• Title/Summary/Keyword: paper-based textbooks

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Comparison of Recurring Decimal Contents in Korean and Japanese Mathematics Textbooks (우리나라와 일본 수학 교과서의 순환소수 내용 비교)

  • Kim, Bumi
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.375-396
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, to provide an idea for the 2022 revised mathematics curriculum by restructuring the content of the 2015 mathematics curriculum, the content elements of recurring decimals of textbooks, which showed differences in the curriculum of Korea and Japan, were analyzed. As a result of this study, in Korea, before the introduction of the concept of irrational numbers, repeating decimals were defined in the second year of middle school, and the relationship between repeating decimals and rational numbers was dealt with. In Japan, after studying irrational numbers in the third year of middle school, the terminology of repeating decimals is briefly dealt with. Then, when learning the concept of limit in the high school <Mathematics III> subject, the relationship between rational numbers and repeating decimals is dealt with. Based on the results of the study, in relation to the optimization of the amount of learning in the 2022 curriculum revision, implications for the introduction period of the circular decimal number, alternatives to the level of its content, and the teaching and learning methods were proposed.

Development and Application of Action Based Mathematics Digital Textbook (활동 중심 수학과 디지털교과서의 개발 및 적용)

  • Heo, Nam Gu;Lew, Hee Chan
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.241-261
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    • 2015
  • "SMART" is a word to condense a new kind of educational system recently proposed by the Korean government. It signifies an intelligent adaptive learning system to innovate the educational environment, the contents, methodology and assessment. Developing a digital textbook was one of the main strategic goals to drive forward "smart" education. The Korean government expected to finish the development of digital textbooks of science, mathematics, social studies and English by 2013 and to have a field experiment for them in 2014. However, the case of mathematics was postponed for an indefinite period because its draft version was no different from a traditional textbook in its functional aspect. This situation might come from the non-existence of a good authoring tool and an inexperienced sense by developers of the opportunities available with digital textbooks. This paper introduces the main features for developing a digital mathematics textbook for the 12th grade students, which was developed in the environment of Cabri LM as an authoring tool. This paper also looks upon the results of a whole lesson using the textbook in managing the classroom interaction with students.

Effects on the Use of Two Textbooks for Four Types of Classes in a South Korean University

  • Ramos, Ian Done D.
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.24-32
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    • 2013
  • This paper determined students' ranks of difficulty on the use of materials in terms of 1) understanding the layout of the learning materials, 2) reading comprehension of the learning materials, and 3) realization on relevance to needs of the learning materials. It also determined students' 4) rank and frequency of attitude on the materials. With the data gathered through 128 survey questionnaires, 7 focused group discussions, and 10 interviews, the results were found out that there was an inappropriate assessment procedure set by this particular university. The researcher concludes that: 1) design of four types of classes by just using the two textbooks with their respective workbooks is grammar-based with limited conversation activities; 2) placement for these students in one big class size was implemented without considering their common interest and motivation and language levels; and, 3) qualification of teachers teaching these EFL students did not support students' real needs and the language program itself. Content professors who were made to teach may have the ability to input learning, but their teaching styles may differ from the ones who are real English teachers. This paper then recommends that teachers and school administration should have an appropriate placement exam before students attend the class, especially in a big class size. There could only be a few problems among students in one big class size when students' level of competence is proportioned. With this, topics and conversation activities can even be more flexible with the maneuver of art of questioning, various dimensions of thinking, strategic competence, learning attitude or behavior, etc. to ensure sustenance of communicative mode and level of interest and motivation in the classroom. Grammar-based instruction can only be taught when a need arises. Thus, the course description of each class will be able to transact the objectives ready for developing students' communication competence. Moreover, proper measurement can be utilized to validly assess the amount of students' learning and the progress of language curriculum design in terms of materials selection and teaching approach.

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Analyses of Scientific Inquiry in Science 8 (중학교 2학년 과학 교과서의 탐구 영역 분석)

  • Park, Hyo-Soon;Cho, Hee-Hyung
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.239-245
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    • 2003
  • The primary purpose of the study was to determine the appropriateness o the inquiry processes and its activities as described in Science 8's which were written according to the 7th National Science Curriculum. It was found that the basic processes were well reflected on the textbooks analyzed for the research. However, only a few integrated processes and the inquiry activities could be read on the same textbooks. Furthermore, a large majority of the inquiry processes and activities were not agreed with what the tasks and titles say. Especially, the none of as many as 216 experiments were not coincided with their titles' intentions. Also suggested in the paper were the implications of the results for inquiry-based science education in the Korean middle schools.

The High School Common Science Textbook and Classes by the Point of Science Teacher's View (교사들에 의한 공통과학 교과서 평가와 수업내용 현황)

  • Kim, Sung-Won;Jin, Yoo-Jung
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.405-413
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    • 1997
  • High school common science is introduced by the sixth national curriculum. It consists of physics, chemistry, biology and earth science like the secondary school science. In this paper, textbooks are analyzed by the science teachers and the status of the present teaching and learning methods is reported. The detailed results are as follows; 1. Almost high school teachers choose textbook that included little the STS material. More than two teachers are teaching the high school common science and when they are chosen, they are independent with their major. 2. According to the national curriculum, they evaluated the textbooks as it is below the middle level. This evaluations are not dependent on teachers' comparement and textbook's class except the several matters based on STS (science-technology-society). 3. The teacher teaching the high school common science thought that teaching the textbook in school is worse than analysizing it. they must have emphasised on learning of inquire method than system of knowledge, introduction to material connected with real life and STS in the high school common science.

