• Title/Summary/Keyword: penetration mechanism

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Linear cutting machine test for assessment of the cutting performance of a pick cutter in sedimentary rocks (퇴적층 암석의 픽 커터 절삭성능 평가를 위한 선형절삭시험)

  • Jeong, Hoyoung;Jeon, Seokwon
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.161-182
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    • 2018
  • We carried out a series of linear cutting machine tests to assess the cutting performance of a pick cutter in sedimentary rock. The specimens were Linyi sandstone from China and Concrete (rock-like material, conglomerate). Using the small scaled LCM system, we estimated the cutter force and specific energy under different cutting conditions. The cutter forces (cutting and normal) increased with penetration depth and cutter spacing in two rock types, and it was affected by the strength of specimens. On the other hand, the ratio of the peak cutter force to the mean cutter force was influenced by cutting characteristic and composition of rock rather than rock strength. The cutting coefficient was affected by the friction characteristic between rock and pick cutter rather than the cutting conditions. Therefore, the optimal cutting angle can be determined by considering of cutting coefficient and resultant force of pick cutter. The optimum cutting condition was determined from the relationship between the specific energy and cutting condition. For two specimens, the optimum s/p ratio was found to be two to four, and the specific energy decreased with the penetration depth. The result from this study can be used as background database to understand the cutting mechanism of a pick cutter, also it can be used to design for the mechanical excavator.

A study on the growth mechanism of rutile single crystal by skull melting method and conditions of RF generator (스컬용융법에 의한 루틸 단결정 성장메커니즘과 RE generator 조건에 관한 연구)

  • Seok jeong-Won;Choi Jong-Koen
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.175-181
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    • 2005
  • Ingots of rutile single crystals were grown by the skull melting method, and their characteristics were compared in terms of melt-dwelling time for each melt. The method is based on direct inductive heating of an electrically conducted melt by an alternating RF field, and the heating is performed by absorption of RF energy. $TiO_2$ is an insulator at room temperature but its electric conductivity increases elevated temperature. Therefore, titanium metal ring(outside diameter : 6cm, inside diameter : 4cm, thickness 0.2cm) was embedded into $TiO_2$, powder (anatase phase, CERAC, 3N) for initial RF induction heating. Important factors of the skull melting method are electric resistivity of materials at their melting point, working frequency of RF generator and cold crucible size. In this study, electric resitivity of $TiO_2$, $(10^{-2}\~10^{-1}\;{\Omega}{\cdot}m)$ at its melting point was estimated by compairing the electric resitivities of alumina and zirconia. Inner diameter and height of the cold crucible was 11 and 14cm, respectively, which were determined by considering of the Penetration depth $(0.36\~1.13cm)$ and the frequency of RF generator.

Study on Talbot Pattern for Grating Interferometer (격자간섭계를 위한 탈봇 패턴 연구)

  • Kim, Youngju;Oh, Ohsung;Kim, Jongyul;Lee, Seung Wook
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.39-49
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    • 2015
  • One of properties which X-ray and Neutron can be applied nondestructive test is penetration into the object with interaction leads to decrease in intensity. X-ray interaction with the matter caused by electrons, Neutron caused by atoms. They share applications in nondestructive test area because of their similarities of interaction mechanism. Grating interferometer is the one of applications produces phase contrast image and dark field image. It is defined by Talbot interferometer and Talbot-Lau interferometer according to Talbot effect and Talbot-Lau effect respectively. Talbot interferometer works with coherence beam like X-ray, and Talbot-Lau has an effect with incoherence beam like Neutron. It is important to expect the interference in grating interferometer compared normal nondestructive system. In this paper, simulation works are conducted according to Talbot and Talbot-Lau interferometer in case of X-ray and Neutron. Variation of interference intensity with X-ray and Neutron based on wave theory is constructed and calculate elements consist the system. Additionally, Talbot and Talbot-Lau interferometer is simulated in different kinds of conditions.

Characteristics of Fiber Laser Welding on STS304L for GTT MARK III Membrane (GTT MARK III 스테인리스강 STS304L의 파이버 레이저 용접특성)

  • Kim, Jong-Do;Lee, Chang-Je;Song, Moo-Keun
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.36 no.8
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    • pp.1069-1075
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    • 2012
  • Laser is high density heat source, so it can make high speed welding with minimum heat input possible. Especially the high power fiber laser is recently commercialized and has high beam quality and the smallest system size compared with conventional laser due to it's unique oscillating mechanism. Because of these advantages it's thought that the most suitable heat source for LNG cargo tank welding precess which has to be conducted inside of ships. In this study fiber laser was used for welding of stainless steel for LNG carrier to applicate laser welding technique for shipbuilding industry. 1.2mmt STS304L of austenite stainless steel which apply to cargo tank was used for fiber laser welding. Butt and lap welding was conducted changing laser power, welding speed, then penetration characteristic was analyzed and optimal parameters for each materials. Consequently, we found that same or better mechanical properties were obtained in weld compared to base metal.

