• Title/Summary/Keyword: performance evaluation and suggestions

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A Study on Evaluability Assessment of the Performance Evaluation for Public Organization Focusing on Case of KEPCO (공공기관 경영평가의 평가성 검토: 한전 사례를 중심으로)

  • Yoonseuk Woo
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.17-34
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    • 2023
  • Recently, national concern for record breaking level of deficit operation of KEPCO grows bigger in Korea. With this regard, many stakeholders believe KEPCO should be responsible for this result although it is not clear whether KEPCO is only to blame who is in such position where full cost pricing is impossible and entrepreneurial efficiency is not guaranteed. Particularly, less concern is given to Performance Evaluation for Public Organization(PEPO) which did not give prior warning against major deficit of KEPCO or help to improve its capacity to deal with the problem, and thus prevented KEPCO from acknowledging its managerial weakness by crediting KEPCO with successive grade B during the period of previous government. Based on such viewpoint, this study analyzes reports of PEPO for 5 years in terms of evaluability assessment and suggests proper direction for better PEPO in the future. From this analysis, it was found that firstly, relevant suggestion was not made to prevent or improve defict problem; secondly, comments are increasing every year without consistency; thirdly, comments related to long-term investment are only recently found; fourthly, suggestions are based on political orientation rather than evidence or expertise. This study is expected to contribute to evidence-based evaluation and knowledge management since it tackles evaluation reports themselves for the first time.

Development of Performance Measures Based on Nursing Process for Oxygen Therapy and Airway Suctioning (간호과정 적용 평가도구 개발 -산소요법과 흡인간호를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Keum Soon;Choi, Yun Kyoung;Lee, Jung Lim;Ahn, Jung Won;Lee, So Lim;Choi, Won Ja;Kim, Eul Soon
    • Journal of Korean Clinical Nursing Research
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to develop standards to ensure nursing process-based care of oxygen therapy and airway suctioning and to develop a performance measurement tool to evaluate the care applied according to the standards, and finally to determine validity of the standards and the tool. Methods: The standards and the tool were reviewed by a panel of experts and refined based on the panel's suggestions. Validity of the standards and the tool were examined through surveying a total of 366 hospital nurses. Results: The mean validity scores of the performance measurement standards and the tool were 3.58 and 3.55, respectively, out of 4.00. So the performance measurement standards and the tool in this study were found to be acceptable in evaluating quality of nursing care provided at patient admission and discharge. Conclusion: This result indicates that the performance measurement standards and the tool developed in this study are valid instruments to monitor and improve quality of nursing care for oxygen therapy and airway suctioning.

Research and Education (R&E) Programs in the Science High Schools and Gifted High Schools: Based on the Interview Results with the R&E Coordinators (과학고 및 영재고 Research and Education (R&E) 운영실태 분석 및 활성화방안 제안: R&E 운영담당자 면담사례를 중심으로)

  • Jung, Hyun-Chul;Ryu, Chun-Ryol;Chae, Yoo-Jung
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.243-264
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the current status of R&E programs in gifted high schools/science high schools and to provide suggestions for the better program. The sample included 21 R&E coordinators in the gifted high schools and science high schools. They filled out the survey, asking about the R&E program; then, the researchers interviewed the coordinators based on the answers of the survey. The results are as follows: 1) The R&E guidelines and related materials were not enough to use. 2) At the planning step, students and the mentors received were provided a little information, such as ethical issues, students' information, the roles of mentors/ students, mentor's research interest areas and products, etc. 3) At the research step, 80% of the schools had the monitoring process but the details were not written and saved. 4) At the evaluation step, the rubric of the product evaluation existed; the rubric of performance process were established by half of the schools. 5) At the closing step, 100% of the schools had the final product materials; the results of the evaluation and the information of the mentors were saved by 2/3 and 1/3 of the schools, respectively. Discussions and suggestions were included for the better R&E programs.

