• 제목/요약/키워드: pedestrian facilities

검색결과 204건 처리시간 0.022초

실내공적공간의 공공성에 관한 연구 (A Study on Public Needs for Privately Owned Public Space)

  • 윤지혜;김정곤
    • 한국실내디자인학회논문집
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    • 제15권5호
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    • pp.157-166
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    • 2006
  • Recently, it appears several counterproposals about desirable figures of urban architecture. All of them proposes 'publicity' with cohernt tendency. The reason why it concentrates quantitative expansion of city without united design by urban plannar is that neglect quality values of city. As a solution of poor environment, there cue out the various efforts, about problem of each building, problem of city space, problem of laws and so forth. The reason why necessity of public space was embossed in that architecture extend the activity of citizen and make up the city space. But, each building pursues the private interest, so it is difficult to secure a public space with a high hand. Thus, architecture law has been revised in 1991 and bring the system of open space to match up the publicity and the private interest. Actually, western country brought it and obtained excellent results. While quantity of open space have increased since 1991, a lot of problems revealed in real usage and quality. By means of problem's solution, this study focus on the diversion of recognition for necessity of various open space. In result, on the occasion of approach and openess, except for several building, most glass a facade and the pedestrian can approach easily. Moreover, office buildings near the subway station connected with their low floor. So, the office buildings give openess to pedestrian and a people can approach easily to the buildings. On the occasion of amenity, most have bank and lobby on the first floor and have facilities on the underground floor. It leave open. But the reason why they have bank and lobby is that the space is dry and boring(without elements of nature and rest space). Hence, to make a space full of vitality, it have to plan various design elements and facilities. First of all, plan of indoor public space have to make up facility for the public interest. This study is basic investigation for necessity of indoor public space and through the survey of office buildings, it analyze the character of plan and find out the method of publicity's realization.

생활권 개념의 변화에 따른 주거지 계획의 시기별 특성 변화 - 국내 신도시 및 신시가지 계획을 중심으로 - (An Analysis of the Characteristics of the Transition Trand of the Multi-family Housing Theory by Planning Community Units - Focused on the new town planning in Korea -)

  • 이종화;구자훈
    • 한국주거학회논문집
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    • 제20권4호
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    • pp.79-88
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    • 2009
  • A planned access method on constantly-changing-community unit plan changes and develops based on the periodical situation and also plan theory. In this research, it is to present the link between the theory of complex city change and the plan factor of it, and to show how Korean residential complex plan has changed as time passed and how new concept of city plan came up and by applying new methods how can this affect our real world and the past plan. In the phase of analysis, it analyzed the flow of 'community unit plan' and its theory and investigated the factor of compositional space and built a analysis frame. The factors of community unit plan are space structure, size and shape of block, population, distribution of facilities and movement system. It chose the place that can represent the flow of community unit plan trand and that indicates the obvious development leading to Jamsil (1975), Gwa Chun (1980), Mok Dong (1983), Sang Ge (1985), Ilsan (1989), Dong tan (2001) and Eun Jung (2003) total of 7 places. And to compare a similar size of the city, it selected a small community unit. Based on the result of theoretical study and prior research, it can be said that the space composition style has change from a whole complete complex area to a linked-cross over community unit and the access of urban level was on set. Also, a pedestrian walking area was secured and the dense of building structure and pleasant environment wanting need was in balance. For facility plans, the usage of facility and functional change brought change of type, size and disposition. The walking area for pedestrian became a huge matter. Therefore, market, education, public facilities and green system collaborated to co-build a whole community unit and activated the walking environment. Also, public transportation, environment friendly city organization was built.

