• Title/Summary/Keyword: paper-based textbooks

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A Study of Current Work in Curriculum Development for School Mathematics in Korea towards the 21st Century

  • Koo, Kwang-Jo
    • Research in Mathematical Education
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.7-12
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    • 1997
  • The curriculum differentiation is supposed to maximize individual strength and possibilities of the students, and to maximize educational efficiency by differentiating the instructions according to students' abilities, aptitudes, needs and interests. The Ministry of Education has suggested a stepwise model for school mathematics. This model is named "Stepwise Curriculum Differentiation"(段階別 敎育課程 差別化). In this paper, we would like to make a specific proposal for the 7th curriculum. Our proposal reflects fully the guidelines of the Ministry of Education. It is also based on the national curriculum history up to the present time. It could be used as a reference for the continuing work of curriculum reformation. We suggest dividing the contents of mathematics for 1-10th graders into about 15 steps, to use the step-based textbooks instead of the grade-based ones, and to prepare evaluation standards for each step. We also suggest that the classes for grades 11-12 be organized according to their optional courses and/or their steps.

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A Study of e-Textbook Format Standardization Scheme for Smart Education Circumstance (스마트 교육환경을 위한 e-교과서 포맷 표준화 방안 연구)

  • Sohn, Won-Sung;Lim, Soon-Bum;Kim, Jae-Kyung
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.327-336
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    • 2012
  • The Korea government has recently announced "A Master Plan for Smart Education", including application of digital textbooks and composition of education system using cloud computing. Our education system in future circumstance, over the conventional e-learning methods, needs the smart education solutions which enable students to study and communicate on various types of devices. The ongoing government project related with the digital textbook has been performed as mid- and long-term goals, whereas PDF-based e-textbook project, similar to e-book model and, has been already completed for the short-term goal. For the purpose of improved future smart education circumstance, however, a specific strategy is required in the following areas: flexibility of format conversion and independency of original text sources among the multiple device platforms. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a standardization scheme for e-textbook format based on e-book structure. To do this, we survey trends in e-book technologies, and research on standardization of e-book format for digitalization of textbooks, based on the analysis of existing textbooks. Moreover, we produce an example e-book content using our proposed standard method. As a result, our approach can be applied to the future smart education circumstance, and we may say that it will be efficiently applicable to the long-term digital textbook project.

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An Analysis on Real State of Using Terms in Grade 1~2 Math Textbook/Workbook in Korea: Centered on 'Product', 'Place Value', 'Multiplication Stairs', 'Numeral' (우리나라 초등학교 1~2학년 수학 교과서/익힘책에서의 용어 사용 실태 분석: <수와 연산> 영역에서의 '곱', '자릿값', '구구', '숫자'를 중심으로)

  • Park, Kyo Sik
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.833-846
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, the real state of using terms 'product', 'place value', 'nine-nine', and 'numeral' incorrectly or inconsistently in the area in Korean elementary school 1-2 grade math textbooks/workbooks are analyzed. Based on this analysis, the following four conclusions are presented. First, 'Product' should be defined in the ${\ll}$Math 3${\gg}$ textbook like 'sum' and 'difference'. Multiplication is introduced in the ${\ll}$Math 3${\gg}$ textbook/workbook, however, the result of that calculation is not referred to 'product'. Second, there is a need to reconsider the using the term 'place value' in 2nd elementary mathematics. In the ${\ll}$Math 3${\gg}$ and the ${\ll}$Math 4${\gg}$ textbooks/workbooks are not using the term 'place value' clearly. Third, the word 'addition nine-nine table' and 'subtraction nine-nine table' should not be used in the ${\ll}$Math 2${\gg}$ and the ${\ll}$Math 4${\gg}$ textbooks. Using the term 'multiplication nine-nine' and 'multiplication nine-nine table' in elementary school mathematics textbooks/workbooks instead of using the term 'nine-nine' and 'nine-nine table' respectively would be the possible cause of these inaccurate derivatives. Fourth, in 1st and 2nd elementary mathematics 'numeral' and 'number' should be used discriminately. There is a need to reconsider the using the term 'number' uniformly if possible.

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An Analysis of Information Security Curriculum in Elementary School practical arts, Secondary School Informatics Teaching and Suggestions for Improvement

  • Kim, Choungbae
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.25 no.10
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    • pp.69-75
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    • 2020
  • Although various information and communication technologies occupy a place in daily life in the face of the fourth industrial revolution, the contents related to information security in elementary and secondary education courses are mainly related to personal information protection, and the contents and countermeasures of rapidly changing security threats are low in textbooks, and they are far behind the changes. To improve this, this paper suggests that education contents related to information security are included in elementary school real and middle school information textbooks, educational contents related to wireless network and PC security are included to cope with rapidly changing security threats that may arise from the age of the Internet of Things, non-face-to-face classes, and case-based information ethics education can be organized to eradicate curiosity about hacking. Through this paper, we will help prevent information security accidents by establishing basic security measures on our own and strengthening security awareness in the information age.

Problem Analysis and Recommendations of CPU Contents in Korean Middle School Informatics Textbooks (중학교 정보 교과서에 제시된 중앙처리장치 내용 문제점 분석 및 개선 방안)

  • Lee, Sangwook;Suh, Taeweon
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.143-150
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    • 2013
  • The School Curriculum amend in 2007 mandates the contents from which students can learn the principles and concepts of computer science. Computer Science is one of the most rapidly changing subjects, and the Informatics textbook should accurately explain the basic principles and concepts based on the latest technology. However, we found that the middle school textbooks in circulation lack accuracy and consistency in describing CPU. This paper attempted to discover the root-cause of the fallacy and suggest timely and appropriate explanation based on the historical and technical analysis. According to our study, it is appropriate to state that CPU is composed of datapath and control unit. The Datapath performs operations on data and holds data temporarily, and it is composed of the hardware components such as memory, register, ALU and adder. The Control unit decides the operation types of datapath elements, main memory and I/O devices. Nevertheless, considering the technological literacy of middle school students, we suggest the terms, 'arithmetic part' and 'control part' instead of datapath and control unit.