Photosynthesis and Respiration of Forage Plants under Saline Stress (Saline Stress 하에서의 사료작물의 광합성 및 호흡)

  • 김충수
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.362-369
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    • 1990
  • In order to determine the mechanism of saline stress, forage plants were irrigated with sea water. Saline stress was investigated on photosynthesis, root respiration, evapotranspiration and visual symptoms. All crops showed increased relative evapotranspiration and relative photosynthesis under low temperature (11-16$^{\circ}C$) rather than high temperature (22-24$^{\circ}C$). The correlation coefficients calculated for each crop between relative evapotranspiration and root respiration were 0.996$\^$**/ for orchard grass, 0.828$\^$*/ for alfalfa and 0.963$\^$**/ for white clover. No significant correlation coefficient between relative evapotranspiration and root repiration was found for the tall fescue. The effects of OED spray on the evapotranspiration and root respiration of crops in the sea watered pots were low compared with those in the fresh watered pots. When OED was sprayed and zeolite was used, the evapotranspiration and root respiration were low compared with check pots and sand pots. The root damage due to sea water treatment was characterized by brown colored root cortex in orchard grass and tall fescue, and water penetration of root cortex in alfalfa and white clover.

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Aromaticity of Tyr-202 in the α4-α5 Loop Is Essential for Toxicity of the Bacillus thuringiensis Cry4A Toxin

  • Pornwiroon, Walairat;Katzenmeier, Gerd;Panyim, Sakol;Angsuthanasombat, Chanan
    • BMB Reports
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.292-297
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    • 2004
  • The current model for the mechanism of action of the Bacillus thuringiensis Cry $\delta$-endotoxins involves the penetration of the ${\alpha}4-{\alpha}5$ hairpin into the target midgut epithelial cell membranes, followed by pore formation. In this study, PCR-based mutagenesis was employed to identify a critical residue within the ${\alpha}4-{\alpha}5$ loop of the 130-kDa Cry4A mosquito-larvicidal protein. Alanine-substitutions of two charged (Asp-198 and Asp-200) and four polar (Asn-190, Asn-195, Tyr-201 and Tyr-202) residues in the ${\alpha}4-{\alpha}5$ loop were performed. Like the wild-type, all of the mutant toxins were over-expressed as inclusion bodies in Escherichia coli. When E. coli cells expressing each mutant toxin were bioassayed against Aedes aegypti larvae, larvicidal activity was completely abolished for the substitution of only Tyr-202, while replacements at the other positions still retained a high level of toxicity. Further replacement of Tyr-202 with an aromatic side chain, phenylalanine, did not affect the toxicity. These results revealed a crucial role in toxin activity for the conserved aromatic residue at the 202 position within the ${\alpha}4-{\alpha}5$ loop of the Cry4A toxin.

Theoretical background discussion on variable polarity arc welding of aluminum (가변 극성 알루미늄 아크 용접의 이론적 배경 고찰)

  • Cho, Jungho;Lee, Jungjae;Bae, Seunghwan;Lee, Yongki;Park, Kyungbae;Kim, Yongjun;Lee, Junkyung
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.14-17
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    • 2015
  • Cleaning effect is well known mechanism of oxide layer removal in DCEP polarity. It is also known that DCEN has higher heat input efficiency than DCEP in GTAW process. Based on these two renowned arc theories, conventional variable polarity arc for aluminum welding was set up to have minimum DCEP and maximum DCEN duty ratio to achieve the highest heat input efficiency and weldability increase. However, recent several variable polarity GTA research papers reported unexpected result of proportional relationship between DCEP duty ratio and heat input. The authors also observed the same result then suggested combination of tunneling effect and random walk of cathode spot to fill up the gap between experiment and conventional arc theory. In this research, suggested combinational work of tunneling effect and rapid cathode spot changing is applied to another unexpected phenomena of variable polarity aluminum arc welding. From previous research, it is reported that wider oxide removal range, narrower bead width and shallower penetration depth are observed in thin oxide layered aluminum compared to the case of thick oxide. This result was reported for the first time and it was hard to explain the reason at that time therefore the inference by the authors was hardly acceptable. However, the suggested combinational theory successfully explains the result of the previous report in logical way.