Actual Situation Analysis of Walking Environment in Chongqing, China - Case Studies of First Experimental Elementary School and Zaozilanya Elementary School -

  • Hong, Shi;Suh, JooHwan
    • 휴양 및 경관연구
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    • 제12권4호
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2018
  • This study is about the investigation of the walking environment of the First Experimental Elementary School in Shapingba District of Chongqing City and the Zaozilanya Elementary School in Yuzhong District and the analysis of the pedestrian's consciousness. The improvement plan is obtained by comparing and analyzing the walking environment around the school. The survey results are as follows. According to the survey results of the walking environment around the school, the sidewalks of the two schools are relatively narrow, and there are more pedestrians crossing the road. There is a phenomenon of parking in both schools. The phenomenon of parking in Zaozilanya Elementary School is even more serious. In investigating the most important elements of the school's pedestrian environment, the setting of the signpost, the setting of the crosswalk and signal lights, the setting of the fence, the setting of the vehicle's deceleration facilities, and the control of the school gate are all necessary. Therefore, in order to create a safe and comfortable improvement plan for the surrounding environment of the school, first of all, in the improvement of the facilities around the school, the setting of the fence, the setting of the speed bump, the improvement of the crosswalk and the signal light. Second, in terms of restrictions, the scope of protection around the school needs to be expanded, and restrictions on parking and restrictions on vehicle traffic need to be implemented. Third, in terms of education and publicity, it is not only necessary to provide safety guidance for students to go to school, but also to provide drivers with driving safety education and publicity.

어린이 보호구역 방재디자인 연구 (A Study on the Disaster Prevention Design Of School Zone)

  • 김영준;노황우
    • 한국콘텐츠학회논문지
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    • 제21권5호
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    • pp.868-876
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    • 2021
  • 어린이 보호구역은 교통사고의 위험으로부터 어린이를 보호하기 위해 학교, 보육시설, 학원 등과 같은 시설 가운데 지정된 일정 구간을 말한다. 어린이 보호구역은 1995년 9월 제정된 이래, 2021년 1월까지 총 9번의 개정을 통해 강화가 됐음에도 어린이 보호구역 사고는 줄어들지 않고 있다. 본 논문은 방재디자인 기반의 어린이 보호구역 표준모델을 제시하고자 하였다. 연구의 방법으로는 문헌조사, 실증조사, 인식도 조사를 진행했다. 인식도 조사 대상은 어린이, 학부모, 운전자를 대상으로 조사를 진행하였다. 환경 조사 대상으로는 횡단보도, 자동차도로, 보행자도로, 신호등을 대상으로 조사하였다. 조사 결과 차량 운전자의 어린이 보호구역 시각적 인지가 어렵다는 점이 발견되었고, 보행자 도로를 이용하는 오토바이가 어린이에게 매우 위협적인 요소로 다가왔음을 알게 되었다. 이에 따라 방재디자인 중심의 개선된 어린이 보호구역 표준모델 디자인을 제시하였다.

무장애친화공원화를 위한 근린생활권 공원의 현황 및 이용자 만족도 분석 - 천호공원, 간데메공원, 훈련원공원을 대상으로 - (Current Status and User Satisfaction Analysis of Neighborhood Park for Barrier Free Friendly Park - A Focus on Cheonho Park, Gandaemae Park and Hunlyunwon Park -)

  • 강현경;이수지;백승준
    • 한국환경복원기술학회지
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.135-153
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    • 2016
  • This study is aimed at grasping improvement factors of Cheonho Park, Gandaemae Park and Hunlyunwon Park as barrier free friendly parks. For this study, current status of parks, users' state and satisfaction were analyzed in October, 2014 and September, 2015. To detect current status, period of designing, whole size, facility pavement green space area, and main spaces were examined. As for BF status, mediation facilities, leading and guidance facilities, convenient facilities and BF pedestrial passage were analyzed. Also, It examined user behavior and satisfaction by accessibility, convenience and safety items. As a result of status analysis, three parks were designed in 1997~1998. The size of parks were $15,180m^2{\sim}26,697m^2$. As for mediation facilities, the slopes of walking-passage in Cheonho Park and Gandaemae Park were flat. The rate of leading-guidance facilities was 72.7%~93.4%. In the three parks, the effective width of safe pedestrian space within BF pedestrial passages was more than 1.8m. In Cheonho Park and Gandaemae Park, more than 50% of soil and urethane were used as paving materials. Users were the most satisfied with accessibilities in Cheonho Park due to flat-typed walking passages. In convenience, when it comes to using benches and pergolas, it showed significantly different satisfaction in every park. In safety, there were also considerable difference in every park. Overall, it was analysed that the satisfaction with information for safety and facilities was significantly low. Against this backdrop, this study suggests three considerations to recreate parks as barrier free friendly parks. 1) Flat-typed walking passages and enough parking areas near parks should be constructed. 2) Additional rest furniture for convenience should be installed and complemented. 3) Walking oriented-spatial safe facilities for safety should be differently supplemented.

