• Title/Summary/Keyword: out-of-school program

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Parents from Mars Getting through to Children from Venus: An Education Program for Parents of Adolescents (청소년기 자녀를 둔 부모교육 프로그램 개발을 위한 예비연구 - 금성자녀와 통하는 화성부모 -)

  • Kim, Soon-Ok;Rho, Myoung-Sook;Ryu, Kyung-Hee;Yoo, Hyun-Jung;Lee, Young-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.46 no.8
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    • pp.37-54
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    • 2008
  • We developed an education program for parents of adolescents titled Parents from Mars getting through to children from Venus. The program consists of five two-hour sessions each with a different theme; (1) parent-child communication, (2) study activities, (3) computer use, (4) children's daily expenses, and (5) children's daily-life plan. The program was test-run with seventeen participants, which included mothers of 4th grade(elementary school) to 9th grade (middle school) children. Based on data analysis, we found that average satisfaction level was 3.80 out of 5.00 and average goal accomplishment level was 3.91 out of 5.00. Most of the participants agreed that the program helped them to understand their children's problems, to look back on themselves as parents, to plan ahead, and eventually to improve their relationship with their children. However, it was also pointed out that the program needed to put more emphasis on practical lessons rather than theoretical lectures. For example, the need for more audiovisual materials, and more practical training during each session was highlighted by participants.

A Study on the Cooperative Program Planning and Teaching (학교도서관의 협동교수프로그램에 관한 연구)

  • Han Yoon-ok
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.29
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    • pp.257-279
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    • 1995
  • Cooperative program planning and teaching is a strategy for developing and implementing resource based learning. This approach combines the classroom teacher's subject expertise and knowledge of the students with the teacher­librarian's specialized knowledge of the availability and use of learning materials. And the purpose of cooperative program planning is to develop learning experiences or units of study that effectively integrate the student's resource center activities with other learning experiences. There are also some conditions that are conducive to effective planning sessions. First, the teacher-librarian must be prepared to initiate planning with teachers, rather than waiting for teachers to come to them. Second, the teacher-librarian must be prepared to present suggestions in such a way that the teacher can respond. The purpose of this study is (1) to investigate the planning process of cooperative program planning and teaching in the previous studies and (2) to find general problems when the cooperative program planning and teaching apply in actual situation. For these purposes, I chose a school library and a teacher-librarian in Seoul to observe how this cooperative program planning and teaching carry out in the school library. Main findings are summarized as follows: (1) A teacher who teaches alone for one grade is more proper to carry out the cooperative program planning and teaching. Young teachers are usually more active to change their teaching methods. (2) The cooperative program planning and teaching is a program what needs a lot of materials. When there is no right reference book in a school library, it would be good to access DB through PC telecommunication. It is also possile to contact lirarians who work in large public libraries or university libraries. (3) The cooerative program planning and teaching needs cooperative working between a teacher-librarian and a teacher. Thus a teacher-librarian should be in his school in the day time like the other teachers for the program's planning process. ( 4) There has to be a guide to change into resource based learning in teaching method. Thus the Korean Library Association or Korean Library and Information Science Society should offer a seminar or a workshop about cooperative program planning and teaching for the teacher-librarians. (5) It needs a system that a teacher-librarian can know about student's assignments so that he can prepare reference books for them. (6) The school library can be able to offer excellent service like cooperative program planning and teaching to the teachers and students according to a teacher-librarian's enthusiasm.

