• Title/Summary/Keyword: non-sterilized

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Effects of Electron-Beam Irradiation on Color and Organoleptic Qualities of Ginseng Powders (Electron Beam 조사가 인삼분말의 색도 및 관능적 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Mi-Gyeong;Gwon, Jung-Ho;Do, Jae-Ho
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.252-259
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    • 1998
  • Electron beam, electrically produced from an electron accelerator, was compared with gamma energy in terms of its influence on color and organoleptic qualities of ginseng powders when exposed to the energy used for their microbial decontamination. Hunter color L and b values were suitable for measuring color characteristics of ginseng powders, which were not significantly changed by the exposure to 5 to 7.5 kGy electron beam and gamma energy. Fifty percent ethanol extracts of irradiated ginseng powders at 10 key showed negligible differences from the non-irradiated control in the pattern of absorption spectra at 280∼800 am, but showed increased values in overall color difference (AE) as compared with powdered samples. Irradiation more than 10 kGy and storage at ambient temperature for 4 months caused browning of powdered samples. Irradiation at more than 10 kGy of electron beam was found a critical level to bring about appreciable changes (p<0.05) in or-ganoleptic qualities such as color and odor of sterilized samples, and red ginseng powder was more susceptible than white one to organoleptic changes by irradiation.

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Towards Conservation of Threatened Ceropegia Species Endemic to a Biodiversity Hotspot: In Vitro Microtuber Production and Proliferation, a Novel Strategy

  • Pandit, Sagar Subhash;Nair, Aneeshkumar;Naik, Dhiraj Dilip
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.79-88
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    • 2008
  • Twenty-eight of 44 Indian Ceropegia species are endemic and their survival is threatened. As a step towards conservation, we implied in vitro methods for the sustainable propagule production in C. hirsuta, C. lawii, C. maccannii, C. oculata and C. sahyadrica. Effects of explant, growth regulators, sucrose and photoperiod were studied. High frequency microtuber production was achieved with the seedling-apical buds, grown on MS medium containing 4-6 mg $1^{-1}$ BAP, 3-8% (w/v) sucrose, under continuous illumination. Each microtuber, when subcultured proliferated to form a cluster of secondary microtubers. Every primary and secondary microtuber bore at least one shoot-bud and a root primordium. Each tuber (formed with any of the significantly effective treatments) weighed more than 500 mg, enough to plant directly in non-sterilized soils. Microtubers could be produced and proliferated round the year. Proliferation could be solely attributed to in vitro procedures as these plants bear solitary tubers in vivo. Microtubers could be sprouted in vitro to prepare ready to pot plantlets. As, this novel method succeeded for all five species, though they belong to different eco-physiological backgrounds, we recommend its implementation in the conservation programs for a broader range of Ceropegia species, supported by other integrated strategies.

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The Content Analysis of Amino Acids Including GABA of Chlorella protothecoides under Mixtrophic Culture (혼합영양 배양에서 Chlorella protothecoides의 GABA를 포함한 아미노산 함량 분석)

  • Jeong, Yu Jeong;Kim, Seong Hak;Min, Hee Gyung;Kim, Sung Chun
    • Journal of Marine Bioscience and Biotechnology
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.18-25
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    • 2018
  • Chlorella is quantitatively and qualitatively high in protein with balanced essential amino acid profiles, vitamins and minerals. ${\gamma}-Aminobutyric$ acid (GABA) is broadly distributed in nature and fulfills multi-physiological functions including effect such as a health-promoting functional compound. To improve the GABA production, Chlorella protothecoides were grown through the modified mixtrophic culture medium containing 2L of sterilized bristol medium with 0.01% urea and 4.0% glucose in a 5L fermenter. The results showed that nineteen kinds of amino acid including GABA at C. protothecoides sample were analyzed using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Glutamic acid in total concentration (%) of amino acid is the most abundant amino acid (33.10%), followed by alanine (20.48%) and GABA (17.48%). Three amino acids including GABA were responsible for more than 70% total concentration in C. protothecoides sample including eight essential and nine non-essential amino acids: aspartic acid, asparagine, serine, glutamine, histidine, glycine, threonine, arginine, tyrosine, valine, methionine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine. As a result of this experiment, it is expected that Chlorella will be developed to a critical product having high value as, GABA, functional food materials.

