• Title/Summary/Keyword: performance management

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A Study on Commercialization Performance by the Level of Technology Management Activity and Technology Innovation Competency: Focused on Government Funded R&D Project for Start-up SMEs (기술경영활동수준, 기술혁신역량이 사업화성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 중소기업 창업성장기술개발지원사업을 중심으로)

  • Cho, Ki-Young;Baek, Nak-Ki;Chang, Youngsoon
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.343-352
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    • 2015
  • This study analyzes the business performance of research and development(R&D) and especially studies the effect of technology management activity and technology innovation competency on commercialization performance. According to previous studies, the technology management activity can be composed of technological innovativeness, analysis of market, R&D method, and appropriateness for commercialization plan. Also, the technology innovation can be divided into patent, R&D manpower, R&D investment ratio, production capability, and marketing capability. On the result of the analysis, all the components of technology management activity are positively related with commercialization performance. In case of technology innovation competency, however, only production and marketing capabilities have influence on the business performance. Especially, marketing capability controls the effect of technology management activities on the commercialization performance. Consequently, technology management is very important activity for SMEs to succeed commercialization and SMEs should collaborate with production and marketing departments from the early stage of R&D.


  • Cheolwoo Park;Kyung-Hoon Park;Min-Jae Lee;Jung-Sik Kong;Yoon-Koog Hwang
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.1166-1169
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    • 2009
  • Bridges are exposed to very severe environment and experience, as service life increased, elevated traffic load and traffic flow, in addition to natural disasters. In comparing to other road structures, bridges may cause more significant damage, such as human-involved accidents, to the society in the event of collapse. A certain level of service shall be necessarily secured to assure the minimum safety of users. The cost for manage and preserve bridges will increase gradually and more restrictions will be loaded to efficiently distribute the limited resources, such as monetary budget and human resource etc. In order to enhance performance and serviceability of bridges with the limited resource, asset management technique has been applied into the bridge management system, which capitalizes the road infrastructures including bridges and assess them in accordance with the government finance report. In the application of asset management, there must be a tool for assess the performance of bridges and this study introduces the basic information on the definition and role of performance measures for asset management for bridges. This research suggests future development direction of performance measure for asset management for bridges in Korea.

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Analyzing Management Factors on Enterprise Performance

  • Dahlgaard, Jens J.;Ciavolino, Enrico
    • International Journal of Quality Innovation
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2007
  • A sample of Italian manufacturing companies was selected in order to verify the abilities and effects (relationships) of the management factors human resources, leadership and strategic planning on company performance. The Partial Least Squares (PLS) estimation method was used for analyzing the data collected, where the relationships between the management factors and performance were formalized by a Structural Equation Model (SEM). The analysis of the survey data showed unexpected result regarding the non significant direct relationship between Leadership and Performance. The effect of Leadership is obtained by an indirect relationship through Human Resources. The combination of Leadership and Human Resources has hence been identified as the management factors which have the highest impact on the performance of Italian industrial companies. Another interesting and unexpected result was that there was no significant impact of Strategic Planning on Performance. It seems that the leaders of Italian industrial companies have not understood that good strategic planning is a necessary condition for achieving excellence. So another improvement area is in fact Strategic Planning. This area should have the highest priority of any top management team and the focus should include how to establish a strong relationship between strategic planning and performance. No correlation between strategic planning and performance is a strong indication that something is wrong. It is not enough that Leadership is doing Strategic Planning-Leadership is also about studying and follow up on results in order to assure impacts on performance. This link seems to be missing in Italian industrial companies.

System Architecture for Performance Management in ATM Network (ATM 통신망의 성능관리를 위한 시스템구조)

  • Hyeog In Kwon
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.25-38
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    • 2001
  • ATM is the transport method for the broadband integrated services digital networks(B-ISDN). It may replace existing LAN, MAN and WAN technologies such as CSMA/CD, FDDI, Frame relay, X.25, etc. But it is more complicate than existing network technologies. One of the main difficulties in ATM network is performance management. Specifically, the problems are evaluating the performance and tuning the values of the performance parameters, The goal of this paper is to introduce a system architecture designed for ATM network performance management, The major ingredients of the system are generic performance parameters In be measured from ATM network, performance evaluation models and decision criteria concerning the network performance. In this paper, general requirements for performance management application in ATM network are discussed.

