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Studies on Factors affecting on Reproductive traits of the Pig Farms managed by EDP System (전산관리 양돈농가의 번식성적에 미치는 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, H.S.;Kim, B.W.;Kim, H.C.;Lee, K.W.;Ha, J.K.;Jeon, J.T.;Lee, J.G.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.917-922
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    • 2003
  • This study was conducted to investigate effects of farm, type of sow Landrace×Yorkshire, LY; Yorkshire× Landrace, YL; Yorkshire×Yorkshire, YY and multi-cross bred sow, MBS), parity, farrowing year, farrowing season and mating method on reproductive traits such as total number born per litter, number of born alive per litter, number of weaned per litter, number of mummified per litter, number of stillbirth. The Reproductive Records of 3,387 litters from January, 1999 to September, 2002 were obtained from four pig farms managed by Electronic Data Processing(EDP) system. Reproductive performances for two types of F1 Sows(YL and LY) were estimated as 11.34±0.266 and 11.57±0.263 heads for total number of born per litter, 10.56±0.216 and 11.81±0.251 heads for number of born alive per litter, and 10.05±0.131 and 9.96±0.153 heads for number of weaned per litter, respectively. These records are significantly higher(P〈0.05) than those of YY and MBS. However, number of mummified per litter, number of stillborn per litter, number of dead by diarrhea per litter, number of dead by other reasons during lactating period per litter and estrus interval did not show significant difference between types of sows. There were more total number of born per litter and number of weaned per litter in year 2001 than other year. As year passed, number of dead by crush per litter, number of dead by diarrhea per litter and number of dead by other reasons during lactating period per litter reduced from 0.18±0.023 to 0.07±0.022 head, 0.12±0.21 to 0.02±0.020 head and 0.43±0.041 to 0.22±0.040 head, respectively and weaning rate increased from 0.94±0.005% to 0.97±0.005%. The total number of born per litter and number of born alive per litter were higher(P〈0.05) in the case of mating twice than mating once. The number of weaned per litter, number of mummified per litter and number of stillborn per litter were not significant(P〈0.05) between mating methods. Estrus interval was shorter on the occasion of twice artificial insemination(5.24±0.153days) than twice natural mating(6.51±0.466days).

Quality Characteristics of Seoktanju Fermented by using Different Commercial Nuruks (시판누룩 사용 별 석탄주의 품질특성)

  • Choi, Ji-Ho;Jeon, Jin-A;Jung, Seok-Tae;Park, Ji-Hye;Park, Shin-Young;Lee, Choong-Hwan;Kim, Tack-Joong;Choi, Han-Seok;Yeo, Soo-Hwan
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.56-62
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    • 2011
  • We investigated quality characteristics of Seoktanju (one of the Korean traditional rice wine) which was fermented using five kinds of Korean commercial Nuruks. The purpose of this study was to research what effects on the quality of Seoktanju by using different Nuruks. We analyzed general component such as each mash's temperature change patterns, pH, titrable acidities, reducing sugar contents, volatile acids, and sugar contents during fermentation periods and studied sensory evaluation of produced Seoktanju (10 days). On the whole, temperature change patterns in the each mashes were depend on room temperature. All Seoktanju's pH was reduced rapidly up to three days after first mashing (pH 3.13-3.57) and after that was increased gradually. The end of fermentation pH was pH 3.6-4.05. Mostly, acidities were indicated high(0.59%) and Nuruk-B was showed highest acid value. These results seems to be different as occasion organic acids producing activity depend on the number of yeast, material contents, optimal temperature in the each mashes by fungi and lactic acid bacteria in Nuruks. In reducing sugar contents and sugar contents, Nuruk-C treatment were showed the highest value with 5.36%, 23brix, respectively and alcohol content was lowest with 8.6%. In the five kinds of reproduced Seoktanju, alcohol content was the highest in the treated Nuruk-A group. Volatile acid value was the highest with 132.6~263.7 ppm at the 3 day after first mashing day but as the fermentation time goes on, it was reduced sharply by 5.25~5.94 ppm. Sensory evaluation was performed with 5 point scale, the Seoktanju using Nuruk-D was presented by 4 point, while Nuruk-A was presented lowest by 2.77 point on overall acceptability.

