• Title/Summary/Keyword: nature and architectural space

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Dynamic Peak Load Calculation for Friendly Environment Energy Supply and Demand Plan at the Newport Area in Busan (부산 신항만지역 환경친화적 에너지 수급을 위한 동적 열부하계산)

  • Yee, Jurng-Jae;Lee, Sun-Ae;Cho, Yong-Soo;Doe, Geun-Young
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.269-276
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    • 2004
  • The reclaimed land has peculiar characteristic of nature environment unlike midtown or inland and also, in comparison with inland, has bad weather condition, such as low temperature, strong wind, excessive sunshine, and moisture involved in a salt. Therefore the case of developing water front needs understanding characteristic of weather environment mused by reclamation in detail and proper development and organized maintenance. If development which doesn't investigate topographic and climate characteristic sufficiently is drove ahead, a rise of expense for energy and maintenance is going to be mused by deteriorating weather environmental, occurring a flaw of facility and calculating inaccurate capacity of facility. We looked into the weather state and drew up the standard weather data of the newport area in Busan which is reclaiming and developing now. In this research at the base qf the standard weather data, we calculate the dynamic peak loads for commerce, business and residence and then we utilize the results of the load calculation as basic information to determine facility capacity in the rear city of the newport area.

Evaluation of Vibration and Structural Performance of an Innovative Sliding Step Steel Stair Using Full-Scale Mock-up Test (실물대 목업실험에 의한 슬라이딩스텝 철골계단의 진동 및 구조성능 평가)

  • Kim, Sung Yong;Lee, Cheol Ho;Kim, Na Eun;Cho, Sung Sang;Chung, Woon Ok
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.511-522
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    • 2014
  • In this study, an innovative steel stair system is presented which enables rapid erection and high quality control in both residential and office building construction. This system features two lightweight steel stringers of box shape, bolted connections easy to absorb construction tolerance, and stair steps movable transversely (or sliding steps) such that the work space needed for concrete stairway wall could be easily provided. In this type of stairway system, other than providing robust connecting details, ensuring vibration performance is especially important since this system may be vibration-sensitive due to lightweight nature and/or probable low damping. To tackle these issues, a series of full-scale mock-up tests were conducted by using box-shape stringer members with or without concrete-fill. The connection system was shown to be sufficiently stiff and strong, or it remained elastic even under the 160% of service load level. Among the seven stringer alternatives, five exhibited satisfactory vibration performance according to the related North American and European acceptance criteria.

A Study on the Landscape Planning and Landscape Architecture Construction Principles by the Type Outside Relics (발굴유적 외부공간의 유형별 경관계획 및 조경시공 원칙 연구)

  • Shin, Hyun-Sil
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.58-69
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to present specific standards for landscape planning and construction applicable to landscaping areas in various historical sites. The results are as follows: First, the types of historical sites are classified according to their preservation status and processing techniques, and the classification according to their status is divided into those that have been buried underground, such as those that have been exposed to the ground, such as buildings and structures, and those that have a reputation or a record of the sites. The classification according to the wartime processing technique was classified by such techniques as closures that isolate the site, penetration that can be seen on the site, and overlays where a separate protection facility is installed on the site. Second, the principles of landscape planning for display of historical sites are divided into the items that make up the historical site, surface treatment of the sites, tree planting, and installation of facilities. If the site is not a circular space, the area separating the space by different materials between the components is required. In the event that preservation of the historical site is required, it is deemed desirable to use the soil, and to do so, the use of grasses and shrubs is effectively considered to be effective. The introduction of plants and plants should be considered according to the nature of the space. Depending on the area and nature of the monument, the facility is required to take a cautious approach by reviewing its influence on the landscape and the additional excavation of the monument. Third, the readjustment method derived as a result of looking at the landscaping principle in the historical site space was classified as conservation of status, installation of protection facilities, burial, restoration, relocation, and reproduction. Preservation of the status quo is essential for limited landscape planning and should not affect the prototype of existing relics. The protection facility shall be installed where necessary to protect the relics, and when the soil is formed, the surface treatment shall be required to remove trees that could damage the site and prevent soil and soil oil from being lost after the site. The restoration shall establish a landscaping plan according to the circular preservation based on the clues to the circle. The transfer requires a landscaping plan to create an environment similar to the outer space of an existing site and should be able to highlight the value or location of the original site. The reenactment should have a landscaping plan to revive the landscape and atmosphere of the past for the now-defunct remains. Fourth, landscaping can simultaneously satisfy the preservation of excavation sites and the increase in exhibition effects. In order to protect the traces of the past and vitalize the site of the ruins today, specific measures are required, the creation of a park for historical sites that preserve the functions and value of the relics, and the formation of a shape of linked contents can be suggested as alternatives.

