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Seasonal Variation in Species Composition of Estuarine Fauna Collected by a Stow Net in the Han River Estuary on the mid-western coast of Korea (한강 하구역 유영생물의 종조성과 계절 변동)

  • Hwang, Sun-Do;Rhow, Jin-Goo
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.72-85
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    • 2010
  • Seasonal variation in species composition of estuarine fauna in the Han River estuary was determined using monthly samples collected near Ganghwa Island by a bag net from February to December 2009. Total number of species was 86: 54 species of fishes, 16 species of shrimps of crustacean, 12 species of other crustacean such as craps and so on, 3 species of cephalopods and 1 species of jellyfish. Of a total of 86 species, Palaeman carinicauda (32.6%), Acetes japonicus (15.9%), Palaemon gravieri (9.9%), Portunus trituberculatus (7.7%) and Acetes chinensis (6.9%) were predominated in abundance. These 5 crustacean accounted for 73% of total. Abundance, biomass and diversity of Han River estuarine fauna were high in spring and autumn, indicating typical pattern of temperate area. Out of dominant species, the brackish residence species such as Coilia nasus, Chelon haematocheilus, Mugil cephalus, Synechogobius hasta, Lophiogobius ocellicauda, Tridentiger barbatus, Palaeman carinicauda, Palaemon gravieri were collected almost year-round and predominated in abundance. Coastal migratory fauna species such as Coilia mystus, Thryssa hamiltonii, Thryssa adelae, Sardinella zunasi, Engraulis japonicus, Portunus trituberculatus, Acetes japonicus, Collichthys lucidus, Pampus argenteus were most plentiful from spring through autumn. Their adult coastal migratory entered the estuary in spring and large numbers of their juveniles were grew in summer and autumn until moving out to deeper waters for over-wintering, indicating they use estuary as nursing ground. Diadromous fish such as Anguila japonica adults were collected in autumn during their downstream migration. Brackish fauna and crustacean, especially shrimps were predominant, and few contaminant indicator species collected in the Han River estuary, indicating this area maintains the characteristics of natural estuary ecosystem.

Impact of Fish Farming on Macrobenthic Polychaete Communities (해상 가두리 양식이 저서 다모류군집에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Rae-Hong;Yoon, Sang-Pil;Kwon, Jung-No;Lee, Jae-Seong;Lee, Won-Chan;Koo, Jun-Ho;Kim, Youn-Jung;Oh, Hyun-Taik;Hong, Sok-Jin;Park, Sung-Eun
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.159-169
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    • 2007
  • Excessive input of organic matters from fish cage farms to the coastal waters has been considered as one of the major factors disturbing their benthic ecosystem. Sediment samples were taken from around the two fish cage zones (A and B) in Tongyeong coast in June and August 2003, to evaluate the ecological impacts of fish cage farming activity on the macrobenthic polychaete communities. Polychaete accounted for 8187 of the total macrofauna individuals from each of the sampling stations. The number of species, abundance, diversity and dominant species of polychaete were rapidly changed with the distance from the fish cages. Within 10 m from the fish cages, Capitella capitata, which is a bio-indicator for the highly enriched sediments, was a dominant species and the lowest diversity was recorded. In particular, the maximum density (18,410ind.m2) of C. capitata was found at Farm A where fish cages were more densely established within a semi-enclosed bay system. The sampling zone between 10 m and 15 m showed a rapid decrease of C. capitata with a rapid increase of the numbers of species, implying that this zone may be an ecotone point from a highly to a slightly enriched area. In the sampling zone between 15 m and 60 m, a transitional zone, which represents slightly enriched condition before normal one, was observed with additional increase and maintenance of the number of species and density of polychaete. In addition, the potential bio-indicators of organic enrichment, such as Lumbrineris longifolia and Aphelochaeta monilaris were the predominant species in the sampling zone. Multidimensional scaling (MDS) ordination plots and k-dominance curves confirmed the above results on the gradual changes in the macrobenthic polychaete communities. Our findings suggest that the magnitude of impact of fish cage farming activity on polychaete communities is probably governed by a distance from fish cage, density of fish cage and geomorphological characteristics around fish cage farm.