The Change of the Fracture Risk by a Fracture Risk Factor in the FRAX Tool (FRAX Tool에서 골절위험인자에 따른 골절위험도의 변화)

  • Song, Hyeon-Seok;Lee, Hyo-Yeong;Yun, Jong-Jun;Lee, Hwa-Jin;Lee, Moo-Seok;Park, Sae-Yoon;Jeong, Ji-Wook
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.132-136
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: WHO(world health organization) announced the FRAX Tool(fracture risk assessment) of new software in the beginning of 2008. FRAX Tool was considered various risk factor, being different from existing fracture risk. In this study, we wanted to know the fracture risk of following the changing of the risk factor of fracture. Materials and Methods: A total of 50 women aged 50~60 were studied. We measured BMD at the part of femur neck which was based on the age, weight, height of individual with GE, Lunar-prodigy. The control group is fracture risk without considering fracture risk factor. The experimental group is previous fracture, parent fracture, current smoking, glucocorticoid, rheumatoid arthritis, secondary osteoporosis, alcohol. if each items makes one 'existence', others are all 'nothing'. and the results produced major osteoporotic region and hip fracture risk in 10-years. Statistics used t-test of SPSS 12.0. Results: The average rate of increment of major osteoporotic region between control group and experimental group, previous fracture-74% increase, parent fracture-96% increase, current smoking-2% increase, glucocorticoid-61% increase, rheumatoid arthritis-29% increase, alcohol-20% increase, secondary osteoporosis-0.18% decrease. The average rate of increment of hip region between control group and experimental group, previous fracture-84% increase, parent fracture-5% increase, current smoking-72% increase, glucocorticoid-84% increase, rheumatoid arthritis-40% increase, alcohol-52% increase, secondary osteoporosis-1.69% decrease. Conclusions: Each fracture risk factor has different rate of increment between major osteoporotic and hip region while in occasion of the second osteoporosis it has little relation because of low P-value. We could know that a contribution of the risk factor is different between major osteoporotic and hip region.

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Clinical Study on Prenatal care, and Dietary Intakes for Pregnant Women and new Mothers (임산부의 산전관리와 산욕기 영양실태에 관한 연구)