A Study on the Characteristics of the Modern Chair Design (현대 의자 디자인의 특성에 관한 연구)

  • 신홍경
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.13
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    • pp.187-196
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    • 1997
  • A Study on the Characteristics of the Modern Chair Design The features of the modern chair design results from the diverse life style unfolded as per the 20th century social structure and the change of the residential space, and new design has been being developed by the scientists and the artists in various fields through their cooperated work in a way. The field of the scientific or technical study and creation of arts can be developed where they can evoke the sympathy in the circumstances under which the various styles of both arts and science meet across, complement crash together, and grow up. The operation which can control in the network of such pluralistic sphere has been needed for a long period and it has been facing the needs from a time and society. The engineering furniture as the counterplan of the above has brought the value of materials into relief to the forms of human life by making the properties of matter the maximum value or changing it. It can be summarized as following characteristics in its materials and forms along as well as the 3 types (handycrafty, mechanical, and ecological expression) in process through the 20th century. 1. Characteristics in Materials elasticity of the chair as per the changes of the flexibility in the steel pipe development of systematic chair using the plasticity of the plywood, plastic, and wire lightweight due to the materials such as aluminum. 2. Formative characteristics formative simplicity for the increase of the function and the quality improvement such as sociality, productivity, environmental and aesthetic nature emphasis on the structure as per the architectural environment and tecniques pursuit of the forms as a container of the human body seeking for the formative values as the cultural symbols coping with the needs from thepluralistic social structure Furniture is not the makeup for convenience sake but most importantexpression as necessaries of our environments. It should identify itself always as per these kind of needs and also it should be able to used to keep the relation of such mutual division, otherwise the purchase of new furniture should be necessary according to every change of the existing situatiov. Our residence doesn't need the specific style but expresses only the properties of the dwellers.

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Study on the Changes in Riverfront Landscape of Taehwa River, Ulsan City (울산시 태화강 수변 경관 변천에 관한 연구)

  • Jeung, Min-Ki;Han, Sam-Geon
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.34 no.8
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    • pp.117-128
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    • 2018
  • The central of Ulsan was formed and has been developed in alluvial plains the Riverfront of Taehwa River and Dongcheon River Fortresses including Gyebyeonseong of the late Silla, Chisoseong of the Goryeo, Ulsan Gyeonsangjwabyeongyeongseong, Ulsaneupseong, Ulsanwaeseong and Yeompoyeongseong as well as Gugangseowon and Old Ulsanhyanggyo and other facilities well display such fact. In the southern areas of Taehwa River, Byeokpajeong of Samsan, Buddhist temples and pavilion architectures used to be located. In its upstream areas, Eonyangeupseong, Eonyanghyanggo, Banguseowon and Daegokcheon Petroglyph exist as well. As such, the Riverfront of Taehwa River are a central space where the civilization of Ulsan has grown and developed, and are regarded as a core scenic asset of Ulsan. However, the look and nature of Taehwa River changed significantly due to Ulsan irrigation project and the construction of modern bridges such as Ulsangyo and Ulsan railway bridge during the period of Japanese occupation. The old look of the area started to be ruined by water contaminations and developments of waterfront lands that resulted from the development of Ulsan Industrial Center in 1962. The water quality of Taehwa River has been improved as a result of allotting a huge budget and administrative powers before and after 1997, the year when Ulsan was elevated to a metropolitan city. However, the surrounding views around Taehwa River changed greatly due to various urban development projects including apartment complex constructions. This is because the development of the Riverfront started from a land utilization project, in which the construction of apartment complexes was included in the initial phase; as a result, the areas were changed to be private scenic assets for those apartments. Aware of such issue, this study aims to identify major scenic elements that were present in the period before such developments in the river's surrounding areas from literature and geography materials; and to reveal how various urban development projects that have been performed from the period of Japanese occupation have changed the scenic elements of Riverfront of Taehwa River. The purpose of this study is to identify qualitative and quantitative changes in scenic elements of the Riverfront of Taehwa River as well as the characteristics of the resulting changes in the surrounding scenery.