A Comparative Study on Topic Modeling of LDA, Top2Vec, and BERTopic Models Using LIS Journals in WoS (LDA, Top2Vec, BERTopic 모형의 토픽모델링 비교 연구 - 국외 문헌정보학 분야를 중심으로 -)

  • Yong-Gu Lee;SeonWook Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.58 no.1
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    • pp.5-30
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to extract topics from experimental data using the topic modeling methods(LDA, Top2Vec, and BERTopic) and compare the characteristics and differences between these models. The experimental data consist of 55,442 papers published in 85 academic journals in the field of library and information science, which are indexed in the Web of Science(WoS). The experimental process was as follows: The first topic modeling results were obtained using the default parameters for each model, and the second topic modeling results were obtained by setting the same optimal number of topics for each model. In the first stage of topic modeling, LDA, Top2Vec, and BERTopic models generated significantly different numbers of topics(100, 350, and 550, respectively). Top2Vec and BERTopic models seemed to divide the topics approximately three to five times more finely than the LDA model. There were substantial differences among the models in terms of the average and standard deviation of documents per topic. The LDA model assigned many documents to a relatively small number of topics, while the BERTopic model showed the opposite trend. In the second stage of topic modeling, generating the same 25 topics for all models, the Top2Vec model tended to assign more documents on average per topic and showed small deviations between topics, resulting in even distribution of the 25 topics. When comparing the creation of similar topics between models, LDA and Top2Vec models generated 18 similar topics(72%) out of 25. This high percentage suggests that the Top2Vec model is more similar to the LDA model. For a more comprehensive comparison analysis, expert evaluation is necessary to determine whether the documents assigned to each topic in the topic modeling results are thematically accurate.

Fish Community Characteristics and Distribution Aspect of Four Endangered Species in the Byekgye Stream, Korea (벽계천의 어류군집 특성 및 멸종위기 4종의 서식양상)

  • HyeongSu Kim;Myeong-Hun Ko
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.55-66
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    • 2024
  • This study conducted a survey to investigate the characteristics of fish communities and the inhabiting status of endangered species in the Byekgye Stream, Korea from April to September 2020. A total of 3,415 fish of 9 families and 31 species were collected from 7 survey stations during the survey period. The dominant species was Zacco koreanus (relative abundance of 31.2%), and the subdominant species was Z. platypus (15.0%), followed by Pungtungia herzi (11.7%), Acheilognathus yamatsutae (5.4%), A. lanceolata intermedia (4.8%), Rhinogobius brunneus (4.4%), and Pseudopungtungia tenuicorpa (4.3%). Among the fish species collected, 19 (61.3%) were identified as Korean endemic species, and two cold-water fish species sensitive to climate change (Rhynchocypris kumgangensis and Cottus koreanus) were collected. Four species were designated as class II endangered wildlife by the Ministry of Environment: A. signifer, P. tenuicorpa, Rhodeus pseudosericeus, and C. koreanus. A. signifer and P. tenuicorpa mainly inhabited the mid to lower streams, R. pseudosericeus in the midstream, and R. pseudosericeus in the upstream. P. tenuicorpa inhabited in large numbers, and estimating the age by total length-frequency distribution in July, the total length of the 26-35 mm group was estimated as 0 years old, the 54-75 mm group as 1 year old, 82-97 mm group as 2 years old, 104-109 mm group as 3 years or older. The cluster analysis showed that the dominance index decreased from upstream to downstream, but the diversity, evenness, and richness index increased. The water quality of Byekgye Stream was evaluated as good overall since the river health (fish assessment index, FAI) using fish was evaluated as excellent (5 stations) and good (2 stations). Byekgye Stream has relatively well-preserved habitats, but conservation measures are required as habitats are disturbed by river repair work in some parts of the midstream and downstream areas where many endangered species inhabit.

