• Title/Summary/Keyword: personality and social structure

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The Effect of Appearance of 'the other' and 'I' to Positive Attitude and Sense of Community on Social Video Platform - Based on Social Impact Theory and Self-Monitoring Theory (소셜 비디오 플랫폼 상에서 '나'의 개성과 '다른 사람'의 개성이 사용자의 긍정성과 소속감에 미치는 영향 - 사회적 영향이론과 자기 점검 이론 관점)

  • Kim, Bomyeong;Kim, HyunYoung;Kim, Jinwook;Shin, Hyunsik;Kim, Jinwoo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.480-493
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    • 2016
  • Recently, the method of social interaction is transforming into a method that utilizes videos. We are suggesting a new social video platform that contains a video of 'I' and 'the other'. We studied how the appearance of 'the other' and 'I' affected the user. So we applied the Social Impact Theory and Self-Monitoring Theory. The platforms were then used to investigate how the user's positive attitude and sense of community were affected by having the user view his/her and 'the other's appearance watching the same video. As the result, users felt more positive attitude when their own appearance was shown on the screen. However, the positive attitude decreased when there were more femininity in the surrounding videos along with their own appearance. Also, when there were more masculinity in the surrounding video, the users felt a stronger sense of community. We believe this research will provide implications for developing the structure and organization of a new social video platform.

Construction of the Structural Equation Model on Substance Use in Adolescents (청소년 물질남용의 구조 모형)

  • Bae, Jeong-Yee;Panuncio, Rosel
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.446-457
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to construct a structural equation model that would further explain the continuously increasing substance use disorder in Korean adolescents. Methods: Survey visits using a structured questionnaire were conducted with 3,885 students in 2 middle schools and 2 high schools in Busan. A total of 13 instruments were used in this model. The analysis of data was done with both SPSS 14.0 for descriptive statistics and AMOS 5.0 for covariance structure analysis. Results: Based on the constructed model, belief on substance use was found to have a significantly direct effect in influencing adolescent substance use. In addition, other factors such as family environment, satisfaction with school life, self-concept, social support, and personality vulnerability indirectly affected substance use. The final modified model yielded Chi-square=2,987(p<.001), df=121, ${\chi}^2$/df=22.1, GFI=.96, AGFI=.93, NFI=.91, PNFI=.72, PGFI=.72, RMSEA=.07 and exhibited fit indices. Conclusion: This study constructed a model that addresses the factors related to adolescent substance use and explains the relationship of these factors in influencing substance use among Korean adolescents. Findings from this study can contribute to designing appropriate prevention strategies to reduce substance related disorders in adolescents.

A Validation of the Korean Version of the Playfulness Scale for Adults (한국판 성인용 놀이성 척도의 타당화)

  • Suin Jung ;Hyun-nie Ahn
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.353-375
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the validity and reliability of the Playfulness Scale for Adults. The Korean version of the Playfulness Scale for adults was developed by Proyer, R.T (2017) to measure the playfulness of adults. To validate the OLIW in Korean, item translation, back-translation, item analysis, and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) were conducted with 406 adults in study 1. Of the results obtained from study1, three items and one factor (7 items) were discarded because they turned out to be improper. In addition, 4 factors that were not the same as the original scale were extracted. This was checked by conducting confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) with 336 adults in study 2. CFA supported the 4 factors structure and all 4 factors showed adequate internal consistency. To check the concurrent validity of the Korean adults playfulness scale, correlation analysis with the APS, SMAP, PSYA, and NEO Personality Assessment was conducted. It showed significant positive correlation to APS, SMAP, PSYA, and showed the similar patterns of correlation with the sub factors of NEO Personality Assessment. Adult playfulness is related to the participation frequency of leisure. In conclusion, the Korean version of the playfulness scale for adults is a valid measure of playfulness for adults in Korea. The implications, practical use and suggestions for future study were discussed.

