• 제목/요약/키워드: nZVI

검색결과 32건 처리시간 0.029초

기능화된 Zerovalent Iron에 의한 유기인계 살충제 Chlorpyrifos의 분해 특성 (Degradation Patterns of Orgaonophosphorus Insecticide, Chlorpyrifos by Functionalized Zerovalent Iron)

  • 김대현;최충렬;김태화;박만;김장억
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • 제50권4호
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    • pp.321-326
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    • 2007
  • 상업용 ZVI, nanosize ZVI 및 montmorillonite-ZVI complex 등에 의한 유기인계 살충제 chlorpyrifos의 수질 및 토양에서의 분해 특성을 조사하였다. 수용액내에서 ZVIs 처리량이 증가할수록 chlorpyrifos의 분해율 및 반응속도상수$(k_1)$는 증가되었고 cZVI

Synthesis of Nanoscale Zerovalent Iron Particle and Its Application to Cr(VI) Removal from Aqueous Solutions

  • Awad, Yasser M.;Abdelhafez, Ahmed A.;Ahmad, Mahtab;Lee, Sang-Soo;Kim, Rog-Young;Sung, Jwa-Kyung;Ok, Yong-Sik
    • 한국환경농학회지
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    • 제29권4호
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    • pp.402-407
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    • 2010
  • Zerovalent iron (ZVI) is one of the most commonly used metallic reducing agents for the treatment of toxic contaminants in wastewater. Traditional ZVIs are less effective than nanoscale ZVI (nZVI) due to prolonged reaction time. However, the reactivity can be significantly increased by reducing the size of ZVI particles to nanoscale. In this study, nZVI particles were synthesized under laboratory condition and their efficiency in removing hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) from aqueous solutions were compared with commercially available ZVI particles. The results showed that the synthesized nZVI particles (SnZVI) reduced >99% of Cr(VI) at the application rate of 0.2% (w/v), while commercial nZVI (CnZVI) particles resulted in 59.6% removal of Cr(VI) at the same application rate. Scanning electron micrographs (SEM) and energy dispersive spectra (EDS) of the nZVI particles revealed the formation of Fe-Cr hydroxide complex after reaction. Overall, the SnZVI particles can be used in treating chromium contaminated wastewater.

Formation of surface mediated iron colloids during U(VI) and nZVI interaction

  • Shin, Youngho;Bae, Sungjun;Lee, Woojin
    • Advances in environmental research
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    • 제2권3호
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    • pp.167-177
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    • 2013
  • We investigated that removal of aqueous U(VI) by nano-sized Zero Valent Iron (nZVI) and Fe(II) bearing minerals (controls) in this study. Iron particles showed different U(VI) removal efficiencies (Mackinawite: 99%, green rust: 95%, nZVI: 91%, magnetite: 87%, pyrite: 59%) due to their different PZC (Point of Zero Charge) values and surface areas. In addition, noticeable amount of surface Fe(II) (181 ${\mu}M$) was released from nZVI suspension in 6 h and it increased to 384 ${\mu}M$ in the presence of U(VI) due to ion-exchange of U(VI) with Fe(II) on nZVI surface. Analysis of Laser-Induced Breakdown Detection (LIBD) showed that breakdown probabilities in both filtrates by 20 and 200 nm sizes was almost 24% in nZVI suspension with U(VI), while 1% of the probabilities were observed in nZVI suspension without U(VI). It indicated that Fe(II) colloids in the range under 20 nm were generated during the interaction of U(VI) and nZVI. Our results suggest that Fe(II) colloids generated via ion-exchange process should be carefully concerned during long-term remediation site contaminated by U(VI) because U could be transported to remote area through the adsorption on Fe(II) colloids.