A Study on the Design Guidelines of Healing Landscape in Housing Complexes (공동주택에서 치유조경계획을 위한 가이드라인 연구)

  • Chun, Hyunwoo;Lee, Shiyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.26-37
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    • 2016
  • As activities and convenience of residents in outdoor spaces in apartment houses have been considered important, strategies for making outdoor spaces in apartment houses healing spaces have emerged as a major interest. The purpose of this study is to draw elements for planning healing to create healing spaces in collective housing areas and to present design guidelines. The findings of this study are as follows. Functional elements of a healing environment were classified into safe environment, therapeutic environment, ancillary environment, orientation-reinforcing environment, amenities, and social environment. Outdoor spaces in collective housing areas were divided into collective housing entrance areas, internal and external spread areas, outdoor activity areas, and areas by theme. First, collective housing entrance areas should be planned in such a manner that residents can feel the area is private and easy to recognize. Second, internal and external spread areas should be planned in such a manner that they are easy to access and communicate with neighbors. Third, outdoor activity areas should be divided into an open space, resting space, playing space, and sports space. Open spaces should be planned in such a manner that they can command a fine view and respect the privacy of nearby residents. Resting spaces should be equipped with a shelter that protects users from direct sunlight, rain, and snow as well as include a movable bench. Playing spaces should be built considering development of children's curiosity, adventurous spirit, character, stimulation, and physical health. Playing spaces should be designed in such a manner that roadways and sidewalks can be separated for safe traffic. Sport spaces should be planned in such a manner that they can be associated with a pavilion and trail that provide residents with an opportunity to communicate with each other and rest. Fourth, spaces by theme are classified into sense garden, therapeutic garden, experiential garden, and learning garden. Sense gardens are a small garden based on the five senses. Sense gardens should be designed in such a manner that they can improve users' mental and physical health through programs that stimulate the sense of sight, auditory sense, and olfactory sense. Therapeutic gardens should be designed in such a manner that they can provide a comfortable and relaxing space by minimizing noise. It is advisable for therapeutic gardens to be equipped with a medicinal herb garden, meditation garden, and sense garden. Experiential and learning gardens should be designed in such a manner that they can provide users with a space in which they can enjoy nature and leisure activities. It is advisable for experiential and learning gardens to be equipped with a tea garden, vegetable garden, and camping garden. Healing programs should be designed in such a manner that users can feel relaxed by providing a healing environment, making the most of the natural environment. Further research on evaluating whether the findings of this study are effective in healing in a qualitative and quantitative manner is needed.

A Study on the Condition of Location According to the Formed Time in the Clan Village (동족(同族)마을의 설촌(設村)시기에서 나타난 입지(立地) 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Myung-Duk;Park, Eon-Kon
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.1 no.1 s.1
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    • pp.68-87
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    • 1992
  • This study is the conditions of location according to formed the times in the clan village. The results of this study are as follows ; 1. in the 15th century, the characterestics of the village established residencial place where mountain stream flowed surrounded by the mountain and deep in the mountains with superior quality land. That's because Sa-dae-bu put equal importance on beautiful scenery and practical benefit for living. Stream House provided economical foundation for Sa-dae-bu to be able to keep confucial manners by putting limit their economic status to small medium sized land owner. Topographical condition such as valley or hollow separated from the exterior maintained unification of consanguineous village in self sufficient farming society and held on to independent territory against external to be able to stay away from turbulent days so that they formed residential area of Sa-dae-bu clan. And the valley where flowed clean water was considered as the connection of continuous place where distinctiveness of form in each curve and and factor of calm and dynamic scenery of the clean stream. Scholars in the middle of Chosun Dynasty located in the utopia as place for confucious retirement to study, a place for refinement by combination with the nature or as a way of spacial practice based on Confucious view of nature. 2. in the 16th-l7th century, Most of existing consanguineous villages adopt deep in the mountains for refuge. at that place, upward rank was established by settlement of the ancestor who entered in the village first, the principal was placed in the center of the village and since descendants became numerous, it was serialized as the space of descendants. So, it was arranged in the order of social rank. Most of the villages showed development step by step started from precaution by apperance of the mountain to the lower part. It's because the topography of valley around the village worked as the natural hedge against external force and genealogy of the clan, regularity of social status, order of entrance into the village were reflected into residencial destribution. Also, order of the rank coincided with the one of aspects on geomancy. Genealogical rank within the village represented spacial rank. Houses of descendants and branch families were placed lower than the principal which showed worship to the principal. 3. In 18th century after, as the village was settled nearby cultivated land considering economical loss caused by long distance between residencial area and cultivated land, direction of sect followed by development of village expanded from the front part of the village to the rear part. The principal that was poped out to the front presented frontage over exterior. Therefore, residencial area of branch families expanded to the rear starting from the principal. This represented a slice of social structure at that time. after 18th century, spirit was percieved superior over material, After then, development of cultivation and expantion of land created difference of economic strength within one village. In order to maintain and show off the status of Yang-ban, economic power of indigenous land owner became fundamental, so, sense to worship and to keep the principal became weak eventually. Taking advantage of that situation, residencial area of branch family expanded to the rear part of the principal which showed dual disposition conflicted with each other. However, these clan rules were destroyed and new rules were created after 18th century because of the situation and consciousness at that time.