CT Examinations for COVID-19: A Systematic Review of Protocols, Radiation Dose, and Numbers Needed to Diagnose and Predict (COVID-19 진단을 위한 CT 검사: 프로토콜, 방사선량에 대한 체계적 문헌고찰 및 진단을 위한 CT 검사량)

  • Jong Hyuk Lee;Hyunsook Hong;Hyungjin Kim;Chang Hyun Lee;Jin Mo Goo;Soon Ho Yoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.82 no.6
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    • pp.1505-1523
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    • 2021
  • Purpose Although chest CT has been discussed as a first-line test for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), little research has explored the implications of CT exposure in the population. To review chest CT protocols and radiation doses in COVID-19 publications and explore the number needed to diagnose (NND) and the number needed to predict (NNP) if CT is used as a first-line test. Materials and Methods We searched nine highly cited radiology journals to identify studies discussing the CT-based diagnosis of COVID-19 pneumonia. Study-level information on the CT protocol and radiation dose was collected, and the doses were compared with each national diagnostic reference level (DRL). The NND and NNP, which depends on the test positive rate (TPR), were calculated, given a CT sensitivity of 94% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 91%-96%) and specificity of 37% (95% CI: 26%-50%), and applied to the early outbreak in Wuhan, New York, and Italy. Results From 86 studies, the CT protocol and radiation dose were reported in 81 (94.2%) and 17 studies (19.8%), respectively. Low-dose chest CT was used more than twice as often as standard-dose chest CT (39.5% vs.18.6%), while the remaining studies (44.2%) did not provide relevant information. The radiation doses were lower than the national DRLs in 15 of the 17 studies (88.2%) that reported doses. The NND was 3.2 scans (95% CI: 2.2-6.0). The NNPs at TPRs of 50%, 25%, 10%, and 5% were 2.2, 3.6, 8.0, 15.5 scans, respectively. In Wuhan, 35418 (TPR, 58%; 95% CI: 27710-56755) to 44840 (TPR, 38%; 95% CI: 35161-68164) individuals were estimated to have undergone CT examinations to diagnose 17365 patients. During the early surge in New York and Italy, daily NNDs changed up to 5.4 and 10.9 times, respectively, within 10 weeks. Conclusion Low-dose CT protocols were described in less than half of COVID-19 publications, and radiation doses were frequently lacking. The number of populations involved in a first-line diagnostic CT test could vary dynamically according to daily TPR; therefore, caution is required in future planning.

A Study of Myth of King Heokgeose, the Founder of Shilla Dynasty from a Perspective of Analytical Psychology (신라 시조 혁거세왕 신화에 대한 분석심리학적 연구)

  • Sang Ick Han
    • Sim-seong Yeon-gu
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.50-87
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    • 2013
  • C. G. Jung believed that universal and basic condition of human's Unconscious comes out from Märchen or mythology. We can easily experience these universality of human nature in dreams. Therefore, It is very important to interpret mythogens that appear in myths and märchen in analytical psychology to understand these 'big dreams' which could be seen in clinical practice. As I was interested in interpreting myths in analytic psychology, I tried to find universality of archetypes in Korea's traditional folk tales and took note of the birth myth of Hyeokgeose, the founder of Shilla dynasty, while examining the chater of the Unsual in history in the Heritage of the Three Kingdoms. Shilla was founded earlier than two other countries, but it was located in the very south of the Korean Peninsula, and it was behind times in politically, militarily, and culturally compare to Goguryeo and Baekje. However, Shilla achieved unifying the Three Kingdoms and it lasted 1000 years, the longest unified history in Korean history. I tried to examine archetypes in the birth myth if there are any backgrounds that are related to finding a Shilla Kingdom. It is noted that myth of the founder of Korean Peninsula's small Kingdom Shilla has complete story from before the birth to birth, birth of spouse, growth, marriage, accession, governing, death, after death, and succession. Symbols such as numbers 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 13 and 61, various azimuthes including north, west, south, east, and central, animals like tiger, white horse, hen, dragon, phoenix, and snakes, natures like main symbol egg, rock, gourd, lightening, spring water, stream, tree, forest, mountain, iron and goddess-image like seon-do Holy Mother gradually appears in the myth. These symbols could show a meaning of human experience such as birth of Conscious, growth and development of paternal and maternal love, and story of regeneration and extinction. Moreover, It could be seen as these progress eternally continues in next generation. I have found out that a word, a sentence or stories that looks meaningless in myth revealed its true symbolical meaning. In addition, interaction between Unconscious and Conscious repeats in different forms, and expressed in layered.