  • Chia, Soon-Hyang;Park, Chai-Soon
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.36-46
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    • 1976
  • This study was projected to provide basic data on prenatal care for future direction in maternity and child care, and also to investigate the diet of women during pregnancy and the period directly afterwards in order to offer to mothers appropriate advice for the improvement of nutritional standards. A clinical study on prenatal care was based on 1054 delivery cases. A nutritional survey was performed on 174 mothers admitted to the department of obstetrics at St. Mary's Hospital during the period of March, 1975 to February, 1976. The results obtained are summarized as follows; I. Clinical study on prenatal care 1) The age distribution showed 59.4% of the mothers were between the ages of 25 to 29 years old. 2) The gestational period was highest between the 37th and 40th gestational weeks. 33.7% of the mothers were primigravidae and 31.8% of them primiparae. 3) 41.3% of the mothers had not received prenatal care or had only received it once before. 4) Induced deliveries were 61.8% and spontantaneous deliveries 38.2%. 61.9% of the mothers had received prenatal care, while those without prenatal care accounted for 61.6% of the total induced deliveries. 5) Low birth weights were 7.7% and 5.0% of the mothers had received prenatal care, while 11.5% had no prenatal care. 6) There were 1.13% of still births, 0.32% of the mothers had prenatal care and the remainder did not have prenatal care. 7) Of those receiving prenatal care, 2.1% showed in the 03 Apgar score group, 6.3% in the 46 Apgar score group, and 91.6% in the 710 Apgar score group. Among the non-prenatally cared for group 5.0% of the newborns were in the 03 Apgar score group, 9.7% were in 46 Apgar score group and 85.3% were in the 710 Apgar score group. 8) Obstetrical complications were developed in 11.86% of the pregnant women when they were hospitalized. Among the group receiving the prenatal care 8.1% of the mothers had obstetrical complications. In the group without prenatal care 17.16% of the mothers had obstetrical complications. The most common obstetrical complication was malpresentation. 9) The first prenatal care was received between the 37th and 40th gestationl weeks. II. Food intake during pregnancy The following are the results from the questionnaires of the mothers concerning diets during pregnancy; 1) Main meals and snacks In 32.2% of the cases, their main meals during the diet amounted to more than was usually eaten at other times. In 67.8% of the cases, their main meals during the diet were the same as that usually eaten. In 22.4% of the cases, snacks during the diet amounted to more than usually eaten at other times. In 77.6% of the cases, snacks during the diet were the same as usually eaten. 2) Itemized list The mothers made a special effort to include certain items in their diets, the following is a breakdown of those items; a. egg, meat, fish 33.3% b. fruit, vegetables 32.2%. c. milk, fruit juice 18.4% d. cake, bread 2.9% e. nothing special 13.2% 3) Milk 44.8% of the mothers had at least one cup of milk everyday. 33.4% of the mothers had at least one cup of milk on occasion. 15.5% of the mothers did not have any milk. 4) Vitamins 39.7% of the mothers had vitamins everyday. 24.7% of the mothers had vitamins occasionally. 35.6% of the mothers did not have any vitamins. 5) Anemic symptoms 9.2% of the mothers very often had anemic symptoms during pregnancy. 39.1% of the mothers often had anemic symptoms during pregnancy. 51.7% of the mothers did not have anemic symptoms at all. 6) Taboos on food 23% of the mothers recognized 'taboos' on food during pregnancy 27% of the mothers displayed on uncertainty about the 'taboos' on food during pregnancy 50% of the mothers displayed indifference toward the taboos. III. Nutritional survey on the new mothers diet. 1) The diets for new mothers can be divided into four categories, such as general diet, low sodium diet, soft diet and liquid diet. 2) Cooked rice and seaweed soup were the main foods for the new mothers as has been the traditional diet for Korean mothers. 3) The average diet contained 1,783g. And the average consumption of the basic food groups per capita per day was 1,265g for cereals and grains, 456g for meats and legumes, 58g for fruits and vegetables, 0g for milk and fish and 4g for fats and oils. 4) In addition to the 1,783g of food in the main diet there was also 142.8g of food taken as snacks. 5) The average daily consumption of calories and nutrients was 2,697 Kcal and 123.4g for proteins, 44.9g for fats, 718.2mg for calcium, 14mg for iron, 2,101.4 I.U. for vitamin A, 0.43mg for thiamine, 1.02mg for riboflavin, 15.88mg for niacin, 5.26mg for ascorbic acid. When these figures are compared with the recommended allowances for new mothers in Korea, the calories and nutrients taken in were satisfactory. But the intake of minerals and vitamins was below the recommended allowance.

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Documents of Air Carriage (항공운송증권(航空運送證卷))