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Comparative Study on the Shape and Symbolism of Flowered-Wall in Tradition Private Houses and Temples - Focusing on the Designated Cultural Properties of Jeollabuk-do Province - (전통민가와 사찰에 나타난 꽃담의 형태와 상징성 연구 - 전라북도 문화재를 중심으로 -)

  • Go, Yu-Ra;Sin, Sang-Sup
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.18-27
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    • 2016
  • A 'flowered-wall,' which are also called a 'flower plant patterned wall,' or a 'flower patterned wall,' is a wall of a building or a fence with various patterns on it. A flowered-wall can be an external mean to look into the owner's authority and values while internally it possesses the symbolic meaning of wishing the well-being and peace of the household. In the research area of the flowered-wall, the walls located in the palace were well researched in various studies across architecture, horticulture, and art design, however, the walls belonging to the local regional traditional folk houses and temples have been involved in little to no research in the landscape architectural area. Taking notice of this perspective this study researched and analyzed the cases of the flowered-walls of the traditional folk houses and the temples that belonged to the national and municipal cultural properties of Jeollabuk-do Province from the landscape architectural perspective. The whole samples were examined and it was shown that there were 9 traditional folk houses with flowered-walls. Among the temples there were 7 cases. Therefore the research focusing on tracing the shape and symbolic meaning of the flowered-walls in the 16 cultural properties located in the Jeollabuk-do Province which consisted of traditional folk houses and temples resulted in the following. Flowered-walls displayed hierarchical differentiation revolving around the main space and its spacial characteristic. This differentiation is variously displayed across the flowered-wall, gable, crack plastering, and chimney. In the case of the folk houses the symbols have the meaning of the prosperity of the household and progeny, exorcism, longevity, number of fortune, harmony, and peace etc that prays for practical wishes such as long life and good health with the prosperity of their descendants. Meanwhile in the temples, symbols indicating an easy passage into eternity, perpetuation of the Buddha-nature, and three marks of existence are applied, differentiating from the folk houses by the appliance of the religious values in the patterns. In conclusion this research resulted in the rightful illumination on the local landscape culture, the possibility of expressing the Korean sentiment through flowered-walls in the contemporary space, the reassessment of flowered-walls, and the provision of basic data for a plan to success the cultural heritage.

A Comparative Study of the Expantionist Architectural Concept in Post-Modern Museums -focused on Neue Staatsgalerie Stuttgart and Stadtisches Museum Abteiberg Monchengladback in Germany- (포스트모던 미술관 건축의 확장된 건축개념에 관한비교연구 -독일 스튜트가르트 국립미술관 신관과 묀헨글라드바하 시립미술관을 중심으로-)