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The Effect of Quality Circle Activities upon Quality Circle Performance and Business Performance (품질분임조 활동이 품질분임조 성과 및 기업의 경영성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Jin-Young;Lee, Sang-Chul;Kim, Kwang-Yong;Park, Sang-Chan;Suh, Yung-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.188-198
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this research is to identify the effect of quality circles activities upon quality circles performance and business performance. Empirical results indicate that quality circle activities influence on quality circles performance in both individual and enterprise level, Quality circles performance influences on not employment satisfaction but customer satisfaction, business performance (profitability and market values) of companies with quality circles is higher than that of companies without quality circles. In conclusion, quality circle activities influence on quality circles performance that effect on business performance.

Success Factors of Knowledge Management in the Perspective of Knowledge Management Integration into Operations (지식경영과 업무의 통합을 위한 지식경영 성공요인 도출 연구)

  • Suh, Hyun-Ju
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.147-167
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    • 2008
  • This paper aims to explore the success factors of knowledge management in the perspectives of knowledge management integration into operations and to examine the effect of those factors on the knowledge management performance of individual users and organizations in order to link knowledge management performances to operational performances. I found two factors such as "knowledge management integration into operation processes" and "knowledge management integration into application systems" and their measures by means of literature review and modified Delphi research. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis confirmed that those two factors and their measures are statistically valid. Besides, the structural equation modeling analysis showed that the relationship between "knowledge management integration into operation processes" and "individual user's performance on knowledge management" and the relationship between "individual user's performance of knowledge managemen" and "organizational performance of knowledge management" are significant.

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The Case Study on The Introduction and Practical Application of the Budget Management System -On the Performance Measurement of Standard Work Unit- (예산관리제도의 도입과 실제적 운용에 관한 사례연구 -표준적인 작업의 성과측정을 중심으로-)

  • 윤용운
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.39-51
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    • 1979
  • In introducing and applying the budget management system, the question of how to establish management structure(skelton) representing budget management responsible unit is significantly related to the degree of accuracy and analysis on the performance measurement of standard work unit. We have the following rational process of establishing performance measurement of budget management System ; 1) Standardization of work method 2) Establishment of management structure 3) Institution of budget management system. Especially, this system is based on a premise of efficiency of objectives management, it is assumed that performance measurement in the standard work unit must be enforced according to the basis and categories of performance evaluation based on the evaluating work unit. Therefore, most of all, the following three detail questions(subjects) are to be determined in order to rationalize these above principles to a maximum possible extent of performance measurement system. First, we established respective performance standard unit with respect to such detailed work unit, performance standard unit of which were accurately applicable directly from using the budget ana objectives account data and their supplementary data of the work measurement techniques. Second, by using the above mentioned question, over all evaluation and suggestion are made based on the study of the recording for each work unit development, budget management and production nit (volume of production) Third, the measurement of performance of budget management system is based on the principle of standard work unit, compared with the standard basis and actual work unit by period and activities unit and calculated percentage effectiveness according to the above procedure. and so evaluated the efficiency of performance measurement on the budget management system.

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Sanitary Management Performance and Knowledge of Employees in Hospital Food Service (병원급식 조리종사자들의 위생관리 수행도 및 위생지식에 대한 분석)

  • Kim, Sun-Ok;Oh, Myung-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.43 no.11 s.213
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    • pp.127-140
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    • 2005
  • Sanitary management performance and knowledge of employees in hospital food service was evaluated by survey questionnaire to improve their sanitary management performance, analyse the weak points of sanitary management, and determine more practical and efficient alternatives of sanitation education. For this study, we selected 6 dieticians and 250 employees working in the six general hospitals larger than 400 beds in Gyeonggi and Incheon area. The questionnaire consisted of three parts: general subjects in the nutrition division of hospitals, sanitation education of dieticians, and sanitary management performance and knowledge of employees. The average ratio of HACCP related equipment and facilities of the target hospitals was relatively high at $86.5\%$. The number of sanitation education was 1.99 times/month by regular schedule and 6.47 times/month by occasional schedule. The average dietician's inspection time of cooking was 178.77 minutes/day. The average point of sanitary management performance was 4.62/5.0, showing a relatively high grade. In each region of sanitary management performance, food treatment sanitation was marked with the highest point, at 4.85, fellowed by cleaning and sterilizing sanitation at 4.65, personnel sanitation at 4.61 point and device and utensil sanitation was ranked with the lowest point at 4.53. Sanitary management performance was affected by the number of occasional education which was highest at 6-10times/month. The mean score of sanitary knowledge was 11.17/15.0. The assigned position, type of employment, status, working career and number of occasional education affected the mean score of sanitary knowledge of employees significantly. Sanitary knowledge of employees was highest in the case that occasional education was peformed at 6-10 times/month. There was no correlation between the sanitary management performance and sanitary knowledge of employees. In contrast, there were correlations between sanitary management performance and dietician's inspection time of cooking and number of employees.