  • Choi, June-sun
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.7
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    • pp.101-134
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    • 1995
  • Article 3 Paragraph 1 of the Warsaw Convention regulates the requirements of passenger tickets, Article 4 Paragraph 3, the requirements of baggage tickets, Article 8, the requirements of airway bills. In this article the writer has discussed the legal nature of the documents of air carriage, such as air waybills, passenger tickets and baggage checks. Further, the writer has also discussed several issues relating to the use of the documents of air carriage under the Warsaw Convention. Article 3 Paragraph 2, as well as Article 4 Paragraph 4 and 9 provides that the carrier shall not be entitled to avail himself of the provisions of the Convention which evade or limit his liability. In particular, the Montreal Agreement of 1966 provides that the notification on the carrier's liability in passenger ticket should be printed in more than 10 point type size with contrasting ink colors. However, another question is whether the carrier shall not be entitled to avail himself of the liability limit under the Convention in case the type size is below 10 points. The Convention does not specify the type size of certain parts in passenger tickets and only provides that the carrier shall not be entitled to avail himself of liability limit, when a carrier fails to deliver the ticket to passenger. However, since the delivery of passenger tickets is to provide an opportunity for passengers to recognize the liability limit under the Convention and to map out a subsequent measures, the carrier who fails to give this opportunity shall not be entitled to avail himself of the liability limit under the Convention. But some decisions argue that when the notice on the carrier's liability limit is presented in a fine print in a hardly noticeable place, the carrier shall not be entitled to avail himself under the Convention. Meanwhile, most decisions declare that regardless of the type size, the carrier is entitled to avail himself of liability limit of the provisions of the Convention. The reason is that neither the Warsaw Convention nor the Montreal Agreement stipulate that the carrier is deprived from the right to avail himself of liability limit of the provisions of the Convention when violating the notice requirement. In particular, the main objective of the Montreal Agreement is not on the notice of liability limit but on the increase of it. The latest decisons also maintain the same view. This issue seems to have beeen settled on the occasion of Elisa Chan, et al. vs. Korean Airlines Ltd. The U.S. Supreme Court held that the type size of passenger ticket can not be a target of controversy since it is not required by law, after a cautious interpretation of the Warsaw Convention and the Montreal Agreement highlighting the fact that no grounds for that are found both in the Warsaw Convention and the Montreal Agreement. Now the issue of type size can hardly become any grounds for the carrier not to exclude himself from the liability limit. In this regard, any challenge to raise issue on type size seems to be defeated. The same issue can be raised in both airway bills and baggage tickets. But this argument can be raised only to the tranportation where the original Convention is applied. This creates no problem under the Convention revised by the Hague Protocol, because the Hague Protocol does not require any information on weight, bulk, size, and number of cargo or baggage. The problem here is whether the carrier is entitled to avail himself of the liability limit of the provisions of the Convention when no information on number or weight of the consigned packages is available in accordance with Article 4 of the Convention. Currently the majority of decisions show positive stance on this. The carrier is entitled to avail himself of the liability limit of the provisions of the Convention when the requirement of information on number and weight of consigned packages is skipped, because these requirements are too technical and insubstancial. However some decisions declare just the opposite. They hold that the provisions of the Convention Article 4 is clear, and their meaning and effect should be imposed on it literally and that it is neither unjust nor too technical for a carrier to meet the minimum requirement prescribed in the Convention. Up to now, no decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court on this issue is available.

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Effect a Presentation Product has on the Repurchase Action (증정상품이 소비자의 재구매행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Yun, Gi-Seon;Kim, Hong
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.193-224
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    • 2006
  • When we look into the market economy of our country recently, we learn that the mind of consumption after IMF crisis is very shrunk and the market is led into a serious slump of consumption. For an approach to survive the contraction of the market and the market competition, enterprises command a variety of sales promotion strategy, out of which presentation is a sales promotion strategy to give the same product. The price-discounted strategy through the provision of donation commodity may induce the temporarily-discounted commodity not to be sold to the consumers or make a damage of the images of the brand, or arouse the price war against other companies, or lower the sense of the quality of the commodity. Therefore, it is necessary for a company to meet the end users' demand and also maintain the evaluation of the quality on the consumers' products highly. Therefore, in this study, we have attempted to study and analyze the consumers' satisfaction level and reliability on the donation goods in order to suggest the orientation of the presentation promotion strategy in accordance with the changes of the sales market. In addition, we tried to understand how the recognition, consumers' satisfaction level and reliability on the presentation goods had on the repurchase. With such objectives in this study, we could make an analogy of the following significance and suggestion of study. Firstly, in order to survive a serious competition market, enterprises must execute the product presentation along with diverse events instead of commanding the sales promotion strategy through a simple product presentation. This strategy can be an alternative to lower the danger a person-to-person product presentation may bring about. That is to say, we shall not lower the quality and value of the products but enhance a new image to customers through a product donation occasion together with an event as a new marketing pioneering method. Secondly, during the period of the current economic depression, if a company provides the consumers with an opportunity free of charge through the present special event period and the practical events, it will affect the advertising effect of the goods, the introduction of the customers and customers' repurchase. For this purpose, the company has to heighten customers' preferences by selecting the items customers are liable to prefer and closely analyze the consumers' response and market for such an objective. Thirdly, with the internet age, as the market has a tendency to increase In the number of consumers who do shopping in the internet, the marketing strategy has to build up the strategy of the presentation product instead of a simple offline strategy. For example, a company shall have to draw attention or attraction from end users who intend to do shopping through the online by a product planning expo or a presentation product corner. Fourthly, the excessive sale promotion strategy of presentation products may bring about even a reverse effect on the value of the goods or consumers' attitude as seen above. Therefore, a company has to relay' the value as to the price' to the consumers instead of the sales promotion strategy of donation products just for a temporary sales volume. Conclusively, even if we put the value with a reasonable price through the presentation product strategy in the past, we shall have construct the strategy by providing some plus factors in the price such as the provision of the upgraded products or services instead of just presentation, or the invitation of the events related to diverse events or culture arts from now on.

