• Title/Summary/Keyword: nuclear power station

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A Safety Evaluation Study by Vibration Analysis for Shutdown Cooling Piping System (원전 정지냉각계통 배관 진동안전성 평가연구)

  • Lee, Wook-Ryun;Lee, Jun-Shin;Sohn, Soek-Man;Kim, Man-Hee;Song, Seong-Yong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.41-45
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    • 2007
  • Palo Verde Unit 1 nuclear power station which is located in Arizona, USA had been operating at reduced power levels around 25% since December 25, 2005 due to vibration in one of its shutdown cooling lines. During an outage from March 18, 2006 to July 7, 2006 the necessary work and modifications to remedy the situation were performed. It cost approximately $46million to buy electricity to replace that lost as a result of this event. Therefore in this study, the vibration of shutdown cooling lines in the same nuclear power plant in Korea as Palo Verde Unit 1 should be measured by the operating condition of power plant. And it was evaluated using the expression for allowable velocity in ASME OM-S/G-2003. From the result of this study it is evaluated whether it is safe or not. If not the countermeasure should be considered in this study.

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Indefinite sustainability of passive residual heat removal system of small modular reactor using dry air cooling tower

  • Na, Min Wook;Shin, Doyoung;Park, Jae Hyung;Lee, Jeong Ik;Kim, Sung Joong
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.52 no.5
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    • pp.964-974
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    • 2020
  • The small modular reactors (SMRs) of the integrated pressurized water reactor (IPWR) type have been widely developed owing to their enhanced safety features. The SMR-IPWR adopts passive residual heat removal system (PRHRS) to extract residual heat from the core. Because the PRHRS removes the residual heat using the latent heat of the water stored in the emergency cooldown tank, the PRHRS gradually loses its cooling capacity after the stored water is depleted. A quick restoration of the power supply is expected infeasible under station blackout accident condition, so an advanced PRHRS is needed to ensure an extended grace period. In this study, an advanced design is proposed to indirectly incorporate a dry air cooling tower to the PRHRS through an intermediate loop called indefinite PRHRS. The feasibility of the indefinite PRHRS was assessed through a long-term transient simulation using the MARS-KS code. The indefinite PRHRS is expected to remove the residual heat without depleting the stored water. The effect of the environmental temperature on the indefinite PRHRS was confirmed by parametric analysis using comparative simulations with different environmental temperatures.

Effects of Thermal Effluent from Nuclear Power Plant on Growth of Sea Squirt, Haiocynthia roretzi (원자력발전소 온배수에 따른 우렁쉥이의 성장)

  • Kim Seong Gil;Kwak Hi Sang;Kang Ju Chan
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.71-76
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    • 2002
  • To understand the effect of heated effluent from a nuclear power plant on marine organism, experimental culture of Halocynthia roretzi was carried out at heated effluent of Wolsung nuclear power plant from January to December 1996. Temperature was $11.2\~27.9^{\circ}C$ and salinity was $32.54\~34.59\%_{\circ}$ during the culture period, The Growth of H. roretzi on lower area of Bonggil-ri (St. 1) was not normal in height, breadth and weight due to heated effluent. Daily growth rate (DGR) of H. roretzi about Kampo area (St, 4) was significant other station, and St. 1 was significant from other station except St. 4, Mytilus edulis was major fouling organism (over $90\%$) that were M. edulis, Dideninum moseleyi, Styela clava in experiment culture farm. St. 1 was higher (mean 143 individual) and St. 4 was lower (mean 56 individual) appearance attached of M. edulis. Growth of H. roretzi reduced when attached number of M. eduiis was increased, because correlation between DGR and number of M. edulis was negative.