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Evaluation of Program Effectiveness via Path Analysis : Focused on Plant Engineering Program (경로분석을 이용한 사업의 효과성 분석 : 플랜트엔지니어링사업을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Heung-Kyu
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.104-110
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    • 2017
  • When evaluating effectiveness of a R&D program, there is a tendency to simply compare the performances of the beneficiaries before and after the program or to compare the differences in the performances of the beneficiaries and the non-beneficiaries before-after the program. However, these ways of evaluating effectiveness of a program have some problems because they can not differentiate between complement effect, which facilitates corporate R&D investment, and substitute effect, which, literally, substitutes corporate R&D investment. Therefore, these problems could bring about wrong policies concerning R&D programs. In this paper, a new approach using path analysis is suggested as a means to overcome these problems and it is utilized, as an application, to evaluate the effectiveness of Plant Engineering Program conducted by Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy, Korea. First, the direct impact of government R&D investment on corporate R&D investment is analyzed, through which it is identified which of crowding-in effect (complement effect) and crowding-out effect (substitute effect) is dominant. Next, the direct effect of government R&D investment on corporate performance and the direct effect of corporate R&D investment on corporate performance is analyzed respectively. Finally, by combining the two previous analysis, the total effect of government R&D investment on corporate performance is identified. As a result, it turns out that, in Plant Engineering Program, crowding-in effect is more dominant than crowding-out effect and that Plant Engineering Program has definitely positive effect on the beneficiary in terms of corporate performance indirectly and directly.

School-based Obesity Prevention and Management Programs as Perceived and Experienced by Elementary School Health Teachers (초등보건교사의 학교기반 아동비만 예방관리사업에 대한 인식과 경험)

  • Choo, Jina;Yang, Hwa-Mi;Kim, Hye-Jin;Oh, Sang Woo;Kim, Suyeon;Jeong, Miyoung;Park, Mi Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.158-168
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: Elementary schools are regarded as the best community setting for implementing obesity prevention programs and health teachers (HTs) are the main health professionals who can provide obesity prevention services. However, there is insufficient information on the actual conditions of school-based obesity prevention/ management programs in Korean elementary schools. The purpose of the study was to investigate the actual conditions of school-based obesity prevention/management programs, perceived and experienced by elementary school HTs, which may provide basic data for developing effective and sustainable programs for early childhood. We investigated (1) HTs' ratings on the program's importance, the confidence in the program's implementation, and the factors associated with the program's success (2), the correlates of the importance and confidence levels (3), the program's effectiveness and the factors associated with its sustainability, which were evaluated by HTs, and (4) the correlates of the effectiveness levels. Methods: The participants, 147 HTs working for elementary schools in Seoul were asked to fill out self-administrated questionnaires through mail. Results: The participants' rate on the program's importance was 7.1 on average (0~10 scale) and that on the confidence in the program's implementation was 6.2 (0~10 scale). Moreover, > 25% of the participants reported student and parent participation as a factor associated with the program's success. Of the total participants, 45.6% reported they had actually experienced the program, giving 4.8 points (0~10 scale), on average, in the evaluation of the program's effectiveness and > 22.0% of the participants regarded student and parent participation as a factor associated with the program's sustainability. The HTs' confidence in the program's implementation was a strong correlate of the effectiveness evaluated by HTs. Conclusion: School-based obesity prevention/management programs tend to be highly prioritized by HTs in elementary schools. To implement an effective obesity program in elementary schools, educational support for HTs is needed in order to enhance their confidence levels on the program's implementation.

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Mediating Effects of Self-esteem and Ego-resiliency on the Relationship between Social Stigma and Depression in Out-of-school Adolescents (학교 밖 청소년들의 사회적 낙인감과 우울의 관계에서 자아존중감과 자아탄력성의 매개효과)

  • Park, Ju Young;Woo, Chung Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.97-105
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: The study was done to identify the mediating effect of self-esteem and ego-resiliency on the relationship between social stigma and depression in out-of-school adolescents. Methods: The participants were 318 out-of-school adolescents, with data taken from the 5th out-of-school youth panel survey (2017). The data were analyzed using hierarchical multiple linear regression with the IBM SPSS statistics 24.0 program. In addition, bootstrapping was used to verify the mediating effects. Results: Stigma was positively correlated with depression and self-esteem and ego-resiliency were negatively correlated with depression respectively. Also, self-esteem and ego-resiliency had a partial mediating effect on the relationship between social stigma and depression. Conclusion: The findings indicate that self-esteem and ego-resiliency are important factors related to depression in out-of-school adolescents. It is also expected that self-esteem and ego-resiliency can further decrease depression in out-of-school adolescents.