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The Establishment of Principal Themes of Basic Completion Subject in Common Social Studies(Geography) and Geography as an Indication Subject for Examination of the Teacher's Qualification (교원자격검정 표시과목 공통사회(지리) 및 지리의 기본이수과목별 주요주제 설정)

  • Choi, Won-Hoe;Seo, Tae-Yeol;Kwon, Jung-Hwa;Park, Cheol-Woong;Park, Sun-Mee
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.648-665
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    • 2007
  • The present curricula of department of common social studies education and department of geography education have the problem including only the basic completion subjects, and not including their principal themes. This unestablished state of principal themes in the basic completion subjects has given rise to the absent state of standard curriculum in department of common social studies education and department of geography education, and that finally has aroused many obstacles in the problem-setting and the examination-applying of middle and high school teacher appointment examination. Accordingly, this study established the principal themes of 21 basic completion subjects in common social studies and geography. The principal themes of 21 basic completion subjects in common social studies and geography will be form the base of establishing the content element of standard curriculum in department of common social studies education and department of geography education and the assessment element of middle and high school teacher appointment examination in common social studies and geography as an indication subject for examination of the teacher's qualification. Especially, considering the curriculum modification of college of education and the system change of middle and high school teacher appointment examination due to be propulsed simultaneously by Ministry of Education to the year of 2009, the establishment of principal themes in the basic completion subjects and the making of standard curriculum are very pertinent to the occasion. Because the principal themes of 21 basic completion subjects established in this study are made for some 50 days driven by the stress of circumstances, those have to be studied again. Also, because the construction of basic completion subjects includes many problems, that has to be revised.

A Study on the Governance of U.S. Global Positioning System (미국 글로벌위성항법시스템(GPS)의 거버넌스에 관한 연구 - 한국형위성항법시스템 거버넌스를 위한 제언 -)

  • Jung, Yung-Jin
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.127-150
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    • 2020
  • A Basic Plan for the Promotion of Space Development (hereinafter referred to as "basic plan"), which prescribes mid- and long-term policy objectives and basic direction-setting on space development every five years, is one of the matters to be deliberated by the National Space Committee. Confirmed February 2018 by the Committee, the 3rd Basic Plan has a unique matter, compared to the 2nd Basic Plan. It is to construct "Korean Positioning System(KPS)". Almost every country in the world including Korea has been relying on GPS. On the occasion of the shooting down of a Korean Air flight 007 by Soviet Russia, GPS Standard Positioning Service has been open to the world. Due to technical errors of GPS or conflict of interests between countries in international relations, however, the above Service can be interrupted at any time. Such cessation might bring extensive damage to the social, economic and security domains of every country. This is why some countries has been constructing an independent global or regional satellite navigation system: EU(Galileo), Russia(Glonass), India(NaVic), Japan(QZSS), and China(Beidou). So does South Korea. Once KPS is built, it is expected to make use of the system in various areas such as transportation, aviation, disaster, construction, defense, ocean, distribution, telecommunication, etc. For this, a pan-governmental governance is needed to be established. And this governance must be based on the law. Korea is richly experienced in developing and operating individually satellite itself, but it has little experience in the simultaneous development and operation of the satellites, ground, and users systems, such as KPS. Therefore we need to review overseas cases, in order to minimize trial and error. U.S. GPS is a classic example.