Studies on the Sanitary Recognition and Perceived Performance of Sanitary Management for School Food Service Managers in the Kyunggi Area (학교 급식 관리 영양사의 위생 인식 관리와 관련된 직무 수행도 - 경기 지역을 중심으로 -)

  • Kang, Kun-Og
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.264-275
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    • 2008
  • Seven constructs of sanitary management were evaluated in order to examine perceived performance of sanitary management and sanitary recognition for school food service managers in the Kyunggido area. In order to protect from foodborne illness, 331 (58.4%) responded that the most important aspects were sanitary conditions and stability upon food delivery, and the greatest obstacle was limited availability of facilities and equipment (182, 32.2%). The total mean score for the perceived performance of sanitary management was $4.16{\pm}0.445$ (5-point Likert scale). Among three sectors, personal hygiene management was generally well-conducted with a subtotal mean score of $4.52{\pm}0.458$; however temperature management scored lowest with a subtotal mean of $3.71{\pm}0.630$. Chi-square tests were performed according to general characteristics on the two lowest perceived sanitary management performance areas. In temperature management, there was a significant difference in 5 sectors according to age, and the ages $20{\sim}29$ showed the best perceived performance in all sectors. For serving management, a significant difference (p<0.01) was shown in all sectors. In conclusion, foodservice managers perceive that sanitary management is well-executed. However, the combination of proper equipments and facilities would lead to better perceived management.

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A Study on the Impact of IT and SCM Process Management Capability on e-SCM Performance (IT와 SCM 프로세스 관리역량이 e-SCM 성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sun-Ro;Kim, Ki-Young
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.79-103
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    • 2007
  • The main purpose of this study is to define antecedents that influence e-SCM synchronization and to investigate how it affects e-SCM performance. We, therefore, investigate (1) the impact of firms' internal IT planning capabilities on e-SCM synchronization and on SCM process management capability, (2) the impact of firms' internal IT infrastructure on e-SCM synchronization and on SCM process management capability, (3) the impact of firms' internal SCM process management capabilities on e-SCM synchronization, and finally (4) the impact of e-SCM synchronization on SCM performance. A survey has been administrated to the firms' SCM and marketing staffs and 171 returns analyzed. The results show that (1) IT plan has not direct impacts on e-SCM synchronization, but has direct impacts on organizational support, purchasing, and operations processes except logistics process. IT plan, however, has indirect impacts on e-SCM synchronization through purchasing and operations of SCM process management capability. (2) IT infrastructure has both direct and indirect effects on e-SCM synchronization, and also has direct impacts on organizational support, purchasing, and operations processes except logistics process. (3) SCM process management capabilities have direct impacts on e-SCM synchronization. Among these SCM core processes purchasing positively influences operations, which in turn positively influences logistics process management capability. (4) e-SCM synchronization has positive impacts on SCM performance indicator (SCOR), such as delivery reliability, responsiveness & flexibility, and cost. These results indicate that e-SCM synchronization can be critical to achieve better internal performance like cost and external performance like delivery reliability, responsiveness & flexibility of firms' SCM. In sum, this study demonstrates that the intervening role of e-SCM synchronization between e-SCM performance and IT management capability and between e-SCM performance and SCM core process management capability has been significant in achieving better e-SCM performance. Therefore, it can be suggested that e-SCM performance should be accomplished in consequence of the acceleration of e-SCM synchronization through the enhancement of preceding factors for the e-SCM synchronization.