Characteristics of Particles Size and Element Distribution in the Coastal Bottom Sediments in the Vicinity of Youngkwang Nuclear Power Plant (영광 원자력발전소 주변해역 표층퇴적물의 입도와 원소분포 특성)

  • 은고요나
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.195-204
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    • 2000
  • order to investigate physical characteristics and element concentrations of sediments, coastal bottom sediments were collected at 20 stations in the vicinity of Youngkwang Nuclear Power Plant. After air drying of samples in the laboratory. article size distribution was examined by Master sizer (X-350F), radio-activity by HPGe ${\gamma}$-spectrphotometer, and element concentrations by ICP-AES and AAS. According to particle size analysis , sediments are mainly composed of silt fraction weith 23% of sand, 65% of silt and 12% of clay on average. Most sediments are derived from muddy environment that silt dominates with the characteristics of 5.3${\varsigma}$ mean particle size, poorly sorted, very fine skewed and lepto-kurtic. Only two sediments are well sorted with sandy silt owing to wind, winnowing action, tide and current andits complex reactions. Element concentrations in the coastal bottom sediments are relatively high at finer sediment and show significant relationship with grain size. Index of geoaccumulation by heavy metals at every sampling station is classified as practically unpolluted. The radioactivities of the sediments were measured for 15 isotope elements, and 2 elements of K-40 and Cs-137 were detected in most sediments. The K-40 is the natural nuclide and the artificial nuclide of Cs-137 was thought to be derived from the fallout of past nuclear weapon test. The results of correlation coefficient between grain size and radioactivity shows that the activity of Cs-137 significantly increases in finer grain.

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Implementation of a Web-based Open Architecture Monitoring System Using the Java Language (자바 언어를 이용한 개방형 구조 웹 기반 모니터링 시스템 구현)

  • 김성태;김영선;한상재;황동환
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2000.10a
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    • pp.550-550
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    • 2000
  • This paper proposed a web-based open architecture monitoring system using the Java language. The proposed system can be implemented in any platform and the status of the process can be monitored in a remote station. The proposed scheme have been applied to a steam generator level controller for a nuclear power plant. The result shows the feasibility of the proposed system.

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A Study on the Optimum of Closed ${CO}_{2}$ Gas Turbine Process for Nuclear Energy Power Plant(I) (원자력 발전소에 대한 밀폐 ${CO}_{2}$ 가스터빈 프로세스의 최적화 연구 I)

  • 이찬규;이종원
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.490-499
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    • 1989
  • These days the closed cycle gas turbine attracts considerable attention due to : (1) The possibility of directly coupling the closed cycle gas turbine with a high temperature gas cooled reactor ; (2) the economical use of dry coolers to reduce the thermal charge of the environment ; and (3) the reduction of pollution and energy consumption, by replacing the domestic hearth by a central heating and power station. In this paper, we selected the optimal cycle from the characteristic of thermodynamic cycle for the optimal design of closed CO$_{2}$ gas turbine cycle usuable in nuclear energy power plant. Also the effects of between the parameters and thermal efficiency were investigated by computer simulation. These results and design data will be added to basics in optimal designing closed CO$_{2}$ cycle gas turbine plant.

Assessment of the core-catcher in the VVER-1000 reactor containment under various severe accidents

  • Farhad Salari;Ataollah Rabiee;Farshad Faghihi
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.144-155
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    • 2023
  • The core catcher is used as a passive safety system in new generation nuclear power plants to create a space in the containment for the placing and cooling of the molten corium under various severe accidents. This research investigates the role of the core catcher in the VVER-1000 reactor containment system in mitigating the effects of core meltdown under various severe accidents within the context of the Ex-vessel Melt Retention (EVMR) strategy. Hence, a comparison study of three severe accidents is conducted, including Station Black-Out (SBO), SBO combined with the Large Break Loss of Coolant Accident (LB-LOCA), and SBO combined with the Small Break Loss of Coolant Accident (SB-LOCA). Numerical comparative simulations are performed for the aforementioned scenario with and without the EX-vessel core-catcher. The results showed that considering the EX-Vessel core catcher reduces the amount of hydrogen by about 18.2 percent in the case of SBO + LB-LOCA, and hydrogen production decreases by 12.4 percent in the case of SBO + SB-LOCA. Furthermore, in the presence of an EX-Vessel core-catcher, the production of gases such as CO and CO2 for the SBO accident is negligible. It was revealed that the greatest decrease in pressure and temperature of the containment is related to the SBO accident.

