• 제목/요약/키워드: paper mulching

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멀칭에 따른 지온변화 모델의 작성 및 토양온도의 추정 (Simulation Model for Estimating Soil Temperature under Mulched Condition)

  • 최일선;이변우
    • 한국농림기상학회지
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    • 제1권2호
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    • pp.119-126
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    • 1999
  • 대기 온도, 대기 일사량, 풍속, 대기 수증기압 등의 기상자료, 멀칭재료와 토양의 광학적 특성 및 열적 특성을 입력자료로 하여 토양 표면의 에너지 수지식과 토양 열흐름 방정식을 수치해석하여 멀칭한 토양의 온도를 추정하는 모델을 작성하였으며 또한 실측자료를 이용하여 모델을 검정하였다. 모델에 의한 지온의 추정에 있어서 토양온도의 초기 치는 시작일의 50cm깊이의 실측지온으로 하였으며, 계산은 0시에 시작하여 10분 간격으로 하였다. 모델은 지온의 시간 및 토층에 따른 변화를 잘 묘사하였다. 모델에 의해 추정된 값과 실측치와의 상관관계는 무멀칭의 5 cm 및 l0 cm에서 상관계수(n=720)가 각각 0.961, 0.966이었고, 같은 층위의 종이멀칭에서는 각각 0.969, 0.945이었고, 흑색 폴리에틸렌 필름 멀칭에서의 상관계수는 각각 0.915, 0.938이었다. 모델에 의해 추정된 값들이 실측치$\pm$2.0$^{\circ}$C 범위안에 들어가는 수가 전체 추정치중에서 차지하는 비율은 무멀칭처리의 5 cm 및 10 cm에서 각각 97.4%, 98.5%이었고, 종이 멀칭에서는 각각 95.8%, 97.4%이었으며, 흑색 폴리에틸렌 필름 멀칭에서 70.1%, 92.6%이었다. 이상의 결과에 의하면 멀칭에 따른 지온을 대체로 잘 묘사하는 것으로 판단된다. 다만 야간 지온추정에서 오차가 다소 컸는데 이는 야간의 대기 장파복사의 평가가 어렵기 때문이며 이에 대한 보완이 필요하다.

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유럽 유기농업 현황과 유기경종의 이론 및 핵심기술 - 독일을 중심으로 - (Situation of European Organic Agriculture and its Principle and Skills with special regard to Germany)

  • 손상목
    • 한국작물학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국작물학회 2001년도 추계 학술대회지
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    • pp.34-58
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    • 2001
  • Within the paper, an overview of organic farming in Europe countries is given and the Principle and skills of organic agriculture is shortly reported with special regard to Germany. The overview information on European organic farming is covered such as (1)development of organic farming, (2) organic farming organizations, (3)standards and certification, (4)implementation of EU council regulation, (5)state support, (6)implementation of Agenda 2000, (7)training and education, (8)advisory service and research situation. In the paper the principle and skills for organic farming which are practiced actually in the German organic farms is also reported. How to maintain and increase the fertility and microbiological activity of the soil by (1)cultivation of legumes, green manures or deep-rooting crops in multi-annual rotation system, (2)incorporation in the soil organic material, by-products from livestock farming is one of the major principle to organic crop production. Pest and diseases and weeds are controlled by any one, or a combination of the following measure; (1) choice of appropriate species and varieties, (2)appropriate rotation programs, (3)mechanical cultivation, (4)protection of natural enemies of pests through provision of favourable habitat and ecological buffer zone, (5)diversified ecosystems, (6)flame weeding, (7)natural enemies, (8)bio-dynamic preparations, (9)mulching and mowing, (10)grazing of animals, (11)mechanical controls, (12)steam sterilization.

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유기작물재배의 이론 및 핵심기술 -독일을 중심으로- (Principles and Skills of Organic Crop Production with special regards to Germany)

  • 손상목
    • 한국유기농업학회지
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    • 제9권4호
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    • pp.71-93
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    • 2001
  • Within the paper, an overview of organic farming in Europe countries is given and the Principle and skills of organic agriculture is shortly reported with special regard to Germany. The overview information on European organic forming is covered such as \circled1 development of organic farming, \circled2organic farming organizations, \circled3standards and certification, \circled4implementation of EU council regulation, \circled5state support, \circled6implementation of Agenda 2000, \circled7training and education, \circled8advisory service and research situation. In the paper the principle and skills for organic farming which are practiced actually in the German organic farms is also reported. How to maintain and increase the fertility and microbiological activity of the soil by \circled1cultivation of legumes, green manures or deep-rooting crops in multi-annual rotation system, \circled2incorporation in the soil organic material, by-products from livestock farming is one of the major principle to organic crop production. Pest and diseases and weeds are controlled by any one, or a combination of the following measure ; \circled1choice of appropriate species and varieties, \circled2appropriate rotation programs, \circled3mechanical cultivation, \circled4protection of natural enemies of pests through provision of favourable habitat and ecological buffer zone, \circled5diversified ecosystems, \circled6flame weeding, \circled7natural enemies, \circled8bio-dynamic preparations, \circled9mulching and mowing, \circled10grazing of animals, ⑪mechanical controls, ⑫steam sterilization.