Preservation of Takju by Pasteurization (저온살균법에 의한 탁주의 보존성 증진)

  • 배상면;김헌진;고영희;오태광
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.322-325
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    • 1990
  • During transportation and preservation of Takju, alcohol fermentation has continued to produce $C0_2$ from residual sugar and frequently spoiled owing to bacterial contaminants wich produce organic acids. The authors could preserve Takju for more than 50 days at room temperature by pasteurization without any changes of quality. For the optimal condition of pasteurization, fresh Takju was heated at various temperatures and times. D-Value of the Saccharomyces sp. which isolated from Takju collected at seoul area was 19 see at $55^{\circ}C$. Non-spore forming bacterial contaminants, most of which known to cause acid-spoilage, were decreased when heated at $55^{\circ}C$ for 5 min. The optimal pasteurization condition of Takju was at $55^{\circ}C$ for 10 min. Spore forming bacterial contaminants, considered to be EuciiLw sp., were not sterilized after pasteurized at the optimal condition. However, the spore-forming bacteria could not increase any more and also not cause increment of acidity during preservation even at room temperature for 50 days. Reducing sugar was increased during storage of Takju after pasteurization. This suggests that the residual glucoamylase in Takju is still active after pasteurizsation and keep sweet taste.

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3D-printing Bone Model for Surgical Planning of Corrective Osteotomy for Treatment of Medial Patellar Luxation in a Dog

  • Jeong, Bumsoo;Jung, Jaemin;Park, Jiyoung;Jeong, Seong Mok;Lee, Haebeom
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.385-388
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    • 2016
  • A 2-year-old, castrated male Chihuahua dog was referred for revision surgery for reluxation of the patella following surgery for medial patellar luxation (MPL) of the left stifle joint. On general inspection, the patient showed bilateral hindlimb weight-bearing lameness. On physical examination, bilateral non-reducible MPL was detected through palpation. Radiographs revealed bone deformities of both hindlimbs. Computed tomography (CT) was applied for a three-dimensional (3D) printing bone model to establish an accurate surgical plan. The bone plate was pre-contoured over the 3D-printing bone model after execution of corrective osteotomy and sterilized prior to use in surgery. Corrective osteotomy was performed through a staged, bilateral procedure. The patient showed improvement of limb function following surgery without reluxation of the patella. The use of 3D-printing bone model for accurate surgical planning of corrective osteotomy appears to be effective in increasing the accuracy of surgery. That may lead to successful surgical outcomes.

Microbial Degradation of Diazinon in Sudmerged Soil (담수토양내 미생물에 의한 Dazinon의 분해)

  • 김중호;이영하;최종우;이규승
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.139-146
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    • 1989
  • The mechanisms and metabolic products involved in the degradation of an organophosphate insecticide, diazinon, were studied in submerged paddy soil under the laboratory condition at $30^{\circ}C$. Diazinon abatement in non-sterilized soil was more rapid than indicating microbial participation in diazinon in soil. One-half of the original applications was lost in 2 days and less than 5% remained after 7 days. During the same period, dizinon applications increased tha microbial populations in accordance with the monooxygenase and esterase activities in soil. These results suggest that the microbiological factors develop in soil following diazinon application. The esterase and monooxygenase-catalyzing degradation products of diazinon were isolated and tentatively identified by mass spectrometryas 2-isopropyle-6-methyl-4-hydroxy pyrimidine, diazoxon, hydroxydiazinon, and sulfotep.

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Effect of Biogenic Amines in Makgeolli on Hangovers (저장온도를 달리한 막걸리에서 생성된 Biogenic amine이 숙취에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Hyun Sook;Kim, Soon Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.533-538
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    • 2013
  • The side effects, such as belching and headache, after Makgeolli intake are an obstacle to the development of the Makgeolli industry. The side effects of drinking Makgeolli have many causes. The possibility of BA production by incorrect storage conditions cannot be excluded. This study analyzed the BA contents produced in non-sterilized Makgeolli after 5 days storage at 4 and $20^{\circ}C$. BA was not detected in Makgeolli stored at $4^{\circ}C$, but putrescine and tyramine were detected in $20^{\circ}C$. A drinking test was performed to determine the relevance of the BA contents and hangover symptoms. The results revealed no significant difference in the taste score and symptoms score between 4 and $20^{\circ}C$ storage. Therefore, the results suggest that the presence of BA in Makgeolli produced during room temperature storage for 5 days does not induce or strengthen hangover symptoms. On the other hand, the alcohol and BA dose may be insufficient to represent the normal symptoms of a hangover.

