• Title/Summary/Keyword: newcastle disease

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Epizootiological Study on the Outbreaks of Newscastle Disease in Korea (한국에 있어서 뉴캣슬병 발생의 역학적 조사)

  • 박근식
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.38-46
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    • 1979
  • This study was directed to the Peizootics of Newcastle disease in Korea. Since 1960 New-castle disease epizootics have been observed at an interval of one or two years. The frequency of Newcastle disease outbreaks was related to the amount of the vaccine used, being the more sufficient vaccine produced the fewer outbreaks. Regional distribution of Newcastle disease outbreaks was most frequent in the capital area, being the center of poultry raising and Poultry product marketing, and infrequent in areas distant from the capital. Spreading of Newcastle disease appears to be mainly due to the movement of infected chickens. More than 60 percent of the total outbreaks of Newcastle disease diagnosed at the Veterinary Research Institute in Anyang were observed in young chickens aged less than 60 days. Improper vaccination, interference by maternally derived antibody with the immune response following vaccination, ana immaturity of immune systems of young chickens might have contributed to the results. This view was further supported by the findings that 23 percent of the total flocks experienced Newcastle disease were not vaccinated at all and, in vaccinated flocks, virtually all of the flocks were vaccinated by the drinking water method, which has been known less effective compared to individual application or spraying methods.

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Molecular Biological Characterization of the First Newcastle Disease Virus Isolated in Mongolia (몽골에서 최초로 분리된 뉴캣슬병 바이러스의 분자생물학적 특성)

  • Choi, Kang-Seuk;Lee, Eun-Kyoung;Jeon, Woo-Jin;Batchuulon, D.;Sodnomdarjaa, R.;Park, Mi-Ja;Yoo, Ye-Nah;Kwon, Jun-Hun
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.89-96
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    • 2011
  • The outbreak of Newcastle disease occurred for the first time at a commercial chicken farm near Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia in August 2010. Newcastle disease virus (NDV) obtained from infected chickens in Mongolia was characterized by biological and molecular biological approches. Mongolian NDV isolate killed all of chicken embryos within 60 h in the mean death time assay, indicating virulent for chicken. A genomic region of 695 nts between nts 1055 of the M gene and 508 of the F gene was amplified by RT-PCR and sequenced. The deduced amino acid sequence of the F protein cleavage site was $^{112}RRQKRF^{117}$, which is a typical sequence of velogenic strains of NDV and is agreement with the result of the MDT assay. The sequence of the partial F gene (nts 47 to 435) was used for genotyping by phylogenetic analysis. The phylogenetic analysis showed that the Mongolian isolate was of genotype VII within class II of NDV. Further phylogenetic analysis on the genotype VII strains revealed that the isolates placed in a genetic sublineage of VIId and most closely related with velogenic strains of NDV circulating in Far-east Asian region especially China, suggesting the introduction of velogenic NDV into Mongolia from neighboring countries.

Newcastle Disease in the Ostriches reared in Korea (타조의 뉴캣슬병 증례보고)

  • Kwon, Yong-Kuk
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Pathology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.23-26
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    • 2003
  • Newcastle disease (ND) is acute respiratory disease with high mortality in chicken and pet birds. Two ostriches aged on 51 days old submitted had showed clinical signs of severe torticolis and poor locomotion. In gross, fibrinous air-sacculitis and hemorrhagic enteritis were present. The significant lesions were histopathologically lymphocytic encephalitis such as perivascular cuffings and gliosis in neuropil. The velogenic ND virus was isolated ftom 10 day-old embryonated eggs inoculated with hemogenized cecal tonsils. These results suggest that NO occurred in the ostrich in Korea.