Effects of vision care program for elementary school children (시력증진 프로그램이 초등학생의 시력에 미치는 효과)

  • 이정렬;유일영;이은숙
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.137-148
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    • 1999
  • The necessity of school health promoting projects is well known to many researchers, however, there is a lack of research on the development of strategies for school health programs and the evaluation of the effectiveness of the programs. The results of our previous study in 1996 identified poor eyesight as one of the several health problems among elementary school children in urban areas. The main objective of this study is to develop, implement, and evaluate vision care for elementary school children. The research method utilized a quasi experimental design using non-equivalent group, pre-post comparison. The sample consisted of all second grade children in two elementary schools in Kyung-giProvince. In order to prevent a contamination effect of the vision care program, one school was selected as a control and the other school was selected as a treatment group. The experimental school had 467 children and the control school had 402 children. The visual acuity of children in both group was measured and a survey questionnaire was sent out to parents on the knowledge, attitude, and behavior related to vision care before the program was implemented. The children of the experimental school received the following programs; separate education on proper nutrition and care of eyesight for children and parents, daily eye exercises using video tape, and an essay and poster contest on healthy eyesight. The eye exercise program lasted from March, 1997 to November, 1997. On November, 1997, visual acuity was measured again from children in both schools. The data was analyzed by using SAS statistical package. The results indicate that the children in the experimental group had significantly (p〈0.001) better eyesight than the children in the control group. Also, some of the behavior highly related to the poor eyesight are poor maternal eyesight and watching TV from a short distance. In conclusion, one of the significance of this project is that the vision care program was developed after the need assessment. It will be encouraged in the future that more school health program should be developed after a need assessment. Also, inclusion of family members was important in health promoting projects within a school setting since healthy behavior needs to be reinforced at horne as well as at school.

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An Effect of Inquiry Activity-based Environmental Education Class on Elementary School Students' Environmental Attitudes - Focusing on the Intelligent Life of the Second Grade - (기초 탐구 활동 중심 환경 수업이 초등학생들의 환경적 태도에 미치는 효과 - 초등학교 2학년 슬기로운 생활을 중심으로 -)

  • Cho, Won-Sil;Kim, Yong-Guen
    • Hwankyungkyoyuk
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.83-96
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    • 2009
  • This article extracted feasible elements for an environmental education program from the 'Intelligent Life', an integrated subject of the 7th elementary school curriculum, and designed a program for second graders in the elementary school and applied it to them in order to examine how the students' environmental altitudes changed. In the controlled class, the instruction followed the lessons specified in the 7th national curriculum faithfully while for the experimental class 1, only the inquiry activity-based environmental education program was applied. Moreover, in experimental class 2, the inquiry activity-based environmental education program was implemented and wrap-up activity was performed as well with the products. To verify the program, questionnaires on the change of environmental altitudes were distributed and analyzed total three times in the pretest, posttest 1(right after the program), and posttest 2(30 days after the program). T-test was carried out with the SPSS 12 program to verify the effect of the applied program. To make up for the quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis was also conducted. The followings show the results gained after the program was implemented. First, This program showed a significant difference(p<.05) in the students' formation of environmental altitudes. Second, it was verified that the inquiry activity-based environmental education class that reorganized the second grade elementary students' 'Intelligent Life' subject had a more positive effect in the cultivation of environmental altitude than the class that followed the present curriculum as it was. It will be necessary to perform follow-up researches on the relativity between curricula for kindergarteners and lower grade elementary school students.