Study of the Korean Americans Housewives' Knowledge of Korean Festival Foods (재미 한인 주부들의 한국 명절음식에 대한 인식)

  • 심영자;김정선
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.148-158
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    • 1998
  • This study was to investigate the knowledge of Korean festival foods and the acculturation of American main traditional occasions among Korean American housewives residing in the New York and New Jersey area. Out of 400 questionnaires, the 271 respondents were taken. Of the respondents, 77.1% demonstrated the interest in Korean festival foods. The most important Korean festivals were Chusuk (52.0%), Sulnal(46.9%) and Daeborum (1.1%). In order to make the Korean festival foods to be international foods, the most vital factor was taste and flavor (39.5%), cooking method (34.7%), preservation (10.3%), sanitation (8.1%) and nutrition (7.4%). American Thanksgiving Day was the most important occasion among the Korean American housewives. The factors that keep the American traditional occasions were related to whether the respondents had an occupation or the length of stay in the U.S.A. But in case of Korean festival foods, the factors cannot be applied. On the contrary, they do still keep the tradition and the interest of Korean festival foods in U.S.A. As a result of that, the Korean festival foods in the U.S.A. are systemized for the preservation and popularization for the coming Korean generation.

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Literary Investigation and Traditional Food Cooking Methods for the Development of a Breakfast Food Substitutefood I (Analysis of Mieum, Misu, and Goeum During 1400s1945s) (아침대체 편의식 개발을 위한 전통음식의 조리방법과 문헌고찰 I(1400년대1945년대 고 조리서 속 미음과 미수, 고음류 분석))

  • Bok, Hye-Ja
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.987-1002
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    • 2007
  • This study examined Tthe cooking methods foroftraditional foods called such as Mieum, Misu, and Goeum from the from investigation of old cook books and ancient literatureis as follows. There We found were 7 types of Mieum that were cooked by mixing rice and cereals, while 3 types of Mieum were cooked by mixing cereals and herbal medicines to with thenuts. The Mieums that were cooked by mixing meat, fish, and shellfish, etc. to the herbal medicine ingredients like such as medical plants, etc were consisted of 8 types. Therefore, a total of 18 types of Mieum, Misu, and Goeum, etc were have been classified. Among the cooking methods of for Mieum, rice and grains were boiled for an extended longtime and filtered with a sieve to be used as the juicebroth. The Job's tears and millet, etc were mixed into water, or boiled after being made into a powder, soaked into water, and dried. The herbal medicine ingredients such as ginseng were boiled for an extended long time, and once the ingredients are were flown out cooked down, it the broth was filtered with asieve to be used the as a liquid extract. The meat, bone, and shellfish, etc were also boiled for a longn extended time, filtered with a sieve, and made into a juice broth to be used as a drinks from on occasion time to time. These drinks, called Mieum, Misu, and Goeum above, were healthy foods our ancestors used to enjoy for enjoyment drinking, and were also food for remedyies and sources of nutritionon. As Since the meal replacement foods to that replace meals that can be eaten right away while working and studying are needed, due to is required within the our busy schedules of in modern peoplesociety, thise literary investigation and the cooking methods for of Mieum, Misu, and Goeum, which that used to be are our traditional foods, can be are used as a basic research material for the development of convenient breakfast to meal replacements breakfast.