A Study on Minimum Detection Limit of Environmental Radioactivity in HPGe Detector (HPGe 검출기에서 환경방사능측정의 검출하한치에 관한 연구)

  • Jang, Eun-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.5-10
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    • 2011
  • Based on basic concept of detection limit, sample measurement time & background measurement time was considered, and MDA values according to background measurement time and sample measurement time in land samples(river soil, surface soil, drinking water, underground water, surface water, pine leaf, mugwort) analysis among environmental samples were compared. Seeing the water sample analysis result, it was shown that most of the samples were not detected, and most of the samples in land specimen analysis showed to be below the detection limit of "Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Announcement Je-2008-28-ho", but $^{137}Cs$ which is one of artificial radioactive nuclide was detected in some samples. It can be traced back to 1950s and 1960s when nuclear tests were carried out in atmosphere and catastrophic Chernobyl atomic power station accident that caused fallouts in the sky, and this is common level of detection that can be observed worldwide. Seeing the result that the $^{134}Cs$(which is a isotope of $^{137}Cs$, and it has relatively short half life) was not detected in all samples, it can be considered it doesn't affect to the operation of atomic power station.

Validation of a Model for Estimating Individual External Dose Based on Ambient Dose Equivalent and Life Patterns

  • Sato, Rina;Yoshimura, Kazuya;Sanada, Yukihisa;Sato, Tetsuro
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 2022
  • Background: After the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS) accident, a model was developed to estimate the external exposure doses for residents who were expected to return to their homes after evacuation orders were lifted. However, the model's accuracy and uncertainties in parameters used to estimate external doses have not been evaluated. Materials and Methods: The model estimates effective doses based on the integrated ambient dose equivalent (H*(10)) and life patterns, considering a dose reduction factor to estimate the indoor H*(10) and a conversion factor from H*(10) to the effective dose. Because personal dose equivalent (Hp(10)) has been reported to agree well with the effective dose after the FDNPS accident, this study validates the model's accuracy by comparing the estimated effective doses with Hp(10). The Hp(10) and life pattern data were collected for 36 adult participants who lived or worked near the FDNPS in 2019. Results and Discussion: The estimated effective doses correlated significantly with Hp(10); however, the estimated effective doses were lower than Hp(10) for indoor sites. A comparison with the measured indoor H*(10) showed that the estimated indoor H*(10) was not underestimated. However, the Hp(10) to H*(10) ratio indoors, which corresponds to the practical conversion factor from H*(10) to the effective dose, was significantly larger than the same ratio outdoors, meaning that the conversion factor of 0.6 is not appropriate for indoors due to the changes in irradiation geometry and gamma spectra. This could have led to a lower effective dose than Hp(10). Conclusion: The estimated effective doses correlated significantly with Hp(10), demonstrating the model's applicability for effective dose estimation. However, the lower value of the effective dose indoors could be because the conversion factor did not reflect the actual environment.

A new approach to quantify safety benefits of disaster robots

  • Kim, Inn Seock;Choi, Young;Jeong, Kyung Min
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.49 no.7
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    • pp.1414-1422
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    • 2017
  • Remote response technology has advanced to the extent that a robot system, if properly designed and deployed, may greatly help respond to beyond-design-basis accidents at nuclear power plants. Particularly in the aftermath of the Fukushima accident, there is increasing interest in developing disaster robots that can be deployed in lieu of a human operator to the field to perform mitigating actions in the harsh environment caused by extreme natural hazards. The nuclear robotics team of the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) is also endeavoring to construct disaster robots and, first of all, is interested in finding out to what extent safety benefits can be achieved by such a disaster robotic system. This paper discusses a new approach based on the probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) technique, which can be used to quantify safety benefits associated with disaster robots, along with a case study for seismic-induced station blackout condition. The results indicate that to avoid core damage in this special case a robot system with reliability > 0.65 is needed because otherwise core damage is inevitable. Therefore, considerable efforts are needed to improve the reliability of disaster robots, because without assurance of high reliability, remote response techniques will not be practically used.