Role of CopA to Regulate repABC Gene Expression on the Transcriptional Level (전사 수준에서 repABC 유전자 발현을 조절하는 CopA 단백질의 역할)

  • Sam Woong Kim;Sang Wan Gal;Won-Jae Chi;Woo Young Bang;Tae Wan Kim;In Gyu Baek;Kyu Ho Bang
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.86-93
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    • 2024
  • Since replication of plasmids must be strictly controlled, plasmids that generally perform rolling circle replication generally maintain a constant copy number by strictly controlling the replication initiator Rep at the transcriptional and translational levels. Plasmid pJB01 contains three orfs (copA, repB, repC or repABC) consisting of a single operon. From analysis of amino acid sequence, pJB01 CopA was homologous to the Cops, as a copy number control protein, of other plasmids. When compared with a CopG of pMV158, CopA seems to form the RHH (ribbon-helix-helix) known as a motif of generalized repressor of plasmids. The result of gel mobility shift assay (EMSA) revealed that the purified fusion CopA protein binds to the operator region of the repABC operon. To examine the functional role of CopA on transcriptional level, 3 point mutants were constructed in coding frame of copA such as CopA R16M, K26R and E50V. The repABC mRNA levels of CopA R16M, K26R and E50V mutants increased 1.84, 1.78 and 2.86 folds more than that of CopA wt, respectively. Furthermore, copy numbers owing to mutations in three copA genes also increased 1.86, 1.68 and 2.89 folds more than that of copA wt, respectively. These results suggest that CopA is the transcriptional repressor, and lowers the copy number of pJB01 by reducing repABC mRNA and then RepB, as a replication initiator.

Use of ChatGPT in college mathematics education (대학수학교육에서의 챗GPT 활용과 사례)

  • Sang-Gu Lee;Doyoung Park;Jae Yoon Lee;Dong Sun Lim;Jae Hwa Lee
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.63 no.2
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    • pp.123-138
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    • 2024
  • This study described the utilization of ChatGPT in teaching and students' learning processes for the course "Introductory Mathematics for Artificial Intelligence (Math4AI)" at 'S' University. We developed a customized ChatGPT and presented a learning model in which students supplement their knowledge of the topic at hand by utilizing this model. More specifically, first, students learn the concepts and questions of the course textbook by themselves. Then, for any question they are unsure of, students may submit any questions (keywords or open problem numbers from the textbook) to our own ChatGPT at to get help. Notably, we optimized ChatGPT and minimized inaccurate information by fully utilizing various types of data related to the subject, such as textbooks, labs, discussion records, and codes at In this model, when students have questions while studying the textbook by themselves, they can ask mathematical concepts, keywords, theorems, examples, and problems in natural language through the ChatGPT interface. Our customized ChatGPT then provides the relevant terms, concepts, and sample answers based on previous students' discussions and/or samples of Python or R code that have been used in the discussion. Furthermore, by providing students with real-time, optimized advice based on their level, we can provide personalized education not only for the Math4AI course, but also for any other courses in college math education. The present study, which incorporates our ChatGPT model into the teaching and learning process in the course, shows promising applicability of AI technology to other college math courses (for instance, calculus, linear algebra, discrete mathematics, engineering mathematics, and basic statistics) and in K-12 math education as well as the Lifespan Learning and Continuing Education.