The Psychological Structure and Characteristic of Hasteful Behaviors: Understanding the Relation between Hasteful Behaviors, Omission of Checking and Achievement Striving (서두름 행동의 심리적 구조 및 특성 파악: 서두름 행동, 확인생략행동, 성취욕구 간의 관계 이해)

  • Soon Chul Lee;Sun Jin Park
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.63-81
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    • 2008
  • Hasteful behavior means choosing the best suited methods while behaving fast and quickly. We can't conclude whether hasteful behavior is totally bad or good. Striving for achievement of own certain purpose reflects achievement motivation or need for achievement. However, this striving also has potentiality of missing confirmation, therefore the potentiality may cause errors. The aim of this study is to investigate the psychological structure and characteristic of the hasteful behavior. One hundred ninety-one students conducted Hasteful Behavior Questionnaire, Achievement Motivation Measuring Scale, and NEO Personality Inventory. We analyzed data of 188 respondents, because of missing value. The result of factor analysis showed that hasteful behavior consisted of 5 factors- 「Uncomfortableness」, 「Time Pressure」, 「Isolation」, 「Boring Condition」, and 「Expecting Rewards」. According to correlations among the hasteful behavior factors and the relationship between hasteful behavior and achievement motivation, we found that hasteful behavior had two aspects, one was "Missing Confirmation(MC)" and the other was "Need for Achievement(NA)". We also found that 「Time Pressure」 was related to the both aspects. MC had a positive relation to Neuroticism, whereas MC correlated negatively with Conscientiousness. On the other hand, NA had a positive relationship with Extraversion and Achievement Striving.

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Knowledge Structure of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Studies in Korea: Co-word Analysis (국내 인지행동치료 연구의 지식구조: 동시출현단어 분석)

  • Kim, Do-Hee;Kim, Hyeon-Jin;An, Da-Hye
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.12
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    • pp.509-521
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the patterns of the keywords in journals in the field of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to identify the knowledge structure of CBT studies in Korea. To compare CBT studies from Korea and abroad, 234 articles (2008-2019) published on "Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Korea" and 2,316 articles (1977-2019) published on "Cognitive Therapy and Research" were collected. The data were analyzed using NetMiner 4.3. The co-word analysis was done by calculating the cosine similarity matrix of major keywords, followed by visualizing the network. The results of this study identified the main interests of Korean CBT scholars, and categorized the knowledge structure of CBT in Korea into 9 research areas: "scale validation"; "perfectionism and entrapment"; "cognitive, emotional, and relationship characteristics of schizophrenic patients"; "cognitive characteristics and treatment of borderline personality disorder and depression/bipolar disorder patients"; "adaptation and psychological health"; "cognitive characteristics and treatment of patients with social anxiety disorder"; "causes and co-morbidities of depression"; "acceptance and commitment therapy"; and "understanding and the treatment of binge eating disorder patients." This study is meaningful in that it has reviewed the accumulated knowledge in the CBT field in Korea for the past 11 years, and suggests future tasks for development to improve the standards of CBT practice.

The Role of Tolerance to Promote the Improving the Quality of Training the Specialists in the Information Society

  • Oleksandr, Makarenko;Inna, Levenok;Valentyna, Shakhrai;Liudmyla, Koval;Tetiana, Tyulpa;Andrii, Shevchuk;Olena, Bida
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.12
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    • pp.63-70
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    • 2022
  • The essence of the definition of "tolerance" is analyzed. Motivational, knowledge and behavioral criteria for tolerance of future teachers are highlighted. Indicators of the motivational criterion are the formation of value orientations, motivational orientation, and the development of empathy. Originality and productivity of thoughts and judgments, tact of dialogue, pedagogical ethics and tact are confirmed as indicators of the knowledge criterion. The behavioral criterion includes social activity as a life position, emotional and volitional endurance, and self-control of one's own position. The formation of tolerance is influenced by a number of factors: the social environment, the information society, existing stereotypes and ideas in society, the system of education and relationships between people, and the system of values. The main factors that contribute to the education of tolerance in future teachers are highlighted. Analyzing the structure of tolerance, it is necessary to distinguish the following functions of tolerance: - motivational (determines the composition and strength of motivation for social activity and behavior, promotes the development of life experience, because it allows the individual to accept other points of view and vision of the solution; - informational (understanding the situation, the personality of another person); - regulatory (tolerance has a close connection with the strong - willed qualities of a person: endurance, selfcontrol, self-regulation, which were formed in the process of Education); - adaptive (allows the individual to develop in the process of joint activity a positive, emotional, stable attitude to the activity itself, which the individual carries out, to the object and subject of joint relations). The implementation of pedagogical functions in the information society: educational, organizational, predictive, informational, communicative, controlling, etc. provides grounds to consider pedagogical tolerance as an integrative personal quality of a representative of any profession in the field of "person-person". The positions that should become conditions for the formation of tolerance of the future teacher in the information society are listed.