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한국산(韓國産) 주요수피(主要樹皮)의 pH와 C.E.C -소나무속, 사시나무속, 참나무속- (pH and Cation Exchange Capacity of Major tree Barks grown in Korea -Genus Pinus, Populus, and Quercus-)

  • 이화형
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.3-7
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    • 1979
  • A bark comprises about 10 to 20 percents of a typical log by volume, and is generally considered as an unwanted residue rather than a potentially valuable resources. As the world has been confronted with decreasing forest resources, natural resources pressure dictate that a bark should be a raw material instead of a waste. The utilization of the largely wasted bark of genus Pinus, Quercus and Populus grown in korea can be enhanced by Knowing its chemical Properties. Specially, uses of bark in mulching, growing media and soil amendment can be enhanced by knowing pH and C.E.C values. In this paper, an investigative study is carried out on the pH-and C.E.C-values. The results may be summarized as follows: 1. Bark is acid in nature, and pH values of bark varying from 3.3 to 4.7, is lower than that of wood.pH value of Pinus is the lowest. 2. Cation exchange capacity of bark is greater than that of wood, silt loam soil, and wheat straw.CEC of bark is 45.7 meq/100gm in Pinus, 41.8 meq/100gm in populus, 37.8 meq/100gm in Quercus.

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고랑인식 센서 모듈을 이용한 밭고랑 자율조향에 대한 연구 (A Study on Furrow Autonomous Steering using Furrow Recognition Sensor Module)

  • 조용준;박관형;윤해룡;홍형길;오장석;강민수;장선호;서갑호;이영태
    • 한국기계가공학회지
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    • 제21권9호
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    • pp.92-97
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, as a research on autonomous steering for agriculture, a sensor module for furrow recognition was developed through a low-cost distance sensor combination. The developed sensor module was applied to the vehicle, and when driving in a furrow curve, the autonomous steering success rate was 100% at a curvature of 20 m or more, and 70% at a curvature of 15 m or less. The self-steering success rate according to the ground condition showed a 100% success rate regardless of soil, weeds, or mulching film.

유기농업을 위한 잡초방제기술의 현재 미래 (Status and Prospect of Weed Control Technology for Organic Farming)

  • 전용웅
    • 한국유기농업학회지
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.127-140
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    • 1998
  • Organic farming excludes any use of the herbicide. The present paper reviews what can be done for effective weed control with existing weed control technology by farmers crop-ping paddy rice, field crops, vegetables, and fruit trees. If condition of the crop-land-al-lows diversified rotational use of the paddy land as paddy and upland field would minimize weed problem. Practising this is limited in acreage due to extremely limited governmental investment to the land for the purpose. Secondly, rotation of crops in the upland field breaking life cycles of various weeds adapted to each crop should reduce the weed problem. This is also limited as only a few crops are making the farmer profitable. In addition climate and tolerance of crops to high and low temperature. Monsoon rains and poor drainage restrict the freedom of choice. For any crop land year-round multiple cropping in denser planting shall lessen the weed problem, this multiple cropping practiced by 1960s has been abandoned due to laborshortage and increased production cost. Deep flooding the rice is impractical at present in Korean. Mulching crop with transparent, black , or combinated polyethylene sheet, hs been in-creasingly used. Progresses in development and use of mulch with allelopathic crop residues. inexpensive paper mulch, allelopathic crop residues, inexpensive paper mulch, allelopathic crop cultivar development, recently developed ex-perimental weeding machinaries, flamers, microbial herbicides, biological control organisms, soil sterilization techniques have been critically reviewed for their adoption into existing in-tegrated weeding system. Unfortunately, information on cost-benifit, and labor-benefit, for the various methods above mentioned are lacking. Urgent need for the research on rational weeding in organic farming, and herbicide low-input farming is emphasized.

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유기농 재배에서 잡초방제기술의 동향 및 전망 (Trend and Perspective of Weed Control Techniques in Organic Farming)

  • 옥환석;변종영
    • 한국잡초학회지
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    • 제31권1호
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    • pp.8-23
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    • 2011
  • 유기농 재배에서 이용되고 있는 잡초방제 기술 및 연구 동향을 검토하고 앞으로 방향을 제시하기 위하여 화학적 방제를 배제하고 기계적 방제, 경종적 방제, 생물적 방제를 포함한 종합방제 기술에 대한 문헌을 정리하고 분석하여 유기농업에서의 새로운 잡초 관리방안을 전망하고자 하였다. 물리적 방법은 기계적 방법, 열, 광선, 전기충격, 압축공기, 로봇잡초방제기술, 그리고 경종적 방법은 멀칭, 경운, 윤작, 피복식물, 경합을 이용한 방법이 포함된다. 생물적 방제는 미생물제초제, 대량증식 생물제제, 광역 생물제제, 상호대립억제물질 등이 개발되거나 또는 이용되고 있다. 유기농재배에서 성공적인 잡초방제를 위하여 물리적 방법과 경종적 방법은 제초제 사용이 제한된 조건에서 가장 중요한 잡초방제 수단이므로 기계적, 경종적 방법을 근간으로 하고 생물적 방법이 조화롭게 보완되는 종합잡초관리방법이 요구된다. 그리고 유기농 재배에서 수익을 창출하고 적합한 장기적 잡초관리 방안을 도출하기 위하여 잡초관리 결정에 도움이 되는 모델의 개발도 필요하다.