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A study on the Vision-related Knowledge and Behaviors of the 1st and 2nd graders of Primary School and their Parents in a City (일 초등학교 1·2학년 아동과 학부모의 시력관련 지식 및 행태에 관한 조사)

  • Kim, Seol-Yi;Kang, Hae-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.141-150
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the visual acuity and the degree of vision-related knowledge and behaviors of the 1st and 2nd graders of primary school and their parents in a city. The research design was a descriptive study and the subjects were 579 pupils and their parents in Namwon City, Chonbuk province. Children's vision screening was conducted with Han's test by author, school nurse according to the guidelines. The data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, S.D., t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficient, $x^2$-test with SAS program. Subnormal visual acuity group (SVAG) in children was 17.3%, and was higher in girls and in the 2nd graders, but there were no significant differences statistically. The mean score of the vision-related knowledge in children was 6.8 points out of 10 points and that of vision-related behaviors was 23.5 points out of 33 points. The mean scores of the vision-related knowledge were significantly higher in 2nd graders (p= .02), in girls (p= .02) and SVAG (p= .01) and the group of high scores in vision-related knowledge presented significantly high scores in vision-related behaviors (p= .001). The mean score of the vision-related knowledge in parents was 6.4 points out of 10 points and that of vision-related behaviors was 28.4 points out of 33 points. The group with high scores of vision-related knowledge in parents presented significantly high scores in vision-related behaviors (p= .003). As SVAG were higher in 2nd graders and the group of high scores of vision-related knowledge showed also high scores in vision-related behaviors in both children and their parents, From the above results, the author suggests a school-based visual health program for them.

A Study on the Influence of School Lunch Program on the Cariogenic Snack Food Intake of School Chilldren (학교급식이 아동의 우식성 간식품 취급에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Shim, Sang Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.91-103
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    • 1992
  • The objective of school lunch program is make a student to understand the basic knowledge on the diet through improved food patterns. Diet is an important factor in the development of dental caries. Generally, snack foods contain much sugar and cause dental caries to children. The diet education in the school lunch program should involve the control of snack food intake. In this study, the anlysis of influence of school lunch program on the cariogenic snack food intake of school children was carried out. The questionarie was given to 1,441 sixth-grade children of 5 school lunch group and 1,443 sixth-grade children of 5 non-school lunch group in Pusan on the intake of snack foods and toothbrushing after meals. Its were as follows : 1. No differences were observed snack food intake per day between school lunch group and non-school lunch group. 2. The snack food intake frequency at home in school lunch group was more frequent than that of non-school lunch group. However, in school, the result was reverse. 3. No difference was observed the frequency between school lunch group on the intake of cariogenic, foods, detergent foods, protective foods, cariogenic foods alone and cariogenic and detergent foods between meals. 4. The frequency of toothbrushing per day and the ratio of toothbrushing after meals in school lunch group was a little higher than that of non-school lunch group. 5. No difference was observed on the ratio of toothbrushing after snack food intake between school lunch group and non-school lunch group. 6. The influence of school lunch program on the cariogenic food intake in school children was little significant for its goodness. 7. The improvement of education on snack food take and toothbrushing after meals to shool children was recommended.

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A Nutrition Education Program for the Children of Obese or Unbalanced Dietary Habits (편식아 및 비만아의 영양교육 효과)

  • 임숙자
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.279-286
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    • 1990
  • A nutrition education program has been designed for the children of obese or unbalanced dietary habits. A total of 120 children(60-obese and 60-unbalanced dietary habits) who were in 5th-6th grade was chosen for the program and the effectiveness of the nutrition education was evaluated. The nutrition education program was organized into daily lessons(3 wks). A booklet was made for the education and used during the education period, dealing with 5-Basic Food Groups and their functions, excess or deficiency in a human body, food exchange list, importance of health, obesity, unbalance dietary habits and of school lunch program were emphasized in every day session. dietary recall records were collected to assess their daily food intake and the amounts of meals were discussed. During the education period, booklets, wall charts, photographs, food models, VTR films and slide films were utilized. Assessment of effects of the nutrition education program was carried out by a nutrition knowledge test, food habit records, anthropometric measurements and food preference test. The nutrition knowledge scores were significantly improved after the education and the scores were higher on the children in the school with school lunch program. The anthropometric measurements and food preference test revealed no significant influences of the education on the children, showing that the education period was too short to change their eating behavior any may need a long-term education program. Food habit scores were improved after the education in both experimental and control groups. The experimental groups showed higher scores than the control group.

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