용작물에 국한되어 있지 않기 때문에, 식용작물에만 제한적 농약사용 등의 인위적 관리만으로는 식용 벌화분의 유해물질로부터 안전성을 확보하는 것이 불가능하다는 것을 파악할 수 있었다. 따라서, 식용 벌화분의 잔류농약 안전성에 대한 연구 및 기준 설정이 필요할 것으로 보인다. 또한, 벌화분 원료와 완제품의 성상적 차이가 미미하고 주로 완제품 형태로 유통된다는 것을 고려하였을 때, 원료에만 기준을 두어 잔류농약 검사를 하는 것이 아니라 벌화분의 완제품에서도 잔류농약 검사가 필요할 것으로 보인다.