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Analyses of Scientific Inquiry in Science VII (중학교 1학년 과학 교과서의 탐구 영역 분석)

  • You, Mo-Kyung;Cho, Hee-Hyung
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.494-504
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    • 2003
  • The primary purpose of the study was to determine the appropriateness of the inquiry processes described in Science VII's written based on the 7th National Science Curriculum. It was found that the basic processes were well reflected on the textbooks analyzed for the research. However, only a few integrated processes and the inquiry activities could be seen on the same textbooks. Furthermore, a larger majority of the inquiry processes and activities were not agreed with what the tasks and titles say. Especially, the none of as many as 71 experiments were not coincided with their titles' intentions. Also suggested in the paper were the implications of the results for the science education in the Korean middle schools.

Design and Implementation of a Component-based Simulator for the Virtual Laboratory of Computer Networks (컴퓨터 네트워크 가상 실습을 위한 컴포넌트 기반의 시뮬레이터 설계 및 구현)

  • 임명식;김기형
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2003
  • Recently, various network protocols have been developed to keep step with the rapid growth of Internet users. For the education of students in the computer networks classes, there have been many attempts to allow students experiment routers setting, operations and management of networks by themselves, in addition to the classroom lectures based on textbooks. One of the attempts is to install expensive real router experiment sets in laboratories for students, and one another is using router and network simulators for virtual experiments. This paper presents the design and implementation of NetSim, a scalable, component-based simulator environment for the network experimentation. NetSim expands the existing component-based JavaSim simulation tool for the education purpose, and it allows the design and experiment of various networks and protocols. For the evaluation of NetSim, it is shown that the network design and RIP-based router setting process is possible in NetSim.

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The Analysis on Utilization Trend of the Technology in Secondary Mathematics Textbooks Based on the $6^{th}$, $7^{th}$ and 2007 Revised Curriculum in Korea (교육과정에 따른 중등 수학과 교과서에서 공학 도구 활용의 변화 분석)

  • Kim, Mi Hwa;Son, Hong Chan
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.975-994
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, we analyzed the utilization trend of technology in the secondary mathematics textbooks based on the 6th, 7th and 2007 revised mathematics curriculums in Korea. We analyzed 30, 60 and 90 mathematics books based on the 6th, 7th and 2007 revised mathematics curriculums respectively. The analysis focused on three aspects of using technology, i.e., contents areas in which technology used, technological tools and programs used, and methods of using technology in teaching and learning mathematics. The results shows that the frequency of using technology in mathematics books has been increased as mathematics curriculum has been revised. In the mathematics books based on th 6th curriculum, only 25 scenes were found, but in 7th and 2007 revised curriculum 248 and 355 scenes were found. In the 6th curriculum, calculators and graphing calculators were used mainly, but in the 7th and 2007 revised curriculum many kinds of technological tools and softwares were used including CAS, dynamic geometry software, spreadsheets, programming language, and the Internet. Especially the internet was used frequently in the 7th curriculum. And the methods of using technology has been diversified as time passed. In the 6th curriculum, the technology mainly used for introducing technology and simple calculation, but in the 7th and 2007 revised curriculum the technologies and software were also used for understanding mathematical laws, principles and concepts and students-centered exploring the mathematical properties.

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Effects of Digital Textbook's Interactivity on the Learning Attitude : With a focus on the Tablet PC-based Digital Textbooks of Social Studies and Science (디지털교과서의 상호작용성이 학습태도에 미치는 영향 : 태블릿PC 기반의 사회와 과학 디지털교과서를 중심으로)

  • Yoon, Su-Kyung;Kim, Myeong-Ji;Choi, Jun-Ho
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.205-222
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    • 2014
  • This study analyzed the effects of interactivity on the learning attitude in the tablet PC-based digital textbook environment. Most of digital textbook studies focused on comparison of learning effect between digital textbook and paper textbook. This study, instead, focused on the interaction between students and digital textbook, and examined the hypothesis that, in the digital textbook-based learning environment, interactivity factors affect learning attitude. The results showed that active control, two-way communication, and synchronicity have significant effects on the learning attitude. Those findings indicate that it's necessary to effectively realize interactivity in the process of developing digital textbooks. Also, important implication is not the fixed interactivity but how students perceive the digital textbook and make use of it. Therefore, for the interactive digital textbook, perceived user control, two-way communication, and synchronicity should be realized properly.

Automatic Method for Transforming Image into Tactile Map Based on Cognitive Characteristics of Visually Impaired Persons (시각장애인 인지특성을 기반으로 한 영상자료의 촉각지도 자동 변환 방법)

  • Kim, Hye-Young;Cho, Jin-Soo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.452-458
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, we propose the method for automatically transfers images into tactile maps information based on cognition characteristics of visually impaired persons to more easily provide various image information for visually impaired persons. The proposed method automatically classify color images into row complexity and high complexity based on intensity information and transfer images into tactile map information using each different transformation process. Experimental evaluation, We performed with visually impaired five persons experiments for evaluating the recognition and satisfaction that tactile maps of the proposed automatic transforming method and the manually generated tactile maps of braille textbooks. Experimental results, the recognition and satisfaction that the tactile maps of the proposed method generated are very similar to those of the tactile maps of braille textbooks. Therefore, it could hugely be reduced the time and money of production education materials, and it could greatly improved educative results because it can add more easily that many image data of education materials.