  • 김명옥
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.14
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    • pp.82-89
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    • 1998
  • During the boom of museum building in the 1970s-80s two museum wee erected in Germany. They are James Stirling's Neue Stattsgalerie Stuttgart and hans Hollein's Stadtisches Museum Abteiberg Monchengladbach, These two museums share the folowing point of similarity : Stirling's Neue Stattsgalerie Stuttgart and Hollein's Staditisches Museum Abetiberg Monchenbladbach both manifest the conditions of the times in light of their respective cities' local characters and historical contexts without being bound to traditional formality. Stirling and Hollein attempted to grasp the meaning of the 기nuseum as a city in miniature." Taking into account the t two museums’s territorial characteristics of being situated on a slope, both Stirling and Hollein made the walker to pass t through their building complex and introduced the concept of a public square within them. As a result, the museums are not j just two large buildings but are architecture composed of a collage of various structures. S Stirling’s architecture employs the method of attaching additional elements on top of basic constituents, which is suggestive '||'&'||'#61551; of the historical fragment from Shinkel's Altes Museum. On the other hand, Hollein applies a collage-style method as if he w were doing urban planning, maintaining the distinctiveness of each of the various forms and materials of buildings. T The object style buildings of the two museums actively demonstrate the contrast of double meaning to represent the a ambiguous and multifarious characteristics of the modern times. Stirling explores the theme of opposition and coexistence in h his Neue Stattsgalerie Stuttgart by placing a series of opposing concepts, such as the past and present and histor${\gamma}$ and t technology, in one space. Thereby, the contradiction and its appeal are manifested. Hollein made use of the visual illusion and c contradiction in alluding to the irony of the modern reality induced by nature and culture and history and technology. F For the above reasons and methods, James Stirling ’ s Neue Stattsgalerie Stuttgart allowed the penetration of art into daily l life and became the general public’s favored museum for its free and unrestrained environment. Likewise, Hans Hollein’s S Stadtisches Museum Abteiberg Moncbengladbach contribute to the development of museum function as it an expression of art i in the form of a complex piece of scupture on its own.ts own.

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A Study on the Meaning of Plant Material in the 2016 Korea Garden Show Designer's Garden (2016년 코리아가든쇼 작가정원의 식물 의미에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Chung-Hee;Jin, Hye-Young;Lee, You-Mi;Song, Yu-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.41-53
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    • 2017
  • This study was performed to determine what the plant material were selected to reflect in the 2016 Korea Garden Show designer's garden. It was analyzed that plant material was used to display the theme of the garden and to create a specific space. Under the given theme of 'K-Garden, Shinhallyu Garden(new style garden culture) with the most Korean taste', the plants were used to highlight the theme in two types: 'representation' and 'expression'. There were two 'representation' gardens that imitate a particular space of Korean taste and four 'expression' gardens that showcase the designer's thoughts with abstract concepts and concrete objects. Three gardens included both types of garden. The way of revealing the subject with plants was used more for 'expression' than for 'representation'. There were eleven spaces for 'representation' of the Korean taste, a vegetable garden, faucet, pond, field, nature, a Hanok court garden, groves of bamboo, tile roof, stone wall, rock and backyard of a Hanok connected to the mountain. The planting material was used in two ways: reflecting only the ecological characteristics of the plant, and considering the ecological and visual characteristics together. Vegetation plantings reflecting the ecological characteristics were observed in all eleven spaces. Nine of the spaces reflected the growth environment of the plants, but the other two did not reflect the ecological characteristics of the plants, unlike the designer's intention. In the case of the four spaces that considered the ecological and visual characteristics together, color and size were considered visual characteristics. The plants in the seven spaces that included 'expression' as the theme were selected to reflect the visual characteristics in the order of color, shape, texture, and size, rather than reflecting ecological characteristics. A group planting method was applied. When the plants were used as materials for creating space, Norman(1989) analyzed three enclosure factors(overhead, vertical, ground plane). Only two deciduous trees were used in the overhead plane while five species of evergreen shrubs and thirty species of various deciduous plants were used in the vertical plane. There were forty-five species (nine trees and thirty-six herbaceous plants) forming the ground plane, and various herbaceous plants were utilized without duplication in each garden. The designer's garden of the Garden Show played a role in introducing new groundcover plants to the public. Three of the nine gardens did not include ornamental plants, and the use of decorative plants in other gardens was few compared to the number of plantings. In the Korea Garden Show designer's garden, most of the plants were being used with the intention of exposing the theme or architectural uses. In the 2016 Korea Garden Show designer's garden, many species of plants were used as materials for showcasing themes rather than for creating spaces. Also, the method of 'expression' was used more than the method of 'representation' in order to highlight the theme. This indicates that the planting materials reflect visual characteristics such as color, shape, texture, size rather than ecological characteristics.