• Title/Summary/Keyword: paper-based textbooks

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Improving Computational Thinking Abilities Through the Teaching of Mathematics with Sage ('컴퓨팅 사고력(Computational thinking)' 향상과 Sage 도구를 이용한 수학교육)

  • Park, Kyung-Eun;Lee, Sang-Gu
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.19-33
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    • 2015
  • Recently in major industrial areas, there has been a rapidly increasing demand for 'Computational Thinking', which is integrated with a computer's ability to think as a human world. Developed countries in the last 20 years naturally have been improving students' computational thinking as a way to solve math problems with CAS in the areas of mathematical reasoning, problem solving and communication. Also, textbooks reflected in the 2009 curriculum contain the applications of various CAS tools and focus on the improvement of 'Computational Thinking'. In this paper, we analyze the cases of mathematics education based on 'Computational Thinking' and discuss the mathematical content that uses the CAS tools including Sage for improving 'Computational Thinking'. Also, we show examples of programs based on 'Computational Thinking' for teaching Calculus in university.

The Operational Approach and Structural Approach to the Mathematical Concepts - Focusing on exponential function and logarithmic function - (수학적 개념에 대한 조작적 접근과 구조적 접근 - 지수함수와 로그함수를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Bu-Yoon;Kim, So-Young
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.499-514
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    • 2007
  • In modern mathematic education, the development of mathematical ability based on the understanding of mathematical concepts has been emphasized in curriculum and teaching methodology. Also, in schools, most math teachers stress the importance of mathematical concepts in doing math well. Thus, in this paper, we outlined the development of mathematical concepts through the literature survey. And then, based on the Sfard's definition of mathematical concepts, which classifies math concepts into the operational approach and structural approach, we analyzed the math concepts of exponential function and logarithmic function units in three highschool math textbooks. As the result, we found that the textbook authors used different approach for the same concepts, and, at the same time, they used both approaches to help develop the students' math concepts.

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An Exploration of Various Evaluation Methods to Improve Usability of Museum Mobile Device

  • Ahn, Mi-Lee;Cha, Hyun-Jin;Hwang, Yun-Ja;Kim, Hee-Jin
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.765-773
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    • 2011
  • Objective: This study aims towards exploring a model of the HCI evaluation methods to improve the usability of mobile device, based on a case of a Mobile PDA system in a Museum context. Background: Mobile PDA systems in a Museum context is widely utilized for the educational purposes, but it is criticized for low usability that the device only play a role in textbooks on legs without any interactive educational activities. Therefore, the usability improvements on the mobile PDA system should be considered. Method 1: This model was developed with a combination of the expert review and the user testing, and with a combination of the qualitative and quantitative studies. In more details, first of all, a qualitative study was conducted as a combination of three different methods: 1) expert review with heuristics, 2) interviews with persons working in a museum, and 3) contextual enquiry. Results 1: The experts review provided with critical usability issues, and the semi-constructive interview helped to understand the background of the mobile device. Lastly, the contextual enquiry showed user experience problems and directions of improving the device from user's perspective. Method 2: Based on the results of the qualitative study, a questionnaire was designed. Results 2: The analysis of the quantitative study was conducted to generalize the problems, and prioritize the direction of improving the device within the limitation of the cost and time in a museum. Conclusion: This study has implications in developing an example of a HCI evaluation model to improve the user experience of the mobile device as well as finding problems and directions of how to improve the mobile PDA systems in the museum. Application: In fact, most of the studies related to the evaluation of the mobile device have been conducted in a laboratory context due to the cost and time. This paper, however, attempted to apply to various HCI research techniques from different constituents in real context.

