• 제목/요약/키워드: monthly clothing expense

검색결과 13건 처리시간 0.019초

의복비 지출 비용에 따른 의복 구매자의 특성에 관한 연구 - 연변 조선족 여자 대학생을 중심으로 - (Consumer Characteristics depending on Average Monthly Expense for Clothing - Korean-Chinese Female College in Yanbian, China -)

  • 김순심
    • 한국지역사회생활과학회지
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    • 제15권4호
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    • pp.67-78
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    • 2004
  • This study was designed to understand purchase motivation for clothing, evaluation criteria for clothing, evaluation criteria for stores depending on average monthly expense for clothing among female college students in Yanbian, China. Questionnaire was used for measurement tools to study the subject of the thesis. Each question was rated in 5 point scale, where 1 means 'not at all' and 5 means 'definitely'. The main study was conducted against 300 female college students from May 17 to June 5, 2001. The data for the study were analyzed using SAS PC program for frequency distribution, percentage, t -test. The purchase motivation for clothing, evaluation criteria for clothing, evaluation criteria for stores are affected by average monthly expense for clothing. The result was showed as follows : A significant difference was showed in the purchase motivation, evaluation criteria for clothing, evaluation criteria for stores, preferred stores between lower group and higher group depending on monthly expense on clothing. A meaningful difference was showed in 4 areas'to try a new trend, impulsive buying at the store display, for a change of mood, for stylish appearance'in the purchase motivations for clothing depending on the monthly expense for clothing, in 2 areas'brand, trendy fashion'in evaluation criteria for clothing depending on the monthly expense for clothing, in 3 areas 'after service, hospitality of sales person, brand awareness' in the evaluation criteria for stores depending on the monthly expense for clothing, And Respondents of a high expense group for clothing showed higher means compared to a low expense group for clothing in all areas. A significant difference was showed among groups regarding preferred stores based on the monthly expense on clothing.

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한국산 의복에 대한 지각과 구매 욕구에 관한 의복 태도와 의복비 지출의 영향 - 중국연변조선족여대생을 중심으로 - (Effect of Clothing Attitude and Average Monthly Expense on the Perception and Buying Desire on Clothing Made in Korea - Korean-Chinese Female College in Yanbian, China -)

  • 김순심
    • 한국지역사회생활과학회지
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.707-714
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    • 2007
  • This study was conducted by surveying 300 female college students in Yanbian University and 248 surveys were considered for final analysis. Each question was rated according to 5 point scale in which 1 means 'not at all' and 5 means 'definitely'. The data of this study was statistically analyzed by SAS PC program, the factor analysis, cluster analysis, ANOVA and Duncan-test and t-test. The results are summarized as follows; The clothing attitude of the college students is classified into four factors: fashionable, brand-oriented, aesthetic and modest. The behavior pattern was categorized into four groups: conservative modest group, aesthetic modest group, fashionable aesthetic group and brand oriented group. The perception and buying desire of the fashionable aesthetic group and the brand oriented group on clothing made in Korea were higher than those of the other two groups. As the perception and buying desire on clothing made in Korea depended on the average monthly expense for clothing, the group with high expense for clothing showed higher means compared to the low expense group for clothing.

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중국 연변지역 조선족 대학생의 의복 구매 동기 (Purchase Motivation for Garment of Korean-Chinese College Students in Yanbian, China)

  • 김순심
    • 한국지역사회생활과학회지
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    • 제15권3호
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    • pp.167-177
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    • 2004
  • This study is designed to understand purchase motivation for garment depending on demographic factors among college students in Yanbian, China. Questionnaire was used for measurement tools to study the subject of the thesis. The main study was conducted against 450 college students from May 17 to June 5, 2001. The data for the study were analyzed using SAS PC program for frequency distribution, percentage, t -test, and one way ANOVA. The purchase motivation for garment are affected by demographic factors such as gender, average monthly household income, monthly expense for clothing. The result was showed as follows: A meaningful difference showed in 3 areas 'to try a new trend, impulsive buying at the store display, discount advertising' depending on the gender in terms of purchase motivations, and in all the three areas, male students showed a higher ranking. But in other motivation areas, no difference was noticed in terms of gender. In terms of purchase motivation based on monthly income, only one area 'impulse buying from a store display' showed a meaningful difference. Respondents with an average monthly household income above 2,000 yuan showed a higher tendency of 'impulse buying' compared to those with below 500 yuan or those with between 500-2,000yuan. Those with the average monthly household income below 500 yuan showed the lowest ranking in the impulse buying. In other areas of purchase motivation, average monthly household income was not an important element. A meaningful difference showed in 4 areas, 'to try a new trend, impulse buying from a store display, discount advertising', and 'for a change of mood' in the product motivation based on expense on clothing. Respondents with an average monthly expense for clothing above 100 yuan showed a higher ranking in all 4 areas than those with less than 100 yuan. In other areas, the average monthly clothing expense didn't give any impact.