중앙버스전용차로 횡단보도 보행 위반행태 분석: 고속버스터미널역 사례 분석 (Analysis on Pedestrian Crossing Illegal Behavior on Exclusive Median Bus Corridor: A Cace Study of Express Bus Terminal Station)

  • 이동일;김진태;김준용;배현식
    • 대한교통학회지
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    • 제33권2호
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    • pp.136-144
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    • 2015
  • 중앙버스전용차로도 도입으로 인해 무단횡단이 증가하였고 보행 교통 사망자 수 증가의 문제가 지속적으로 제기되고 있다. 이러한 중앙버스전용차로 횡단보도부 교통안전 수준 증진을 위해서는 공학적이고 분석적인 노력이 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 향후 보행안전시설 연구의 기반자료를 마련하기 위해 중앙버스전용차로 정류소 횡단보도부 보행자의 보행행태 자료를 분석한다. 중앙버스전용차로 형태 중 무단횡단이 가장 많이 관측되는 '분리형 횡단보도' 형태인 서울시 '고속버스터미널역'을 조사지점으로 선정하여 영상자료를 수집하였다. 수집된 보행자 자료를 공간적 측면과 시간적 측면에서 위반행태를 분석하였다. 분석 결과 공간적 위반 보행자는 37.8%로 시간적 위반 보행자 3.4%에 비해 11.1배 높게 분석되었다. 본 연구를 통해 시간적 위반 보행자에 편중된 안전시설이 아닌 무단횡단 보행자의 절대 다수에 해당하는 공간적 위반 보행자에 안전대책도 필요하며 향후 시 공간적 위반 보행자의 무단횡단을 함께 억제하는 안전시설이 필요함을 제언한다.

단일로 횡단보도에서의 고령보행자 횡단특성과 사고에 관한 연구 (Crash Risks and Crossing Behavior of older pedestrians in Mid-block Signalized Crosswalks)

  • 서금열;최재성;정승원;연준형;김정민
    • 한국도로학회논문집
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    • 제19권4호
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    • pp.69-78
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    • 2017
  • PURPOSES : In this study, we analyzed the road crossing behavior of older pedestrians on a mid-block signalized crosswalk, and compared it to that of younger pedestrians. In addition, we analyzed the correlation between accidents involving older pedestrians while crossing roads and their behavioral characteristics. Finally, we confirmed the reasons for an increase in accidents involving older pedestrians. METHODS : First, 30 areas with the highest incidence of accidents involving older pedestrians while crossing roads were selected as target areas for analysis. Next, we measured the start-up delay (the time elapsed from the moment the signal turns green to the moment the pedestrian starts walking) and head movement (the number of head turns during crossing a road) of 900 (450 older and 450 younger) pedestrians. The next step was to conduct a survey and confirm the differences in judgment between older and younger pedestrians about approaching vehicles. Finally, we analyzed the correlation between the survey results and traffic accidents. RESULTS : The average start-up delay and head movement of the older pedestrians was 1.58 seconds and 3.15 times, respectively. A definite correlation was obtained between head movement and the frequency of pedestrian traffic accidents. The results of our survey indicate that 17.3% of the older pedestrians and 7.8% of the younger pedestrians have a high crash risk. CONCLUSIONS : Behavioral characteristics of older pedestrians were closely correlated with accidents involving older pedestrians while crossing roads in mid-block signalized crosswalks. Our study indicates that in order to reduce the number of accidents involving older pedestrians, it is necessary to develop an improvement plan including measures such as installation of safety facilities taking the behavioral characteristics of older pedestrians into consideration and their safety education.