Technological trend of VR/AR maintenance training and API Implementation Example based on Unity Engine (VR/AR 정비교육의 기술동향과 유니티 엔진기반의 API 구현사례)

  • Lee, Jee Sung;Kim, Byung Min;Choi, Kyu Hwa;Nam, Tae Hyun;Lim, Chang Joo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Computer Game
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.111-119
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    • 2018
  • National agencies and corporations are making a lot of efforts to educate mechanics from high school to university and enterprise training center to train as skilled mechanic. but the theoretical training using textbooks and the training using equipment not used in the field did not provide proper maintenance training. And education using special equipment or assuming dangerous situation was very dangerous, so we were carrying out education with video or photo. In recent, there have been a number of cases in which effective training simulations have been researched and developed in order to experience situations and solve problems safely through simulation from simple maintenance to special maintenance by combining VR and AR. This paper describes the comparative study of the existing APIs such as Danuri VR, DisTi Engine and Remote AR for general purpose AR/VR contents. We also proposed a AR/VR API based on Unity 3D Engine for AR/VR maintenance contents. The API can be used for maintenance contents developers efficiently.

Comparative Analysis of Influential Factors on Computer-Based Mathematics Assessment between Korea and Singapore (우리나라와 싱가포르의 컴퓨터 기반 수학 평가 결과에 대한 영향 요인 비교 분석)

  • Rim, Haemee;Jung, Hyekyun
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.157-170
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    • 2017
  • Mathematics was the main domain of PISA 2012, and both paper-based and computer-based assessment of mathematics (CBAM) were conducted. PISA 2012 was the first large-scale computer-based mathematics assessment in Korea, and it is meaningful in that it evaluated students' mathematical literacy in problem situations using dynamic geometry, graph, and spreadsheet. Although Korea ranked third in CBAM, the use of ICT in mathematics lessons appeared to be low. On the other hand, this study focused on Singapore, which ranked first in CBAM. The Singapore Ministry of Education developed online programs such as AlgeTools and AlgeDisc, and implemented the programs in classes by specifying them in mathematics curriculum and textbooks. Thus, this study investigated influential factors on computer-based assessment of mathematics by comparing the results of Korea and Singapore, and aimed to provide meaningful evidence on the direction of Korea's ICT-based mathematics education. The results showed that ICT use at home for school related tasks, attitudes towards computers as a tool for school learning, and openness and perseverance of problem solving were positively associated with computer-based mathematics performance, whereas the use of ICT in mathematics class by teacher demonstration was negatively related. Efforts are needed to improve computer use and enhance teaching techniques related to ICT use in Korean math classes. Future research is recommended to examine how effectively teachers use ICT in mathematics class in Singapore.

Implementing Automated English Error Detecting and Scoring System for Junior High School Students (중학생 영작문 실력 향상을 위한 자동 문법 채점 시스템 구축)

  • Kim, Jee-Eun;Lee, Kong-Joo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.36-46
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    • 2007
  • This paper presents an automated English scoring system designed to help non-native speakers of English, Korean-speaking learners in particular. The system is developed to help the 3rd grade students in junior high school improve their English grammar skills. Without human's efforts, the system identifies grammar errors in English sentences, provides feedback on the detected errors, and scores the sentences. Detecting grammar errors in the system requires implementing a special type of rules in addition to the rules to parse grammatical sentences. Error production rules are implemented to analyze ungrammatical sentences and recognize syntactic errors. The rules are collected from the junior high school textbooks and real student test data. By firing those rules, the errors are detected followed by setting corresponding error flags, and the system continues the parsing process without a failure. As the final step of the process, the system scores the student sentences based on the errors detected. The system is evaluated with real English test data produced by the students and the answers provided by human teachers.

A new method for calculating quantiles of grouped data based on the frequency polygon (집단화된 통계자료의 도수다각형에 근거한 새로운 분위수 계산법)

  • Kim, Hyuk Joo
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.383-393
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    • 2017
  • When we deal with grouped statistical data, it is desirable to use a calculation method that gives as close value to the true value of a statistic as possible. In this paper, we suggested a new method to calculate the quantiles of grouped data. The main idea of the suggested method is calculating the data values by partitioning the pentagons, that correspond to the class intervals in the frequency polygon drawn according to the histogram, into parts with equal area. We compared this method with existing methods through simulations using some datasets from introductory statistics textbooks. In the simulation study, we simulated as many data values as given in each class interval using the inverse transform method, on the basis of the distribution that has the shape given by the frequency polygon. Using the sum of squares of differences from quantiles of the simulated data as a criterion, the suggested method was found to have better performance than existing methods for almost all quartiles and deciles.