Analyzing the Performance Expectations of the 2022 Revised Mathematics and Science Curriculum from a Data Visualization Competency Perspective (데이터 시각화 역량 관점에서 2022 개정 수학/과학 교육과정의 성취기준 분석)

  • Dong-Young Lee;Ae-Lyeong Park;Ju-Hee Jeong;Ju-Hyun Hwang;Youn-Kyeong Nam
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.123-136
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    • 2024
  • This study examines the performance expectations (PEs) and clarification statements of each PE in the 2022 revised national science and mathematics education standards from a data visualization competency perspective. First, the authors intensively reviewed data visualization literature to define key competencies and developed a framework comprising four main categories: collection and pre-processing skills, technical skills, thinking skills, and interaction skills. Based on the framework, the authors extracted a total of 191 mathematics and 230 science PEs from the 2022 revised science and mathematics education standards (Ministry of Education Ordinance No. 2022-33, Volumes 8 and 9) as the main data set. The analysis process consisted of three steps: first, the authors organized the data (421 PEs) by the four categories of the framework and four grade levels (3-4th, 5-6th, 7-9th, and 10th grade); second, the numbers of PEs in each grade level were standardized by the accomplishing period (1-3 years) of each PE depending on the grade level; lastly, the data set was represented by heatmaps to visualize the relationship between the four categories of visualization competency and four grade levels, and the differences between the competency categories and grade levels were quantitatively analyzed using the Mann-Whitney U test and independent sample Kruskal-Wallis tests. The analysis results revealed that in mathematics, there was no significant difference between the number of PEs by grade. However, on average, the number of PEs categorized in 'thinking skills' was significantly lower than those in the technical skills (p = .002) and interaction skills categories (p = .001). In science, it was observed that as grade level increased, PEs also increased (pairwise comparison: Grades 5-6 vs. 7-9, p = .001; Grades 5-6 vs. Grade 10, p = .029; Grades 3-4 vs. 7-9, p = .022). Particularly, the frequency of PEs in 'thinking skills' was significantly lower than in the other skills (pairwise comparison: technical skills p = .024; collection and pre-processing skills p = .012; interaction skills p = .010). Based on the results, two implications for revising national science and mathematics standards and teacher education were suggested.

Analysis of Effect on Domestic Shipping and Logistics Network due to COVID-19 Pandemic -Focusing on the Small-sized Ports of Coastal Ferry Routes in Jeollanamdo Province- (글로벌 팬데믹에 따른 국내 해운물류 네트워크 변화 분석 -전남지역 연안 여객 항로의 소규모 항만을 중심으로-)

  • Son, Yoo-Mi;Kim, Hwa-Young
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.175-186
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    • 2024
  • This study analyzes the changes in the coastal ferry transport network in South Korea due to the significant impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the domestic shipping and logistics sector. Focusing on the small-sized ports network distributed across mainland and islands that make up the coastal ferry transport network, the research employs Social Network Analysis (SNA) methods to examine the structural changes and characteristics of the network from 2018 to 2021, distinguishing between the periods before and after the COVID-19 pandemic. By utilizing centrality indices such as the degree centrality, closeness centrality, and betweenness centrality, the study assesses the changes in the influence of small-sized ports within the network before and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The scope of this study focuses on Mokpo and Wando region in the Jellanamdo province, which have the largest coastal ferry transport networks and notable passenger transport performance in South Korea. It examines the primary ports in these regions and the small-sized ports located on the islands. Analysis of the Mokpo coastal ferry transport network indicates that the number of connected islands decreased before and after the pandemic, and connectivity to other islands within the network diminished. Factors such as the decline in tourist numbers due to COVID-19, the connecting with land bridges between the mainland and islands, and subsequent closure of ferry sea routes are believed to have impacted these network changes. In the Wando region, the sharp decrease in both island residents and tourists after the pandemic led to the suspension of ferry operations, resulting in disrupted connectivity with some small-sized ports on the coastal ferry transport network. This has affected network characteristics such as concentration and average path length in the Wando region. This study aims to analyze the changes in the domestic shipping and logistics, coastal ferry, network due to the COVID-19 pandemic, providing insights to predict potential network changes caused by uncertain events in the future and contributing to the formulation of proactive policies for effective responses.