도시가로 보행자공간의 활성화 측면에서 바라본 청계천 이용자의 만족도 조사연구 (The Survey Study on ChungGyeCheon users's Satisfaction in Terms of the Utilization Aspects of the Pedestrian Space of the City Street)

  • 곽승미;강부성
    • 한국주거학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국주거학회 2009년 춘계학술발표대회 논문집
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    • pp.327-331
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    • 2009
  • Covering structures and elevated road of Cheonggyecheon are the by-products of the developing era when functionality and efficiency were emphasized. Historic river restoration project around Cheonggyecheon which had been emerged as a threat to the safety of the citizens due to its corrosion and structural defects as time passes had been performed during the period from July, 2003 through October, 2005 under the slogan of future-oriented urban environment creation. By dint of this river restoration project, its value is being heightened as almost all the rivers of Seoul including Seongbukcheon, Chungreungcheon and Honghaecheon have been arranged by inter-active linkage. In addition, this river is becoming a place frequented by the numerous visitors at home and aborad by providing the citizens with an attractive space for utilizing leisure time. Currently in the diversified areas, an academic research on the Cheonggyecheon restoration is under progress. In this study, sampled questionnaire for the visitors was carried out by site visit with the necessity of users' satisfaction survey in terms of revitalization of pedestrian space of the city street. As a result of this, natural restoration and provision of leisure space were surveyed to be highly assessed in terms of satisfaction and insufficient provision of convenience facilities including toilet and parking space was pointed out as a matter to be improved. As Cheonggyecheon is invigorated from the obstacle of urban environment through its epochal restoration, its value provided to us will be evaluated and by supplementing the deduced problems, we intend to find its meaning in our hope that this would become a sustainable future assets providing a basic data.

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The Spatial Performance of Multi-Level Shopping Clusters A Case Study of Nanshan Commercial Cultural District

  • Haofeng, Wang;Yupeng, Zhang;Xiaojun, Rao
    • 국제초고층학회논문집
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.149-163
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    • 2017
  • With the intensification of urban development in Chinese cities, mixed land use in urban centers extends vertically into 3-D and expands its scale from a single building to commercial clusters. The multi-level pedestrian system in city centers also changed its role from one of traffic isolation to spatial integration, where transit nodes, street sidewalks, squares, building entrances, atriums, and corridors are interconnected, both horizontally and vertically, into a whole spatial system, within which pedestrian flows are guided and shopping facilities are arranged. This paper uses spatial configuration analysis of space syntax to examine the impacts of spatial patterns on movement distribution and the business performance of tenant mix in the multi-level commercial system of the Nanshan Commercial Cultural District in Shenzhen, China. The key objective is to better understand the interactions between the socio-economic variables and spatial design parameters of a shopping complex. The research findings point to the importance of multiplicity between syntactic variables and other spatial variables in influencing the pedestrian flows, business performance and tenant mix in highly complex commercial systems. Particularly noteworthy is the relationship between spatial accessibility measures and the location of escalators, and the ways in which individual commercial buildings are embedded into the overall spatial system. The study suggests that this may lead to the preliminary identification of the spatial qualities of effective vertical extensions of mixed land use in a high-density urban settings.

도시고가도로 입지구간 가로환경 설계 -능동로 '걷고싶은 거리'의 구간을 대상으로- (Designing the Space under the Urban Elevated Road -A Case Study for Nengdong-Ro Street-)

  • 진양교;홍윤순
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제28권1호
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    • pp.136-146
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    • 2000
  • Although the urban elevated road is welcomed in modern society to deal with urban traffic problems, its negative influence on both the pedestrian environment and urban landscape has been frequently observed. Furthermore, the space under elevated structures has been ignored, being the lost space. Recently, several efforts have been devoted into bringing back the lostspace. However, any specific design guidelines shown in the street design of Japan and Singapore have not been suggested in Korea, yet. This study proposes a case of the Nengdong-Ro street design where the two-story urban elevated road is being constructed and negative effects of the elevated road are largely expected. One of the purposes of Nengdong-Ro street design proposed in this study is to relieve the negative effect os the two-story elevated road, and to provide a better pedestrian environment in Nengdong-Ro. The other purpose is to suggest general guidelines that can be applied to the similar context as Nengdong-Ro. It is considered that the space under the elevated road generally consist of three sections: 1) main section where the elevated road runs parallel with the ground, 2) landing section where elevated road goes down to the ground, and 3) facility section where facilities such as the platform and the ticketing booth are located. The design guidelines are suggested for each section, because each section has a different situation. Plans, section and elevations and the details of the street furniture are also incorporated to support the design guidelines.

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