Analysis of Breaking Research Trends in Korea (국내 브레이킹 연구동향 분석)

  • Yoo, Hyun-Mee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.468-475
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to identify trends in domestic breaking research to derive characteristics and implications, and further suggest future research directions. To this end, literature analysis (the timing of paper publication, research method, research topic) and keyword analysis of 50 papers related to breaking published in academic journals registered with the Korea Research Foundation (KCI) were conducted. The research results are as follows. First, the trend by thesis publication period was first published in 2006, showed a slight increase in 2012, and then increased rapidly in 2021. Second, domestic braking-related research has been mainly focused on qualitative research (60%). Third, looking at the research topic, it is divided into three categories: identity establishment, culture and arts field, and sports field, of which studies related to identity establishment accounted for more than 60%. Finally, looking at the keywords frequently used in breaking papers, the most frequently appeared word was 'hip-hop', followed by 'culture'. Based on these results, implications were drawn to establishing the identity of braking through academic and theoretical approaches, practical approaches through the development of standardized textbooks and curriculum, strengthening the characteristics and capabilities of the field through integrated approaches, and changing to sports.

A Study of Frequency and Distribution of Lexical Items for the Assessing of Vocabulary Richness (어휘 풍요도 측정을 위한 관용 표현의 빈도와 분포 연구)

  • 안의정
    • Language Facts and Perspectives
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    • v.44
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    • pp.399-417
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    • 2018
  • This study aims to make a practical list of lexical items for the assessing of vocabulary richness. For this, in this study, we extract practical examples from written and spoken corpus to create a practical list. And we aimed to examine their distribution in various text types. Traditional assessing of vocabulary richness mainly deals with words. But this study was carried out to include lexical items in assessing vocabulary. Though we could not present all list of lexical items in the limit of the space, this list will be used to measure vocabulary diversity in future learner outcomes. In this paper, the emergence patterns of idiomatic expressions are compared against the register of written and spoken language, and the distribution of 7 registers of written text and the distribution of 4 registers of spoken text were examined. As a result of the analysis of written corpus, the most diverse types of idioms were used in the novel and quasi - verbal. And The fewest types were used in textbooks. Based on the number of token, literary genres such as novels, essays, and quasi - languages showed high use. In the case of collocation, more types were used in quasi - grammar and essay than in novel. But the number of tokens was often used in the order of novel, quasi-grammar, and essay. The use of idioms in spoken corpus was most widely used in private monologues. The number of tokens of idioms appeared higher in public and private conversations than monologues. The use of collocation was also the most diverse in private monologues, as in idioms, and the number of tokens was greater in monologues than conversations, unlike idioms. It is expected that more meaningful results will be obtained if this inverse study is extended to a more diverse text type.

A Proposal for Unification Education Content Using Service Design : focus on the marketplaces and high school students (서비스 디자인을 활용한 통일 교육 콘텐츠 제안 장마당과 고등학생을 중심으로)

  • Ko, Eunsol;Kim, Sungwoo
    • Journal of the HCI Society of Korea
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.23-33
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    • 2019
  • Expectations for reunification have been higher than ever since the relationship between the two Koreas has become more flexible. However, since most of the integrated education in high school is based on teachers and textbooks, the educational effectiveness is minimal as it fails to attract learners' interest. Therefore, in this study, high school students participated in the North Korean market, the market for the rainy season, and our market. Through this development, the government proposed a new content for unification education that would raise interest in unification and effectively learn how the two Koreas can be divided. The main analyses and studies of this paper are as follows: :(1) First, the current state of unification education and understanding of North Korea and the current status of unification education was analyzed through the survey of educational materials for unification of North Korea, unification and school. (2) Based on the analyzed data, a learner-centered, participatory service concept was derived. (3) Based on the concept of service, a prototype of a unified education content based on the theme of a marketplaces. (4) Tested a prototype of the content of unification education for high school students. (5) Based on the prototyping test results and user analysis, a unified education content was improved and proposed. The study could replace and supplement traditional methods of unification education by improving the effectiveness of unification education through the provision of effective unification education services to high school students.