제품디자인에 대한 사용자의 심리적 반응프로세스모델구축에 관한 연구

  • 이진렬
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.423-432
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to build user's psychological response process model on design evaluation. Users firstly evaluate design factors such as form, structure, texture and colors which are basic elements of product design. These factors, however are affected by product's situational factors, user's individual factors and environmental factors. That is, even same design can be evaluated differently by users according to product's situational factors such as price level, brand prestige level and marketing programs, and user's individual factors such as tastes, involvement level, personality, lifestyles and demographics, and environmental factors such as culture, sub-culture, social class, reference group and family and so on. Understanding how users evaluate product design is necessary to increase the possibility to create user-preferring design and also is the starting point of user-based design and design marketing. In the future researches, it is necessary to examine more factors which are not included in the study and to find out the relationship between factors affecting user's evaluation on design and user's psychological response.

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Structure of fatherhood in Korea: Fathers whom daughters remember (한국사회 부성의 구조 - 딸들이 기억하는 아버지 -)

  • Chung, Chin-Sung
    • Issues in Feminism
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.79-111
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    • 2009
  • This paper analyses the stories of 38 women of the in-depth survey, enforced by the Institute for Gender Research, Seoul National University. This survey focused on motherhood, but many memories were told by most of women. That shows strong existence of fatherhood in the process of personality formation in Korean society. The stories of 38 women could be divided into 5 types: (1) 5 cases where there is no mention about father; (2) 5 cases where simple and negative mentions are made about fathers; (3) 6 cases where no instrumental fatherhood but expressive fatherhood is found; (4) 11 cases of women who experienced both instrumental and expressive fatherhood, and (5) 12 cases (1 case is overlapped with one of the 3rd type) where the relationship between daughter and father is very close. The analyses denies the dichotomy of instrumental and expressive fatherhood, and the theories of "New Men" with expressive fatherhood who appeared as a result of social change and feminist movement. It also shows the various aspects of expressive fatherhood, and that close relationship between father and daughter plays an important role for the empowerment of daughter.

Phenomenological Analysis of Perception on Body Image of Female College Students (여대생의 신체상 인식에 관한 현상학적 분석)

  • Oh, Hye-Kyung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.289-300
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted to find how the female college students perceive the body image and the way to help them through the education program. The data was collected through in-depth interviews of 10 female college students from October, 2012 to September, 2013. The interview was done with 3 focus group consisted of 3~4 participants per group. The data were analyzed by the Giorgi method. The meaning structure were organized in 12 themes and 5 focal meanings were identified health personality, health physical condition, making artificial body, social judgement, respect for individuality to ideal body. It is needed to develop the professional programs that help the female college students to positively manage their own body image and reduce the health problem induced body image. Therefore, it is recommended that the program for the female college students is consisted of management of physical health and psychological stress, harmonious interpersonal relationship and encouragement of self-esteem.

The Relationship between Narcissism and Risk-taking: An Exploration of Intervening Variables (자기애와 위험감수의 관계: 중재변인 탐색)

  • Jung Sun Yun ;Sung Moon Lim
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.419-455
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    • 2015
  • In study I, Domain-Specific Risk Taking Scale(DOSPERT) was translated into Korean and was validated that it had 6 factors structure and showed adequate reliability and validity, using the data had been collected from 438 participants. In study 2, two research problems were examined using the data had been collected from 497 participants who were different from study I. First, the mediation effect of sensation seeking and perceived benefit on the relationship between narcissism and risk-taking were examined. Using path analysis, it found that sensation seeking and perceived benefit mediated the relationship between NPI narcissism and risk-taking fully, and between PNI narcissism and risk-taking partially. Seceond, the moderate effect of contingencies of self-worth(CSW) on the relationship between perceived benefit-risk and risk-taking was examined. Using multi-group analysis, it found that virtue CSW moderated the relationship between perceived benefit-risk and total risk-taking, various CSWs moderated the relationships between perceived benefit-risk and 6 sub domains of risk-taking. These results were compared with previous studies of risk-taking and discussed the relevance of the narcissistic type.

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