마이크로와 나노 철을 이용한 고성능 화약물질(HMX, RDX 및 TNT)의 환원처리: 중간산물의 거동과 도역학 상수의 비교 (Reduction of High Explosives (HMX, RDX, and TNT) Using Micro- and Nano- Size Zero Valent Iron: Comparison of Kinetic Constants and Intermediates Behavior)

  • 배범한
    • 한국지하수토양환경학회지:지하수토양환경
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    • 제11권6호
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    • pp.83-91
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    • 2006
  • 회분식 반응조에서 마이크로(mZVI) 및 나노(nZVI) 크기의 영가 철을 환원물질로 이용하여 고폭화약물질 3종에 대한 환원동역학을 측정하였다. 각 화약류를 이용하여 어미물질에 대한 nZVI와 mZVI의 비표면적 환원상수 $k_{SA}$과 비중량 환원상수 $k_{M}$을 측정한 후, 중간산물의 거동을 비교하였다. 그 결과 두 상수를 사용해서는 nZVI 반응조내 어미 물질과 중간환원산물들의 거동을 완전히 설명할 수 없었다. 화약물질을 mZVI로 처리한 반응조에서는 초기 환원물질인 nitroso-RDXs, nitroso-HMXs 및 hydroxylamino-TNT가 주로 축적되었으나, nZVI로 처리한 반응조에서는 동일한 겉보기 반응속도임에도 불구하고 환원말기물질인 극성중간산물들과 TAT가 축적되었다. 그러므로 중간산물들의 환원까지 고려하는 새로운 매계변수의 개발이 필요한 것으로 판단된다.

나노영가철의 산화·환원에 의한 트리클로로에틸렌 처리특성 (Treatment Characteristics of Trichloroethylene(TCE) by Oxidation and Reduction with Nanoscale Zero-valent Iron)

  • 박영배;정용준;최정학;문병현
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제23권5호
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    • pp.903-910
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    • 2014
  • This study examined the treatment characteristics of hard-to-degrade pollutants such as TCE which are found in organic solvent and cleaning wastewater by nZVI that have excellent oxidation and reduction characteristics. In addition, this study tried to find out the degradation characteristics of TCE by Fenton-like process, in which $H_2O_2$ is dosed additionally. In this study, different ratios of nZVI and $H_2O_2$, such as 1.0 mM : 0.5 mM, 1.0 mM : 1.0 mM, and 1.0 mM : 2.0 mM were used. When 1.0 mM of nZVI was dosed with 1.0 mM of $H_2O_2$, the removal efficiency of TOC was the highest and the first order rate constant was also the highest. When 1mM of nZVI was dosed with 0.5 mM of $H_2O_2$, the first order rate constant and removal efficiency were the lowest. The size of first order rate constant and removal efficiency was in the order of nZVI 1.0 mM : $H_2O_2$ 1.0 mM > nZVI 1.0 mM : $H_2O_2$ 2.0 mM > nZVI 1.0 mM : $H_2O_2$ 0.5 mM > $H_2O_2$ 1.0 mM > nZVI 1.0 mM. It is estimated that when 1.0 mM of nZVI is dosed with 1.0 mM of $H_2O_2$, $Fe^{2+}$ ion generated by nZVI and $H_2O_2$ react in the stoichiometric molar ratio of 1:1, thus the first order rate constant and removal efficiency are the highest. And when 1.0 mM of nZVI is dosed with 2.0 mM of $H_2O_2$, excessive $H_2O_2$ work as a scavenger of OH radicals and excessive $H_2O_2$ reduce $Fe^{3+}$ into $Fe^{2+}$. As for the removal efficiency of TOC in TCE by simultaneous dose and sequential dose of nZVI and $H_2O_2$, sequential dose showed higher first order reaction rate and removal efficiency than simultaneous dose. It is estimated that when nZVI is dosed 30 minutes in advance, pre-treatment occurs and nanoscale $Fe^0$ is oxidized to $Fe^{2+}$ and TCE is pre-reduced and becomes easier to degrade. When $H_2O_2$ is dosed at this time, OH radicals are generated and degrade TCE actively.

Hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine(RDX)의 환원적 분해를 위한나노영가철의 성능평가: 회분식 및 칼럼 실험 (Evaluation of Nanoscale Zero-valent Iron for Reductive Degradation of Hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX): Batch and Column Scale Studies)

  • 이충섭;오다솜;조성희;이진욱;장윤석
    • 한국지하수토양환경학회지:지하수토양환경
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    • 제20권6호
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    • pp.117-126
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    • 2015
  • Reductive degradation of hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX) by nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI) was investigated to evaluate the feasibility of using it for in-situ groundwater remediation. Batch experiments were conducted to quantify the kinetics and efficiency of RDX removal by nZVI, and to determine the effects of pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), and ionic strength on this process. Experimental results showed that the reduction of RDX by nZVI followed pseudo-first order kinetics with the observed rate constant (kobs) in the range of 0.0056-0.0192 min−1. Column tests were conducted to quantify the removal of RDX by nZVI under real groundwater conditions and evaluate the potential efficacy of nZVI for this purpose in real conditions. In column experiment, RDX removal capacity of nZVI was determined to be 82,500 mg/kg nZVI. pH, oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), and DO concentration varied significantly during the column experiments; the occurrence of these changes suggests that monitoring these quantities may be useful in evaluation of the reactivity of nZVI, because the most critical mechanisms for RDX removal are based on the chemical reduction reactions. These results revealed that nZVI can significantly degrade RDX and that use of nZVI could be an effective method for in-situ remediation of RDX-contaminated groundwater.

반응존 공법 적용을 위한 나노영가철의 대수층 내 이동 특성에 관한 연구 (Characterization of the Transport of Zero-Valent Iron Nanoparticles in an Aquifer for Application of Reactive Zone Technology)

  • 김철용;안준영;휭 뚜안;김홍석;전성천;황인성
    • 한국지하수토양환경학회지:지하수토양환경
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    • 제18권3호
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    • pp.109-118
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    • 2013
  • Characteristics of the transport of zero-valent iron nanoparticles (nZVI) in an aquifer were investigated to evaluate an application of nZVI-based reactive zone technology. Main flow direction of groundwater was north. Preferential flow paths of the groundwater identified by natural gradient tracer test were shown northeast and northwest. The highest groundwater velocity was $4.86{\times}10^{-5}$ m/s toward northwest. When the breakthrough curves obtained from the gravity injection of nZVI were compared with the tracer curves, the transport of nZVI was retarded and retardation factors were 1.17 and 1.34 at monitoring wells located on the northeast and northwest, respectively. The ratios of the amount of nZVI delivered to the amount of tracer delivered at the two wells mentioned above were 24 and 28 times greater than that of the well on the main flow direction, respectively. Attachment efficiency based on a filtration theory was $4.08{\times}10^{-2}$ along the northwest direction that was the main migration route of nZVI. Our results, compared to attachment efficiencies obtained in other studies, demonstrate that the mobility of nZVI was higher than that of results reported in previous studies, regardless of large iron particle sizes of the current study. Based on distribution of nZVI estimated by the attachment efficiency, it was found that nZVI present within 1.05 m from injection well could remove 99% of TCE within 6 months.

나노영가철과 Geobacter lovleyi를 이용한 TCE 탈염소에 관한 동역학적 연구 (Kinetic Studies of Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron and Geobacter lovleyi for Trichloroethylene Dechlorination)

  • 김영주;안상우;장준원;여인환;김한석;박재우
    • 한국지하수토양환경학회지:지하수토양환경
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 2012
  • Nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI) has recently received much attention for remediation of soil and groundwater contaminated with trichloroethylene (TCE). But there have been many debates on the toxic or inhibitory effects of nZVI on the environment. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of nZVI on the activity of Geobacter lovleyi and to determine the potent effect of combination of abiotic and biotic treatment of TCE dechlorination. TCE degradation efficiencies of Geobacter lovleyi along with nZVI were more increased than those when nZVI was solely used. The amount of total microbial protein was increased in the presence of nZVI and hydrogen evolved from nZVI was consumed as electron donor by Geobacter lovleyi. In addition, dechlorination of TCE to cis-DCE by Geobacter lovleyi along with nZVI in respiking of exogenous of TCE shows that the reactivity of Geobacter lovleyi was also maintained. These results suggest that the application of Geobacter lovleyi along with nZVI for the dehalorination is beneficial for the enhancement of TCE degradation rate and reactivity of Geobacter lovleyi.