HP-GPC Analysis for Characteristics Change of Asphalt Cement Due to Aging (노화(老化)에 의한 아스팔트 시멘트 형질변화(形質變化)의 HP-GPC 분석(分析))

  • Kim, Kwang Woo;Yeon, Kyu Seok;Choi, Joong Dae
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 1992
  • This study was conducted to evaluate physical property change of asphalt cement chromatograms (by HP-GPC) were experimentally obtained from 3 types of AC-20 virgin ACs, 5 and 24-hour artificially aged ACs, and naturally aged 4 ACs that were recovered from 4 different roads. Absolute viscosity, kinematic visoosity and penetration were the physical properties tested. THF was used for mobil phase and RI detector was used as a detector for Hp-GPC testing. Correlation between each physical property change and the chromatogram variation was evaluated. Each chromatogram was divided into ten-equal-time slices. The percentage areas of 10 slices and each physical property were used for statistical correlation evaluation. Statistical analysis results showed that eaoh physical property had a strong correlation with the chromatogram characteristics. Aging was identified as a mechanism of change of molecular size distribution - increasing large size molecules and reducing coresponding samll size molecules.

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Acoustothermal Heating of Polydimethylsiloxane Microfluidic Systems and its Applications (Polydimethylsiloxane 기반 미세유체시스템의 음향열적 가열 및 응용)

  • Sung, Hyung Jin;Ha, Byunghang;Park, Jinsoo;Destgeer, Ghulam;Jung, Jin Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Visualization
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.57-61
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    • 2016
  • We report a finding of fast(exceeding 2,000 K/s) heating of polydimethylsiloxane(PDMS), one of the most commonly-used microchannel materials, under cyclic loadings at high(~MHz) frequencies. A microheater was created based on the finding. The heating mechanism utilized vibration damping of sound waves, which were generated and precisely manipulated using a conventional surface acoustic wave(SAW) microfluidic system, in PDMS. The penetration depths were measured to range from $210{\mu}m$ to $1290{\mu}m$, enough to cover most microchannel heights in microfluidic systems. The energy conversion efficiency was SAW frequency-dependent and measured to be the highest at around 30 MHz. Independent actuation of each interdigital transducer(IDT) enabled independent manipulation of SAWs, permitting spatiotemporal control of temperature on the microchip. All the advantages of this microheater facilitated a two-step continuous flow polymerase chain reaction(CFPCR) to achieve the billion-fold amplification of a 134 bp DNA amplicon in less than 3 min. In addition, a technique was developed for establishing dynamic free-form temperature gradients(TGs) in PDMS as well as in gases in contact with the PDMS.

Antibacterial properties of quinolones

  • Yoshida, Hiroaki
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology
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    • 1997.04a
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    • pp.40-47
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    • 1997
  • New quinolones generally have a broad antibacterial spectrum against gram-positive, gram-negative, glucose-nonfermenting and anaerobic bacteria. Some of newly developed quinolones have potent activities against S. aureus including MRSA, S.pneumoniae including PRSP, B. fragilis, chlamydiae, mycoplasmas and mycobacteria as well, and show good activities against various strains resistant to antibacterial agents of other classes. Quinolones display postantibiotic effects in vitro and are bactericidal at concentrations similar to or twice that of the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) for susceptible pathogens. In experimental murine infection models including systemic infections with various pathogens such as S. aureus, S. pyogenes, S. pneumoniae, E. coli and P. aeruginosa, quinolones have shown good oral efficacy as well as parenteral efficacy. Good oral absorption and good tissue penetration of quinolones account for good therapeutic effects in clinical settings. The target of quinolones are two structurally related type II topoisomerases, DNA gyrase and DNA topoisomerase IV. Quinolones are shown to stabilize the ternary quinolone-gyrase-DNA complex and inhibit the religation of the cleaved double-stranded DNA. Bacteria can acquire resistance to quinolones by mutations of these target enzymes. Mutation sites and amino acid changes in DNA gyrase and DNA topoisomerase IV are similar in the organisms examined, suggesting that the mechanism of quinolone resistance in the target enzymes is essentially the same among various organisms. Quinolones act on both the target enzymes to different degrees depending on the organisms or agents tested, and bacteria become highly resistant to quinolones in a step-wise fashion. Incomplete cross-resistance among quinolones in some strains of E. coli and S. aureus suggests the possibility of finding quinolones active against quinolone-resistant strains which are prevailing now. To find such quinolones, the potency toward two target enzymes and the membrane permeability including influx and/or efflux systems should be taken into account.

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