Research On Technical Writing Educational Methods Based On Complex Learning Systems (학습복잡계 기반의 공학적 글쓰기 교수 방법 연구)

  • Kim, Hae-Kyung;Kim, Cha-Jong
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.1521-1528
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    • 2010
  • This paper examines technical writing and teaching methods based on the perspectives of the complex learning system theory. So, the paper first discusses the constituent elements and characteristics of the complex learning system theory and continues to examine the potential of applying the complex learning system theory to new teaching methods. As a result, not only did the research expand the approach methods of providing technical writing education but also confirmed the potential of actual implementation. Such results will provide a leeway to start applying new teaching methods for technical writing education. Furthermore, the paper proposes more detailed case studies related to this topic as well as development of this research to produce textbooks and other higher level researches.

A Development and Application of Standard Criterion for Analyzing Problem-Based Learning Problems in Mathamatics (수학과 문제중심학습 문제 분석을 위한 기준표 개발 및 적용)

  • Huh, Nan;Kang, Ok-Ki
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.165-186
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    • 2009
  • Problem-Based Learning has many implications on teaching and learning. Through the problem-Based Learning, students device their plans to solve the given problems and discuss with workers to find and share some ideas or mathematical contents needed to solve those problems. In this paper we studied characteristics of Problem-Based Learning problem and tried o find out the standard criterion of problem analysis that were appropriate to Problem-Based Learning. We applied them to analyze problems in textbooks and problems that were developed for Problem-Based Learning. Using he result, the further research questions and implications were suggested.

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An Analysis on Aspects of Equalities with Monomial Left-hand Side Presented in Korean Elementary School Mathematics Textbooks (우리나라 초등학교 수학 교과서에서 제시하는 좌변이 단항식인 등식의 양태 분석)

  • Ko, Jun Seok;Choi, Jong Hyeon;Lee, Seung Eun;Park, Kyo Sik
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.583-599
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, aspects of equalities with monomial left-hand side presented in Korean elementary school mathematics textbooks are analyzed focusing on the component of expressions. According to this analysis, the textbooks deal with equalities with monomial left-hand side as though the students already know them, rather than to introduce and deal with them systematically. In this paper, the following four suggestions based on this analysis are proposed as conclusions. First, A-type equalities (with one kinds of calculation symbols and two or more numbers, variables, denominative numbers in the right-hans side) and B-type equalities (with two or more kinds of calculation symbols and two or more numbers, variables, denominative numbers in the right-hans side) may need to be introduced by the explicit description. Second, it is necessary to establish clearly the order of dealing with numeric expressions, expressions with ${\Box}$(blank) expression, expressions with words, expressions with ${\Box}$(variable), expressions with variables. Third, it needs to be noted that equalities with monomial left-hand side cab be used with a variety of meanings. Fourth, it is necessary to widen the range of the number constituting equalities with monomial left-hand side to the natural number 0 and as well as fractions, decimals.

Vocabulary Difference of South and North Korean English Textbook (남북한 영어교과서 어휘의 차이)

  • Kim, Jeong-ryeol
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.107-116
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    • 2020
  • This paper aims to explore the vocabulary difference between South and North Korean English textbooks as a first step toward a unified vocabulary list. To this end, both South and North Korean English textbooks in 2000s and 2010s are digitized into a corpus of text files, and a vocabulary list is constructed based on the corpus with reference to its concordances for the vocabulary use and contexts using AntConc 3.5.7. The vocabulary list of North Korean English textbooks are compared and found in their differences of quantity and quality of the English vocabulary in English education. Both quantitative and qualitative differences are found in between South and North Korean English textbook corpus. Both South and North aim that students learn about 3,000 words throughout the English education. North Korean English textbook contains more special academic vocabulary while South Korean English textbook is constrained by a strict vocabulary control which does not allow such a flexibility. Differences of vocabulary and their use are caused by the capitalistic market economy of South and the socialists' planned economy of North. Differences are also attributed to the religious words and grammatical vocabulary appearance.

An Automated Knowledge Acquisition Tool Based on the Inferential Modeling Technique

  • Chan, Christine W.;Nguyen, Hanh H.
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2002.07b
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    • pp.1165-1168
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    • 2002
  • Knowledge acquisition is the process that extracts the required knowledge from available sources, such as experts, textbooks and databases, for incorporation into a knowledge-based system. Knowledge acquisition is described as the first step in building expert systems and a major bottleneck in the efficient development and application of effective knowledge based expert systems. One cause of the problem is that the process of human reasoning we need to understand for knowledge-based system development is not available for direct observation. Moreover, the expertise of interest is typically not reportable due to the compilation of knowledge which results from extensive practice in a domain of problem solving activity. This is also a problem of modeling knowledge, which has been described as not a problem of accessing and translating what is known, but the familiar scientific and engineering problem of formalizing models for the first time. And this formalization process is especially difficult for knowledge engineers who are often faced with the difficult task of creating a knowledge model of a domain unfamiliar to them. In this paper, we propose an automated knowledge acquisition tool which is based on an implementation of the Inferential Modeling Technique. The Inferential Modeling Technique is derived from the Inferential Model which is a domain-independent categorization of knowledge types and inferences [Chan 1992]. The model can serve as a template of the types of knowledge in a knowledge model of any domain.

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