표면개질된 영가철 나노입자를 이용한 질산성 질소 제거율 향상에 대한 연구 (A Study on Enhancement of Nitrate Removal Efficiency using Surface-Modified Zero-Valent Iron Nanoparticles)

  • 임태숙;조윤철;조장환;최상일
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제25권4호
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    • pp.517-524
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    • 2016
  • In order to treat groundwater containing high levels of nitrate, nitrate reduction by nano sized zero-valent iron (nZVI) was studied using batch experiments. Compared to nitrate removal efficiencies at different mass ratios of $nitrate/Fe^0$, the removal efficiency at the mass ratio of 0.02% was the highest(54.59%). To enhance nitrate removal efficiency, surface modification of nZVI was performed using metallic catalysis such as Pd, Ni and Cu. Nitrate removal efficiency by Cu-nZVI (at $catalyst/Fe^0$ mass ratio of 0.1%) was 66.34%. It showed that the removal efficiency of Cu-nZVI was greater than that of the other catalysts. The observed rate constant ($k_{obs}$) of nitrate reduction by Cu-nZVI was estimated to $0.7501min^{-1}$ at the Cu/Fe mass ratio of 0.1%. On the other hand, TEM images showed that the average particle sizes of synthetic nZVI and Cu-nZVI were 40~60 and 80~100 nm, respectively. The results imply that catalyst effects may be more important than particle size effects in the enhancement of nitrate reduction by nZVI.

Zerovalent Iron 및 Manganese Oxide에 의한 살균제 Chlorothalonil의 탈염소화 (Dechlorination of the Fungicide Chlorothalonil by Zerovalent Iron and Manganese Oxides)

  • 윤종국;김태화;김장억
    • 농약과학회지
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.43-49
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    • 2008
  • Arylnitrile계 살균제인 chlorothalonil의 탈염소화를 촉진시키기 위하여 금속촉매인 zerovalent iron(ZVI) 및 manganese oxide(pyrolusite 및 birnessite)를 수중 처리하여 pH에 따른 chlorothalonil의 분해정도, 탈염소화 그리고 분해산물의 구조를 조사하였다. ZVI, pyrolusite 및 birnessite를 처리하였을 경우 PH가 낮을수록 chlorothalonil의 분해효율은 높게 나타났다. pH 5.0에서 ZVI, pyrolusite 및 birnessite를 각각 1.0%(v/w) 처리하였을 때 chlorothalonil의 분해반감기는 ZVI 4.7시간, pyrolusite 13.46시간 및 birnessite 21.38시간으로 나타났다. Chlorothalonil의 탈염소화 정도를 나타내는 D/N value의 평균값은 ZVI, pyrolusite 및 birnessite를 처리하였을 경우 각각 2.85, 1.12 및 1.09 이었다. Chlorothalonil의 분해산물은 GC-MS를 이용하여 분석한 결과 pyrolusite와 birnessite에 의해 chloride ion이 하나 이탈된 trichloro-1,3-dicyanobenzene과 둘 이탈된 dichloro-1,3-dicyanobenzene으로 확인되었으며, ZVI에 의한 분해산물은 pyrolusite, birnessite의 분해산물과 동일한 trichloro-1,3-dicyanobenzene, dichloro-1,3-dicyanobenzene을 비롯하여 환원이 더 진행된 chloro-1,3-dicyanobenzene과 chlorocyanobenzene으로 확인되었다.