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중국 연변 지역 조선족 대학생의 의류 제품 평가 기준 (Evaluation Criteria for Garment of Korean-Chinese College Students in Yanbian, China)

  • 김순심
    • 한국의상디자인학회지
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    • 제5권3호
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    • pp.111-123
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    • 2003
  • This study is designed to understand evaluation criteria for garment depending on demographic factors among college students in Yanbian, China. Questionnaire was used for measurement tools to study the subject of the thesis. The main study was conducted against 450 college students from May 17 to June 5, 2001. The data for the study were analyzed using SAS PC program for frequency distribution, percentage, t-test, and one way ANOVA. The evaluation criteria for garment are affected by demographic factors such as gender, average monthly household income, monthly expense for clothing. The result was showed as follows: The evaluation criteria for garment based on gender showed almost no meaningful different between male and female college students. Means on factors considered highly in selecting clothes was studied. The result shows that 'fit to the body, 'quality', 'color' and 'pattern' are considered most highly and 'harmony with other clothes', 'after service', design' 'easy to manage' and 'price' are considered relatively highly, but 'brand' and 'trendy fashion' were not considered highly. A meaningful difference was showed only in one area-trendy fashion-among three different income level groups. Those with an average monthly household income between 500 and 2,000yuan showed a highest tendency compared to those with above 2,000yuan and those with 500yuan. In terms of evaluation criteria for garment based on monthly expense for clothing, 'brand' is the only area which showed a meaningful difference. Respondents with monthly clothing expense of above 100yuan showed a higher means than those with below 100yuan.

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소비자 특성 및 관여도가 유아복 구매 행동에 미치는 영향 (Effect of Consumer′s Characterististics and Involvement on Infant′s Clothing Purchasing Behavior)

  • 이경화;나수임
    • 복식문화연구
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    • 제6권4호
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    • pp.50-61
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    • 1998
  • This study aims to make clear how consumer's characteristic and involvement in infant's clothing effect on the purchasing behavior. Using questionnaire as a researching tool, I collected the date from 366 housewives who live in Seoul and have kids aged from two to six year-old. The results of the study were as follows : First, they showed a significance on the correlation between sub-variants of involvement in their child's clothing like interest, importance and cognition of danger and those of purchasing behavior like directions to trademark, beauty and practicality, and so that, ti was realized that the involvement have a great effect on their purchasing behavior like. This was of the same opinion that when they think economic significance seriously, they also think practical function importantly. It seems that such a result derived from the fact that infant's clothing is most involved in practicality and economy rather than in trademark, beauty and popularity which are important on adult's clothing because infant's growth is so rapid that it requires to change sooner. Second, as for the correlation between the involvement in their child's clothing and the purchasing behavior according with the consumer's characteristics, they showed a significant correlation according with the consumer's characteristics like husband's profession, average monthly income and monthly expense to purchase infant's clothing. I found, therefore, economic factors like husband's profession, average monthly income and monthly expense to purchase infant's clothing were of most important. It suggests that the higher the consumer's income is, the grater it have an effect on the purchasing behavior.

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개인화된 의류상품과 서비스에 대한 소비자 태도에 영향을 미치는 요인 (Antecedent Variables that Influence Personalization in Apparel Products Shopping - Clothing Involvement, Monthly Clothing Expenditures, Additional Expenses -)

  • 김연희;이규혜
    • 복식
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    • 제58권4호
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    • pp.58-71
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    • 2008
  • The demand for personalized products and service of apparel product has increased dramatically. In order to acquire a personalized apparel product, consumers may have to sacrifice more expense or time. The purpose of this study was to investigate various personalization strategies in apparel business and to identify antecedents that influence the process. Clothing involvement and two price related variables (clothing expense and willingness to pay more) were included in the study as antecedents. Four personalization strategies were included in the study: design selection, size customization, in-store service and promotion personalization. For an empirical study, a conceptual model was designed and research questionnaire was developed. A measure of personalization of apparel shopping was developed based on existing scale items of prior research and a pilot study. Data from 766 men and women in their twenties to forties were used for statistical analysis. Structural Equation Modeling was used for the data analysis. Results indicated that the conceptual model was a good fit to data. Structural paths indicated that there was significant influence of clothing involvement on design selection and sales promotion personalization strategies. Involved consumers spent more on chothing products and were likely to pay more on personalized products and services. Monthly clothing expense influenced size customization significantly. It also had negative influence on service related personalization strategies. Consumers were willing to pay more when it comes to product related personalization strategies such as design and size but not necessarily to service related strategies. This study was an attempt to provide an in-depth and synthesized approach on consumer attitudes toward personalization of apparel products.