Accomplishment Analysis of the Rural Traditional Theme Village by AHP Method (AHP법을 이용한 농촌전통테마마을사업의 성과분석)

  • Na, Ran-Hee;Yoon, Yong-Cheol;Kim, Young-Joo
    • Journal of agriculture & life science
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.57-68
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    • 2010
  • The goals of this study were to develop indicators that are able to evaluate the accomplishment of the projects for rural traditional theme villages and make developmental suggestions for a balanced development of rural communities using the indicators. Human, economic, and social factors were selected as the evaluation indicators. The importance of the performance indictors was analyzed by AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process). The importance of the performance indictors was in the order of satisfaction of inhabitants (150), participation of inhabitants (145), economic effectiveness (123), lodging facilities (101), leader training (96), project cognizanc e(90), etc. As these evaluation methods were applied to the six villages, haebari village came first followed by darangyi village, namsayedam village, mulrebangatteok village and Yedong Mountain fishing village. This study proposed a way of improvement for the balanced development of the rural communities in terms of human, economic and social aspects.

A Study on the Establish Environmental Impact of Database of the Envelope System for Green Remodeling of Apartment Housing (공동주택의 그린 리모델링을 위한 외피시스템 환경영향 DB 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jong Geon;Tae, Sung Ho;Chae, Chang-U;Kim, Rak Hyun
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.73-79
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: In order to improve the energy performance of existing buildings, so actively promoted green remodeling business. Also, improvement of the performance of envelope system of apartment housing is an absolute. The purpose of implementation of the data base and application plan of the envelope system for green remodeling of apartment housing. Method: For this study, It proposed a classification system of green remodeling envelope system constructed actual to select the applicable representative method and input material of apartment housing for green remodeling. In this study, divided into construction waste processing stage and production phase of the material for the boundary of the system, and implementation the classification system of the envelope system for applicable green remodeling. For this, established 6 environmental impact categories database. Result: As a result of various suggestions were available for case study research, alternative combinations of existing combinations than six kinds of environmental impact insulation system with superior input materials combining 96 kinds, window system, 12 kinds for determining the applicability of the established database. Depending on the account for a large proportion if compared to the detailed analysis of the environmental impact resulting from the production phase and disposal phase was analyzed that the operating management of the necessary input materials. Is considered that the economic performance and integrated energy performance required by the applicable public housing green remodeling evaluation techniques considered for future improvements insulation sheath.

The University Students' Perceptions or Attitudes on the Use of AWE Program in English Writing (영어쓰기에서 AWE 프로그램 활용에 대한 대학생의 인식 및 태도 연구)

  • Im, Hee-joo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.37-45
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of the study is to explore the perceptions or attitudes about utilizing the AWE(Automated Writing Evaluation), Grammarly in English writing. A total of 131 students who are in first grade and in beginner level participate in the study. As a research tool of the study, pre and post-surveys, pre and post-tests, and learning journals were collected and analyzed. The study was conducted for 15 weeks in the 2nd semester of 2019. According to the results, the findings are as follows. First, the students in the study had difficulty with English grammar and found it useful to get English feedback in English writing. Next, the students showed positive attitudes toward the use of Grammarly. It was helpful for English learning and assignment performance and showed high usefulness. Finally, Grammarly's effect showed a statistically significant result between the pre and post-tests. Based on the results some suggestions are as follows. First, let the students take some time with the program to use to operate. Second, teachers have to make the students understand that AWE's feedback is not always correct. Lastly, it should be provided with teachers' feedback.

Effect of Portfolio Assessment in Elementary Science Teaching (초등 과학 학습지도에서 포트폴리오 평가의 효과)

  • 이민수;한안진
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.107-122
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    • 2001
  • The Purpose of this study is to find the effects of the portfolio assessment on elementary students' scientific knowledge, inquiry process skill, scientific attitudes in the teaching of science. And finally the parents' response to the portfolio assessment is also investigated. In order to reach the goal of this study, the investigator developed the evaluation instrument such as an experimental report and a cumulative observation sheet for the 4th-grade Unit-1 'Light Propagation' and Unit-3 'Separating Mixtures', and then these were administered to 42 4th-grade elementary students in Inchon. Based upon the findings and within the limitations of this study, several conclusions can be drawn regarding the problems investigated. First, as the portfolio assessment offers enough information about individual student's performance, it has a highly positive effect on evaluating the students' scientific knowledges. It can also make possible to grasp the several aspects of the student's progress. Second, the portfolio assessment can be implemented without giving students any psychological pressure from testing itself. Therefore, the portfolio assessment is an effective means of appraising inquiry process skills. Third, the portfolio assessment is effective to evaluate the students' attitude toward science by means of individual records which include such aspects that is hardly found by the teacher who teaches science in the class. Fourth, as most parents showed a positive response to this portfolio assessment, it is considered to be effective method of appraising the result of teaching science at elementary school. Accordingly, this study demonstrated that the portfolio assessment is an effective method that can assess students' scientific knowledges, inquiry process skills, and scientific attitudes gained from science teaching-learning. Therefore, it is necessary to implement the portfolio assessment to other grade students as well in the following study where teacher may give more encouragements and suggestions to sti dents for the better learning motives. Also teachers should suggest more definite evaluation criteria to students so that they may improve the students' self and peer evaluation skills.