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Studies on the immunization against Newcastle disease virus in Ogol chicken (오골계의 뉴캣슬바이러스 면역원성 조사)

  • 이종훈;김영진;정영균;정영재
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Service
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.37-42
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    • 1999
  • This study was conducted to determine whether the vaccination programs for the control of Newcastle disease(ND) would affect the immune status of Ogol chicken in Yeonsan, Chungnam province. The results obstained are summerized as followes ; 1. Maternal antibody titers level of Ogol chickes was 2 $log_2$. 2. The efficacy of the Newcastle spray and drinking water vaccine was evaluated by the antibody responses and the protection rates(over 90% ) after challenge with a virulent Newcastle disease vims at 14 days. 3. Spray vaccine caused on visible side reaction like respiratory symptoms, but it is declined of the 4~5 days.

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Molecular epidemiological analysis of viscerotropic velogenic Newcastle disease viruses

  • Lee, Youn-Jeong
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society of Poultry Science Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.44-52
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    • 2005
  • The study, using sequence analysis and phylogenetic relationship of the fusion protein gene, divided the Korean epizootic isolates of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) into several lineages to determine the molecular epidemiology of the virus. A 695 base pair fragment was amplified by polymerase chain reaction between matrix protein gene and fusion protein gene of 30 Korean NDV isolates, which were isolated from field outbreaks of Newcastle disease between 1949 and 2002. All isolates showed the amino acid sequence 112 R-R-Q/R-K-R116 at the C-terminus of the F2 protein and phenylalanine (F) at the N-terminus of the F1 protein, residue 117. These amino acid sequences were identical to a known virulent motif. The region of the F gene between nucleotides 47 and 435 was compared by phylogenetic analysis. Based on nucleotide sequence, the Korean NDV isolates belonged to genotype III, V, VI and VII corresponding to isolates in 1949, 1982 to 1984, 1988 to 1997, and 1995 to 2002, respectively. These data showed that genotypes of five Korean Newcastle disease epizootics had replaced each other serially (III, V, VI and VII) in chronological order. Further, the five Korean Newcastle disease epizootics were closely related with the Necastle disease panzootics or Newcastle disease epizootics in other countries. Present study showed that the Korean genotype V isolated before 1984 was related with European Newcastle disease epizootics in the 1970s, whereas the Korean genotype VI and VII isolated after 1988 were more closely related with Far East Newcastle disease epizootics, especially Newcastle disease3 epizootics in Japan, Taiwan and China. Since 1988, the genotype VI and VII of Far East origin were dominant in South Korea. That might be due to the increased trade of agricultural products including poultry among Far East Asian countries.

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Immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR for Pathogenesis of Newcastle disease in Chickens

  • Lee, Min-Kwon;Jin, Young-Bae;Moon, Oun-Kyong;Kim, Soon-Bok
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Veterinary Pathology Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.58-58
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    • 2003
  • The present experiment was carried out to study the pathogenesis of Newcastle disease by immunohisthochemistry and RT-PCR Two weeks aged specific pathogen-free chickens (White Leghorn) were inoculated with Newcastle disease virus(Kyojeongwon Strain : NDV) intranasally. (omitted)

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Immune Status of Breeding Hens Against Newcastle Disease (종계군(種鷄群)의 Newcastle Disease에 대(對)한 면역상태(免疫狀態)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Yeo, Sang Geon;Choi, Won Pil
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.45-51
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    • 1979
  • The present study was undertaken to observe the immune status of breeding hens and laying hens against Newcastle disease (ND). The methods of extraction of hemagglutination inhibition (HI) antibody from egg yolk, the detection of HI antibody in egg albumen and the correlation between HI antibody titers in maternal sera and egg yolks were discussed. For the purposes of these experiments, 9 flocks of breeding hens and 16 flocks of laying hens immunized against Newcastle disease virus were investigated. The vaccination program of tested flocks was 3-3-3 or 4-4-4 in general. The results obtained are summerized as follows: Freezing-thawing was the best method far antibody extraction from egg yolk for HI test. The HI antibody against NDV was found in egg albumen (geometric mean, 4.5), but lower than that found in egg yolk (32.1). The geometric mean of HI antibody titers of egg yolks (84.1) was higher than that of maternal sera (68.4) and day-old chicken sera (25.3). There was correlation between HI antibody titers of maternal sera(Y) and those of egg yolks(X). The coefficient correlation was r=0.63, and the line of regression of Y on X was $\hat{Y}$=35.91+0.35X.