중국 연변지역 대학생의 의류점포 선택 행동 (Clothing Store Selection behaviors of College Students in Yanbian, China)

  • 김순심
    • 한국지역사회생활과학회지
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    • 제14권3호
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    • pp.111-124
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    • 2003
  • This study is designed to understand demographic characteristics, store selection factors, difference in preferred stores which are considered to be related to store selection behaviors for clothes by college students in Yanbian, China. Questionnaire was used for measurement tools to study the subject of the thesis. Questions used for the evaluation criteria for store selection were primarily based on those previously used by the other researchers with some revision and supplementation. Each question was rated in 5 point scale, where 1 means 'not at all' and 5 means 'definitely'. A total of 50 copies of the questionnaire was passed out to college students in Yanbian from March 20 to March 25, 2001, for the preliminary study. The main study was conducted against 450 college students from May 17 to June 5, 2001 The data for the study were analyzed using SAS PC program for frequency distribution, percentage, 1 -test, and one way ANOVA. A significant difference was showed in the preferred stores between male and female students. In total, underground markets were preferred most with 41.6%, followed by markets with 40.3%. A significant difference was showed among groups regarding preferred stores based on an average monthly income, monthly expense on clothing. Three areas of 'product price', 'display and mood of the store' and 'royal store' showed a significant difference in terms of selecting stores based on an average monthly income. A significant difference was showed in only one areas(brand awareness) in selecting stores based on monthly clothing expense.

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수도권(首都圈) 여대생(女大生)의 기초(期初) 피부(皮膚) 색조(色調) 화장품(化粧品) 사용(使用) 상태(賞態)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (A Study on The Basic Skin Makeup Products Consuming Patterns of Female College Students lived in Metropolitan Area of Seoul)

  • 조규화;이구영
    • 패션비즈니스
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    • 제9권2호
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    • pp.40-56
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this research is to analyze the patterns on consuming basic skin makeup products of female college students, and to provide basic information to understand the patterns of ordinary consumers. The survey was included 283 female students from 5 colleges located in metropolitan area of Seoul. The survey data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA, Duncan test, T-test, chi-scuare-test methods. The results are as follows : 1. 60% of the college students of metropolitan area are doing basic skin makeup for aesthetic reasons in most cases, eye makeup is regarded the most important part, so 92% students have experienced to buy imported cosmetic products because of it's better absorption to skin. 2. Significant correlations were found between the skin types and dissatisfaction about foundation after using. 3. According to demographic variables, significant correlations were found between grade and makeup extent, grade and the reasons why they use imported products. 4. According to demographic variables, significant correlations were found between grade and foundation types used, monthly average living expense and purchasing channels, grade and purchasing channels, price level of the currently using face powder and monthly average living expense, monthly average spending for cosmetic products and level of wealth, price level of the currently using foundation and monthly average living expense. 5. According to demographic variables, significant differences were found in monthly average living expense, monthly average spending for cosmetic product, mother's job, grade.

연령과 사회계층 변인에 따른 해외 명품에 대한 태도와 구매빈도 (Attitude and Purchase Frequency toward Foreign Luxury Goods Related to Age and Social Stratification Variables)

  • 채진미;이은영
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제29권6호
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    • pp.885-895
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to find out the most pursuasive social stratification variables affecting the attitude toward foreign luxury goods and the purchase frequency and examined the difference in the attitude toward foreign luxury goods and the purchase frequency among groups divided by age and social stratification variables. The subjects were 521 married women over 25 years old living in Seoul and Kyong-gi province areas. The data were analyzed by multiple regression, ANOVA, Duncan's multiple range test, frequency and percentage. Social stratification was measured by family's monthly income, educational and occupational levels of married women's and their husbands' for an objective method while economic levels, social status, consumption levels, and cultural levels were used fer a subjective method. The results were as follows; first, the most explainable variables influencing the attitude toward foreign luxury goods and the purchase frequency were age and women's educational levels examined by the objective method of social stratification. Second, according to the subjective method of social stratification, the attitude toward foreign luxury goods and the purchase frequency were affected by age, economic levels, consumption levels, and cultural levels. Consumption levels which showed actual expense per family were the most explainable variable in the purchase frequency.

한국 연예인 광고모델 속성이 중국 의류제품과 전자제품 광고효과에 미치는 영향 (The Effect of Korean Celebrity Advertising Models on Advertising Effectiveness for Chinese Apparel and Electronic Products)

  • 뢰가;김한나
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제38권3호
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    • pp.386-396
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    • 2014
  • This study examined the effects of Korean celebrity advertising models on the advertising effectiveness for Chinese brands by comparing apparel products with electronic products. In addition, this study explored the effects of gender and monthly expenses on the evaluation of Korean celebrity advertising models. This study targeted 388 Chinese university students in China. The results show that Korean advertising models consist of five attributes (familiarity, visibility, credibility, similarity, and attractiveness) and that advertising effectiveness consists of three factors (attitude toward the advertisement, attitude toward the brand, and purchase intention). The impact of these five advertising model attributes on advertising effectiveness differ for apparel and electronic products. The results also indicate gender and expense differences in the evaluation of Korean celebrity models. We discuss the theoretical and managerial implications of the results along with potential limitations and future research directions.