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Assessment of Foodservice Management Performance at Child Care Centers (보육시설 급식운영관리 실태 조사)

  • Lee Mee-Sook;Lee Jae-Yeon;Yoon Sun-Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.229-239
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    • 2006
  • This study was carried out to investigate foodservice management practices of 100 child care centers nationwide, and to provide background information for developing foodservice management policies at child care centers. Approximately 20% of the child care centers had a separate dining room; most of the centers were vulnerable to sanitation or safety problems. The percentage of the centers that planned menus was about 60% and 10% established standardized recipes. Fourteen percent of the centers kept records for distribution and menu evaluation and 33% kept sanitation management records. Since only 7% of the centers employed a dietitian, foodservice in most centers were not managed by professionals. The results of menu assessment revealed that 56.5% of the national/public child care centers received 19 points or higher out of 21 points, whereas 5.6% of the private child care centers received the same scores. Proper usage and storage of raw food, sanitary management of equipment and facilities, waste management/leftover food treatment, and basic facility of cooking zones were performed well by many centers. The overall scores of foodservice performance were only 31.2 out of 60 points, representing relatively poor safety management, food procurement management, and facilities and equipment management. These results indicate that the foodservice management of the child care centers are in a relatively poor state. Since nutrition management of the most centers was performed by non-professionals, it may not be possible to provide proper nutrition for health and normal growth of preschool children and to perform efficient nutrition education programs. The following suggestions are strongly recommended in order to improve foodservice performance at child care centers. First, foodservice administration should be performed by a dietitian, and second, efforts should be focused on strengthening nutrition and sanitation management.

Structural health monitoring system for Sutong Cable-stayed Bridge

  • Wang, Hao;Tao, Tianyou;Li, Aiqun;Zhang, Yufeng
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.317-334
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    • 2016
  • Structural Health Monitoring System (SHMS) works as an efficient platform for monitoring the health status and performance deterioration of engineering structures during long-term service periods. The objective of its installation is to provide reasonable suggestions for structural maintenance and management, and therefore ensure the structural safety based on the information extracted from the real-time measured data. In this paper, the SHMS implemented on a world-famous kilometer-level cable-stayed bridge, named as Sutong Cable-stayed Bridge (SCB), is introduced in detail. The composition and core functions of the SHMS on SCB are elaborately presented. The system consists of four main subsystems including sensory subsystem, data acquisition and transmission subsystem, data management and control subsystem and structural health evaluation subsystem. All of the four parts are decomposed to separately describe their own constitutions and connected to illustrate the systematic functions. Accordingly, the main techniques and strategies adopted in the SHMS establishment are presented and some extension researches based on structural health monitoring are discussed. The introduction of the SHMS on SCB is expected to provide references for the establishment of SHMSs on long-span bridges with similar features as well as the implementation of potential researches based on structural health monitoring.

Analysis of the Experiences of Teachers during a Nutrition Education Program (지역사회 및 학교조직의'협력'에 기초한 아동 영양교육 프로그램 수행과정에 나타난 참여 교사의 경험분석)

  • Je, Mi Soon;Yoo, Soo Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.149-173
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the experiences of teachers during the development and performance of a nutrition education program based on collaboration between the school organization and local community, as the experiences of teachers who participate in a nutrition education program might be one of major factors to determine the success or failure of their performance. It's basic goal is give some suggestions on school nutrition education and to explore how to assist teachers to ensure their successful performance of a nutrition education program. As a result of analyzing the collected data, the experiences that the teachers had in the program planning stage were subcategorized into two groups: 'finding hope amid complaints' and 'building a learning community'. The experiences that the teachers had in the acting stage were subcategorized ino two groups as well: 'regulating, equalizing and forming a new schema' and 'building stepping stones'. The experiences that they had in the evaluation stage were also subcategorized into two groups: 'finding it rewarding and thankful to teach' and 'new challenge'. The findings of the study are expected to provide essential information on how to assist teachers to offer effective and successful nutrition education.