Aging Effects on Sorption and Desorption of Atrazine in Soils (Atrazine의 토양 흡착 및 탈착에 미치는 접촉시간의 영향)

  • Park Jeong-Hun
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.26-34
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    • 2005
  • The effects of soil-chemical contact time (aging) on sorption and desorption of atrazine were studied in soil slurries because aging is an important determinant affecting on the sorption and desorption characteristics of organic contaminants in the environment. Sorption isotherm and desorption kinetic experiments were performed, and soilwater distribution coefficients and desorption rate parameters were evaluated using linear and non-linear sorption equations and a three-site desorption model, respectively. Aging time for sorption of atrazine in sterilized soil slurries ranged from 2 days to 8 months. Atrazine sorption isotherms were nearly linear $(r^2\;>\;0.97)$ and sorption coefficients were strongly correlated to soil organic carbon content. Sorption distribution coefficients $(K_d)$ increased with increasing aging in all soils studied. Sorption non-linearity did not increase with increased aging except for the Houghton muck soil. Desorption profiles were well described by the three-site desorption model. The equilibrium site fraction $(f_{eq})$ decreased and the non-desorbable site fraction $(f_{nd})$ increased as a function of aging time in all soils. In all soils studied, it was found that when normalized to soil organic matter content the concentration of atrazine in desorbable sites was comparatively constant, whereas that in non-desorbable site increased as aging increased.

Analysis of low molecular organic compounds produced during the spoilage of dairy cattle compound feed (착유우용 배합사료의 부패과정 중 발생하는 저분자 유기화합물의 분석)

  • Kim, Yong Tak;Yi, Kwon Jung;Kim, Gyeom-Heon;Kim, Dong Woon;Kim, Soo Ki;Moon, Hyung-In
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Service
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.167-174
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    • 2016
  • In this study, we analyzed for the changes of low organic compounds during 4 weeks incubation though inoculation of harmful microorganisms on commercial feed. Two percent of overnight cultures of Exiguobacterium acetylicum, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, Aspergillus flavus and Fusarium graminearum were inoculated in feed, respectively. After adjusting moisture level to 50% for the promotion of feed spoilage, pH was decreased to 4.58~5.03 and microorganism was ranged to $6{\sim}10log_{10}CFU/g$. The compounds were compare between aflatoxin G1 producing feeds and aflatoxin G1 non-producing feeds. Aflatoxins G1 were detected by the immunoaffinity column clean-up method with HPLC-FLD, and were confirmed in samples incoulated by Aspergillus flavus and Acinetobacter calcoaceticus. Koiganal II, cyclohexanol and butadien-one were detected from samples (the non-sterilized inoculated feed) by Aspergillus flavus and Acinetobacter calcoaceticus. Respectively as aflatoxin G1 pre-detected substance, Koiganal II, cyclohexanol and butadien-one may be useful substance for the pre-detection of aflatoxin G1.

Biocontrol of Anthracnose in Pepper Using Chitinase, ${\beta}$-1,3 Glucanase, and 2-Furancarboxaldehyde Produced by Streptomyces cavourensis SY224

  • Lee, So Youn;Tindwa, Hamisi;Lee, Yong Seong;Naing, Kyaw Wai;Hong, Seong Hyun;Nam, Yi;Kim, Kil Yong
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.22 no.10
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    • pp.1359-1366
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    • 2012
  • A strain of Streptomyces cavourensis subsp. cavourensis (coded as SY224) antagonistic to Colletotrichum gloeosporioides infecting pepper plants was isolated. SY224 produced lytic enzymes such as chitinase, ${\beta}$-1,3-glucanase, lipase, and protease in respective assays. To examine for antifungal activity, the treatments amended with the nonsterilized supernatant resulted in the highest growth inhibition rate of about 92.9% and 87.4% at concentrations of 30% and 10%, respectively. However, the sterilized treatments (autoclaved or chloroform treated) gave a lowered but significant inhibitory effect of about 63.4% and 62.6% for the 10% supernatant concentration, and 75.2% and 74.8% for the of 30% supernatant concentration in the PDA agar medium, respectively, indicative of the role of a non-protein, heat stable compound on the overall effect. This antifungal compound, which inhibited spore germination and altered hyphal morphology, was extracted by EtOAc and purified by ODS, silica gel, Sephadex LH-20 column, and HPLC, where an active fraction was confirmed to be 2-furancarboxaldehyde by GS-CI MS techniques. These results suggested that SY224 had a high potential in the biocontrol of anthracnose in pepper, mainly due to a combined effect of lytic enzymes and a non-protein, heat-stable antifungal compound, 2-furancarboxaldehyde.