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Studies on the immunization against field strain after live Newcastle disease virus vaccination (뉴캣슬병 생독백신 접종 후 야외 분리 바이러스에 대한 면역성 조사)

  • 김순태;박인화;김성국;김영환;조광현;손재권
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Service
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.147-159
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    • 2001
  • This Study was conducted to determine vaccination programs for the control of Newcastle Disease(ND) in chickens and investigate protective effect against Newcastle disease virus (NDV) after live ND vaccination. Maternal HI antibody titer level of chickens according to day(age) 1, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 were decreased gradually as 7.10$\pm$0.74, 6.57$\pm$0.74, 3.71$\pm$1.25, 2.20$\pm$1.03, 1.20$\pm$1.23 and 0.50$\pm$0.71. As a result of HI test and ELISA, both chickens vaccinated with VG/GA strain live vaccine at 1-day-old and chickens not vaccinated do not have antibody titer for protection against NDV at 14-day-old. Except for LaSota strain vaccine, in case of vaccination with VG/GA spray and VG/GA, B1 and LaSota strain drinking water at 14-day-old, the protective effect was 100% in chickens inoculated NDV($10^{7.2}$ $EID_{50}$/50${\mu}\ell$, eye drop) at 21-day-old, but not 10~50% at 28-day-old. These data suggest that live NDV vaccination should be given at 10-day-old 20-25day-old for protect against NDV at periodic outbreaks of ND caused by velogenic viscerotropic NDV in the environment of a farm.

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Studies on the combined inactivated oil emulsion vaccine of Newcastle disease and avian infectious bronchitis in chickens (닭의 뉴캣슬·전염성 기관지염 바이러스 혼합 불활화 오일 에멀션 백신의 생산시험)

  • Jeon, Yun-seong;Kim, Sun-joong;Seo, Ik-soo
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.79-84
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    • 1990
  • A single inoculation of combined vaccines of Newcastle disease and avian infectious bronchitis of chicken, in a form of gel-oil emulsion type (gel-OEV) was tested their immunogenecity in chickens. The results were summerized as follows: 1. Average minimum and maximum ELISA antibody titers of ND were recorded 2407 and 13144 respectively. In the case of IB, 1824 and 4496 were recorded as minimum and maximum titers. 2. The distribution of average proportional groups, in the lowest and the highest, were 1.6 and 7.0 in ND ELISA and 1.4 and 2.8 in IB ELISA antibody titers. 3. ND ELISA antibody titers were significantly increased upto 7th week after the vaccination. On the other hand, IB ELISA antibody titers were raised upto 4th week after the vaccination.

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The Occurrance of Velogenic Viscerotropic Newcastle Disease Virus in an Adult Peacock (성숙 공작(Pavo cristatus)에서 발생한 내장 친화형 뉴캣슬병 바이러스 강독주)

  • 조경오;박남용;강문일;고홍범;이근우
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.152-155
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    • 2001
  • A two-year-old male peacock (Pavo cristatus) showed acute watery green diarrhea, followed by neurological signs including torticollis and muscular tremor. By the hemagglutination inhibition test for detecting the antibody against the Newcastle disease virus (NDV), the peacock serum inhibited the agglutination of chicken red blood cells. Grossly distinctive hemorrhagic lesions were found in the mucosa of proventiculus and intestine and lung. The spleen revealed multiple variable sized necrotic foci. Histologically, the mucosa of gastrointestinal track had hemorrhagic lesions and some of them underwent ulceration. The spleen exhibited multiple variable sized necrotic foci in which fibrin exudation was marked. Central nervous system had mild non-suppulative menin-goencephalitis consisting of vasculitis, perivascular hemorrhage, gliosis and meningitis. The cells particularly in the cerebellum were degenerative to necrotic. Some of these nerve cells revealed characteristic peripheral chromatolysis. From the present serological and pathological findings, it is suggested that NDV causing death of peacock was velogenic viscerotropic strain. This is the first report of the occurrence of velogenic viscerotropic NDV in an adult peacock in Korea.

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